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Planescape Converting Planescape monsters

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Creature Cataloguer
ok, here we go!


CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Seven Heavens (Lunia)
DIET: Omnivore
INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good

MOVEMENT: Sw 15 (see below)
SIZE: M (6-7' tall)
MORALE: Steady (11-12)
XP VALUE: 20,000

Zoveri are inhabitants of Lunia, the first layer of the Seven Heavens. They are beneficiaries of all who go there and are completely friendly.

Zoveri are curious in their appearance, being much like an aquatic centaur. From the waist down they have the lower body and tentacles of an octopus, From the waist up zoveri have the torso of a man or woman. They tend to took very fair and delicate, much like an elf - zoveri are extremely beautiful to look upon.

Zoveri can speak the languages spoken by all good creatures.

Combat: These aquatic guardians are bastions of goodness, respecting all life as sacred. As such, they loathe combat in any form. If pressed to fight, they have long metal spears used to thrust for 1-6 points of damage. If they are above the surface of the water, these spears can be thrown with the range of a javelin. Because zoveri are ill-used to combat, all of their attack rolls are made at -1, unless expecting trouble, they rarely have their spears with them.

Zoveri are capable of making a darting escape in the water. This is used if fleeing from a situation is possible. When darting, a zoveri must drop anything he is carrying. The dart gives him a movement rate of 36 for two melee rounds and the zoveri is 70% likely to find a hiding spot during the dart.

Additionally, zoveri have the following spell-like powers, at 10th level of spell-use unless otherwise noted, usable once per round, one at a time, at will:

• bless
• create food & water
• cure disease, 1 time per day
• cure serious wounds. 1 time per day per recipient
• detect evil
• dispel evil, I time per day
• forget
• fumble
• know alignment
• neutralize poison, I time per day per recipient
• resist cold
• water breathing, 20th-level spell use, 3 times per day
• water walk, 3 times per day

Zoveri may, twice per day, change into elf form. In this shape they can leave the water and walk on land. The playful zoveri lave to walk on land, sometimes for long periods of time. However, the sea is their true love and to it they always return.

If four zoveri gather, they may use a conjure elemental ability, summoning a 16 HD water elemental to aid them. To perform the summoning, the zoveri must form a circle and join hands. Using a complex swimming pattern-and ancient songs of beckoning, they can summon the elemental. The chance of the elemental arriving is 10% per round of swimming, cumulative. A water elemental will always come to the zoveri's aid to honor a pact they made millennia ago.

Habitat/Society: The most widely known quality of the zoveri is their kindness. They will readily and willingly render aid to any life form that requires it. If the being in need is evil, they will render whatever aid is needed and then dispel it back to its home.

Travelers who come to the Seven Heavens first arrive on Lunia, the first layer. Lunia is essentially a giant ocean and newcomers are often unprepared for this. The zoveri ensure that no one who enters the Heavens drowns in the seas of Lunia. Any person entering Lunia and struggling in the waters will be rescued in 1-3 melee rounds by a zoveri.

Ecology: These beautiful, elf-like beings are motivated by their internal ethics. They are an important and integral part of Lunia's ecology for they are literally the guardians of life there, It is unclear why the Seven Heavens-the demesne of the lawful good powers-has so hazardous a doorway, but without the zoveri, Lunia would claim many lives of the unprepared.


DIET: Omnivore
INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good

MOVEMENT: Sw 15 (see below)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 (spear)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Dart; ink cloud
SIZE: M (6 feet tall)
MORALE: Steady (11-12)
XP VALUE: 20,000

The zoveri are a race of aquatic beings who've taken up residence in Lunia, the first layer of Mount Celestia. They are unreservedly friendly to any creature that arrives in the great ocean at the base of the Mount, even if that creature is depraved and evil.

The zoveri are best described as centaurs of the sea, their lower part being the tentacles of an octopus. Their upper body is that of an incredibly beautiful man or woman - slim like an elf, but also finely muscled like a human. They're unrelated to centaurs, bariaurs, mermen, tritons, or the like.

Zoveri can speak any language good creatures speak, and their voices carry underwater across distances of up to 500 yards (twice that above water).

COMBAT: Zoveri love all life and hate combat for fear of damaging another life. Even though they are creatures of law and good, they bear no malice toward evil creatures, and they will aid an evil being found in their ocean.

If severely pressed, however, the zoveri will fight back, using long metal spears. Underwater, these weapons are used to thrust for 1d6 points of damage not enough to seriously harm most creatures, but enough to let them know the zoveri are not going to take abuse. Above the surface, the spears are used as javelins.

Since zoveri so rarely fight, they make all their attack rolls at -1 (hence their THACO of 14). Further, they rarely carry their spears unless they're expecting trouble. But because zoveri are so common, there's often a group of them nearby who can come to the aid of a companion who's in trouble.

Zoveri can make a darting escape from an enemy if need be. If there's a way to escape from a combat situation, the zoveri'll take this route. They drop everything they are carrying and jet off at a speed of 36 for two melee rounds. If' their enemy pursues, there's a 70% chance the zoveri can find a hiding place while darting.

All zoveri have several spell-like powers, usable at will though only one at a time; the abilities are usable once per round except as noted. Zoveri can use these powers as if they were 10th-level spellcasters. The abilities are as follows:

* Bless
* Create food and water
* Cure disease (once per day)
* Cure serious wounds (once per day per person)
* Detect evil
* Dispel evil (once per day)
* Forget
* Fumble
* Know alignment
* Neutralize poison (once per day per person)
* Resist cold
* Water breathing (at 20th-level spell use, three times per day)
* Water walk (three times per day)

In addition, zoveri can change into elf form twice per day. Since they love to walk on land, they go ashore and mingle with the petitioners and planars there. However, they always return to the sea.

Four zoveri together can do something extraordinary: They can conjure water elemental, summoning a 16-HD water elemental to them. To do this, they must swim an intricate dance until the elemental arrives. There's a 10% chance, cumulative for each round of swimming, that the water elemental will arrive. However, water elementals will almost always come to a zoveri's aid because of a pact made aeons past.

Once per day, zoveri can spray a cloud of ink at their opponents. This cloud is equal to a darkness, 15-foot radius spell. They use this as a diversionary tactic so that they may escape under cover of the black ink.

HABITAT/SOCIETY: The zoveri are renowned for their kindness. Living so happily beneath the waves of Lunia's ocean, they cannot bear to think of death occurring in their oceans. Their code of ethics dictates that they offer aid to anyone who needs it.

Since Lunia's the only doorway into Mount Celestia, there are literally thousands who pass through a portal and drop unaware into the ocean. If a being's struggling in the waters, the zoveri will arrive in 1-3 rounds to drag that creature back to the surface. If the being is good, the zoveri take it to the shore. If it's evil, the zoveri give it whatever aid it requires, then shove it back through the doorway.

If a creature's not allowing the zoveri near it, the zoveri wait until it succumbs to the waters and then drag the unconscious form to the shore and administer aid. Even if the creature attacks them, the zoveri will aid it. Some bashers claim the zoveri are "abusing" and not "aiding" these hapless trespassers, but if these berks ever make it to Lunia, they'll be grateful or the zoveri's help.

ECOLOGY: The ocean of Lunia is a dangerous place for the unprepared. Without the courageous zoveri there to save the unfortunates who don't come ready, there would doubtless be many lives lost in Lunia's ocean.

Zoveri live in schools, much like fish, although records from several centuries ago indicate they used to lead more solitary existences. Some sages speculate this recent development was adopted by the zoveri in order to defend themselves against encroaching predators. The scholars point out that the zoveri's primary attributes - elf and octopus - are both far less gregarious species than what their sum might suggest. Zoveri constantly move, even when technically at rest. They consume mostly fish, mollusks, and certain seaweeds.

In the fall zoveri migrate to warmer waters, where the females release thousands of eggs into the crystal ocean. Males exude sperm to fertilize the tiny eggs. The adult zoveri then return to more familiar territories. The eggs are left unguarded to the ravages of the sea: some sages speculate that only one in 10,000 zoveri reaches adulthood. Survivors return to the waters of their parents, ready to be incorporated into the school.

A 3E Conversion of the zoveri: http://www.planewalker.com/ps3e/monsterDetail.asp?id=7

some preliminary stats for an zoveri:

Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good, Lawful) (plus Aquatic or Water?)
Hit Dice: 7d8+X (X hp)
Initiative: +X
Speed: Swim 40 ft (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+X Dex, +X natural), touch X, flat-footed X
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+X
Full Attack: Spear +X melee (X+X)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: spell-like abilities (or are those mostly defensive?)
Special Qualities: alternate form (elf) dart, ink cloud, summon water elemental
Saves: Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
Abilities: Str 9?, Dex X, Con X, Int 14, Wis X, Cha X
Skills: 70 hide (underwater bonus), swim (duh)
Feats: 4

Environment: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
Organization: Solitary or school (2-4)
Challenge Rating: X
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always lawful good
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium); 14-21 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: +X

A zoveri is 6-7 feet tall, and weighs X pounds.

A zoveri speaks Aquan and Celestial (also Common, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan?)


Originally found in Monstrous Compendium MC8 - Outer Planes Appendix (1991, J. Paul LaFountain) and the Planes of Law boxed set (1995).

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First Post
I think that the (Aquatic) subtype is good. (Water), on the other hand... well, they live in water, but it's not an integral part of their beings (as it is with marids, for instance). Plus, "water" on the Outer Planes is not elemental in nature but rather "spiritual", a physical manifestation of what mortals expect to see in a world devoted to one alignment.

On the languages, Halfling and Dwarf both make sense, since Yondalla and Moradin both live on Mount Celestia. Gnome might be appropriate too, since Garl lives next door in Bytopia, but it's debatable. Sylvan is iffy IMO. Elf is probably out. Maybe Draconic, given that Bahamut's palace often visits Lunia?


Creature Cataloguer
Zoveri can speak any language good creatures speak, and their voices carry underwater across distances of up to 500 yards (twice that above water).

i was going by that, listing all the "languages spoken by good creatures" i could think of; otherwise, we can cut that list down somewhat, as that is fine by me. :)


First Post
I suggest you reduce the list of languages, as the creatures only live on one of the celestial planes, and not on them all.


Monster Junkie
True. You could probably find good creatures that speak all the standard languages in the game. I'd also support paring it down.


Creature Cataloguer
OK, how aboot: A zoveri speaks Aquan, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarf, and Halfling.

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