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[Conan] Saga of the Ages 1: A Cat in the Dark

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Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Balavous wheels about, locked in combat with the creature. Though his sword sails over its head, his axe strikes the thing that was Drusus. Thorkin roars and chops at the creature's back with his sword, causing it to ooze its nauseating black blood. The Zamoran thief throws a dagger at the corpse-thing. It shrieks and puts its hand to where the knife sticks in its back, falls forward, and vanishes, smoking. The rain clears.

Karl Green

First Post
Thorkin Bearkiller

Still in a fit of madness Thorkin chops the air and the ground where the creature was yelling "What that’s all ye had?! Where did ye vanish to?! Ye cannot flee me now creature! Come back here now!!"

After venting for a few rounds, he stops, slams his sword into the scabbard and stands off by himself breathing hard and trying to calm himself...
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First Post
Sweating some from this first good battle with his compainios, Balsavous sheaths his weapons. Only problem I can see my friends is that we don't have any way of proving this creature is killed...perhaps it has a lair on this island where we can find such...and discover if it is TRULY dead..

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Balavous scouts around the island, and comes across a small cave not far from where the Drusus-thing first appeared. The floor of the cave is littered with the bones of small animals, birds, and fish (and thereby the lair of Drusus, or at least something), but appears otherwise to be empty.

Karl Green

First Post
Thorkin Bearkiller

"Curse ye Drusus ye daemon cur! Come out and fight like a man!!" yell Thorkin to the sky. Looking at the other two "Mayhaps we should spend the night here and see if the coward does make another appearance? What say ye? Otherwise all we got are the bodies of those spiders...ek" Thorkin then spits in the dirt in disgust.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
The three adventurers make their bed on the rocky earth of the island, wrapping themselves in their cloaks to keep out the chill night air and shield them from the driving, icy rain. Their nights are filled with uneasy dreams of blood and battle, of the spiders and daemon-creatures.

They awake the next morning to find nothing out of place. Drusus has not reappeared and attacked. A man-sized burnt patch marks the ground where he fell, and in the clearing where they battled, the corpses of four huge spiders still lie.

Karl Green

First Post
Thorkin Bearkiller

Thorkin stand to stretch his legs and to take care of his morning 'business' (over at the blacked patch of ground in fact!). Spiting he says to his companions "Well lads, what say ye? I wonder if that thing is back in whatever hell that did birth it, or if it be afraid of us and is in hiding? Should we search some more? I not built for this type of work ye know… drinking, wenching, and hurting things, aye those be my strengths"


First Post
Sitting up and getting the pebbles/rocks out from the bothersome areas that they had found themselves Balavous stretches and yawns...I don't think we have to worry about this thing returning anytime soon. I say we let that Lord know his deed is done and collect the funds promised and find a better place and good company to warm our beds.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
The group makes their way to the shore, where the small skiff they had rented was tied. This they got in, Thorkin doing most of the rowing. Within moments, they were back on the shore near the boathouse. The scruffy old man was puttering about near the building, and when he saw them coming back in, he walked over and took the ropes of the boat.

"Aye, lads, looks to be a better day today than yesterday," he says, looking up at the sky. He smirks. "So, d'ye introduce Drusus to yer blades?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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