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Converting monsters from Dungeon Magazine

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Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Color spray and sound burst are the only ones I find below 6th level after a quick glance through the SRD. Plenty of monsters have stun abilities, though, I think. Edit: so it's odd that there aren't more spells.

Do any other constructs have stunning attacks? Maybe we can look at their construction.

The minogon does, but its construction doesn't really address it...

geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, and summon monster IV.

I'm fine with sound burst, or even bull's strength.


Monster Junkie
Sound burst it is.

I also added resist energy (since they are immune to electricity) and we needed another prereq spell. ;)

Updated Homebrews. Anything left?


Monster Junkie
Ventriloquist Puppet

AC 3
MV 15"
HD 5+5
hp 33
#AT 2
Dmg 1-6/1-6 (Fists)
SA +1 on initiative rolls, spell use, drumming
SD spell use, immune to mind-affecting spells, poisons, paralysis, and gas attacks; saves as 16th-level magic-user; 15% magic resistance

This infuriating creature was once a ventriloquist's dummy, but by some hideous arcane means it took possession of its owner's mind and now possesses his intelligence. Qhyjanoth has given it greater powers by magical means, and in exchange it is serving him for a limited duration. The puppet can cast a ventriloquism spell six times per day (with which it causes maximum distraction and confusion) and the following spells once per day each: command, hypnotism, improved invisibility, and suggestion. The puppet may use only one of thes spells per round. It is armed with two rods of wood and metal with which it can beat out a tattoo on any solid surface. After three continuous rounds of listening to this drumming, PCs must save vs. spells or be confused as per the duration of the drumming and for 2-5 rounds after it stops. The puppet can melee and use spells in the same round, but while drumming it cannot undertake any other offensive action or cast spells. It attacks anyone but Qhyjanoth--but, unlike the zombies, it will flee after Qhyjanoth if it is injured.

Originally appeared in Dungeon #14 (1988).


Monster Junkie
Drumming (Su): As a full-round action, a ventriloquist puppet can beat a rhythm on any solid surface. After three consecutive rounds of drumming, any creature that can hear the drumming must succeed on a DC X Will save or be confused (as the spell) for as long as the puppet continues to drum and for 1d4+1 rounds thereafter. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Spell-Like Abilities: 6/day--ventriloquism (DC X); 1/day--command (DC X), greater invisibility, hypnotism (DC X), suggestion (DC X). Caster level Xth. The save DCs are Charisma-based.


Monster Junkie
Ability scores of other puppets:

Conjurer Puppet: Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 14
Stun Puppet: Str 13, Dex 11, Con -, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 14

Int should definitely be higher since it possesses its former owner's intelligence.

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