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Communal World Building


Steeliest of the dragons
Pantheon Consolidation

In this post I will [attempt to] keep a running list of the deities (and if they come up, powerful otherworldly beings) of this world.

(Which is shaping up to be quite interesting and a fun place to play, if I do say so. Keep it goin'!)

Known Gods & Goddesses of the World

Alcaban: (major/greater power/god) God of the sea, waves, the tides, associated with [overcoming] adversity and the hard/harsh realities of life, patron of fishermen, sailors, and all those who live by (both in the sense of "proximity" as well as "livelihood") the sea, sometimes associated (inland) with strength and death by those who don't live near the shore.
--Appearance: a powerful looking man rising from waves with a sword in one hand and a string of fish in the other.
--Mythology/Religion: favors those who make dutiful sacrifices and act with clarity and boldness in times of adversity. His devout are prone to jeer at the humanistic faiths and ideas. Priests/clerics of Alcaban are welcome on any ship but often unpopular on land (often appearing callous or cruel...sounds like they're just jerks). Albatrosses as well as other sea birds and various marine life are sacred to Alcaban and his priests/followers.
--Alignment (if used): Lawful Neutral

Baphome: (major/greater power/goddess) Mother (demon-?)goddess of orcs, specifically among orcs she also represents fertility, childbirth and abundance, and reputed to be the creator of the various monstrous hippos of the rivers that flow from the Djard mountains.
--Appearance: a giant female orc riding a hippo or a hippo-headed corpulent six-breasted orc.
--Rumors: 1) Baphome actually once dwelt in the Djard mountains and the orcish race was born there.
2) The dwarves of Ontokoth actually captured/imprisoned the goddess in the ancient past. She is held/chained deep beneath the mountains to this day (believed by the orc tribes of the Djard and cause for much of their warring with the dwarves).
--Alignment (if used): Neutral Evil (?)

Krag-Tir, "The Roaring Flame":
(major/greater power/goddess) Krag-Tir is the goddess of magic and the sun, arcane fire and heavily associated with blood-lust and gnolls.
--Appearance: the sun is believed to be the daily manifestation of the goddess, by her believers at least.
--Rumors: 1) Krag-Tir's greatest desire to is banish the night. 2) She can only manifest for about half the day (when the sun is out). 3) The truth behind the sacrificial rites of the Emerald Tower of Rhoos Okeanoio is that they are demanded by the terrible goddess Krag-Tir, for if the gnolls fail to fed her blood-lust she has threatened to bring about the "eternal day' and consume the whole world with her arcane fire...
--Mythology/Religion: Her priests, and possibly druids or mages seeking favor from the goddess of magic, seek a way to bring about the "eternal day." She is viewed as being more powerful in the summer (when days are longer) and weaker in the winter (when days are shorter).
--Alignment (if used): Lawful...Evil (?)

Ontokoth: (major/greater power/god) god of stone and mountains in general, the secrets they keep, creator god of the dwarven race, protection and defense (of dwarves and secrets of the mountains) and thus has a battle/warrior side to him, patron god of the mountain and city that both bare his name, and associated with personal strength [of will]/staunchness (also manifesting as immovability or stubbornness).
--Appearance: Sightings and visions of Ontokoth portray him as a dwarf of giant proportions, formed of living stone with steaming hot rock for blood. It is said he can wade through the solid earth as if it were mud.
1) Some dwarves claim to have actually beheld Ontokoth while working deep in the roots of the mountains, that he is a living, breathing being (perhaps immortal, and immensely powerful, but still a physical being). This has never been proven.
Mythology/Religion: Ontokoth is the God of the Dwarves; a stern taskmaster, he created the dwarves from the stone of Ontokoth mountain, and breathed life into them with his fiery breath. He demands great loyalty, obedience and faithfulness from his followers, but rewards them with long life and great strength of will, aids them in defeating their enemies, and provides them with access to the minerals and gems that provide their society's wealth.
--Alignment (if used): Lawful [?] Neutral [? He doesn't quite sound "Good" ?]

, "Stormlord" and "Master of Winds": (major deity/power/god) god of the skies, storms & weather, particularly winds, and all birds (though especially birds of prey). Often associated with temperance and forethought (contrary to his brother, Alcaban, who is thought of as more brash and forceful), as well as swift action when required (a quality he and his brother share).
--Appearance: Phyli-Ooan has been rumored to appear as a winged humanoid bearing a spear with banners flying in the wind, robed in clouds.
--Rumors: 1) [totally made up by me, so if Phlyi-Ooan's creator doesn't like it I'll happily take it down] If you find an eagle's feather it means Phlyi-Ooan is, personally, watching your endeavor. Invoking him, with the feather, in a time of need might yield results (in the folktales from whence this rumor is sprung, this aid often takes the form of favorable winds/weather or the assistance/appearance of helpful birds).
--Mythology/Religion: Brother to Alcaban often worshipped alongside him by fishermen and seagoing merchants, and even pirates. The Elves venerate him as the bringer of cool breezes and have a festival midsummer in his name. Priests of Phyli-Ooan garb themselves in flowing robes adorned with different color feathers, and some have the ability to transform into birds and ride the winds. The clergy also is famed for their aviaries and their many carrier birds including pigeons and ravens. Farmers often house travelling clergy for their blessings to bring good rains to their crops. All natural beasts of the air are venerated by the church and there is a militant sect who use a black hawk as their sigil and often employ eagles and hawks in battle.
--Alignment (if used): Neutral (good)

(major/greater power/goddess) goddess of peaceful/balanced/beneficial aspects of Nature, green growing things, especially associated with woods/trees and plants, balanced and conscientious use of the land (taking what you need and no more, replanting periodically, etc...).
--Appearance: a beautiful nymph- or dryad-like female (almost-elf or not-quite-human or an otherworldly version of whatever race is viewing her) with green leaves and twining vines for hair. Alternately, Rythaine is known to appear as an unusually large, gleaming white unicorn or deer-like centauran creature with a vaguely female torso and leafy branches on her head where antlers would be.
--Rumors: 1) Rythaine is the mother of dryads. All dryads (some say other woodland nymphs, as well) are, literally, children of Rythaine. Causing such a being any harm or offense will bring down the goddess' immediate wrath upon the offender.
2) Rythaine walks the mortal world, from time to time, under the sun-speckled and shady boughs of her beloved forests.
--Mythology/Religion: Though both goddesses embody elements of birth and growth, Rythaine and Baphome are mythological foes from the beginning of the world. Rythaine disgusted by the "ugly creations" of Baphome and their constant desire to wreak havok, destroy and abuse the land and its resources. The Orc-queen, in response, simply seeks to destroy Rythaine to allow her progeny to grow and expand over Rythaine's "green lands" to do what orcs do (which is havok, destruction and abuse). Priests/clerics of one will seek to destroy priests/clerics of the other at any opportunity.
--Alignment (if used): Neutral Good

Yomiran: (major/greater power/god) God of death, despair, secrets and shadows, patron of assassins, murderers, any who kill in the name of Yomiran, and those who use, seek or keep secrets.
--Appearance: There is no set appearance for Yomiran. "He" simply manifests as a great, vaguely humanoid, shadow that undulates constantly and can shift into any shape it desires. Alternately, Yomiran has been known to manifest as an unseen whispering voice.
--Rumors: 1) Yomiran is collecting the souls of those killed in "his" name. None knows why.
--Mythology/Religion: Sacrificial slaying is the hallmark of Yomiran's twisted followers. Through the killing of innocents (and subsequent colletion of their souls by Yomiran) and spilling of blood, Yomiran's priests/clerics/followers seek to glean knowledge (secrets) and, through it, power.
--Alignment (if used): Chaotic Evil (?)

Other [possibly] immortal or divine beings

The Dawn Queen: (lesser/minor power/goddess? or demi-goddess/immortal/fey queen???) Legendary "ruler/defender"[founder?] of the elven Land of Falls, defender of that land, attributed power over running water (particularly waterfalls), memory, dreams and associated with elves, in general.
--Appearance: [totally my own interpretation]: a mature elvin woman of unspeakable beauty. Her hair, literally, shines with the rays of gold and amber and rosy hues of the dawning sun. Her robes and cloak the dusky violet of pre-dawn at the hem, rising in brightness and shifting to pinks, yellows, oranges and golds up at the shoulders. Her eyes gleam a sparkling amber. When she speaks, it is as the rushing of water and with her merest whisper she may wipe clean the minds of those who hear her or induce unending sleep.
--Rumors (if any): 1) The Dawn Queen left the Lands of the Falls in ancient times to go wed the sun.
2) The Dawn Queen will return and rule the Fall Lands again some day.
3) Her association of power over running water (falls, rivers, etc...) has led some sages and theologists to speculate how, if at all, the Dawn Queen is related or associated with Alcaban. Though, naturally, the Dawn Queen's power is limited to the flow of water within the shores and ends at the edge of the sea, where Alcaban holds sway.
4) The Dawn Queen was once married to the mortal archmage known as the King of the Four Winds.
--Mythology/Religion (if any):
--Alignment (if used): Chaotic Good (?)

Vran the Wise: A half-orc warlord of legend reputed to have been born with the Ol'Turin artifact known as the "Eye of Fire" in his left socket. Perhaps he is/was a demi-god? Immortal being? A, literal, son of Baphome [and some mortal human]? Whether he continues to live or not is unknown, but the power of the Eye of Fire is sought to this day.
--Appearance: [again, total guess-work on my part] A particularly large and savage looking half-orc warrior in a great horned helm and heavy armor that has seen a large amount of battle. A black leather eye-patch covers the left eye.
--Rumors (if any): 1) When the Eye of Fire is found, Vran will return to the mortal world, claim his optic, and begin his conquest of dominion over the known lands.
2) Vran still exists in the mortal world, as a death knight (or is simply immortal?). If it is discovered by mortal hands, Vran will arise from his ages-long wait leave his mythic citadel of doom and evil to seek out his "eye"...then goto #1.
3) Vran "the Wise" is known as such because, to this day, he has hidden and defends the Eye of Fire from falling into the hands of any. Knowing its massive destructive power of the Eye, Vran has pledged his undying soul and all of his might to protect the world from its evil (which he learned long ago he can not/there is no way to destroy).
--Mythology/Religion (if any):
--Alignment (if used): Lawful Evil (?)...or, if Rumor 3 is true, Lawful Good?

Zul-Rygl-hiertp, or Zul "the Hidden One": (lesser/minor power/semi-god) Zul was once an great god in ancient times, but currently exists as little more than a figment of his former power. Once associated with the primordial forces of life and death, he is most remembered nowadays (if at all), and disdained by many for it, as the creator-deity of Kobolds. This is Zul's only legacy/reputation among non-kobold cultures.
--Appearance: When he appears, which is very rarely, he appears to be a kobold with most of its skin ripped away, his left eye is a solid white orb, the right eye solid black. Blood will pool under Zul, and fade away with no trace once he leaves.
--Rumors (f any): 1) All Kobolds are trying to "resurrect" their creator-god and throw themselves into battle, to be slaughtered in sacrifice to Zul, hoping their death will be the one to bring about Zul's return. This is, of course, blatantly untrue, but what do humans and elves and dwarves know of kobold ways?
2) Among [non-kobold] theologians, it is commonly held that Zul and Yomiran where once friends or allies. Hence, Zul must be a terrible evil god!
--Mythology/Religion (if any): Zul the Hidden One was once a god of life and death. Not evil like Yomiran, but neutral, seeking to continue the life cycle. Zul also created kobolds to counteract some of the slower breeding races, powerful elves and dwarves have few offspring he wanted a weak race that bred quickly. While trying to empower his kobolds to follow the natural cycle of life and death he was attacked and nearly killed by a minor god, Yomiran. Yomiran cared nothing for life, but wanted complete domain over death. Yomiran drained Zul's divine essence before the any could intervene Now Zul is little more than the broken body of what he once was. The Hidden One, the Kobolds believe, can be returned to strength by doing what their patron could not- survive a battle. If enough kobolds live through deadly battle they hope to restore Zul to godhood.
--Alignment (if used): Neutral
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Electric Wizard

First Post
Thorn Cows

The gnolls that ply the banks of the River Farrago herd livestock despite the threat of great hunting birds. Their most prized beasts are thorn cows - hardy cattle with sharp bone ridges protruding from their backs. The calves begin growing the ridges soon after birth. The oldest cattle's backs resemble healthy thorn bushes, complete with birds' nests and vines. Even the fiercest birds of prey avoid these prickly beasts unless driven by extreme hunger.

Most of the tension between gnolls and other races stems from thorn cattle. Humans desire them desperately. Elves hate how the herds strip pastures and woodland. Orcs often venture downriver to steal them when they grow tired of fish and bird meat. Dwarves, surprisingly, get along with them well because they are eager to trade tools and weapons for thorn cows. Gnolls are usually more willing to parley with a group with a dwarf than a group without one.


First Post
The Crested Stag

In the town of Rivercrest there is but one tavern/inn, The Crested Stag, simply called "the stag" by locals and the frequent merchants passing through. The stag is run by one Balstrus Halfhand, an aged human, still strong and hale despite his advancing years. The inn is a very large structure, originally a simple yet good sized inn to house travellers and merchants, it has been expanded in several phases of construction to its current size. The additions include a true tavern, complete with a small stage area where bards and acting troupes can put on their shows, a large open floor for dancing, 2 complete bars for good service and a large kitchen. Also a bath house has been added, with a complex system for heating and chilling the waters depending on season. The majority of the people in Rivercrest know Balstrus as a fair, yet tough business man, who has given both of his time and money to help make the community around him a better place. Unknown to the Rivercrest populace Balstrus is more than he seems. In his younger days he was known as Benant Alstrusion, master bladesman and martial artist, general of the elite Tolnoan Black Cloaks, the most celebrated military force who have ever defended Tolno.


Zul-Rygl-hiertp, or Zul the Hidden One

While the kobolds worship Zul-Rygl-hiertp as a god, he is not a true god, but a fallen god (if you use Tome of Magic, I would make him a Vestige). Zul the Hidden One was once a god of life and death. Not evil like Yomiran, but neutral, seeking to continue the life cycle. Zul also created kobolds to counteract some of the slower breeding races, powerful elves and dwarves have few offspring he wanted a weak race that bred quickly. While trying to empower his kobolds to follow the natural cycle of life and death he was attacked and nearly killed by a minor god, Yomiran. Yomiran cared nothing for life, but wanted complete domain over death. Yomiran drained Zul's divine essence before the any could intervene Now Zul is little more than the broken body of what he once was. When he appears, which is very rarely, he appears to be a kobold with most of its skin ripped away, his left eye is a solid white orb, the right eye solid black. Blood will pool under Zul, and fade away with no trace once he leaves.

The Hidden One, the Kobolds believe, can be returned to strength by doing what their patron could not- survive a battle. If enough kobolds live through deadly battle they hope to restore Zul to godhood.

Electric Wizard

First Post
Rise and Fall of the Black Cloaks

The region surrounding Tolno is fairly secure, and the local militia handles most problems. But thirty years ago, the Howling Horde threatened the city's very existence. The Horde was an alliance of gnoll tribes led by Supreme Matron Yagasshar, a ruthless demagogue bent on driving all humans from the continent. They struck at night, burning villages and devouring their inhabitants.

Tolno's governor assembled a posse of adventurers, mercenaries, gladiators and convicts and gave them a simple mission. They were to patrol the countryside and slay every gnoll they encountered. Each was promised gold per scalp taken. They killed so many gnolls that they took to wearing long, black executioners' cloaks when riding. At first, the people of Tolno hailed them as heroes for ridding the countryside of gnolls, but the life of slaughter warped the Black Cloaks. They grew violent and arrogant, and spent their bounty gold on debaucheries that consumed Tolno. After a sorcerer in the company set fire to a ship on a drunken dare, the governor quietly put bounties on the Black Cloaks' heads. The Broken Wands, a cabal of wizard assassins, ambushed the Black Cloaks on a patrol and killed many of them. The survivors scattered across the world.

Balstrus has truly changed his ways, and his past haunts him. Still, he has little love for Tolno. His disdain surfaces when dealing with irritating guests from the city. Since Balstrus was general of the Black Cloaks, the bounty on his head remains even after thirty years of exile.


Krag-Tir, The Roaring Flame

Krag-Tir is the goddess of magic and the sun. Her powers create and shape the leylines that provide natural magic and the winds of magic that provide arcane magic to mortals. Krag-Tir is known as the Roaring Flame because she manifests as the great circle of fire that crosses the sky every day (the sun because I can't think of a more eloquent way to say that).

Krag-Tir's greatest desire to is banish the night. She can only manifest for about half the day. During the summer her ability to manifest is greater, but to her distress, she cannot remain in the sky longer during the winter months. Her priests, and possibly druids or mages seeking favor from the goddess of magic, seek a way to bring about the "eternal day."


A suffusion of yellow
The Emerald Tower of Rhoos Okeanoio

Although the slaughter of the gnolls by the Black cloaks was terrible indeed, a few yet remain. The smallest of them, stunted scavengers no bigger than gnomes, still snuffle about the streets of Tolno and Gunga's Crossing at night, hunting vermin and collecting the scraps that the citizens throw away,before scurrying back to the scrublands and their daytime lairs.

The true heirs of Yaggashar though have withdrawn eastward, across the wastelands to the rugged cliffs and rocky shore that they called the Rhoos Okeanoio. Here amidst the hills they built a tower of stones, a pyramid set with emeralds and rubies upon which they continue to spill mortal blood, casting human babies into fires and feasting on the charred flesh and bones, thus Gnoll raids are still conducted against the settlements of the Izzabella Coast, although none as vicious as those of Yaggashar.

The truth behind the sacrificial rites of the emerald tower is most terrible of all. The sacrifice is demanded by the terrible goddess Krag-Tir, for if the gnolls fail to fed her blood-lust she has threatened to bring about the "eternal day' and consume the whole world with her arcane fire...
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The truth behind the sacrificial rites of the emerald tower is most terrible of all. The sacrifice is demanded by the terrible goddess Krag-Tir, for if the gnolls fail to fed her blood-lust she has threatened to bring about the "eternal day' and consume the whole world with her arcane fire...

That is just cool. Awesome tweak for Krag-Tir, making the goddess much less good that I intended.


A suffusion of yellow
The climate of the Izabella Coast is extremely hot and dry and subject to frequent wild fires. The vegetation comprises low scrubland and chapparal and only in the river zones do more verdant forest and vegetation grow. Only three* of the seven rivers flow continuously with most drying out in the summer before refilling in the winter season.

North of the Djard mountains and extending halfway to the Puzzle Palace the Ramnos river pours into an inland delta where the surviving Bullywug mobs eek out there existence, surviving against the encroaching dry. The Bullywugs claim to be the original inhabitants of the region, predating the later 'mammal' races, back when the lands flowed with water, before the rise of Krag-Tir whom they hate.

The Bullywugs have become a nocturnal race, lying beneath the bog waters during the day and rising at night to hunt and raid. Their shaman have also begun to breed new plagues, miasmas, oozes and abberations to turn against the hated mammals...

  • Hot, dry chapparal climate
  • The three rivers are the Farrago, the Ramnos and the River of the Land of Falls.
  • A bog/swamp region
  • Bullywug mobs
  • source of oozes and abberations
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The Abandoned Orrery

High atop the peaks of the Djard mountains, waiting in the crisp chill air is the Abandoned Orrery. No one knows who or what created it, but from those who have returned from the place speak of a great tower with a giant mechanism to track the movements of the Sun, Moon, Stars, and other celestial bodies. The Orrery is ancient and has detailed craftsman ship that would make any dwarf worth his axe weak in the knees. The place seems to radiate with power, but magic detection will reveal nothing other than the colors becoming sharper. The place is filled with strange mechanisms that have all stopped moving. It is said that runes can be deciphered to allow use of the Orrery to see any place on the plane. But, the Orrery is missing a gem from one of its housings. The gem housing rests where light from many mirrors throughout the room reflect light. It is the brightest spot in the entire tower.

With the proper gem installed the mechanisms will be activated again as light filters through to several pieces of colored quartz in the floor, just below the stone dais in the center of the room. Atop this dais rests a stone throne like chair. Any who sit here while the Orrery is functioning will be able to divine any location on the plane as if they were seeing it themselves. Runes on the throne, if translated warn of using the Orrery too often or too long but do not specify as to what happens if this advice is unheeded.
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