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Confessions you don't want making it to the new server!

BiggusGeekus said:
As a youth I used the picture of the succubus in the first edition Monster Manual for purposes best left unexamined.

And, finally, I post naked.

I sense these two confessions may be related in some fashion.

I have a tattoo of a female samurai based in part off the cover of two L5R supplements - the cover of the Way of the Phoenix, and the cover of d20 Way of the Samurai.

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Piratecat said:
When the first campaign I was in petered out, I took my character and pitted him against every monster in the Monster Manual. Then I went on to kill most things in Deities and Demigods. Then I lied to my friends about where he got all the xp from. Oh, the shame. But he was one kickass monk 17/wizard 25, let me tell you.

BiggusGeekus said:
I also used to have my D&D kill dieties from Dieties & Demigods. I'd always start out with the Native American evil ice god because he was the weakest. A true stain on my honor.

This must be a trend. My original copy of Dieties and Demigods has "DEAD" written next to just about all the evil dieties and heroes in the book. I think I killed Druaga from the Babylonian myths 4 or 5 times. I mean, they are gods, then can keep coming back, right? Right? My brother and I used to take turns running combats between our characters and the gods, fudging rolls when we needed to so we would win. That way, we would have the most powerful characters of all our friends, and could say "He was the DM" and we would back each other up.

I used to color the pictures in the 1e books with colored pencils and markers. All the female gods, monsters, and heroes have bright pink nipples. Even the ones wearing clothes... :eek:

I used to have a character in Basic D&D, an elf who lost an arm in a fight with a dragon. My cousins character was a cleric, so to heal me he replaced my arm with the arm from a skeleton, then cured my wounds. My elf lived the rest of his days until retirement with a skeltal arm, and nobody ever thought twice about it. He also had a treasure list that included every magic item from the basis, expert, and companion sets. And a sword that could turn bones to jelly and suck souls out of his enemys.

I once played a party of three halfling brothers named Bilbo, Dildo, and Elbow.

The latin quote in my signature comes from a latin translation of Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back, found here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/quislibet/164084.html

I think I should stop there...
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First Post
For almost five years I let my gaming friends think that I had an imaginary girlfriend, going so far as to get her to hide when they came over. (We both thought it was funny.)

Then some of my nongaming friends mentioned her to some of the gamers... 'You mean she's real!'

Then the whole thing fell apart when there were a whole slew of Jackie sightings.... I had forgotten that one of the gamers was also in the folk music circle...

And sometimes I cheat on my die rolls to keep from killing PCs.

The Auld Grump

Wormwood said:
I hate my players.
Oh yeah? I hate all players. :p (hopefully everyone in my PbP games won't see this before its gone...)

I'm another who's killed off many of the numbers among the old Deities and Demigods. I think its a trend resulting from the need to just kill things. Like Diablo. ;)


First Post
As a player, I once earned the title "Munch-King" for being the biggest munchkin in our area.
I enjoy derailing other GM's campaigns with my IC antics.
When I GM I never kill PC's, because that would only end their suffering.
I think the term RBDM is comical, and search for a term strong enough to describe the level of agony I inflict on my players.
I have both "rolled to see how drunk I was" and "rolled to see if I score with these elf chicks."
I am not ashamed of any of these things I am confessing here, except mabe this one. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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