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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Guardians are the militia troops of the Eldar Craftworlds, made up of citizens. In times of peace the Guardians go about their normal lives, but when its time of war, they take up their arms and fight. Typically found in squads of 10 to 20, although smaller or larger groups can be found

Guardian (Fast Ord 1/Dedicated Ord 1)
Type: Humanoid, Eldar
Size: Medium
CR: 1
Hit Points: 1d8 plus 1d6, hp 11
Mas: 10
Init: +3
Speed: 35 ft
Defense: 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex +4 class)
BAB/Grp: +0 / +0
FS/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: +0 melee, or +3 ranged
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Eldar traits
Allegiances: Craftworld
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +4, Will +3
Reputation: +1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Autohypnosis +5, Concentration +2, Knowledge (current events) +3, Knowledge (history) +3, Listen +4, Profession +6, Psicraft +5, Read/Write English, Read/Write Eldar, Speak English, Speak Eldar, Spot +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Psionic Skills
Possessions: Shuriken catapult, 4 magazines, 1 plasma grenade
Organization: single, pairs, 4, 10, 20. If groups of 10 to 20, or more for large scale battles but operating in squads of up to 20. Every 10 Guardians, 2 will operate a heavy weapon on a Grav Platform, mounting a Bright Lance, Eldar missile launcher, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon or Star Cannon.

Shuriken Catapult
The Shuriken Catapult is the standard of the Eldar, firing razor-sharp monomolecular discs capable of slicing through flesh and penetrating a considerable thickness of plasteel armour. The discs shape can vary by the Craftworld that build them, but all accept the same ammunition block as the weapon

Shuriken Catapult (PL 6-7)
Damage: 2d6+1
Critical: 19-20x2
Damage Type: Slashing
Range Increment: 100 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 9 lbs
Ammo: 200 box
Purchase DC: 19 Mil (+3), Elda
Notes: Ignores 1 point of hardness/DR or Defense from Equipment.
Ammunition PDC 6 for 1 magazine

Mesh Armour
Mesh armour is Eldar armour made of tens of thousands of individual pieces of thermoplas interwoven to produce a dense material resembling reptile scales or chainmail. It comes momentary rigid when hit, spreading force across a larger area, thereby reducing damage. The thermoplas also disperses heat rapidly, giving reasonable protection against energy weapons. The material is psychically sensitive, automatically reacting to the wearer's movements and thoughts to maintain a glove-tight fit as they move and fight. Includes life support system and heat-sensing lenses.

Eldar Mesh Armour (PL7)
Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +3
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: 0
Max Dex: +5*
Armour Penalty: 0*
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 6 lbs
Purchase DC: 19
Restriction: Mil (+3), Eldar
Notes: Has 10 hour life support, thermovision (see Infrared and heat signatures). If the wearer doesn't have any psychic ability (at least 1 Power Point), the Armour Penalty is -2. Has Fire Resistance 3 (functions against lasers, plasma and similar energy weapons).

Grav Platform
These devices are anti-gravitational platforms that mount heavy weapons, operated by two crew members. Has an angular curved base which has a central part that raises up upon which a weapon, such as a Bright Lance, Eldar Missile Launcher, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon or Starcannon can be mounted with targeting systems and gun shield to help protect the operator. Takes up a 5 foot square area, although the barrel of the weapon can stick out past this, has 20 hit points, 15 hardness, moves up to 40 ft per round, typically moving beside troops, when moving has Defense 12, but when the mounted weapon is going to be fired, must be landed (free action to land, move equivalent action to lift off), has Def 11 for the platform itself. The shield provides the wielder a +2 Cover bonus to Defense. Targeting system grants a +1 to attack rolls.
PDC: 19 Eldar, Mil (+3)

Bright Lance
The Bright Lance is the Eldar equivalent of the Imperium's lascannon, although more efficient as it uses psychically grown crystals, and more accurate.

Bright Lance (PL 6-7 Exotic/Heavy Firearms Proficiency, Eldar)
Damage: 4d10
Critical: 19-20x2
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 150 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Huge
Weight: 20 lbs
Ammo: 25 box
Purchase DC: 26 Mil (+3)
Notes: Ignore 5 points of hardness/DR (or ignore 5 points of Defense using RAW), +1 attack rolls. If connected to the power systems of a Grav Platform or Eldar Power Armour, has 25 shot capacitor, recharges 1 shot ever 5 rounds of inactivity. When connected to a dedicated power source, such as on a vehicle or power generator, the rate of fire changes to Semi, Automatic.

Scatter Laser
The Scatter Laser is a heavy laser weapon used by the Eldar. Originally created for War Walkers and Wraithlords, also used as a support weapon for Guardian Squads mounted on Grav Platform. Consists of six separate laser chambers which can be fired simultaneously or in bursts, uses crystalline power cells to store energy. In many respects similar to the multi-laser of the Imperium, but far more refined and energy efficient.

Scatter Laser (PL7 Exotic Weapons Proficiency, Eldar)
Damage: 4d8
Critical: 19-20x2
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 120 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 40 lbs
Ammo: 100 box*
Purchase DC: 26 Mil (+3) Eldar
Note: Requires dedicated power source, 100 round capacitor, recharges 1 round every 5 rounds of inactivity.

Shuriken Cannon
The shuriken cannon is a much larger version of the shuriken catapult, with much greater range and damage potential.

Shuriken Cannon (PL7 Personal Firearms Proficiency, Eldar Equipment)
Damage: 6d6+3
Critical: 19-20
Damage Type: slashing
Range Increment: 200 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 30 lb
Ammo: 200 box or linked
Purchase DC: 27 Mil (+3)
Notes: Masterworked, +1 attack roll, Digital Ammo Counter, armour piercing (+1 attack against targets with armour, or natural armour +1 or greater. Against targets without armour suffers -1 damage), ignoring 4 points of hardness/DR.
Ammunition: PDC 13.

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Couple of Terminators

The T-600 "Walker" is a primitive, hulking infiltrator, standing 7' 3" with a rubber skin, used as a main foot soldier during the earlier years of the Future War.
The T-600 has three modes of operation: direct, automatic and autonomous. In direct mode, the T-600 is directed by the Skynet computers like soldiers in a war game, reacting automatically to a wide variety of preprogramed conditions, or individual units can be relinquished to their own control and act independently on extended search and destroy missions.
Typically armed with M134 miniguns, but some are also equipped with a grenade launcher for additional combat options. They are also fitted with electromagetic cores built into their joints to help reassemble themselves if arms or legs are removed from the main body, and not severely damaged.

T-600 Endo
Medium Construct (PL 6)
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (50 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft
Defense: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 armour)
Attacks: +7 ranged M135 (4d10+2, 20, ballistic, 175, A, 400 rds), or +9 melee slam (2d4+6)
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft
Special Qualities: integral laser sight, telescopic vision, thermal/infrared sensors, construct, darkvision 60 ft, DR 8, Fire Resistance 10, Cold Resistance 10
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 12, Con ---, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +8, Disguise +4*, Knowledge Tactics +5, Listen +8, Spot +8, Search +8
Feats: Personal firearms, advanced firearms, exotic weapon (M135), burst fire
Challenge Rating: 3
PDC: 23

T-600 Endos function as infiltrators and combat units. With the rubber skins, from a distance, they appear as humans, allowing them to get close to Resistance bases, which allowed them to use heavy weapons to begin their assault. At distances of over 200 feet, the T-600 appears as human, as long as the viewers don't have advanced sensors. After it runs out of ammunition for its main weapon, it can pick up any other weapon and make use of them.
When directed by Skynet directly, working with other T-600s, it gains +2 to attack rolls, multiple T-600s will fire their weapons together targeting the same target or area, increasing damage by +2 die and Reflex save by +1 for each additional two T-600s targeting the same target/area, all must be within 10 feet of each other, to a maximum of 11 T-600s. They also can not be surprised or flanked if at least one of the T-600s being controlled by Skynet within 100 ft are not surprised or flanked.
If operating in automatic mode, they will patrol a specific area, engaging any humans found, but will not go beyond their assigned area more than 1 mile to eliminate any human intruders. If the intruder goes beyond the range, the T-600 will report the direction, speed, condition of the intruder to Skynet.
In autonomous mode, the T-600 will patrol an area, and if signs of human activity are found, it will move to investigate, leaving its area of operation, will even go great distances to track potential leads to a Resistance base. They will attempt to get close to any Resistance group, and if conditions are right, after studying, they will attack, and radio the location, or may just radio the location and what they have discovered and continue to observe.

Robotic Strength
Their powerful servos allow them to carry incredible weights. Not considered encumbered when carrying heavy loads and can carry double their normal weight for their strength. The T-600's slam attack ignores 5 points of hardness/DR due to the strength able to punch through steel and concrete.

Fake Skin
The T-600 has rubber-like skin covering, looking human, at least from a distance. Using only visual means, without any advanced sensors (class II or above), the T-600 has a +4 bonus to Disguise checks to appear as human at distances greater than 200 feet. An additional +2 in low light or dark conditions. If the T-600 suffers more than 10 points of damage, the rubber skin is damaged enough that it is not effective.

M135 Minigun
The M135 is a Skynet variant of the M134 minigun, while very similar, it is made of improved materials, has better cooling capabilities, better range, and slightly better damage. It uses slightly different autofire rules. When fired, target a 20-foot by 20-foot area (regular autofire rules target a 10-foot by 10-foot area). All within this area must make a Reflex save DC 21 for half damage. Firing uses up 50 rounds, or 25 rounds with the Burst Fire Feat.
4d10+2, 20x2, ballistic, 175 ft, A, linked ammunition, huge, 85 lbs, 30 Mil (+3).

The T-700 are the predecessor to the T-800 series, but built only for combat, with an appearance similar to the T-800, but heavier armoured although with less advanced materials, the CPUs are not as advanced, and lack the ability for independent thought. Typically armed with M-40 pulse plasma rifles, working in pairs to squads of 6 to 12, although larger groups can be found for heavy combat situations.

T-700 Endo
Medium Construct (PL 6)
Hit Dice: 6d10+10 (50 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft
Defense: 16 (+1 Dex, +5 armour)
Attacks: +8 ranged M-40 pulse rifle (3d10, fire, 80 ft, s,a), or +10 melee slam (2d4+6)
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft
Special Qualities: integral laser sight, telescopic vision, thermal/infrared sensors, construct, darkvision 60 ft, DR 8, Fire Resistance 10, Cold Resistance 10
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 12, Con ---, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +8, Knowledge Tactics +5, Listen +8, Spot +8, Search +8
Feats: Personal firearms, advanced firearms, burst fire
Challenge Rating: 4
PDC: 24

T-700 Endos function are combat units, either directed directly by Skynet, or automatically, programmed to patrol an area or attack Resistance groups and bases.
When directed by Skynet directly, working with other T-700s, it gains +2 to attack rolls, multiple T-700s will fire their weapons together targeting the same target or area, increasing damage by +2 die and Reflex save by +1 for each additional two terminators targeting the same target/area, all must be within 10 feet of each other, to a maximum of 11 terminatorss. They also can not be surprised or flanked if at least one of the terminators being controlled by Skynet within 100 ft are not surprised or flanked.
If operating in automatic mode, they will patrol a specific area, engaging any humans found, but will not go beyond their assigned area more than 1 mile to eliminate any human intruders. If the intruder goes beyond the range, the terminator will report the direction, speed, condition of the intruder to Skynet. When order to attack in automatic mode, they will keep attacking, using simple tactics, such as move and fire in groups, make use of cover as they advance, but will keep attacking until the targets are all destroyed, or the terminator is destroyed.

Robotic Strength
Their powerful servos allow them to carry incredible weights. Not considered encumbered when carrying heavy loads and can carry double their normal weight for their strength. The terminator's slam attack ignores 5 points of hardness/DR due to the strength able to punch through steel and concrete.

M-40 Pulse Rifle
The M-40 is an improved weapon over the M-20, with full automatic fire capability, lighter, integrated targeting and link to the Terminator or Hunter Killer that is holding it so it can link and monitor the weapon's status without having to look at it, and able to fire at a target without having to look directly at it.

Damage: 3d10
Critical: x3
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 100 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 15 lbs
Ammo: 100 Box
Purchase DC: 24 Mil (+3)
Notes: Integrated camera, weapon link, targeting system (+1 to attack rolls with weapon link)


Mimic Industries

Mimic Industries specializes in creating weapons and equipment that imitates the powers of super powered beings. Not much is known of the company other than products show up on the market. The quality is quite high and they are highly sought after, with many fetching millions in auctions and the Black Market.
Logo: Stylized image of a Mimic
INFORMATION: Mimic Industries specializes in creating weapons and equipment that imitates the powers of super powered beings. Not much is known of the company other than products show up on the market. The quality is quite high and they are highly sought after, with many fetching millions in auctions and the Black Market. Agents of Mimic Industries are sometimes found at major market areas, appearing as simple business men or shop operators at a both with the Mimic Industries logo on their Ids, willing to offer good deals for information about new super powers or abilities. These agents if questioned report to communication nodes, making requests for more products, transfer funds, and information about new powers they obtain from clients. From these nodes orders are dispatched and payments sent to employees and banks. So far any attempts to hack these nodes, or locate them from outside sources have failed.

Sample Mimic Industries Products

This armoured glove and brace are modelled after the mutants Wolverine and X-23, with three openings on the back of the hand. From these openings extend 3 blades which are housed in the brace. The blades can be extended or retracted with specific hand motion, pressing a control button on the brace, or linked to a HUD system for handless control.

Snikt (PL5)
Damage: 1d6
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Slashing or Piercing
Size: Small
Weight: 6 lbs
Purchase DC: 21 Mil (+3)
Notes: Bleeding, Paired Ravaged
Bleeding - Targets, with anatomies, suffer continuing, and stacking damage (for each strike) due to blood loss from vicious wounds, suffering 1 point of damage due to bleeding, each round until healed (Treat Injury DC 15, or any healing magic).
Paired Ravaged - If the wielder is wielding two Snikts and hits the same target at least once with each one in the same round, the target suffers an additional 2 points of bleeding damaging.

Density Phase Array
This device, when activated, can alter the wielder's density to make them intangible, or increase their density, which can increase their resistance and increase their hitting power in melee. The device is based on the density shifting ability of the Vision.
This device emits a field that hugs the wielder, that alters the frequency of the wielder's molecules for several effects, depending on the frequency used. It can be set to make the wearer intangible (incorporeal), allowing the wearer to walk through walls and attacks to pass right through them. With the aid of a small anti-gravity device, this prevents the wearer from fall through the ground unless they push down into the ground. The wearer has a 50% chance to ignore any attack from a corporeal source, except magical attacks have a 75% chance to strike the wearer. The wielder can move through solid objects as long as they have enough movement to move completely pass the object, not ending their turn within an object. Can look through an object (such as through a wall) provided the object is not more than 5 inches thick. Items made of pure lead slow the passage of an intangible wearer, requiring twice as much movement to go through (2 inches of lead counts as 4 inches for example). Items that absorb or reflect vibrations (vibranium, acoustium and similar materials) interferes with the density field and prevents the wearer from passing through. Weapons made of these materials will hit an intangible wearer.
Increase density increases the user's density and increases weight of the user and gear by double (the user's carrying capacity isn't affected, as their muscles become dense enough to compensate. If the wearer was carrying a medium load, the increased density and weight is still considered a medium load). The wearer gains DR 4, and melee strikes gain +4 damage, but suffers -10 ft to speed.
The density array uses a standard power pack, and can operate for a total time of 5 minutes, which can be divided up as many times for a short of period as the user wants, with a minimum of 2 rounds.
Activating and deactivating the field is a standard action, while selecting to either become intangible or increased density.
Weight: 5 lbs
PDC: 29
Res: Rare (+4)

Electro-Tech Hammer
This hammer is modeled after the one carried by the Asgardian Thor. When this weapon strikes a target, it releases an electrical charge and leaves a residual ionization on the target to increase further electrical damage to the target.

Electro-Tech Hammer (PL6)
Damage: 1d8 +1d6
Critical: 20x3
Damage Type: bludgeoning + electrical
Size: Medium
Weight: 9.5 lbs
Purchase DC: 23 Mil (+3)
Notes: Requires power pack to use electrical damage, 75 charges. Static charge.
Static Charge: The target struck has residual ionization from the weapon's strike, and any electrical based attacks within 30 feet of the affected target will chain a bolt of electricity to the target dealing 1d4 electrical damage. Static Charge lasts for 1d4+1 rounds, unless the target is struck by an EMP, or is degaussed. Each successful attack causes Static Charge to trigger, dealing its damage, plus extend the duration by 1 round.

Gamma Knuckles
This green, heavy gauntlet, is based on the Hulk. On the back of the wrist and hand are a pair of powerful pistons that power the knuckle plate, that activate when the fist strikes a target, they drive the plate and knuckles into the target for a powerful slam. The gauntlets are insulated and shielded from radiation, as the knuckles are lined with radioactive material.

Gamma Knuckles (PL5-6)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20x4
Damage Type: bludgeoning
Size: Small
Weight: 6 lbs
Purchase DC: 30 Mil (+3)
Notes: Against armoured targets ignores 3 points of hardness (or 3 points of Defense from equipment for armour), targets struck are staggered, also exposed by Medium Level of radiation of 1 round of exposure per successful strike. Can't be disarmed.

The character suffered a powerful or unexpected blow, such as from a critical hit or from a surprise attack from a concealed or invisible opponent. The character does not get any bonuses from Dodge or other dodge bonuses to Defense, nor their Dexterity bonus to Defense and Reflex saves suffer -2, lasts for 1 round.

This heavy gauntlet with top mounted pistons is similar to the Gamma Knuckles, but is based on the Red Hulk. The knuckles are lined with a material that when it strikes, leaves little pieces on the target and continue to burn for a short while.

Incensor (PL5-6)
Damage: 2d4 +1d4
Critical: 20x4
Damage Type: bludgeoning + fire
Size: Small
Weight: 6 lbs
Purchase DC: 30 Mil (+3)
Notes: On a successful strike, leaves particles that continue to deal 1 point of fire damage for 3 rounds. A full round action to scrap off the burning material, or suffering at least 2 points of cold damage.

Magnetic Field Generator
This device can be hand held or operated while attached to a belt, and generates a magnetic field around the user that helps deflects attacks from metallic items such as bullets, blades and other such attacks. Powered by a standard power pack, taking a standard action to turn on, for a minimum of 2 rounds, the user gains a +4 Deflection against melee and ranged attacks from metallic sources that are magnetic. The user also gains a force field with 40 hit points against such attacks. When the hit points are depleted, the user still gains the +4 Deflection bonus to attack. The power pack provides enough power for 10 minutes of use which can be divided up as much as the user wants with a minimum of 2 rounds.
Weight: 8 lbs
PDC: 29 Mil (+3)

Web Blaster
This red pistol with a large sphere at the back above the handle, with a tube that holds its ammunition ahead of the handle, is based on the web shooting abilities of Spider-Man and similar spider powered beings. It can fire in two different modes, firing a web to entangle a target, or a bundled ball of web for damage.

Web Blaster (PL5-6)
Damage: *
Critical: 8
Damage Type: 8
Range Increment: 50 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Small
Weight: 4.5 lbs
Ammo: 30 charges
Purchase DC: 23 Lic (+1)

Web: The web shooter can fire a web that can entangle up to a large sized target with a successful ranged touch attack with a range of 100 ft, a range increment of 20 ft. The web has an Escape DC 26, Break DC 28 and 12 Hit Points. If more than one web is used to entangle a target of up to large size, increase Escape and Break DCs by +1 per web up to a maximum of +5, and increase Hit Points by +3 per added web. If hardening agent added, the webbing gains +5 to Escape and Break DCs and Hit Points. The web can be used to strap items to a surface, able to support up to 500 lbs, plus 200 lbs per additional web to hold an object of up to large size. Alternatively, the wielder can use a web to cover an area, with each web covering a 10 foot by 10 foot area, with larger areas requiring additional webs fired, preferably with two shooters. Large web sheets require more time to make, and the first web must have at least two anchor points. Uses two charges per web.
Web Shot: This is a tightly bundled ball of webbing that can be used to strike opponents from a distance, but doesn't stick or entangle them. A ranged attack is required, deals 2d4 points of bludgeoning damage with a range increment of 60 feet out to 5 range increments. Each web shot uses one charge.

Web Cartridge
These cartridges are filled with a liquid that when exposed to air creates a web like material that can be used to create webs just like a spider. Each cartridge is about half an inch diameter and 2 inches long, weighing 8 oz. with 30 charges for a standard web shooter.
PDC: 12 for 5 cartridges.

Canary Mask
This device looks similar to an air filter mask, with a large 'grill' on the front, which contains a powerful sonic emitter. The wearer speaks one of several command words to activate the device's different attack modes. It has 3 attack modes, a wide area stun, a basic damaging attack that affects a small area, and a focused attack that can shatter bones and metal.

Damage: Stun / 3d6 / 5d6
Critical: - / - / 19-20x2
Damage Type: Sonic
Range Increment: 75 ft / 50 foot long, 25 ft wide cone / 50 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi / single / semi
Size: Small
Weight: 5 lbs
Ammo: 30 charges
Purchase DC: 27 Res (+2)
Notes: Switching between modes is a free action by speaking command word. Stun Fort save DC 17, Cone Reflex DC 17.

Sonic Fist
This heavy gauntlet has an oversized mitten design to it, emits a powerful, but incredibly short ranged sonic blast upon striking a target, which can disorient targets. While powered up, it also grants resistance to sonic attacks.

Sonic Fist (PL 6)
Damage: 1d6 +2d6 + dizzy
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: bludgeoning + sonic
Size: Small
Weight: 4 lbs
Purchase DC: 21
Notes: Requires standard power pack that will power 30 charged punches. Once depleted, only deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Sonic Resistance - Reduces damage from sonic attacks by 5, grants a +4 bonus against sonic based effects.

Armour of Colossus
This sculpted breastplate, neck, wrist and ankle bands are made of a steel-like material and based on mutants that can convert their skin to steel like materials for protection. When worn all together and activated, via button or voice command, each part releases nanites that coats the wearer in nanites that converts the upper layer of the wear's skin into an organic steel-like material, greatly increasing their resistance to damage and strength, but reduces their dexterity and speed slightly. While active, the user gains +2 Natural Armour bonus to Defense, +2 to Strength which is considered Extraordinary Strength, a -2 penalty to Dexterity, -5 ft to speed, weight is tripled, gains DR 10, immune to contact poisons ad Bleeding condition. These features operate for 10 rounds at a time, and the armour can be activated 5 times per day before it requires recharging. However while the armour is activated, the wearer can't be healed except by means of magic or ingested means. Ingested form of healing, unless magical in nature, is half as effective.
When not in use, functions as a light set of armour.

Armour of Colossus (PL6-7)
Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +2
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: 0
Max Dex: +5
Armour Penalty: -2
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 15 lbs for breast plate +1 for each band, total 15 lbs
Purchase DC: 28
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: Activated and deactivated by a press of a concealed button on one of the arm bands or voice command.

Flame Sheath
The flame sheath is a full body suit of heat resistant clothe, with the chest and back area lightly plated, and a belt, and a light helmet that completely covers the face. This suit is based on super powers that provide the user with fire based powers, including resistance to heat and projection of flames. The suit is environmentally sealed with 5 hours of air, it provides light protection against most weapons by is highly resistant to heat and heat based weapons, such as lasers, plasma, flames and microwave based weapons. The suit can fire blasts of plasma fire in longer ranged bolts, or a short range flamethrower type attack. It can also cover the wearer in flames, with a magnetic field that helps protect the user, rendering them virtually immune to any heat or fire attacks, and enhances their melee attacks with fire. The flames can also be directed to provided limited flight. The belt contains four pouches which can hold items, of small size up to 10 lbs, typically items such as power packs, grenades, and similar items. When the user uses the engulf in flames ability, any carried items not in the protective pouches or designed to resist high heat and flames are burned away, suffering damage each round if not destroyed immediately.
While engulfed in flames, user is immune to fire based attacks (heat, lasers, plasma, fire, microwave), adds 1d6 fire damage to melee attacks, or if touched with unarmed or small melee weapons deals 1d6 fire damage to attacker. Able to fly at speed of 50 ft, poor maneuverability. Engulfing in flames can be maintained for 10 rounds up to 3 times per day.
Built in weapons have 50 charges each, and recharge at a rate of 1 shot per 10 minutes of not being used, but can be supplemented with up to two power packs in shielded slots on the back, taking a standard action to switch out. Can fire a 2d10 fire damage, 50 ft, s/a plasma bolt, or a 3d10 fire damage 30 foot long 15 foot wide cone Reflex save DC 15 that uses 2 shots.

Flame Sheath (PL6)
Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +2
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: 0
Max Dex: +6
Armour Penalty: -2
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 14 lbs
Purchase DC: 27
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: 5 hour air supply, plasma blaster/flame thrower, engulf in flame ability (with flight 50 ft), military radio, Fire Resistance 5, Fire Immunity when engulfed in flames.

Frost Gauntlet
This heavy gauntlet is blue with highlights of white, with several tubes with cryogenic liquids mounted on the back. The wielder can form ice in several ways, from launching ice spikes for ranged attacks, or a blade of ice for melee combat. A standard power pack provides 50 charges which the user can use for its different functions.
Launch Ice Shard - This uses 1 charge and fires a spike of hard ice that deals 2d4 piercing/cold damage, 20x2, 90 ft, Semi.
Launch Ice Ball - Using 5 charges, launches a ball of ice that explodes upon impact that deals 2d6 piercing/cold damage to a 15 foot radius area, Reflex save DC 14 for half damage, 60 ft, Semi.
Ice Blade - Using 2 charges, the user can create a blade that deals either 1d6 piercing/cold, 19-20x2 or 1d8 slashing/cold 20x2 blade, at the time of creation. The blade will last for 5 rounds in room temperature areas, and -1 round for every 10 degrees above, or +1 rounds for every 10 degrees below room temperature, or until deactivated in freezing and below temperatures. Can renew a created blade with an additional 1 charge for another 5 rounds. But if the blade is melted or deactivated takes 2 rounds to reform.
Ice Shield - Using 5 charges, the user can create a shield made of ice, providing a +2 Shield bonus to Defense, is about 3 feet in diameter, with 20 hit points, hardness 5, lasts for 10 rounds in room temperate areas, -1 round per 10 degrees above, or +1 round per 10 degrees below room temperature, or indefinitely until deactivated in freezing or below temperatures.
Weight: 4 lbs
PDC: 24
Restriction: Mil (+3)


F-302 Fighter-Interceptor
The F-302 is the Stargate Command's development from research based on the Death Glider. It has a similar profile, only the F-302 is larger, more angular than curved like the Death Glider's. It has two primary engines for atmospheric flight, two modified aerospikes for high altitude and allows it to reach orbit, with a rocket booster for space flight. A hyperspace window generator is installed, but it has a limited time of operation, allowing it to make short jumps within a star system to allow it to quickly reach distant points in system, or just outside a star system, but can't reach other planets.
Armed with two nose mounted railguns, four missiles mounted on the underside of the wings, and has three grappler cables that it can use to tow other craft or objects, or to latch to the outside of other craft. The hull is made of a naquadah composite (increased durability over earth materials, not quite as durable, but lighter.

F-302 Fighter-Interceptor (PL5-6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft, 2000 (200) atmospheric speed, can reach orbit without assistance., afterburn 5000 ft, 5000 (500) atmosphere
Defense: 11 (-4 size, +3 Class +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 6 (-4 size, +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 21
Hit Dice: 7d20 (140 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 46.8 ft, 85.f ft wingspan
Weight: 39,000 lb.
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 2 (trained +4), can operate with 1
Passenger Capacity: 0, 1 if no second crew member.
Cargo Capacity: 100 lb
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 49
Restriction: Mil +3

2 Fire-linked rail cannons -1 ranged (9d12, 20, ball, 3000 ft); or
Select fire Cobra Mk2 missiles -1 (5d12, 19-20x2, ball, -)

Attack of Opportunity: None

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Improved thrust, improved maneuverability, extra move end of turn.
Engines: Thrusters, Ion engine, limited hyperspace generator
Armour: Naquadah Composite
Defense Systems: Radiation shielding
Sensors: Class III sensor system, targeting system, inertial dampers
Communications: Radio transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked rail cannons, 4 Cobra Mk2 missiles
Grappling Systems: grappler cables (3)

Select-Fire Missiles
The pilot can fire a single or two missiles at the same target. Firing two missiles increases damage to 8d12 damage.

Grappler Cables
Grappler cables function similar to Grapplers, but instead of robitic arms, they are cables with grip pads with a 100 ft reach.

Limited Hyperspace Generator
This hyperspace generator allows the craft to jump into hyperspace for a short period of time, able to cover up to 0.25 (one-quarter AU) per round, with a maximum duration of 5 rounds of operation at a time. Requires Navigate check DC 15 to plot a safe path, taking a move equivalent action. Carries enough liquid Naquadah for 10 rounds of use.

Naquadah Composite Armour
Plates made of Naquadah, a dense and energy absorbing material, this armour is heavier than steel and similar armours, but resilient against physical attacks, and highly resistant to energy attacks, except acid.
Hardness: 21, 30 against energy attacks except acid.
Tactical Speed Penalty: None
Weight: One-quarter the weight of the starship (rounded up).
PDC: 19 + one-half the base PDC of the starship.
Restriction: Military - Rare (+3 to +4)

Improved Maneuverability
The craft is designed to be incredibly maneuverable, allowing it to avoid enemy fire. Grants +4 to Pilot checks for performing stunt maneuvers.

Inertial Dampers (PL 7)
Inertial dampers are mechanisms aboard starship to compensate for acceleration forces caused by speed and direction changes at high velocities. In gaming terms, any ships with this equipped can make an additional move action at the end of each turn.
Purchase DC: 15
Restriction: None

Cobra Mk2 Missile (PL 5-6)
An upgraded version of the Cobra air-to-air missiles modified to also function in space with slightly improved targeting and warhead. +1 to attack rolls against ultralight craft.
Name: Cobra (air-to-air missile)
Weapon Damage: 5d12
Critical: 19-20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: Mil (+3)



The F-302H is a variant modified with a full hyperspace generator, capable of traveling interstellar distances in hyperspace. To make room for the larger generator and fuel required, the cockpit is modified to make room for a single pilot, with the room behind dedicated to the generator and fuel. All other features remains the same. The F-302H are produced in limited numbers due to the cost of a hyperspace generator on a small craft, assigned to elite units.
Make following changes to F-302 to make F-302H:
Reduce crew capacity to 1;
Replace Limited Hyperspace Generator with Hyperspace Generator;
PDC +2

Hyperspace Generator F-302
This hyperspace generator allows the craft to jump into hyperspace making interstellar travel possible, able to travel at twice the speed of light (lightspeed x2), jumping to hyperspace requires a Navigate check as normal plus a move action for the ship to actually jump to hyperspace. Carries enough liquid Naquadah for 30 light years of travel.

This variant of the F-302 Interceptor turns it into a general fighter/light bomber. The ship is reinforced and additional missile mounts are added, allowing it to carry more missiles, however its speed is lower due to the weight. Produced in limited numbers until Stargate Command begins to produce dedicated bomber craft, but at least three squadrons are kept on Earth.
Make the following changes to F-302 to a F-302B:
Increase hit dice to 8d20 (160 hp);
Reduce speed to 3500 ft, 1500 (150) atmosphere, 4500 ft afterburner 3000 (300) atmosphere;
Increase missile load to 16, can carry a mix of 3 different missile types, but must be even numbers of missiles;
PDC +1

The C variant is designed as a courier unit, boosted engine power, fitted with a hyperspace generator, increased fuel, larger cargo capacity, but has its weapons stripped, unable to carry missiles and has only one railgun for protection, but also has chaff for added defense. These craft are used for moving a single VIP or small valuable cargo or even data, quickly and in theory more securely.
Make the following changes to F-302 to make a F-302C:
Increase speed to 4500 ft, 2500 (250) atmospheric speed, can reach orbit without assistance., afterburn 5500 ft, 5500 (550) atmosphere;
Reduce crew capacity to 1;
Passenger capacity 1;
Increase cargo capacity to 400 lbs;
Add Hyperspace generator;
Remove capability to carry missiles;
Remove 1 rail cannon (damage 6d12):
Add Chaff launcher with 5 bundles;
PDC +1

Hyperspace Generator F-302C
This hyperspace generator allows the craft to jump into hyperspace making interstellar travel possible, able to travel at twice the speed of light (lightspeed x2), jumping to hyperspace requires a Navigate check as normal plus a move action for the ship to actually jump to hyperspace. Carries enough liquid Naquadah for 60 light years of travel.
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Quick stats for Stargate Command MALP with a few options and a combat model.

The Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe, or MALP, is a reconnaissance drone used by Stargate Command to determine the conditions on the other side of an active wormhole before sending a team through. A MALP looks like a sixed wheeled all-terrain personal vehicle, similar to an argo or John Deer, with a multitude of sensors, cameras and audio pick ups and speakers, lights, a robotic arm with four prong grasping claw. It has a high powered military radio and communications system to allow it to relay video, audio and all data its sensors collect through the Stargate wormhole. A standard MALP is fitted with sensors that can analyze the atmosphere, detect potential poisons, toxins, radiation, oxygen levels, and gravity, equivalent to combination of starship and mech Class III sensors. The MALP is generally remote controlled by operators back at Stargate Command but a hand held controller can be used by SG teams. The MALP also has the capability to follow autonomously the person with the controller or a designated target. MALPs are powered by rechargeable batteries that provide up to 12 hours of continuous operation. The hand held controller has a range of 15 miles, depending on atmospheric conditions (heavy magnetic fields reduce range by half, etc), while Stargate Command through an active wormhole has a range of 30 miles.
Crew: 1 operator using remote or autonomous mode
Passengers: up to 2 medium sized creatures can lay on top, or up to 4 sitting
Cargo: 400 lbs strapped to top or tow 1 ton.
Init: -2
Maneuver: -2
Top Speed: 50 (5)
Defense: 12
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 25
Size: Large
Purchase DC: 19
Restriction: Mil (+3), Stargate Command
Accessories: Class III sensors, audio/video recorder/transmitter, military radio, headlights, light on turret, robotic arm with 10 foot reach Str 18, built in laboratory for analyzing atmosphere, samples collected. Grants +1 equipment bonus to skills (knowledge and science related skills) of team members using its equipment to study samples collected.
Notes: Controlled remotely using user's Drive check at -1, or autonomous mode, programmed to drive around a designated area, taking soil, water, and floral samples, or follow the controller or designated target. In autonomous mode, has Listen, Search, Spot +8, Knowledge checks +5.

Many modifications can be applied to a MALP, but some common ones are below.
Cargo - The lab, sensors, robotic arm are removed and a large cargo bed is fitted to the top, able to carry up to 600 tons and tow 2 tons of cargo on a trailer. PDC -2
Deployable Solar Panels - Can recharge to full power in 4 hours in sunny conditions, 8 hours in cloud, 12 hours is overcast conditions.
Advanced Lab - This improves the scientific equipment and sensors, upgrading sensors to Class IV, anyone using the equipment gains a +3 equipment bonus to related skills. PDC +1
Shield - This MALP strips the sensors and robotic arm, fitting a small naquadia generator to power a shield generator. The shield creates a shield dome that covers a 20 foot radius area, 20 foot tall with 50 hit points, regenerates 5 hit points per round it doesn't take damage. The shield will mould around terrain, and allows weapons to be fired from within to targets outside, doesn't protect against gases or airborne toxins, and rainy or snowy conditions reduce its effectiveness to only 75% (37 hit points, regenerates at only 3 hit points per round). The naquadia generator provides power for the shield for up to 30 days, and can also be used to power other items, but every 5 small low powered items reduces the time by 1 hour, while heavy energy demanding items such as energy weapons, drains 1 hour per 10 discharges. PDC +2
Weapon Platform - This strips out the sensors and robotic arm, fitting a tripod for a heavy weapon, with a gun shield and seat/stand for a person to use the weapon. If the weapon is an energy weapon, a naquadia generator can be attached. The gun shield provides +2 Cover bonus to Defense to the user.

The MAP, or Mobile Attack Probe is a combat version of the MALP, fitted with heavier armour, two weapon systems, targeting systems and a drone AI to allow it to operate with improved autonomous function, or remotely controlled. The top surface has a small turret which mounts a projectile or energy weapon, typically of a heavy machine gun level weapon, with a heavier weapon such as a grenade launcher or light missile system. Several smoke grenade launchers are also fitted to provide the MAP or accompanying troops cover.
Crew: 1 operator or autonomous mode
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 50 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: -1
Top Speed: 50 (5)
Defense: 14
Hardness: 15
Hit Points: 35
Size: Large
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: Mil (+3) Stargate Command
Accessories: headlights, 2 weapon mounts (one heavy machine gun equivalent with 1000 rds of ammunition, one grenade launcher or light missile, such as bazooka/recoilless rifles such as stinger or RPG-6 with 50 rounds for grenades, missile style weapons up to 5 missiles), 6 smoke grenades that either release smoke around the MAP, or can launch up to 50 feet.
Notes: Controller suffers -1 to Drive and attack rolls while controlling the MAP. In autonomous mode, the MAP has Init +1, +6 to attack rolls, can make up to 2 attacks, and make fairly simple tactical decisions (if under heavy fire seek cover, use grenades or missiles if targets behind cover that doesn't have cover, etc), Listen, Search, Spot all +8, Knowledge Tactics +5.
Remote Control has range of 15 miles, while through an open wormhole Stargate Command has range of 30 miles. Operating battery has 12 hours of operation. Energy weapons will have separate power source (power capacitor, power packs, etc).



The Al'kesh is a powerful Goa'uld medium-range bomber and troop carrier that is used to attack fortified positions on planetary surfaces, serving a support role during invasions. Larger than the Tel'tak scout ship and Death Glider. It has a pyramid-shape design, two large wings extend from the base, which curve into the cockpit at the head of the vessel. Four engine nacelles propel the craft through space, with a hyperdrive jump window system for interstellar travel. The bridge has a control station and seats for two crew, one with a spherical control system. Unfortunately the bridge is the weakest point on the craft, and disabling the bridge completely disables the craft. Armed with two heavy staff cannons on a pivoting turret on the ventral side, plus can drop plasma charges from the underside, and has shields for protection, and includes a cloaking device for stealth operations. To facilitate troop and equipment transport, it has a set of transportation rings fitted in a large room that is the main storage for cargo and troops. The ships require a crew of 12 to run optimally, but a minimum of 2 can operate the ship. Besides the Goa'uld System Lords, other cultures and groups have acquired Al'kesh, particularly unarmed

Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Bomber/shuttle
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 13
Flat-Footed Defense: 11
Autopilot Defense: 8
Hardness: 25, 50 vs energy except acid
Hit Dice: 10d20 (200 hp), shields 200 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +5
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +4
Length: 115 ft
Weight: 68,000 lb
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 2-12 (expert +8)
Passenger Capacity: 50
Cargo Capacity: 9,000 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +12
Base PDC: 54
Restriction: Res +2, Goa'uld Lic +1

2 fire-linked Heavy Staff Cannons -1 ranged (9d10+3, 2500 ft);
Or Plasma Bomb (bombing run only), +0 (18d8)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL (7) Design Spec: transport rings, cloaking (total concealment, 50% miss chance, can't use shields while cloaked)
Engines: thrusters, ion engine, hyperspace generator
Armour: naquadah
Defense Systems: radiation shielding, shield, cloaking screen
Sensors: Class III
Communications: Laser Transceiver, radio transceiver
Weapons: 2 heavy staff cannons, plasma bombs (10 bombs, use damage of plasma missiles)
Grappling Systems:

Heavy Staff Cannon
The Heavy Staff cannon is a heavier version of the staff cannon found on the Death Glider. Devastating but slow to fire and not accurate.

Damage: 6d10+2 (fire)
Critical: 20
Range Increment: 200 feet (in space 2500 ft)
Rate Of Fire: Single
Magazine: 200 Int. (unlimited attached to ship)
Size: Huge.
Weight: 50 lb. Weapon, 15 tripod
Purchase DC: 27
Restriction: Military (+3)
Rules: When the blast hits, it ‘explodes’ with a 10-foot burst radius, dealing damage to anything on it (Reflex save DC 16 for half except target struck). Attack rolls suffer -1 due to its inaccuracy, against targets that moved faster than 40 ft before the wielder's attack suffer a further -1 to attack rolls.

Naquadah Armour
Plates made of Naquadah, a dense and energy absorbing material, this armour is heavier than steel and similar armours, but resilient against physical attacks, and highly resistant to energy attacks, except acid.
Hardness: 25, 50 against energy attacks except acid.
Tactical Speed Penalty: -500 ft (-1 square)
Weight: One-quarter the weight of the starship (rounded up).
PDC: 20 + one-half the base PDC of the starship.
Restriction: Military - Rare (+3 to +4)

Goa'uld Shields
Goa'uld use shield technology that protects against physical and energy attacks in all directions of the ship. Goa'uld shields provide a number of bonus hit dice (20 hit points per hit die) equal to starship's overall hit dice for ships of ultralight and light starship types. Ships of mediumweight and larger gain bonus hit die (20 hit points per hit die) equal to one and one-quarter (1.25), rounding down, overall hit dice for the starship. If the ship is in an atmosphere of a planet, shields are only three-quarters (3/4) as effective (only 75% of normal shield hit points).
PDC 19 + one-half base PDC of ship
Res: Military (+3), Goa'uld Lic (+1)

Transportation Rings
Transportation rings are a form of technology originally designed by the Ancients but used by other races, such as the Goa'uld, which consist of a set of five rings that float above each other forming a column approximately 7 to 8 feet high, and range in size of 6 feet to 20 feet in diameter. They are typically housed in concealed holes in the ground or ceiling of a ship or building, and are able to transport what is inside the confines of the rings to a receiving set at either preprogrammed, or selectable receiving location by converting the mater within into a matter stream in a visible pulse of light to the receiving set. If there happens to be something within the receiving set of rings at the time the sending set activates, what is in the receiving set is sent to the sending sent. This allows quick transfer of cargo or personnel at the same time. On starships, a set are dropped from the ship to the ground and what is in the set inside the ship appears in the set that lowers to the ground, then the rings float back up to the ship, allowing ships to drop ships without landing, only requiring them to hover for several seconds as they drop the rings, transport and recall the rings.
Rings only have of on a planet or to ships within orbit. In theory they could reach orbiting celestial bodies, such as an orbiting moon, as long as the orbit isn't too large.
Takes 1 full round to deploy rings, teleport what is within the rings, and retract the rings. Targets being transported gain a +4 cover bonus to Defense with a 15% miss chance from the cover of the rings and the bright flash of light from the transport beam for the round they are being transported.
PDC: 26 for standard 6 ft diameter, +2 PDC for each additional +1 foot diameter up to 20 max. Takes up 2000 lbs of cargo for standard rings, +500 per additional 1 foot in diameter.

Hyperspace Generator
This hyperspace generator allows the craft to jump into hyperspace making interstellar travel possible, able to travel at five times the speed of light (lightspeed x5), jumping to hyperspace requires a Navigate check as normal plus a move action for the ship to actually jump to hyperspace. Carries enough liquid Naquadah for 100 light years of travel.

The F-350 is a Stargate Command built Al'kesh designed as a heavy attack craft, combining Goa'uld with Earth technology, allowing Stargate Command to build up their forces from captured or updating and repurposing the shipyards of allies that are using Goa'uld technology, but can not reproduce all of the advanced systems. Stargate Command uses the F-350 as a heavy attack craft, including ground assaults as it is able to still carry 10 troops and deliver them with the rings as the turrets provide excellent cover. They are also used The controls are redone to be easier to use and more inline with Earth standards, such as seats and improved locations of controls. The hull's smooth lines are broken with weapon ports and turrets of railguns, the cargo section is given over to power systems, ammunition for the guns and missiles. Four fixed forward, two pairs of railguns, are direct forward attack, while three turrets mount a pair of railguns, one on each side and one rear provide protection from all other directions. Rounding out the armaments are a pair of Cobra missile launchers and CHE launchers. Each turret has 180 degree arc, thus the left side gunner can fire forwards, left side and back, up and down; right turret can fire forward, right and back, up and down; while the rear turret can fire left, right, back, up and down.

F350 (PL7)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Gunship
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 13
Flat-Footed Defense: 11
Autopilot Defense: 8
Hardness: 21, 30 against energy attacks except acid
Hit Dice: 13d20 (260 hp), shields 260 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +5
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +4
Length: 115 ft
Weight: 75,000 lb
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 12 (expert +8)
Passenger Capacity: 10
Cargo Capacity: 9,000 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +12
Base PDC: 55
Restriction: SGC Mil +3

Battery of 2 fire-linked Rail Cannons +0 ranged (9d12, 20, ball, 3000 ft) and Select fire Cobra Mk2 missiles -5 (5d12, 19-20x2, ball, -); or
Battery of 2 fire-linked Rail Cannons +0 ranged (9d12, 20, ball, 3000 ft) and Select fire CHE missiles -5 (6d12, 19-20x2, ball, -)

Gunner 1-3
2 Fire-linked Rail cannon +0 ranged (9d12, 20, ball, 3000 ft)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL (7) Design Spec: transport rings, cloaking (total concealment, 50% miss chance, can't use shields while cloaked)
Engines: thrusters, ion engine, hyperspace generator
Armour: naquadah composite
Defense Systems: radiation shielding, shield, cloaking screen, inertial dampeers
Sensors: Class III
Communications: Laser Transceiver, radio transceiver
Weapons: 1 battery of 2 fire-linked railguns, 3 2 fire-linked rail gun turrets, 2 Select fire Cobra Mk2 missile launchers 932 missiles total), 2 select fire CHE missile launchers (32 missiles total)
Grappling Systems: none

Naquadah Composite Armour
Plates made of Naquadah, a dense and energy absorbing material, this armour is heavier than steel and similar armours, but resilient against physical attacks, and highly resistant to energy attacks, except acid.
Hardness: 21, 30 against energy attacks except acid.
Tactical Speed Penalty: None
Weight: One-quarter the weight of the starship (rounded up).
PDC: 19 + one-half the base PDC of the starship.
Restriction: Military - Rare (+3 to +4)

Inertial Dampers (PL 7)
Inertial dampers are mechanisms aboard starship to compensate for acceleration forces caused by speed and direction changes at high velocities. In gaming terms, any ships with this equipped can make an additional move action at the end of each turn.
Purchase DC: 15
Restriction: None

Select-Fire Missiles
The pilot can fire a single or two missiles at the same target. Firing two missiles increases damage by 50%.

Goa'uld Shields
Goa'uld use shield technology that protects against physical and energy attacks in all directions of the ship. Goa'uld shields provide a number of bonus hit dice (20 hit points per hit die) equal to starship's overall hit dice for ships of ultralight and light starship types. Ships of mediumweight and larger gain bonus hit die (20 hit points per hit die) equal to one and one-quarter (1.25), rounding down, overall hit dice for the starship. If the ship is in an atmosphere of a planet, shields are only three-quarters (3/4) as effective (only 75% of normal shield hit points).
PDC 19 + one-half base PDC of ship
Res: Military (+3), Goa'uld Lic (+1)

Transportation Rings
Transportation rings are a form of technology originally designed by the Ancients but used by other races, such as the Goa'uld, which consist of a set of five rings that float above each other forming a column approximately 7 to 8 feet high, and range in size of 6 feet to 20 feet in diameter. They are typically housed in concealed holes in the ground or ceiling of a ship or building, and are able to transport what is inside the confines of the rings to a receiving set at either preprogrammed, or selectable receiving location by converting the mater within into a matter stream in a visible pulse of light to the receiving set. If there happens to be something within the receiving set of rings at the time the sending set activates, what is in the receiving set is sent to the sending sent. This allows quick transfer of cargo or personnel at the same time. On starships, a set are dropped from the ship to the ground and what is in the set inside the ship appears in the set that lowers to the ground, then the rings float back up to the ship, allowing ships to drop ships without landing, only requiring them to hover for several seconds as they drop the rings, transport and recall the rings.
Rings only have of on a planet or to ships within orbit. In theory they could reach orbiting celestial bodies, such as an orbiting moon, as long as the orbit isn't too large.
Takes 1 full round to deploy rings, teleport what is within the rings, and retract the rings. Targets being transported gain a +4 cover bonus to Defense with a 15% miss chance from the cover of the rings and the bright flash of light from the transport beam for the round they are being transported.
PDC: 26 for standard 6 ft diameter, +2 PDC for each additional +1 foot diameter up to 20 max. Takes up 2000 lbs of cargo for standard rings, +500 per additional 1 foot in diameter.

Hyperspace Generator
This hyperspace generator allows the craft to jump into hyperspace making interstellar travel possible, able to travel at five times the speed of light (lightspeed x5), jumping to hyperspace requires a Navigate check as normal plus a move action for the ship to actually jump to hyperspace. Carries enough liquid Naquadah for 100 light years of travel.

Korhal Al'Kesh
The Korhal Al'Kesh, or jus Kesh, are Al'Kesh built using technology from the Korhal sector, using some Goa'uld technology where possible, to create a medical transport. It looks very similar to the standard Al'Kesh, except it has noticeable engine nacelles sticking out of the rear. It retains the Goa'uld shielding technology as it's slightly more powerful, and the ring transport system to test their effectiveness against the current systems used. The hyperdrive generator is stripped out, as is the naquadah armour, which is replaced with standard neo-steel, and a pair of lasers replace the staff weapons to ease logistics as naquadah is harder to obtain. Due to the ships large cargo area, the medical facilities are greatly enhanced over the medivac transports. This ships are limited in numbers due to the transportation ring system, and usually found among elite medical units.

Korhal Al'kesh (PL7)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: shuttle
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 13
Flat-Footed Defense: 11
Autopilot Defense: 8
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 12d20 (240 hp), shields 240 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +5
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +4
Length: 115 ft
Weight: 70,000 lb
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 2 pilots 10 doctors/medics (expert +8)
Passenger Capacity: 45 patients, 100 emergency evacuation standing
Cargo Capacity: 9,000 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +12
Base PDC: 54
Restriction: Res +2

2 fire-linked lasers turret -1 ranged (9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft);

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL (7) Design Spec: transport rings, cloaking (total concealment, 50% miss chance, can't use shields while cloaked), Ranged auto-sutures and laser scapels, medical bay & triage
Engines: thrusters, ion engine
Armour: neo-steel
Defense Systems: radiation shielding, shield, cloaking screen
Sensors: Class III
Communications: Laser Transceiver, radio transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked lasers turret
Grappling Systems:

Standard Neo-Steel plating is composed of high-purity mineral ores fused with the natural Mineral Field crystals so common in the Korpulu sector. It provides increased protection, though marks a noticeable increase in mass; loss of mobility results.
Hardness: 30
Tactical Speed Penalty: -500 Feet (-1 Square)
Weight: 1/8th of the Starship
PDC: 10+1/2 of the Starship
Restriction: None

Goa'uld Shields
Goa'uld use shield technology that protects against physical and energy attacks in all directions of the ship. Goa'uld shields provide a number of bonus hit dice (20 hit points per hit die) equal to starship's overall hit dice for ships of ultralight and light starship types. Ships of mediumweight and larger gain bonus hit die (20 hit points per hit die) equal to one and one-quarter (1.25), rounding down, overall hit dice for the starship. If the ship is in an atmosphere of a planet, shields are only three-quarters (3/4) as effective (only 75% of normal shield hit points).
PDC 19 + one-half base PDC of ship
Res: Military (+3), Goa'uld Lic (+1)

Ranged Auto-Sutures and Laser Scalpels
This device allows a medic onboard the ship to remotely provide some healing for an ally if they are not able to get them on board the Medivac, or the medivac is full. A person operating this device needs to make a ranged touch attack, with a range increment of 20 feet out to 5 increments, which can heal any organic living target for 1d4 points of damage on a successful hit. If the user has 4 ranks or more in Treat Injury skill, gains +1 to the ranged attack roll and can heal a bonus +2 hit points per strike.

Medical Bay & Triage
The Korhal Al'Kesh has a built in medical bay and triage to allow on board medics to treat the wounded quickly. Advanced First Aid and Surgical kits with at least enough supplies for to treat various conditions up to 30 times, plus have enough supplies to heal up to 200 hit points.


The Alchemist Wares

Logo: Alchemy Symbol for Water (an inverted triangle) on a red background in a vertical oval.
INFORMATION: The Alchemist Wares is a company that is not spoken out loud, but known especially in the Black Market. Run by a being known only as The Alchemist, a genius in all things chemical and alchemy. A temporary shop can be found in various shops throughout the universe, and sometimes clients can be brought to a laboratory that The Alchemist works from, which is rarely in the same location for more than six months. Sells any and all chemicals, medicines, poisons, tonics and elixirs. From magical to nonmagical and some even super science that only god-like beings can create.
The Alchemist and his agents sell virtually all items, and even willing to create completely new chemicals, which would require a consultation with The Alchemist himself, and trade rare ingredients, recipes for unique items, or information on rate ingredients.

Sample Wares
Sells regular healing potions, anti-toxins, antidotes, poisons, medicines, magical potions, nonmagical chemicals like solvaway, sporekill, biocort, etc.

Werebeast Elixir
This vial with auto injector contains a serum that turns the user into a werecreature of the type indicated on the outside in hybrid form only. The effects last for 5 minutes, gaining all the benefits of the related werecreature template hybrid form, however doesn't suffer from Curse of Lycanthropy, and doesn't have Empathy of the type of animal the werecreature is based on, and can't change to humanoid or animal forms. Injecting is a standard action, and the transformation is immediate, however the injected can't perform any other action the round of the injections. The injected will be highly aggressive and will attack the closest foe possible, and keep attacking the next nearest foe, preferring to use claws and bite, but will use any melee weapons, using ranged weapons only until closes to melee range then dropping them or using as a club. If no foes are available, must make a Will save DC 15 to keep from attacking allies. After the duration, the injected user is exhausted and requires at least 4 hours of rest, and a full days worth of food as the transformation requires a lot of energy.
Weight: 6 oz
PDC: 21
Restriction: Res to Illegal (+2 to +4)

Rumours: It is rumoured the Alchemist creates these elixirs from the blood of lycanthropes. Rumours of large numbers of missing lycanthropes are said to be the source of these elixirs. Some groups are hiring adventurers to investigate these rumours. Other groups may hire adventurers to capture lycanthropes in attempts to create their own versions.

Cure All
This elixir in a golden vial will cure the drinker of all diseases (not counting cancers, blood disorders, tumors, and genetic disorders), poisons, toxins including radiation poison, immediately stopping any effects. The drinker is dazed the rest of the round (can't take any actions).
Weight: 4 oz
PDC: 18
Restriction: None

Ironwood Spray
This spray can with a grey label of a tree, is capable of permanently making any wooden item sprayed the hardness and durability of iron, while still remaining wood. For example, if a toy wooden sword is sprayed, it becomes like metal, worked and sharpened to have an edge and is as sharp as a metal blade, but as light as the wooden one, doesn't show up on metal detectors and floats on water. However for the item to have a blade, it must be carved first to have an edge, then sprayed, then sharped like a metal blade.
Each can has 20 doses, and each dose is enough to affect a tiny object, each size category increase doubles the number of doses required. 2 small, 4 medium, 8 large, etc.
Weight: 1 lbs
PDC: 20
Restriction: None

John Wick Mojo
This elixir is stored in a tin can like a carbonated drink, only half the size, magically empowers the drinker with martial arts and weapon skills, making them a potent combatant, if for a limited time. The drinker gains a magical bonus +4 to attack rolls, the effects of the Brawl feat (+1 to unarmed strikes dealing 1d6 + STR nonlethal damage), Combat Reflexes feat, Point Blank Shot feat (+1 to attack and damage with ranged attacks within 30 ft), Shot On The Run feat (move before and after ranged attack), 1 extra attack if drinker doesn't move at -5 base attack roll, all the feats the user gains benefits from ignore the restrictions of the feats as this is granted by magic. If the user already has the feats, increase their effects (Brawl grants +2 attack and damage is lethal, Point Blank Shot grants +2 to attack and damage to ranged attacks within 30 ft). The effects last for 10 rounds (1 minute), after which the drinker is exhausted and requires a minimum of 8 hours of sleep and suffers 1d10 nonlethal (subdual) damage. The user does not retain the knowledge of any of the feats granted by this elixir, and must learn them normally.
Weight: 8 oz
PDC: 28
Restriction: Res to Illegal (+2 to +4)

Surgeon In A Can
This elixir grants the drinker immense medical knowledge and skills of a skilled doctor. The drinker gains a +10 magical bonus to Treat Injury, Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences), the benefits of the Surgery feat and Cybernetic Surgery feat for a total of 5 hours. Afterwards the drinker is exhausted and suffers a temporary -2 to Intelligence until at least 8 hours of rest.
Weight: 8 oz
PDC: 25
Restriction: None

Instant Barricade
This grenade, has a stone-like texture. Upon pulling the pin and tossing the grenade, when it strikes a surface, or placed on the ground with a 3 round timer, releases a grey mist that quickly creates a wall of stone, that is 15 feet long, 5 feet tall, 3 inches thick. If the space the wall would occupy is where an object already is, it is coded in a 3 inch layer of stone and is immobile if it was able to be moved, now can't. Each 5 foot section of the wall has 45 hit points and a hardness of 8. The wall lasts for 3 days before eventually crumbling to dust.
Weight: 10 oz
PDC: 22
Restriction: Lic to Mil (+1 to +3)

Liquid Duct Tape
This spray can contains a chemical that can literally patch anything and everything. When sprayed on any object as a standard action, or even a creature, repairs or heals 1d4 hit points instantly. However the location sprayed will have a slightly greyish tint for 1d4 days. Each can has 20 doses.
Weight: 13 oz
PDC: 13
Restriction: None



The UnoMatrix is similar to the Omnimatrix, except that it only carries a single sample of DNA to transform the wearer. The device looks like a slightly oversized watch, with a digital screen and a master activation switch on the side. It does have the ability to change the stored DNA to another, but in doing so loses access to the previous DNA. Besides the ability to transform the wearer into a creature, it functions as a clock, calendar and communicator with a range of orbit.
To transform into the programmed creature, the user merely presses the activation button as a standard action, causing the instant transformation, granting the user the stats and abilities of the creature. The programmed creature must be a corporeal, non elemental, non ghost/spirit, living creature, or sentient plant, and non lycanthrope. The transformation lasts for 1 minute, however it can be extended with a Computer Use check DC 16 +1 / additional minute. Once timed out, the UnoMatrix can't be used for 1d6 rounds. To program a new creature, a sample of DNA (blood, skin, scale, at least 10 hairs, piece of bone, etc) is placed on a sample tray that slides out from the top, and a Computer Use check DC 17 and 5 minutes of work to program the new sample, which completely replaces the sample used before.
Weight: 1 lb
PDC: 27
Res: Res to Illegal (+2 to +4)

The EvoMatrix is an offshoot of the evolutionary function technology from the Ultimatrix. The EvoMatrix appears as a large black and silver watch like device, with a digital display and large activation button, with several addition features including watch, calendar, communications device with range of standard orbit. Its primary function is to force a temporary evolutionary upgrade to the wearer. The EvoMatrix has an onboard DNA sampler and powerful computer that samples the DNA of the wearer, then runs millions of simulations of putting the wearer's species through worst-case scenarios over a course of millions of years, forcing evolution to adapt to survive. Then the EvoMatrix applies this 'evolved' version to the wearer, making them more powerful and combat oriented.
The wearer, upon activating the device as a standard action, transforms the wearer into an evolved version of their species, gaining double any racial bonuses, any natural defenses are also increased by double, natural weapons deal damage as if the wearer was one size larger, special attacks or abilities gain +1 die to damage, increase range by 50%, and gain an additional attack or ability that is similar with original abilities. For example, a species that can breath fire dealing 1d6 damage to 30 foot line, now deals 2d6 damage with a range of 45 ft line, and may even gain a secondary fire attack that affects a different area type (explodes in a burst for half damage, or double range for half range). Species that don't have any noticeable traits, instead gain +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 bonus to Natural Defense, +10 ft to speed. This transformation lasts for 1 minute, however can be extended with a Computer Use check DC 17 + 1/additional minute. Once timed out, the EvoMatrix can't be used for another 1d6+1 minutes.
Weight: 1 lb
PDC: 28
Res: Res to Illegal (+2 to +4)

Voidrunner's Codex

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