Converting Oriental Adventures creatures


Spring Attack and a +2 enhancement bonus (splitting the difference?). Would that do it?

I'm also inclined to give it a higher speed since an animated object with wheels has a higher speed than one with legs and they're described as rolling around.

How about:

Pinwheel: Pinwheel Origami have Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares). They attack by slashing with the blades of their 'wheel', which have the attack properties of a +2 kukri +X melee (1d4+4/18-20). Pinwheels normally slash at an opponent's legs as they roll past them. They have Run and Spring Attack as bonus feats.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Looks good to me. I'd say the pinwheel is done.

The rest are either a bit odd or have implied information. I guess the bee warrior is easiest since you know how a bushi works. It vaguely sounds something like a monk.


Looks good to me. I'd say the pinwheel is done.

Updating the Paper Warrior Working Draft.

The rest are either a bit odd or have implied information. I guess the bee warrior is easiest since you know how a bushi works. It vaguely sounds something like a monk.

A Bushi is basically a Fighter. The name literally means fighter or warrior in Japanese - it has the same root as the words Bushido ("Code of the Warrior") and Budō, or ("Martial Arts").

In the 1E AD&D Oriental Adventures a Bushi is an actual class that's basically a fighter with a few abilities tacked on - a level-based AC bonus, the ability to scrounge equipment and pick pockets, and a 1/day ki ability that effectively gives them two extra levels of fighter for 10 rounds once per day.

None of those seem very appropriate for the "Bee Warrior", so I think we can just stat him as a Warrior with regular weapons and armour. The original has AC 8 (which it gets from its Dex alone) and does 1d6 damage (shortspear?) but that seems a bit feeble.

Maybe give it the equivalent of, say, a +1 shortsword and +1 composite shortbow [+2 Str] for a bit more "sting"? It doesn't have any special attack abilties so like the Viper or Pinwheel, so giving it 1d6+3 damage and a ranged attack would balance that out.


Extradimensional Explorer
That works for me. Basically just this?

Bee Warrior: Bee warrior origami attack with a +1 shortsword and +1 composite shortbow [+2 Str], giving it an attack line of ...


That works for me. Basically just this?

Bee Warrior: Bee warrior origami attack with a +1 shortsword and +1 composite shortbow [+2 Str], giving it an attack line of ...


Let's see.

Bee Warrior: Bee Warrior Origami appear to be armored warriors with striped armor, segmented limbs, and masked helmets with antennae. They attack with the equivalent of a +1 shortsword +X melee (1d6+3/19-20) and a +1 composite shortbow [+2 Str] +Y ranged (1d6+3/×3). Their weapons and armor are part of their origami body and cannot be disarmed or broken. Their quivers are always full of arrows, which hit their target with full effect and then turn into useless strips of paper.


Extradimensional Explorer
Very good!

Let's do the octopus next, I guess. This is a little weird given the save vs spells, but I'd say give it an attack (maybe 1d4 damage) with Imp Grab and Constrict (2d8?), and it's destroyed if it fails a grapple check. Sound ok to you?


Very good!

Let's do the octopus next, I guess. This is a little weird given the save vs spells, but I'd say give it an attack (maybe 1d4 damage) with Imp Grab and Constrict (2d8?), and it's destroyed if it fails a grapple check. Sound ok to you?

Yup, I was thinking we'd use the standard improved grapple & constrict rules for the Octopus.

I suppose it could be a save vs. spells if the Octopus was somehow bewitching its victims into letting it strangle them, but that seems a bit odd.

I think I'd go for 1d4 damage for the grab, then 1d10 per round for the constrict.

Do we give it a +4 racial bonus to grapple checks like the 3E Octopus?*

*I know the SRD Octopus doesn't have that racial bonus to grapple listed, but it's +2 grapple modifier is 4 points higher than its Str, BAB and size adjustment says it should be and the SRD Squid has a +4 racial bonus to grapple.


First Post
Is this a giant Octopus or something medium to large size as size would dictate damage. Octopus are not Bifocal so only a specific number of attacks via limbs might attempt to attack, multiples of rolls to hit and damage, also they are slower and if their target is under water, drowning rolls is also a consideration once grasped and (Pinned)?

Just some food for thought.


Is this a giant Octopus or something medium to large size as size would dictate damage. Octopus are not Bifocal so only a specific number of attacks via limbs might attempt to attack, multiples of rolls to hit and damage, also they are slower and if their target is under water, drowning rolls is also a consideration once grasped and (Pinned)?

Just some food for thought.

The original article did not give a size for any of the origami constructs, so for convenience we're assuming they're all man-sized unless we have a particular reason not to.

Also, it's not a living octopus but an animated piece of paper that happens to be folded into the shape of an octopus. Its constrict attack is the only octopus-like trait it was given. The thing doesn't even have a swim speed. Being made out of paper, it presumably wouldn't have moved very well in water.

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