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Communal World Building


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Thanks Gilladian, i like the choice of giant bird beasts as the Ol'Turan mounts!

Far to the north, amid the whipping winds and eternally whitecapped peaks of the mountains, lies The Vale. A small strip of lowland, teeming with flora and fauna. Protected in the lea of the mountains from the winds and storms, and warmed by hotsprings, fed by mountain brooks, a small thriving community of small folk, some would call them Halflings, others Gnomes, they call themselves Myradian, steeped in magic, and ancient Elf-lore. They are artisians in all they do, be it cooking a meal, or forging a blade. They live simply, but well with the simplest homes being a mastercraft of construction, and an artistic expression of the family, or persons residing within. The Myradian are a xenophobic folk, hiding away from the rest of the world in their secluded vale, but are not hostile to outsiders who stumble upon them, unless the outsiders are of hostile intent of course. The primary village sits at the base of the mountain, the rest of the vale lying before it, surrounded by evergreen woods where the snows and winds hide the trails which lead to the Vale. Within the mountain, mines for ore, and some small gems, branch off from natural caverns, which in turn house storage for grains, areas for smelters and forges, and workplaces for other crafts. Deep within these caverns also lies a grotto, a huge, though mostly shallow underground lake with many stalagmite islands where mushrooms (a favorite food of the Myradian) are farmed, and one giant column leading from the bottom of the lake to the unseen roof above, that has been hammered and chisled into an odd fortress of sorts. Rough hewn stairs wind up from the waterline to the entrance, a pair of large stone doors. Within this Undercastle is the seat of Myriadin strength, where the masters of crafts, be it magical, martial, or mundane, meet and teach the next generation. And within the deepest recesses of the undercastle, lies the secret source of the Myradian themselves, a natural mystic gate to the Feylands...

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The Great Barrows
To the southeast of Gunga's Crossing runs a small creek of a tributary for the Farrago. This little creek, if followed for roughly 15 miles, leads to a small dark lake. This lake, if anything can follow its depths, leads to the Undersea, running underground all the way back to the Djard mountains. This lake is surrounded by nine giant mounds of earth- the Great Barrows. Almost nothing is known about the Great Barrows. The obelisks that surround the region are ancient, more ancient that any dwarf has ever encountered, and few, if any, know what is buried in the barrows. During the day it is peaceful, with a gentle wind and songbird filling the air. The lake and creek are cool but sweet and refreshing. Wounds bathed in these waters never grow infected and heal faster, with little to no scarring. The sun always shines here, even if it rains. But the Great Barrows are not all they appear. At night no stars can be seen; the moon is always pale, cold, and sheds little light; and the ground crunches as if frozen in the dead of winter. Wights and other horror prowl the lands once the sun has set. The only safety is getting past the stone obelisks that surround the Great Barrows three miles away.

Electric Wizard

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Ranzaga Reach

Those who follow the Izabella Coast northwest from Tolno eventually find Ranzaga Reach, a rocky shoreline inhabited by tribes of whale-hunting half-orcs. Centuries ago, colonists bound for pleasanter lands were stranded here. Those who survived married into the local orc clans. The tribes build villages nestled among precarious bluffs and live on the whales that frolic offshore. Despite their rustic livestyles, many become wealthy selling whale oil to merchants in Tolno and elsewhere. Their chieftains and warlords sometimes adorn themselves in enough gold, silver and gems to drown themselves when whales throw them from their hunting boats!

The half-orcs clans fight amongst each other for the best fishing beds. They also skirmish with reef-dwelling sahuagins and pirates bold enough to strike their villages. But above all, they fear the sea dragons. One that they have dubbed White Terror has emerged from the waves and dragged villages into the water countless times for as long as any can remember. During the annual Egg Smashing Festival, youths from every tribe prove their mettle by finding and destroying dragon eggs.


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"Beware the Harvestmen."

On any given night, all over the world, unruly children are told this by their parents. The Harvestmen are said to come in the night and steal organs and body parts from fresh corpses. They are shadowy figures, never less than three, who appear to be tall and thin. Their faces, and indeed the rest of their bodies are covered in a grey hood and long cloak and no one has ever seen their faces if they have one. They may appear in times of battle and wander the fields of the dead, stooping from time to time to scoop out a heart here and a lung there. If they do not find the organs they seek they will take fingers or toes or even entire limbs if it suits their dark purposes. They can be seen near sites of disaster going about their business or in plague riddled communities relieving the dead of their now unnecessary viscera. Many write it off as a simple tale told to frighten the young ones into good behavior, but there are those who know the truth behind it.

The Harvestmen are never seen to come or go. They simply appear, sometimes simultaneously in widely separated locations. They carry no tools, ride no animals and never speak. They leave no marks on their victims, and make no mistake, victims they are, for the horrible secret that no parent tells their child is that The Harvestmen do not take from the dead, but instead the living. Wherever human tragedy strikes, The Harvestmen can be found, ending the lives of those who might otherwise, had they been unmolested, survive. The tissue of the living is their stock in trade.

What do they do with it? Why do they do what they do? Are they living beings or ethereal agents of some sinister force? Do they know when tragedies are going to occur or do they simply wait and respond when they do? No one knows, no one has ever found out.

The Harvestmen are real, children. And someday, if you are not very careful, they will come for you.

Electric Wizard

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Alcaban, God of the Crashing Waves

Many humans and half-orcs along the Izabella Coast revere Alcaban, God of the Crashing Waves. He is the grim, merciless deity (LN) responsible for both favorable tides and terrible tsunamis. To worship him is not to send prayers in times of trouble or thank him for good fortunes. He scoffs at such prayers. His doctrine is simple. He favors those who make dutiful sacrifices and act with mental clarity and boldness in times of duress. Among landlubbers, he is more often associated with strength and death than waves or tides.

Alcaban is depicted as a muscular man rising from the ocean, holding a sword and a string of fishes. He considers albatrosses sacred, and superstitious sailors associate many more birds, beasts and fishes with him. His devout tend to jeer at humanistic faiths or ideas. His clerics are welcome on any ship, but are unpopular onshore because their beliefs often make them callous or even cruel.
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Forest of Uthiriil

North of the Farrago River lies the Forest of Uthiriil, where halflings and humans make make their homes. The human majority prefer to boarder the forest, in three large towns: Drakenburg, Rivercrest, and Vrainfall. There are several smaller villages scattered around the villages and near the river. Shipping from the Ontokoth to Tolno passes through this region, most often at the ports of Rivercrest.

The halfling majority prefer to live in the forest where large glades provide ample space for the halfling communities. The halflings are skilled hunters and trappers, their communities often have more space than people from many being out in the forest. The halflings have a good relationship with the humans that live in the area. They trade meat, pelts, rare herbs, and spell components from the forest for smith made goods and other things from the city. There is a decent portion of the halflings who live with the humans, and vice versa.

Electric Wizard

First Post
This setting needs more villains!


This town is built on the south bank of Mer Draken, a dragon-shaped lake. For a generation, it has been the region's most influential and prosperous town. There is dark secret, however, behind the town's rise that few know.

Mayor Isaakus Frind, a retired adventurer who became mayor after his final expedition into the Great Barrow, has a direct line of communication to Hell. From the depths of the Barrow, he recovered a brass bell that summons a messenger imp if certain rites are performed at certain times. When conjured, the imp may be asked six questions. The imp is obliged, on pain of annihilation, to find answers. Depending on the manner of questions, it may take days, weeks, months or years for the imp to return with answers. Frind has used this imp extensively to eliminate rivals, promote business and protect his interests. Now, as he ages, he hopes to use the imp to find the secret of immortality.


Gunther Hobsla

Gunther Hobsla is a simple village smith of great skill in Vrainfall who retired to the town after working in Tolno for many years. He learned forging secrets from the dwarves of Ontokoth of which he will brag should any question his work. But Hobsla is a leader of a group of assassins. There are hidden shrines outside nearly every community in the world. Should someone perform a simple ritual, including some of the blood of the performer, then offer a prayer to Yomiran the god of death,secrets, despair, and shadows- they will hear a whisper ask them who should be slain. The person performing the ritual need only to name them and it will be done. Yomiran tells Gunther Hobsla the those who must be slain every night in his dreams. He then arranges for a cell of assassins to "retrieve the soul for Yomiran." Yomiran is collecting the souls of those killed in his name, though even Gunther doesn't know why.

[MENTION=83982]Electric Wizard[/MENTION]- how is that for a villain?
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The Kraken, Bane of Tolno Ships

In the sea live the Kraken, child. Few, if any still live, no where it came from, or why it is here. Perhaps the Plume warms it? It does not matter. What matters, child, is that the Kraken is no story to scary little children from misbehaving. Ships sink every year and the survivors all say the same thing. Great tentacles grabbed the ship and crushed it to splinters. Before it struck, the beast would grab men off the ship's rigging or decks. Should you ever venture to deep waters without proper sacrifices to Alcaban, you invoke the wrath of the Kraken.


The Rainland Moors

North east of the Djard mountains lie the Rainland Moors. The moors are named for months of rainfall that turn hundreds of miles of land into marshes, fens, and bogs. During the dry season, or comparatively dry, the Rainland Moors are cool and windy. During the rainy season, the area is miserable. The rain falls almost all the time, the wind howls and brings a chill from the north, and Will-o'-Wisps haunt the land. The most dangerous aspect of the Rainland Moors is the black dragon Antioch. She hunts in the deep marshes and bogs as well as by air. Brave souls may venture here, but few things enjoy the harsh land and the biting cold.

Voidrunner's Codex

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