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Copperheads: Betrayal and Strange Runes and Burning Dead, oh my (short update 02/12)


First Post
Hi Arwink- over the course of this last week I've devoured your story hour & become completely addicted. Fantastic work!

What I most envy about your group is that each character has a fun, distinct personality- although I'm sure at least some of the credit for that lies in your writing :)

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Clockwork Golem
Welcome aboard :)

Look_a_Unicorn said:
What I most envy about your group is that each character has a fun, distinct personality- although I'm sure at least some of the credit for that lies in your writing :)

Actually, I'd say that I drop much more of the characters personality than I include - the curse of bad note-taking and long-distant gaming sessions. Yip, in particular, becomes slightly more vocal during sessions where I've taped what's being said. He also displays a much better grasp of irony and sarcasm :)


First Post
arwink said:
Welcome aboard :)


Completely offtopic, but I just noticed your from BrisVegas. I visited a friend there last year & it was such a beautiful part of Australia! Another reason to envy you. Loved the hundreds of birds flocking through the skies & everyone I met seemed to be just that little bit more friendly.
Or at least I would envy you for that if I hadn't recently learned about QLD's ultra-conservative pot laws! You know (extreme circumstance, obviously) if someone smokes a joint while leaning against your fence-even without your knowledge, as they are smoking the demon-weed on your property an evil cop/judge combination could put you away for 2 years on first offense?
Sorry for the rant, but was reading about it last night & still can't believe it!

the Jester

I've just posted the first episode involving the Yips (though their nature as church-raised monks is not yet revealed) in 'Of Sound Mind the Halfling Way' (link in sig). [/pimp]


The Black Tongue Kobolds have fared little better in our session Friday night. 3 were killed in 1 strike each, (low init), 1 managed to get away to warn the others, for a more organized resistance. Hopefully they and their 3rd lvl Rogue leader will be able to set up some nice traps for the party. One of your other Kobold types actually did pretty well, with their high AC.

Sorry didn't know where else to post this.


Clockwork Golem
They wait.

And wait.

And wait.

There is no sound of chirping crickets in the background, but they get the feeling there should be. The entire cave is silent. Whatever Dagrus is, he isn't punctual about providing aid.

"Maybe Dagrus already dead?" Yip wonders aloud.
"We aren't that lucky," Geoffrey says. He looks at the stairs warily, lowering his mace. "It's more likely that he just doesn't care about his comrades fate."

(Halgo glances at the cold corpse of the sulrathi wizard.
"Good call," he mutters.)

"We keep waiting?" Blarth asks.
"No," Geoffrey says. "Whatever's up there is probably waiting for our magic to run out, or its building up some spells of its own. Lets not give it any more of an advantage."
"Yip go scout?"
"No, too dangerous. It already knows we're here, and we don't want you being ambushed while we're to far back to help. Take the lead and watch for spells, the rest of us will follow."

The cleric swings his arm a few times, working feeling back into tired muscles.

"Lets go meet this Dagrus," he orders, bringing the mace back into postition.

One by one, they file up the narrow stairs. The stairs are warped and melted, as though they were crafted from wax and have gone soft for a time. Everyone is forced to pick their parth carefully to ensure they trip over the rough footing, or go to step where there is nothing but empty air. Only Yip, short and agile, is comfortable taking the narrow climb with speed, and even then he moves cautiously, carefully watching for signs of trap or ambush.

There are none. They make the climb without incident. The stairs empty into a wide chamber, nearly fourty feet accross, with a crude camp set up in its centre.

On the far side, carefully expecting some warped runes carved into the stone, is a six foot obsidian creature. Manlike and covered in scales, the jet black hair that rolls down it's back doing little to obscure the scabbarded Falchoin that juts over one shoulder. When he turns to regard them, his eyes are cold and crimson, his tongue split.

"Greetings," the voice rumbles. "I am Dagrus. Perhaps we can reach an agreement..."

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