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Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.


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We finally took pics of our setup. In case you didnt notice, they have been photoshopped. More pics to come as our first batch had alot of crappy ones.


I have developed our own mapping software with Flash. You can load up maps, use an interactive resizable grid, use a color-coded initiative thingy, draw right on the surface (lines, colors, circles, squares and all that), use fog of war, animated water, etc. it's not the most user friendly so email me if you have questions about the software.

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See if this is a good solution to your Fog of War needs

I just posted this on the d20SRD forum, but thought I'd repost it here, since there seems to be so many people interested in using projectors in their RPG gamerooms:


Hi there,

I came across the pics of your spectacular gaming setup on http://www.d20srd.org/extras/mapProjection.htm

I've got some virtual tabletop software in the works that I think you should take a look at (and by "you" I mean anyone that might be reading this that is using a projector in their face-to-face RPG sessions). I think it might be just what you're looking for (certainly easier than using Photoshop layers for reveals!).


Make sure you go to the "Features" page and read the entry for Fog of War.

There's also some good discussion about it on the site's forums (sorry, registration required, but it's pretty painless).

I'd love it if you could post your gaming needs, insights, wish list, etc.. I could use some expert opinions.

By the way, the software should be out in less than a month.


Old One

First Post

Thanks for sharin' the love...good stuff there. That looks like an excellent set-up with good dual-use utility.


Thanks for posting the Battlegrounds link...looks pretty interesting, although the devil is always in the details. I have Fantasygrounds and am fairly happy with it...but am always looking for a new and improved widget.

~ OO


Sorry guys. We re-did our website and it looks like my pics got moved behind a password protected area. I'll fix them.

Edit: Links now fixed.
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First Post
Hrm, that Battlegrounds software looks interesting.

Hopefully it'll still be around when I'm in a physical and financial situation to put together my game room.



First Post

Steel_Wind, just a lurker dropping in to say thanks for answering all the questions. Same to everyone else participating and adding their pictures. I'm mulling over the possibilities for our gaming group and have found this thread to be an incredible resource. :)


Glad to hear it. If and when you do think of plunging in, let us know about your intended purchase.

In terms of new units, Mitsubishi has advised me that they expect to be shipping the Pocket Projector - at last - sometime this month.

No official word yet on the cost, but the rumours as to MSRP on it have now crept up to $899. In my view - given the reputed dimness of the unit - it seems too much for it. But...we'll see.

If it was bright enough to use in normal gaming, it would be ideal. As stated several times here on this thread - it's all about the brightness of the image. Everything else about the unit suits the gamer's needs to a "T".

I am trying to get ahold of one to review it. We'll let you all know more when I do know more.


First Post
OK, I'm officially overwhelmed! :(

I did a little figuring with how I could mount a projector and not turn my dining room into a permanent gaming zone (and figured it out - huzzah!), but I only have a throw of 5' 6" to work with. My gaming table is 34" x 60" (but I have been looking at a new table that is larger) and we typically use the whole thing (I use large rolled graph paper for maps) - it seems that with my limited throw distance, I'd be stuck getting to use, at best about 60% of that. Does anyone have experience with a projector that can project on that gaming space (or larger, preferably) for say under $1,000 US?

(Not being lazy - just feeling waaaaaaay out of my element using http://www.projectorcentral.com/ and trying to figure it out - from what I can tell, what I'm looking for probably isn't realistic unless I significantly increase either the price or the throw). :)

Thanks again!
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