Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, let's take care of the special abilities first.

I can agree with those attacks and SA edits.

Are we to the point of tackling sin-eating, or can we get away with editing in the goat magic stuff first?

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Yes, let's take care of the special abilities first.

I can agree with those attacks and SA edits.

Updating the Ovinaur Working Draft.

Are we to the point of tackling sin-eating, or can we get away with editing in the goat magic stuff first?

Working out the Goat Magic first would be easier so let's do that.

The original monster had Goat Magic at "half their experience level", so the easiest approach is changing Discerp as follows:

Discerp (Su): Once per month, a caprine can drain energy from an undead creature or a creature with the Extraplanar subtype. The victim must be physically or magically restrained in some way. Each minute that the caprine concentrates on discerping, the victim gains a negative level (positive level in the case of undead) and the caprine gains 10 empowerment points. A caprine can discerp a maximum number of levels equal to half its HD (round down). If the victim has as many negative levels as HD, it falls unconscious rather than dying. Negative levels are recovered at the rate of 1/day and never become permanent. A caprine may never have more empowerment points than 5 times its Hit Dice.

For Empowerment, we just need to change all mentions of "goatling" to "caprine".

Finally, with the Goat Magic entry we need to make it "Caster level equals half the creature’s HD" and double the HD at which they gain the power, i.e.:

Goatling Spell-Like Abilities
1-5detect magic, protection from evil
6-9binding circle
10-13dispel magic, occultation
14-17dimension door, sunfire whip
18-21contact outer plane (1/week), magic jar (1/month)
22-29antimagic field, binding cage (1/month)
30+summon coven (1/month)
Hmm... I'm not sure I like the above that much.

SRD monsters with SLA tables tend to have them "cap out" at 20 HD.

Maybe make it:

Goatling Spell-Like Abilities
1-3detect magic, protection from evil
4-6binding circle
7-9dispel magic, occultation
10-12dimension door, sunfire whip
13-15contact outer plane (1/week), magic jar (1/month)
16-19antimagic field, binding cage (1/month)
20+summon coven (1/month)


Extradimensional Explorer
Don't you mean change it to ovinaur rather than caprine?

I'm not entirely sure I like boosting their goat magic abilities quite that much. And true dragons provide an example of SLAs being added at HD levels larger than 20. If you really don't want to go above 20HD in the table, I think I'd probably rather keep the first table, change the contact outer plane line to HD 18-19, the antimagic field line to HD 20+, and drop summon coven.


Don't you mean change it to ovinaur rather than caprine?

Dang it, how did that happen.

So are you OK with it assuming the caprines are changed to ovinaurs?

I'm not entirely sure I like boosting their goat magic abilities quite that much. And true dragons provide an example of SLAs being added at HD levels larger than 20. If you really don't want to go above 20HD in the table, I think I'd probably rather keep the first table, change the contact outer plane line to HD 18-19, the antimagic field line to HD 20+, and drop summon coven.

Oh, I'd be OK using the first table since it's closer to the original.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, I'm happy with it if the caprines become ovinaurs.

Let's stick to the first table, in that case.

Shall we also keep Empowerment the same with the change of goatling to ovinaur?


I've just remembered something that occurred to me a few weeks ago. Since all three races of Kavaja Goatkin have identical Empowerment we might as well "generic-ize" the ability like we modified the summon coven spell description to it referred to "goatkin" rather than "goatlings".

e.g. instead of:

Empowerment (Su): A goatling can enhance its abilities by expending the empowerment points it obtained with its Discerp ability (see above). Using empowerment is a swift action unless it is stated otherwise below. Goatlings can only use empowerment once per round, but they can enhance themselves with multiple empowerments they made on separate rounds. A goatling can use empowerment for the following benefits:

We'd have:

Empowerment (Su): Any goatkin able to obtain empowerment points with a Discerp ability (see above) can expend those points to enhance its abilities. Using empowerment is a swift action unless it is stated otherwise below. Goatkin can only use empowerment once per round, but they can enhance themselves with multiple empowerments they made on separate rounds. A goatkin can use empowerment for the following benefits:

...and replace all uses of "goatling"/"ovinaur"/"caprine" in the empowerment benefits with "goatkin".

That way, we can use the same Empowerment for all three Goatkin.


Extradimensional Explorer
Good point! I approve.

EDIT: That wraps up the goat magic, right? I think we'd better deal with sin eating next. Also, there's a "goatling" in the goat magic table.
Last edited:


Good point! I approve.

Updating the Goatling Working Draft.

Updating the Ovinaur Working Draft.

EDIT: That wraps up the goat magic, right? I think we'd better deal with sin eating next. Also, there's a "goatling" in the goat magic table.

The stray goatling was fixed in the last update.

I believe Sin Magic is the only special ability we have left, so we ought to deal with it.

If I remember correctly we left if 'til last because we thought it'd be horrible complicated! :eek:


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, it will be, but we should get on with it! I'll take a look and post about it as soon as I get a chance...

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