Constables of the 14th Ward Part 2


Sounds like my cue...

Leif said:
[sblock=Raul]Raul gets lots of good training time in, and Indract is VERY happy to see you. He makes it a point to stop what he is doing and act as your spotter, and just spend the time catching up. From talking to Indract, Raul learns that Ignatious Ironshirt is incredibly proud of "his" Bronze Badges. The priests of Meda don't need much, but you learn that there are some there who really miss Brae already. There are others, presumably the ones that he caught in some indiscretion, who are glad he's gone for awhile. I'll leave it to Scotley to cover what Raul learns with his ear to the ground in the 14th.[/sblock]

[sblock=Raul]The inquisitive Monk gains a few bits of information that might or might not be useful. Several city officials received cakes in the mail only to discover they were made of worm filled dirt. Speculation is that Thaddeous Thornapple may be responsible; though, the point of this latest insult isn't entirely clear. Of more direct concern in the 14th is a trend toward younger offenders. Lads as young as 9 or 10 seem to be involved in a rash of petty crimes, mostly snatch and grab raids and pickpocketing in the 14th. As yet none have been caught. These acts seem carefully planned for a bunch of urchins. [/sblock]

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[sblock=Darius]The Blue Basilisk is a pretty large weaponsmithing concern in the 15th Ward. Word on the street in the 14th is that weapon and armor sales are down somewhat, lately, and this is confirmed by the shops in The Edge, who report that, "Well, things are tough all over, but we're confident that bidness gon' pick up real soon!" When you go by the Blue Basilisk Workshops, however, they are humming right along! "We anticipate another record-setting month for production."[/sblock]
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First Post
Alarion of Tovarre

Alarion decides Bayard indeed needs to get some fresh air and excercise. The next day he plans to ride the charger to the 15th, comission his armor, then make his way out of the 14th for a vigorous ride, and perhaps a tilt with an improvised quintain.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Leif said:
[sblock=SoulFetter]Make a Craft check for SoulFetter's brewing, and a Diplomacy check (at +2) for his "public relations" activities for playing with kids in the14th. The public relations stuff is a very good idea, and is the sort of thing that just mght pay future dividends. SoulFetter finds, that, just as he expected, his size, strength, and agility make him a much sought-after commodity among the children of the 14th for their Keepstorm teams.[/sblock]

SoulFetter manages another excellent batch of beer, but despite his most sincere efforts and his love of children they are apparantly a little scared of him yet. Oh, well - he'll keep trying!

[sblock=Skill Checks]Craft & Diplomacy Check (1d20+7=21, 1d20+7=8) [/sblock]



Mowgli said:
SoulFetter manages another excellent batch of beer, but despite his most sincere efforts and his love of children they are apparantly a little scared of him yet. Oh, well - he'll keep trying!

[sblock=Skill Checks]Craft & Diplomacy Check (1d20+7=21, 1d20+7=8) [/sblock]
Yeah, overall, they're still a bit apprehensive, but you almost got a neutral response, so they're definitely beginning to come around. From talking to them, you learn that their parents have told them you are a good person and they can trust you, since you are a constable, after all. :)
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Helfdan said:
Alarion of Tovarre

Alarion decides Bayard indeed needs to get some fresh air and exercise. The next day he plans to ride the charger to the 15th, commission his armor, then make his way out of the 14th for a vigorous ride, and perhaps a tilt with an improvised quintain.

[sblock=Alarion]After looking over a couple of shops Alarion finds work he likes the look of and with a little measuring, some haggling and a small Constable's discount he'll have his armor in less than a week. Riding out of the city while it is still early, Alrion and Bayard eventually find a large empty meadow with no crops or grazing livestock to interrupt their exercise. A rudimentary stationary quintain can be arranged with a length of rope or leather strapping tied like a noose and a convenient branch. After a few practice runs, Alrion notes that Bayard's ears are pricked up and his nostrils are flaring and he seems unfocused. Looking about, Alarion realizes he is being watched by a rider in exquisitely etched and highly polished heavy armor astride a massive horse easily three hands higher than Bayard with an ox-like chest. Upon being seen the rider cantors the huge horse to the far end of the meadow, salutes and lowers a blunt practice lance. Clearly, horse and rider wait for Alarion to accept the challenge.[/sblock]


First Post

Alarion raises his own practice lance in knightly greeting, and signals he will accept the challenge. He then canters Bayard to the appropriate distance for a joust, before signaling readiness. "Worthy knight! I Hight Alarion of Tovarre gladly accept a friendly pass-at-arms. May our contest make Terak proud!"



[sblock=Alarion]"Good luck sir knight! I Upjohn of Willowood Ford salute you. A friendly pass at arms on the count of three sir. One, Two, Three!" On the count of three the Knight spurs his great mount into motion and soon the two mounted warriors thunder toward each other. Upjohn shouts, "For the glory of my lady Eniz!"

OOC: Please make an attack roll and a ride check if you please. [/sblock]


As the bronze badges are enjoying their vacations, word comes that Rahvin was recalled to the Capital rather suddenly. Seems he was some sort of military reservist. With the Constables off duty he didn't even get the chance to say a proper goodbye to most of you. He did manage to share a drink with Mattie over the the Polished Staff before he left and she or others who frequent the place provided the word that he was gone. Anybody who checks with Elke finds that he is indeed reassigned without pay for an unspecified time period. That means he could be back. It also means that your glorious leader need not fill the position and thus can save a few gold a month, while the squad will need to work extra hard being short a member.

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