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Codes of Behavior (or explaining when a Special Mount is a Special Friend).


Vraille Darkfang said:
DM's How do you enforce a PG-13 gaming code at your tables?


If Bob can't show any couth, Bob can find another group to play with.

As for the kids, talk to their parents. Tell them a subject came up at one of your games that made you uncomfortable, and which you're sure confused the boys. Explain what the subject was, and make sure to tell them you found it distasteful.

Tell the children themselves that sometimes people do things that get them killed. Go ahead and get graphic, compare the typical equus phallus with the typical human colon, and how one can make mincemeat of the other. Then tell them you hope they're not so dumb as to try it. Might be best if you did it in the presence of their parents.

Kids have more on the ball than we think. At the same time, it's easy to confuse them. You have to explain things clearly lest they get garbled information from another source.

At the same time, parents have a talent for thinking the worst when it comes to their kids. Explaining things clearly to them is just as important. Make clear that you know of the story, that it did not happen in any of your games, and that you disapprove of such activities. You may want to have them sit in on a game, so they can see what's going on. And getting chastised by an irate mother might wake up Bob.

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I'm A Banana


You're The Street, mang. Kid's gotta learn it from someplace...;)

Seriously, though, the more you worry about it, the more awkward it will be, because finding the exact thing that the adults don't want you to do is a great passtime of the youths.

I'd just point 'em in the direction of the newspaper article or whatever. That way, they at least know where the original source was. Don't explain it yourself, if you don't feel comfortable; tell the kid exactly your dillemma, and don't try to hide what you're doing. "I'm affraid if we tell you that your mom will think we're people you shouldn't hang out with" or the like. Steer him toward factual definitions that he'd have to work on his own to get: the article, the dictionary, etc. If he learns it "on his own," it (1) is edcuational in a weird sort of way and (2) isn't any worse, ostensibly, than discussing any other current event at the table.

Don't hide what you were doing. If your group isn't mature enough to play with 13 year olds without mentioning bestiality then that's fine. ;) But acting like it's taboo is going to make the kid a lot more curious than if you just tell 'em straight what's up and why.

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