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Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale [IC]


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'During the rise of the Empire of Cheliax a great battle was fought in the valley now known as the Bloodsworn Vale between the emperor’s forces and the barbarian lords of the north. Although Cheliax won, countless soldiers were massacred in one of the bloodiest engagements of the Expansion Wars. Some say the fields of roses that dot the vale date to that time, and that for every soldier who fell, a blood-red rose grew to mark his grave. Today, Cheliax is a shadow of its former glory, rent by civil war and ruled by devil worshipers. The vale, once a vital trade route, has been reclaimed by wilderness. Only the rose bushes remain to remind travelers of the former empire.'

-The Pathfinder Chronicles



A: Fort Thorn
B: Workers' Campsite Ambush



A1: Gatehouse
A2: The Lord's Stable
A3: Keep
A4: Visitors' Barracks
A5: Watchtowers
A6: The Boar's Bones [sblock=The Boar's Bones History] Shortly after settling the fort, the soldiers faced their first crisis. The next food caravan was late and their supplies ran low. Sir Tolgrith sent out his scouts to forage and hunt, but after 3 days they had not found much. On the 4th day they came up big, dragging the carcass of a large dire boar back into camp at the same time the food caravan finally arrived. During the evening’s festivities, the boar was picked clean and the fort’s halfling cook, Orrend, kept the bones. A month later, Orrend opened up the Boar’s Bones, a small inn and tavern to serve the off-duty soldiers, workers, and visitors who happened to stop by. The bones were carefully reconstructed with wire and wood, and the now-intact dire boar skeleton sits in the middle of the tavern with a pouch hanging from its tusks. Orrend insists that any tips given to the boar are sent to its grieving kin.[/sblock]
A7: Wilderness Wares
A8: Shrine to Erastil
A9: Partik's Forge
A10: Four Wheels Hall
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“Land, Gold, and Title!” Those are the things promised for taming the great swath of wilderness known as the Bloodsworn Vale, but so far, the journey there has been little more than hardship and boredom. As the miles roll past and the Mindspin Mountains draw ever nearer, the company of merchants you travel with has grown steadily more subdued. Some even whisper that the vale is haunted or cursed. After crossing through Icedeep Pass, the wagons pull up short to take in the view. Far in the distance, the ice-capped peaks of the Mindspin range are visible beyond a lush green wilderness. Below spreads a sea of leaves, broken only here and there by fields of blood-red roses. Perhaps twenty miles ahead, a wooden fort breaks through the forest canopy, with a thin wisp of smoke twisting into the air. Suddenly, the promises of “Land, Gold, and Title” don’t seem so far-fetched after all.
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While the lure of land, gold, and a title was certainly interesting, what piqued Besik's drive wasn't fame and fortune, but the ability to witness this untamed land and have his hand at shaping this wild earth.

He eyes the tall dark trees with disinterest, the smoke curl, and fort it eminated from, get the same once over from the elf. Looking around at his new travelling companions, he smiles at the blankly, giving their surface thoughts a quick read.


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Jerivan was glad that he found a kindred spirit in Percivilis -- he was a kind, thoughtful person, who always strived to protect the innocent and weak.

Valor. Justice. Honor.

These three words were the mantra that he lived by. He had been travelling with him for the past year, and in that time, he recognized 'the gift' -- for Percivilis had an innate connection with his goddess -- one that he never questioned, nor did he need to -- he was destined for great things, and Jerivan wanted to be a part of it.

Men cannot live without justice, valor, and honor -- in the void of these three, only chaos and anarchy reign. The twosome had been travelling the land for some time, ministering to the flock, setting things right, before running into the others in the travelling company.

Their goddess had sent to them a vision of a blood ravaged forest, which had once been a well travelled trade route, joining two kingdoms in trade. If the area was to become civilized once more -- to allow the people to regain their honor, while promoting justice and valor -- the trade route must be reopened.

While Percivilis was not interested in land, gold or titles, he and Jerivan were interested in spreading the word of their goddess Iomedae.

For a trade route is more than just an economic artery -- it is a lifeline of communication and transportation of information and values. This was the task set forth to Percivilis and Jerivan. Their goddess demanded it.

As fate would have it, the religious duo had been on the other side of the continent when this vision was given to them. They voyaged long and hard, facing many hardships and obstacles, even joining up with a band of adventurers (not true believers, mind you, but acceptable company) who likewise were headed to the troubled Vale.

Obviously, the rest did not share their zeal and devotion to Iomedae, but in time, who knows...

The last stretch of the journey had been bone chilling. The elevation had become higher and higher each morning, as they climbed into the snow capped peaks. Each morning, Percivilis said a prayer when he first felt the warming rays of the sun.

Just this morning, one of the merchants from the caravan mentioned that they had reached the Icedeep Pass and the descent into the Vale would begin.

Their spirits buoyed, Percivilis and Jerivan began to mentally prepare for their quest.

They had received word that they needed to report to a "Fort Thorn" to officially sign up for the journey into the Vale, even though Percivilis was not looking for recognition from the authorities. He had grown to like his travelling companions, and looked forward to the future with them -- Iomedae had given him quite a blessing.


As he walks along with the caravan, warhammer in hand, Aldur turns his attention from rocky ground of the pass to his right to the head of the caravan. Upon hearing shouts of "There it is!" Aldur hops onto the nearest wagon and stands beside the driver to get a better view of the valley and far off fort. Satisfied, he returns the driver's annoyed glare with a scowl of his own, and growls "It'll be tough te steer with both your eyes swollen shut."

Dismissing the man, Aldur jumps down from the wagon and begins walking towards the front of the caravan.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Aelish Karn (Human Male Herald) HP: 33

The sounds of hooves trotting the way along your collective dusty path announces a horse that comes into view from the rear of the caravan bearing a male human rider of average stature who is looking at a parchment of sorts as he rides.

The man has short, close cropped, black hair and a goatee, with cool blue active eyes. The horse is light brown with a white star and a single white sock on its rear left leg, and well muscled. The human rides it with the ease of someone with great practice and time in the saddle. His posture is straight and he carries himself with confidence. The saddle is one meant for action and it has a darkwood standard pole standing straight up that is without a standard, and it most definitely functions as a long spear. The saddlebags seem full and so does the backpack that is strapped to the saddle.

Upon closer inspection you notice that he has several small axes in his belt and a longer sword of sorts that is something like a long and thin saber or rapier the likes of which you have not really seen before sheathed at his side. There is a loaded crossbow sitting nonchalantly in his lap to which is becomes kind of obscured by lowering the paper that he was looking at. After taking in all of this you notice the rather expensive mithril breastplate that he comfortably wears beneath his cloak and over his traveling clothes.

He shake his head seeming rather confused and looks to Aldur quizzically and mumbles Almost there... while half smiling.
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The newly acquainted group of adventurers looks forward at the smoke from Fort Thorn rising invitingly in the distance. Each takes a moment with his own thoughts, contemplating the path of fate which has brought him to Bloodsworn Pass. Some for adventure, some for faith, some for duty, each has his own reasons. Still, with the Fort now so close, it seems odd that the merchant caravan has stopped.

Looking ahead, each of you can now see the reason for the delay. A stranger has arrived, and is now conferring with some of the merchants about the best route forward to Fort Thorn. This newcomer is a nondescript man, dressed for the rigors of travel in the wilderness. A beautiful honey-colored eagle perches nearby in the bough of a tree, as though attentively listening to the conversation.

OOC: Boddynock, here is Shandul's intro point, please run with this to get him introduced and integrated with the rest of the party.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Aelish Karn (Human Male Herald) HP: 33

Aelish looks to the others and looks towards the group gathering around the new comer. He guides "Thunder" towards them to try to hear more of what is holding up the caravan.
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First Post
"Old Oak came down in that strong wind but you can still get through. Just go through the Near Wood and pick up the trail on the other side."

The fellow points with the bow he holds in his hand, nods, then shrugs and moves a little way off from the exciteable merchants, as if seeking a quieter space. The eagle continues to observe the group closely.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Aelish Karn (Human Male Herald) HP: 33

Aelish guides his horse to approach the newcomer. He looks over him with careful eyes (Sense Motive) and when satisfied he says to no one in particular "That eagle seems to take quite an interest in the happenings here, which I I find rather unusual unless it has a nest nearby.".

He then more pointedly continues with his attention on the new come guide "I do not remember you from the caravan. Are you from Fort Thorn to greet and guide us from here, and is it really safe to venture off the main path in these parts?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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