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Converting "generic setting" second edition monsters

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Extradimensional Explorer
I'd agree with the magical beast but mostly because of the Int. Seems like you have a good start. I guess the attacks are just 2 claws & a bite? Otherwise, what do we need? Skill ranks, feats, and maybe a language?

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Monster Junkie
Added to Homebrews.

I just noticed "Int: Low (5-7)".

Wolverine deals 1d4 (claw) and 1d6 (bite).

Original Carcavulp deals 1d6 (claw) and 2-26 (bite).

Granting it Improved Natural Attack as bonus feat on both forms yields:
1d6 (claw) and 1d8 (bite).

Perhaps we should give it a powerful bite ability? For example...

Powerful Bite (Ex): A rhagodessa's bite is always a secondary attack, yet the powerful muscles in its jaws allow it to apply 1.5 times its Strength modifier to damage rolls with its bite.


special attack is a bonus of +4 to attack and damage due to its strength and speed

Is rage sufficient for this, or should we give it an additional special ability?


Extradimensional Explorer
I say yes to Improved Natural Attack (or do we need that? Can't we just say that it has higher damage, leaving INA as a feat for monster customization?) and Powerful Bite.

I'd say rage would be sufficient, but I don't think rage has quite the right flavor for an intelligent NG creature. Maybe find a way to end the rage sooner?


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
I say yes to Improved Natural Attack (or do we need that? Can't we just say that it has higher damage, leaving INA as a feat for monster customization?) and Powerful Bite.

We can, although it is more of an exception than a rule nowadays.

freyar said:
I'd say rage would be sufficient, but I don't think rage has quite the right flavor for an intelligent NG creature. Maybe find a way to end the rage sooner?

Looking at the original ability again...

special attack is a bonus of +4 to attack and damage due to its strength and speed

Rather than rage, we could go with something like...

"Magically-Enhanced Weaponry" (Su): A carcavulp's natural attacks are all treated as +4 magic weapons for all purposes.

Int 6?


Extradimensional Explorer
That special attack is really vague, huh? I'm not sure I really like considering it magically enhanced, unless you really just mean +4 to attack and damage at all times. I guess that's ok, though it's weird to think that it overcomes DRX/magic. However, for lack of a better idea, let's go with what you have (maybe putting in some clarification) and call it maybe "Magical Natural Weapons." Seems a little more clear.

Int 6 seems right.


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
That special attack is really vague, huh? I'm not sure I really like considering it magically enhanced, unless you really just mean +4 to attack and damage at all times. I guess that's ok, though it's weird to think that it overcomes DRX/magic. However, for lack of a better idea, let's go with what you have (maybe putting in some clarification) and call it maybe "Magical Natural Weapons." Seems a little more clear.

Int 6 seems right.

I was thinking along the lines of an always active greater magic fang spell, or similar to the unicorn's horn.

Would it be better to just give them greater magic fang at will, with a caster level high enough to grant a +4 bonus?


Extradimensional Explorer
I think I'd go with the unicorn route. Just say, "A carcavulp's natural weapons are +4 magic weapons, but their power fades if they are removed from the carcavulp." Another route is to go with a different kind of bonus, so they don't overcome DRX/magic. Something like "Exceptional Weaponry (Ex): Due to the carcavulp's well-designed anatomy, its natural weapons have a +4 racial bonus to attack and damage." Or we could make it an enhancement bonus, if you want. I guess I'm just not getting a magic feel from these guys mostly.


Extradimensional Explorer
I'm reading that, too, though I think that just applies to their creation as a hybrid. Once that's done, though, they almost seem like animals (but too smart). I could go either way.

Or what if the line just means that the STR bonus should be +4, so we should bump STR to 18-19?

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