Converting Forgotten Realms monsters

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Extradimensional Explorer
I'd say resistance 2.

I kind of like the idea of the drone as a commoner, but I'm not sure that penalizes the bite enough. Ehh, what the heck, let's just make them commoners.


Extradimensional Explorer
2 ranks each in Swim and Climb? Dodge?

Advancement: By character class (possibly: or by HD as knight?)

Need +3 natural in the racial writeup.
Favored Class: Fighter?


Inventor of Super-Toast
4 ranks in Intimidate, Alertness for the feat? Alternatively, we could switch the shortspear to a light mace and make the feat Weapon Finesse.

Edit: Freyar snuck in there while I was typing. Since they can fly with good maneuverability, I don't think Climb or Swim are that helpful.


Extradimensional Explorer
Fair enough about the skills. They don't have great Cha, though, so they're going against grain on Intimidate. That's ok, though.

If the original text doesn't specify the weapon, I'd be fine with switching to a light mace and Weapon Finesse since they're pretty dextrous.


Monster Junkie
Sha’az are advanced enough to use weapons and shields. They do not wear armor. Warriors commonly use spears, swords, nets, or bows. These warriors are capable of using their bows in midflight, with a -2 attack penalty in addition to other adjustments.

In that case, how about shortsword rather than light mace to achieve Weapon Finesse?

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