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Converting Monsters from D&D Official Video Games

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Extradimensional Explorer
Let's put some in Survival, so maybe Bluff 12, Disguise 12, Survival 10?
Feats: Persuasive, Imp Init, Track, Self-Sufficient, Power Attack?


Monster Junkie

Challenge Rating: 7? (Giant constrictors are 5, and these have more HD plus the greater BAB of magical beasts, as well as the resistances and save bonuses)

Treasure: Standard?

Alignment: Usually chaotic evil?

15–16 HD (Huge); 17–42 HD (Gargantuan)? (To preserve the same sizes as giant constrictor snakes)


Monster Junkie
We haven't visited this thread in awhile...

Ogre Slug
Ogre slugs are weak to moderately difficult to kill. They do medium damage and have no magic-resistance. They take only half-damage from blunt weapons, so use edged weapons against them. They usually slither around in one's and two's.

From the journal pages:

"I imagine the thick rubbery hide of an ogre slug offers the monster added protection against blunt weapons."

"More than once, the ogre slug I was fighting attempted to hit me with some sort of corrosive spittle."

"One could only surmise that an ogre slug, which spits acid, would be immune to similar attacks."

Originally appeared in Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor PC game rule book (1993).

Not much, there. Essentially, these are ogre torsos atop a giant slug's hindquarters. We've got some wiggle room to get creative here. :)


Inventor of Super-Toast
That's delightfully icky. I'd say these are Large aberrations. DR 10/slashing or piercing (or maybe just slashing?), acid resistance, acid spittle on a ranged touch (or maybe a breath weapon?).

Perhaps these are to ogres as driders are to drow? A curse on ogres by a vengeful god for some percieved slight?


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Not much, there.
I suspect you overlooked page 86...

Climate/Terrain: Any/Subterranean and wet
Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Tribal
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Treasure: B, S (in lair only)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
No. Appearing: 2-8
Armor Class: 4/8
Movement: 6
Hit Dice: 8+4
THAC0: 13
No. of Attacks: 2 or 1 with weapon
Damage/Attack: 1-12 or by weapon type (+6 with strength)
Special Attacks: Spits Acid
Special Defenses: 1/2 Damage from Blunt Weapons
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (8' tall, 15' long)
Morale: Steady (11-12)
Exp. Point Value: 2000

The appearance of ogre slugs is unmistakable: they have the upper torso, arms, and head of an ogre but the lower body of a large slug. Their coloring is usually swampy, grey-green skin on the upper body area, fading into a deep, blackish green for the lower slug portion. Ogre slugs are just as mean and ugly (if not uglier) than their full bodied cousins.

Combat: An ogre slug's attack is delivered with its powerful arms. Twice each round the beast can strike with its huge fists for 1-12 points of damage. Its main attack, however, is that of its corrosive acidic saliva. An ogre slug may opt to spit acid once per round instead of attacking with its fists. The spittle may be flung up to 20 yards away and require the ogre slug to make an attack roll. The targets AC is 10 regardless of armor type. Dexterity and any magical bonuses apply. The acid eats its way through any equipment and armor (saving throw vs. acid) and causes 3-24 points of damage, save vs. breath weapon for 1/2 damage. Note that other ogre slugs are immune to this acid spittle.

Since they are part slug, they inherit a thick, rubbery hide that gives them partial immunity to blunt weapons. The ogre slug suffers only 1/2 damage caused by blunt weapons or spells that cause crushing or impact damage. Edged and piercing weapons as well as most other spells cause normal damage to an ogre slug. Although blunt weapons do limited damage, the slug portion has an AC of 8.

A raiding group of 6 or more will also include a leader. This leader will have 10 hit dice and have a strength bonus of +8 when attacking with a weapon.

Habitat/Society: Ogre slugs prefer to lair in dank, dingy underground caverns in almost any climate. They gather in tribes numbering 8-16 males, 2-16 females, and 2-8 young. Shamans, if present (40% chance), will be of 5th level, and have access to the spheres of combat, divination, healing, protection, and sun (darkness only). Giant slugs are often used as trained guards to help protect the lair. Ogre slugs live by raiding and scavenging, and will eat almost anything. Ogre slugs have a great fondness for human and demi-human flesh and are 60% likely to eat them on the spot rather than keep them as slaves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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