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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


2-M Saber-Class Repulsor Tank
The 2-M Saber-Class of repulsor tank is a ground-based fighter tank produced by Rothana Heavy Engineering, used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War to combat Rebel armour and infantry. A central angled body, shaped like a fighter, rests upon a flat platform with two forward 'prongs' with thrusters at the rear. Mounted on top of the hull is a rotating repeating blaster, two laser cannons are mounted on the body, with a pair of missile launchers mounted on the sides. Besides being fairly maneuverable, relative decent speed, the 2-M is equipped with shields for added protection. The 2-M Saber uses a repulsor field to float above the ground, a minimum clearance of 1 foot with a maximum of 3 feet, and can float over water as deep as 30 feet. Unfortunately the 2-M is a hanger queen, requiring longer maintenance than other tanks of similar size. The 2-M is 32 feet long, 20 ft wide, about 15 feet tall, a large hatch at the rear of the hull allows for access, and takes 1 full round to start.

2-M Saber-Class Repulsor Tank (PL6)
Crew: 2
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 30 lbs
Init: +1/+1
Maneuver: +1/+1
Top Speed: 120 (12)
Defense: 8
Hardness: 15
Hit Points: 50, 15 hp shields
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Military Radio, weapons, crew rack, weapons, shields, Class 2 mech sensors
Notes: Shields regenerate at 3 hp per round.

WeaponDamageCritDamage TypeRange IncrROFMagazine
Fire-Linked Lasers (2)6d1020x2Fire120 ftSUnlimited
Repeating Anti-Personal Blaster6d820x2Fire100 ftS, AUnlimited
Missile Launchers (2)6d6 (20 ft radius, Reflex DC 17)20x2Fire/Ball200 ftSingle10 missiles ea

T2-B Repulsor Tank
The T2-B repulsor tank was a light attack tank produced by Yutrane-Trackata, used by several mercenary, para-military, security groups as well as the Rebel Alliance. A slightly oval designed hull with a turret mounting four repeating blasters sticking up from the middle of the hull. It is highly maneuverable, with excellent sensors and shields for defense, the potent sensors makes the T2-B an excellent scout vessel, which the Rebels have used to their advantage. The T2-B can hover as low as 6 inches to a maximum height of 3.5 feet, but can only move over water as deep as 20 feet at full speed. At half speed or lower, can travel over water a maximum depth of 30 feet before the repuslor systems fail and the vehicle crashes into the water, sinking. A crew of 2 is required, a hatch on the top of the hull allows access, taking a standard action to enter or exit the vehicle.

T2-B Light Repulsor Tank (PL6)
Crew: 2
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 50 lbs
Init: +1/+2
Maneuver: +2/+2
Top Speed: 150 (15)
Defense: 8
Hardness: 15
Hit Points: 45, 15 hp shields
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Military Radio, weapons, crew rack, weapons, shields, Class III mech sensors
Notes: Shields regenerate at 3 hp per round.
WeaponDamageCritDamage TypeRange IncrROFMagazine
Four Fire-Linked Blasters9d820x2Fire100 ftS, AUnlimited

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Iron Mech mk2
The Iron Mech Mk2 is an upgrade or alternate to the original Iron Mech. It comes standard in red, gold and grey highlights, only in a colour scheme similar to later models of Iron Man armour, is powered by an arc reactor, has thing legs and arms, lacks a head and comes with an upgraded repulsor on the right hand, large hands, a deployable energy shield on the left hand. The shoulders have retractable mini-rocket launchers instead of a large single launcher. While the mech doesn't come with a head, it comes with an Iron Man armour inspired helmet and flight suit, which links to the mech's basic sensors and targeting systems, with the pilot's head exposed, although the mech's shoulder pads provides some protection. Upgraded thrusters in the boots gives the mech limited flight capability. The front of the torso flips forward to open, which allows for quick start ups, or quick escape in the case of critical damage to the mech.

Iron Mech mk2
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 110 hp
Superstructure: Duralloy
Hardness: 15
Armour: Resilium
Bonus to Defense: +5 (+6 armour, -1 size) +3 Shield when energized
Armour Penalty: -5
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 30 ft,, 75 ft fly (poor/average*)
Purchase DC: 37

Back Chaff
Left Arm Repulsor Shield
Right Arm Repulsor Cannon
Shoulders Mini-Rocket Launcher
Torso Cockpit
Torso Class II Sensor System
Boots Light Thruster Boots
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Headless, integrated helmet, remote control
Bonuses: +2 Navigate & Spot
Weapons: Repulsor Cannons (1) -1 ranged (5d8 fire or 5d10 fire),
Mini-Rocket Launcher -1 ranged (6d6, ignore 10 hardness)
Slam +3 melee (1d8+4)

Integrated Helmet
Instead of having a head as part of the mech, the Iron Mech comes with a helmet modeled after the Iron Man armour which has a universal HUD linkup, allowing it to connect to the mech so the pilot can see with the mech's sensors, access its systems and weapons. The helmet can link to most common armours available. While the pilot is wearing the helmet and not in the Iron Mech, they can still access the sensors up to 500 ft away from the mech, and even in a limited fashion remote control the mech.
The helmet itself has integrated military radio, GPS, night vision goggles.

Remote Control
While the pilot is wearing the Iron Mech's Integrated Helmet, not only can they access the mech's sensors and communication systems up to 500 ft away, the Pilot can move the Iron Mech, Pilot check DC 15 for basic movement, DC 20 to fly the mech. Skills and attack rolls done remotely suffer a -4 penalties to rolls.

Light Thruster Boots
Thruster boots that are the predecessor, or a lighter version, of the standard Thruster Boots, not quite as powerful, giving the mech a flight speed of 75 feet (poor).
Equipment Slots: 1, must be boots
Activation: None
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: none
Purchase DC: 5 + one-quarter the mecha's purchase DC.
Restriction: None

Repulsor Cannon Upgraded
These weapons are based on the repulsor weapons developed by Tony Stark, combining a short ranged plasma weapon for heavy strikes, and a lighter, but long ranged laser for greater reach. While the plasma component is powerful, it is not as accurate. The upgraded version has slightly improved damage potential and range.
(5d8, 20, fire, 80 ft, s) or a heavy plasma carbine (5d10, 20, fire, 40 ft, s/a)
Slots: 1
Damage: 5d8 laser / 5d10 plasma cannon
Critical: 20
Damage Type: fire
Range Increment: 100 ft laser / 50 ft plasma
Rate of Fire: S / Single
Ammo: 50 charges
Notes: Switching between the weapons is a free action that can be done once each round. Laser uses 1 charge, plasma cannon uses 3 charges per shot. Using the plasma cannon the user suffers -1 to attack rolls. The weapon recharges 1 charge every 10 minutes of inactivity.
The Repulsor Cannons, used in pairs, can be used to function as Maneuvering Thrusters, increasing flight maneuverability to average, however this makes the Repulsor Cannons unavailable for combat. Switching between Maneuvering Thrusters and combat use is a free action that can only be done once per round.
PDC: 20
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Mini-Rocket Launcher
This launcher uses a mini-rocket launcher in a retractable housing, using common mini-rockets available, it uses an automatic feed system from a magazine for increased rate of fire. The rocket deals 5d6 points of damage to all creatures within a 5-foot radius (Reflex save DC 16 for half damage). Because its explosive features a shaped charge designed to penetrate the armor of military vehicles, the rockets ignores up to 10 points of hardness if it strikes a vehicle, building, or object. However, this only applies to the target struck, not to other objects within the burst radius. The rockets have a minimum range of 30 feet. If fired against a target closer than 30 feet away, it does not arm and will not explode.
Damage: 5d6
Critical: -
Damage Type: -
Range Increment: 100 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Ammo: 30 rockets
PDC: 18 Mil (+3).
Slots: 1 for launcher, additional slots dedicated to ammunition holds 40 rockets.

Repulsor Shield
This is an energy shield based on a medium shield that deploys from the back of the left hand, which leaves the hand open for use. The shield provides a +3 Shield Bonus to Defense when active, which takes a move equivalent action to turn on or off. If the shield is struck by a melee attack, the target must make a Fort save DC 15 or be thrown back 1d4x10 feet and knocked prone, while a successful save the target is only pushed back 10 feet and dazed for 1 round, suffering 1d6 bludgeoning damage if strikes anything. The shield can be used offensively, once every 1d6+1 rounds, releasing a repulsor pulse, dealing 2d6 points of energy damage to all within 20 ft, Reflex save DC 16 for half damage. All within 10 ft of the mech must also make a Reflex save DC 17 or be thrown back 1d4x5 feet and knock prone, a successful save the targets are dazed instead.

Wolverine Mech
This mech, built by Stark Industries, is based on the X-Men member Wolverine. It focuses on defense and melee attacks. It has a single repulsor, the hands are reinforced for improved melee combat, with retractable blades on both hands. Armour is heavier, which does make it a little slower, but it can shrug off a fair amount of damage. The mech is equipped mounting points and easy programming upgrading to allow other weapons to be fitted as the client desires, and can make use of any weapons designed for its size. Comes in blue and yellow colours as standard, although a less colourful black and grey colour scheme is also popular.

Wolverine Mech
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 180 hp
Superstructure: Adamantium
Hardness: 30
Armour: Neovulcanium
Bonus to Defense: +9 (+10 armour, -1 size)
Armour Penalty: -10
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +10
Dexterity Bonus: 0
Speed: 25 ft,
Purchase DC: 38

Back Chaff
Left Claws
Right Arm Repulsor Cannon, Claws
Shoulders Medium Fortification
Torso Cockpit
Torso Class II Sensor System
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Headless, integrated helmet, remote control, 75% chance critical hits turn into regular hits
Bonuses: +2 Navigate & Spot
Weapons: Repulsor Cannons -1 ranged (4d8 fire or 4d10 fire),
Slam +4 melee (1d8+3 Str +5)
Claws +4 melee (4d8 slashing, 19-20x3)

Integrated Helmet
Instead of having a head as part of the mech, the Iron Mech comes with a helmet modeled after the Iron Man armour which has a universal HUD linkup, allowing it to connect to the mech so the pilot can see with the mech's sensors, access its systems and weapons. The helmet can link to most common armours available. While the pilot is wearing the helmet and not in the Iron Mech, they can still access the sensors up to 500 ft away from the mech, and even in a limited fashion remote control the mech.
The helmet itself has integrated military radio, GPS, night vision goggles.

Remote Control
While the pilot is wearing the Iron Mech's Integrated Helmet, not only can they access the mech's sensors and communication systems up to 500 ft away, the Pilot can move the Iron Mech, Pilot check DC 15 for basic movement, DC 20 to fly the mech. Skills and attack rolls done remotely suffer a -4 penalties to rolls.

Repulsor Cannon
These weapons are based on the repulsor weapons developed by Tony Stark, combining a short ranged plasma weapon for heavy strikes, and a lighter, but long ranged laser for greater reach. While the plasma component is powerful, it is not as accurate.
Slots: 1
Damage: 4d8 laser / 5d10 plasma cannon
Critical: 20
Damage Type: fire
Range Increment: 90 ft laser / 40 ft plasma
Rate of Fire: S / Single
Ammo: 50 charges
Notes: Switching between the weapons is a free action that can be done once each round. Laser uses 1 charge, plasma cannon uses 3 charges per shot. Using the plasma cannon the user suffers -1 to attack rolls. The weapon recharges 1 charge every 10 minutes of inactivity.
PDC: 20
Restriction: Mil (+3)

The mech is armed with a paired set of three long blade-like claws that extend from the back of the hand, which leaves the hands open to still use items. The blades deal 4d8 slashing damage, have a critical threat range of 19-20 x3 damage. Against creatures with a living anatomy, they deal 1 point of bleeding damage, which deals 1 point of damage each round until healed using a Treat Injury DC 15, or magical healing. This damage is cumulative with multiple strikes. Against nonliving items and constructs, target must make a Fort save DC 16 or have its Defense (natural and equipment) reduced by 1.


A few evolved versions of a few races when affected by an Evomatrix.

Evolved Races

Evolved 'Main' Elf
Through hardship and death, being hunted down, evolved 'Main' elves have survived and evolved. These elves are not quite as physically weak as their ancestors, with their resistance to magic is greater, they can see in the dark, their senses are improved.
Make following changes to Main Elf:
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con
Speed: +5 feet
Immunities: additional +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. +1 racial bonus to saving throw bonus against all other magical spells and effects.
Darkvision: Evolved elves can see 30 ft in complete darkness. In low-light conditions can see four times greater than humans.
Racial Skills: an additional +1 racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot checks. Elves that pass within 10 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice as if they wre actively locking for it.
ECL: +1

Evolved 'Magical' Elves
Evolved Magical elves have evolved to be more powerful, but they are even more technophobic, believing technology to be the cause of all of life's problems. They are able to innately cast a few more additional spells.
Make the following changes to Magical Elf:
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 to spell casting ability (Dex, Int or Cha).
Magecraft: Their magical powers are more powerful than their ancestors, gaining an additional +1 to Difficulty Class (DC) for a total of +2 to resist any spells they cast. These elves can manifest a total of 2 Level 0 spells from any spellcaster list per day. In addition, they can cast one Level 1 spell they know from one of their spell casting classes an additional time per day without using a spell slot, but must be taken at the time they select the spell.
Spell Resistance: Magical elves gain spell resistance 10 + Con modifier, minimum of 10.
Technophobic: Besides the -4 species penalty to skills that require an understanding of technological items, when attacking a technological advanced item (PL 4 or higher), their attacks ignore 2 points of hardness or DR, 3 points if using a spell or magical item.
ECL: +1

Evolved Orc/Half-Orc
Orcs survive through the strongest of the fittest, becoming stronger, more resilient, their tusks grow to the point they can be used to attack with.
Make the following changes to Orcs/Half-Orcs:
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha
Size: Medium but are larger, count as being Large size when it is beneficial to do so, such as during a grapple check.
Darkvision: can see 90 feet in complete darkness, but is black-and-white only.
Natural Defense: Evolved Orcs/Half-Orcs skin becomes denser, granting +2 natural Defense.
Gore: the Orc/Half-Orc's tusks grow to the point they can deal significant damage in melee attack. Gains a Gore attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage, plus half strength modifier. Can be used even while grappled as long as the Orc/Half-orc is not muzzled or gagged.
ECL: +1

Evolved Vulcans
Evolved Vulcans seem as if they take a step backwards evolutionary wise, in that they are not as reserved as their modern ancestors, but they have increased psionic abilities, improved strength and resilience.
Make following changes to Vulcans:
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Con
Speed: +5 ft
Racial Skills: additional +2 to Listen checks due to enhanced hearing.
Psionic Abilities: Evolved Vulcans who don't take any psionic classes gain an additional +5 power points in addition to the base of 4+ Int modifier power points. Evolved Vulcans that take psionic classes gain a bonus additional 10 power points. All evolved vulcans gain one of the following powers and can use it 1 time per day without use of power points: Burst, Daze, Distract, Far Punch, Finger of Fire.
ECL: +2

Evolved Klingon
Evolved Klingons take the thought Strength Equals Power to heart, making them stronger and tougher.
Make the following changes to Klingon:
Ability Modifiers: Additional +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -1 Intelligence.
Racial Skills: Additional +1 Listen, +1 Spot and +1 Survival skills.
Size: While still medium sized creatures, evolved Klingons are larger, and are considered Large size when it is beneficial for them, such as during grappling.
Redundant Organs Upgrade: Evolved Klingons now have 75% chance change any critical hit to be considered a regular hit. When reduced to 0 hit points, the Klingon is not considered dying, and able to act normally until dead at -20 hit points. Taking actions while below 0 hit points does not cause additional hit point damage, unless suffering from effects such as from the wounding magical ability from weapons, or similar effects that continue to do damage over time.
Puncture Resistance: Evolved Klingons stop bleeding quickly as their bodies produce platelets that clots blood at wounds quickly. Gain Resistances 1 to Slashing, Piercing and Ballistic damage. Abilities that cause continuous damage by blood loss, such as Wounding, are only effective for 1 round, unless ability specifies a duration, then duration is half before stopping, without treatment.
ECL: +2
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The Ha'tak is a class of Goa'uld spacecraft that make up their main space fleet. The Ha'tak consists of two sections: the main section is a golden triangle-based pyramid built into the center of the vessel, evocative of an Egyptian pyramid, containing the majority of the primary systems as well as the command areas and Glider bay. Built around the pyramid is a much larger, triangle-shaped superstructure, which wraps around the center of the pyramid. The outer structure houses the vessel's 60 staff weapons. At the base of the central pyramid on the same side of the bridge is the Death Glider bay, which launches Death Gliders at speed to allow rapid interception. Death Gliders are stored in racks with the wings folded down to allow easy storage of the twelve wings of fighters (216 fighters) and three wings of Al'keshs (72 Al'kesh). For defense Ha'taks have respectable armour, but not impressive, as they make use of protective energy shielding instead. There are barracks for 2000 jaffa troops, which are able to transport to a planet's surface by 15 transport rings (5 40 ft diameter and 10 20 ft diameter). The ships also have several sarcophagi for healing injuries, but are typically only reserved for Goa'uld themselves or high ranking Jaffa. The ships have surprisingly fast sublight speeds for their size, and have hyperdrives for faster than light travel between systems. An interesting feature is the entire craft can be run by as few as twelve people, but typically have a crew of around 100 to 200, not counting pilots and troops.
Some Ha'taks are hundreds to thousands of years old, depending on the system load/owner that owns the Ha'tak and the resources they have available.

Ha'tak (PL7)
Type: mediumweight
Subtype: cruiser
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 7
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 25, 50 vs energy except acid
Hit Dice: 200d20 (4000 hp), shields 5000 hp
Initiative Modifier: +6
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 2296.6 ft
Weight: 1,050,400 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 12-250 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 50, 2000 troops
Cargo Capacity: 700,000 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 66
Restriction: Mil +3, Goa'uld Lic +1

Battery of 5 Capital Staff Cannons +1 ranged (10d10+8, 5000 ft) and
Battery of 5 Capital Staff Cannons -4 ranged (10d10+8, 5000 ft); or
Battery of 5 Capital Staff Cannons +1 ranged (10d10+8, 5000 ft) and
Plasma Bomb (bombing run only), +0 (18d8)

Can have up to 5 additional gunners firing battery of 5 Capital Staff cannons, depending on how many crew are operating craft and if prepared for war. 2 batteries can fire in any direction at a time.

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL (7) Design Spec: transport rings, hanger (launch 4 fighters per round or 1 al'kesh)
Engines: thrusters, induction engine, hyperspace generator
Armour: naquadah
Defense Systems: radiation shielding, shield, autopilot, self-destruct system
Sensors: Class III, targeting system
Communications: Laser Transceiver, radio transceiver
Weapons: 12 batteries of 5 capital staff cannons, plasma bombs (2000 bombs, use damage of plasma missiles)
Grappling Systems: none

Special Note: Age. Some Ha'taks are very old, with some serving for over 5000 years. For every 500 years the ship has been around, reduce hit dice by 2 (affects shields), and for every 500 years reduce gunner attack bonus by -1 as each battery is reduced by 1 capital staff cannon, and reduce hardness by -1. These rules are ignored if the Ha'tak is owned by extremely wealthy owner that can keep the ship up to modern specs and well repaired.

Capital Staff Cannon
The Capital Staff cannon is a heavier version of the staff cannon used on Ha'taks and other capital ships. Able to scale damage from 4d10+2 to maximum damage of 10d10+8, scaling damage by 1d10+1.

Damage: 4d10+2 to 10d10+8 (fire)
Critical: 20
Range Increment: 500 feet (in space 5000 ft, can attack planetary targets from orbit)
Rate Of Fire: Single
Min Ship Size: gargantuan.
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Military (+3)
Rules: When the blast hits, it ‘explodes’ with a 20-foot burst radius, dealing damage to anything on it (Reflex save DC 16 for half except target struck).

Naquadah Armour
Plates made of Naquadah, a dense and energy absorbing material, this armour is heavier than steel and similar armours, but resilient against physical attacks, and highly resistant to energy attacks, except acid.
Hardness: 25, 50 against energy attacks except acid.
Tactical Speed Penalty: -500 ft (-1 square)
Weight: One-quarter the weight of the starship (rounded up).
PDC: 20 + one-half the base PDC of the starship.
Restriction: Military - Rare (+3 to +4)

Goa'uld Shields
Goa'uld use shield technology that protects against physical and energy attacks in all directions of the ship. Goa'uld shields provide a number of bonus hit dice (20 hit points per hit die) equal to starship's overall hit dice for ships of ultralight and light starship types. Ships of mediumweight and larger gain bonus hit die (20 hit points per hit die) equal to one and one-quarter (1.25), rounding down, overall hit dice for the starship. If the ship is in an atmosphere of a planet, shields are only three-quarters (3/4) as effective (only 75% of normal shield hit points).
PDC 19 + one-half base PDC of ship
Res: Military (+3), Goa'uld Lic (+1)

Transportation Rings
Transportation rings are a form of technology originally designed by the Ancients but used by other races, such as the Goa'uld, which consist of a set of five rings that float above each other forming a column approximately 7 to 8 feet high, and range in size of 6 feet to 20 feet in diameter. They are typically housed in concealed holes in the ground or ceiling of a ship or building, and are able to transport what is inside the confines of the rings to a receiving set at either preprogrammed, or selectable receiving location by converting the mater within into a matter stream in a visible pulse of light to the receiving set. If there happens to be something within the receiving set of rings at the time the sending set activates, what is in the receiving set is sent to the sending sent. This allows quick transfer of cargo or personnel at the same time. On starships, a set are dropped from the ship to the ground and what is in the set inside the ship appears in the set that lowers to the ground, then the rings float back up to the ship, allowing ships to drop ships without landing, only requiring them to hover for several seconds as they drop the rings, transport and recall the rings.
Rings only have of on a planet or to ships within orbit. In theory they could reach orbiting celestial bodies, such as an orbiting moon, as long as the orbit isn't too large.
Takes 1 full round to deploy rings, teleport what is within the rings, and retract the rings. Targets being transported gain a +4 cover bonus to Defense with a 15% miss chance from the cover of the rings and the bright flash of light from the transport beam for the round they are being transported.
PDC: 26 for standard 6 ft diameter, +2 PDC for each additional +1 foot diameter up to 20 max. Takes up 2000 lbs of cargo for standard rings, +500 per additional 1 foot in diameter.

Hyperspace Generator
This hyperspace generator allows the craft to jump into hyperspace making interstellar travel possible, able to travel at five times the speed of light (lightspeed x5), jumping to hyperspace requires a Navigate check as normal plus a move action for the ship to actually jump to hyperspace.

Adventure Ideas
Party is hired to confirm rumours of derelict ha'tak in a remote system, supposedly abandoned after suffering major damage during a Jaffa revolt breaking away from Goa'uld System Lord, or after suffering damage in some fight.
If the players have their own ship, they are given an area to search, about 1d4 systems to search as coordinates aren't precise. If players don't have their own ship, 2 systems are provided for them to search.
Once located, they must determine the ship's condition and catalog any salvage onboard. Ship is about 2d4x50 years old, has only 25% hp.
Possible ideas of what happens when they arrive:
There is a 10% chance another group has found the ship and are trying to salvage it themselves, 30% chance some sort of space creature(s) living aboard and doesn't take kindly to invaders. 10% chance the crew are dead but are actually zombies (scale to party level of how many zombies there are). 10% chance ship is not a derelict and owned by some pirate group (players might be able to escape via negotiation, running or fighting (ship is not at 100%, suffering from rules of age). 10% chance ship is near some sort of hazard (nebula, blackhole it is slowly drifting towards, in an asteroid field, etc). 10% chance the ship is not a derelict and is fully active and part of a larger fleet only 10 minutes away by hyperspace. 20% chance, no major problems, ship is dead in space and basic hazards from a heavy damaged ship (possible small explosions from equipment failures, falling debris inside if gravity is restored, debris field around the ship making approaching it dangerous).


Metalbeast Template
Somewhere in the multiverse scientists tried to create a super soldier using nanotech, providing a metal like skin, increased strength and healing abilities. Unfortunately, this went horribly wrong, and the nanites went rogue and want to inflect creatures with lesser intelligence. A cloud of nanites that floats around and seeks out monstrous creatures to infect.
Once a creature is infected by the nanites, the creature grows metallic plate armour, increasing its durability, but loses some mobility. Fur takes on a metallic shine. Unfortunately the creatures become incredibly hostile and hyper-focused and keep attacking a single target until it is destroyed before moving onto the next.

Size: Same as base creature
Hit Points: same as base creature +5 per size category above small
Speed: -5 ft.
Abilities: +4 Strength, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Int (min of 5)
Defense: +5 Natural Defense to base creature
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: DR vs Ballistic damage 15. Increased healing, Metallic Natural Weapons, Persistence.
ECL: +5

Ballistic Resistance - The creature gains DR 15 vs ballistic damage, which stacks with any ballistic resistance the creature may have. Any vulnerabilities to materials do not bypass this DR, but reduces it to 7.
Increased Healing - If the creature doesn't have fast heal, gains Fast Heal 5. If the creature has Fast Healing, gains Regeneration of the same number instead. If the creature has Regeneration, gains a +2 Bonus to how many hit points it regenerates.
Metallic Natural Weapons - The creature's natural attacks deal damage as if one size larger. If already at colossal size, increase damage by +2 die. Additionally the creature's attacks ignore hardness/DR 5.
Persistence - Creatures infected just want to attack a target, it attacks and keeps attacking the same target until it is destroyed (reduced to 0 hit points). Doesn't die at 0 hit points, must be reduced to -15 to kill. Doesn't take additional damage below 0 hit points from actions, can only perform single actions (move or attack) until above 0 hp.

A supernatural ability to add to monsters for that B-Flick feeling.
B-Flick Monster (Super Natural)
Has a cheesy, goofy 50s to 70s B-flick movie feel to its appearance, that can render viewers speechless.
Requires all within 30 +5 ft per 10 feet of creature above 10 feet of height/length, a Will save DC 10 + Con modifier + any bonus to intimidate +5 when first seen. On a successful they are Dazed for 1 round (can't act but still has normal defense). Fail of 5 or more, characters are Panicked (flees as fast as possible, defend as normal but can't attack). A failed save by 10 or more then they are Cowering (froze in fear, loses Dex bonus to Defense, take no actions. Takes additional -2 Defense, lasts for 10 rounds).

Special: If the first attack against this creature fails, DC increase by the difference the attack that failed missed by.


Godzilla Planet Template

Somewhere in the cosmos, thanks to the Cluless virus, there is a planet of creatures all evolved from, or modified to be based on Godzilla, with reptilian features, grow a powerful tail that aids in swimming and can smash enemies with. These creatures are highly aggressive and territorial. From their Godzilla ancestor, they gain impressive natural defenses, resistance to radiation, the ability to breathe a blast of energy, that can even be radioactive in larger creatures and improved healing abilities.

Size: one size category larger, or +25% if already colossal
Type: Changes to Magical Beast
Hit Points: +10 hit points per size category over small
Hit Die: Increase base creatures racial HD by one size to a maximum of d12.
Speed: +10 ft swim, if no swim speed base 10 ft swim.
Attacks: Add tail attack based on size, if already has tail attack increase by 1 size, or if at colossal increase damage by +2 die.
Natural Armour: +3, plus an additional +2 per size category over small in addition to base creature's Natural Armour.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon dealing half fire and half nonspecific energy. See charge for damage based on size.
Special Qualities: Radiation resistance, DR, EMP vulnerability, Fire Resistance, Fast heal.
Abilities: +4 Str, +6 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
ECL: +10

Breath Weapon - These creatures have a breath that it can use once every 1d4 rounds (rolled once at the start of combat), deals half fire and half nonspecific energy damage. Creatures that are of Large size or bigger, their breathe weapons also release increasing amounts of radiation.




Reflex DC

Radiation Exposure

Medium and smaller


60 ft line





80 ft line


Lightly Radioactive



100 ft line


Moderately Radioactive



120 ft line


Highly Radioactive



140 ft line


Severely Radioactive

Radiation Resistance - These creatures are highly resistant to radiation, with a base of +4 to Fort saves plus +2 per size category over small, while Colossal size creatures are immune to radiation poisoning.
Damage Reduction - These creatures have base bonus Damage reduction, in addition to any already have, of 10 plus additional +5 per size category over medium.
EMP Vulnerable - An EMP (electromagetic pulse) will stun a Godzilla if doesn't successfully save DC 19 while successful save daze. Ion weapons deal double lethal damage. Requires Knowledge: Lore check DC 25 or experimenting with ion weapons.
Fire Resistance - These creatures are resistant to fire and heat, gaining Fire Resistance +5, which stacks with any they have, plus addition +5 per size category over medium.
Fast Heal - These creatures have improved healing abilities, with Fast Heal +3 plus additional +2 per size category above medium.


Tau'ri Staff Weapon M-566

Similar in apperance to the Jaffa staff weapon, slightly thicker and not as ornately decorate, but the plasma blaster end doesn't split open, it is a solid ovid shape where the barrel is, the other end has a larger, reinforced end with slightly protruding flanges. This makes the weapon heavier than the Jaffa weapons, but also less prone to damage due to the reinforcements. The non barrel bludgeoning end has a concealed stunner for nonlethal combat, but can equally be used to crush a target's skull. Also concealed is a retractable blade. While the plasma blaster isn't as powerful as the Jaffa weapon, it does have better range and can scale damage slightly, but also doesn't deal area damage like the original staff weapon. The M-566 was designed by Stargate Command to replace the staff weapons used by Free Jaffa that couldn't obtain or reproduce more after the defeat of the Gou'ald System Lords, as the weapon is designed similar enough to the original so the Jaffa would require very little training in their use.

Damage: 3d10 / 1d8 / 1d6 / Special
Critical: 20 / 20 / 19-20x2
Damage Type: Fire / bludgeoning / slashing or piercing / Special
Range Increment: 60 feet / melee / melee / Melee
Rate Of Fire: S.
Magazine: 50 Int.
Size: Large.
Weight: 10 lb.
Purchase DC: 23
Restriction: Military (+3)
Rules: The M-566 requires Personal Firearms Proficiency to handle, and Simple Weapons Proficiency to use effectively in a melee. The concealed blade in the heavy bludgeoning end can be extended or retracted as a free action. Plasma blaster damage can be set to 1d10, 2d20 or 3d10 as a free action once per round. The stunner can be activated as a free action and must be used in stead of the blade or bludgeon. Requires a touch attack and the target needs to make a Fort save DC 19 or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
The M-566 is powered by an internal power pack which must be replaced by opening a small hatch on the opposing side of the staff (a standard action).
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Lantean Puddle Jumper
Puddle Jumpers are small spacecraft created by Ancients that are designed to be transported through Stargates. These ships are controlled through a neural interface through the operator's hands and the chair the pilot is sitting in, as well as manual controls, but requires the user to have the Ancient Gene to operate the craft. The ships are cylindrical shape with an angled front and rear, allowing them to slide perfectly through open Stargates. The forward section has a cockpit and can seat four, with two being operators although the ship can function with only a single person. The aft sections contains passenger and storage area, with room for another 18 people, and a large hatch at the rear allows access to the ship. A door at the end of the cockpit section can seal it from the rear section. When in flight, not passing through a Stargate, a set of short wings which contain the engine pods and compliment of drone weapons, which must be retracted to fit through a Stargate and when landing. The ships also have a control to operate and dial a Stargate up to 2 miles away. While the pods are retracted, the ship can hover silently, and move, however slowly and not as maneuverable, only done when going through a Stargate, or moving to a landing position. The craft is also capable of operating underwater, capable of surviving depths up to 500 ft.
Puddle Jumpers are fitted with Lantean drone weapons, carrying eight, four in each pod and a cloaking field to avoid detection.
To operate the ship the pilot must be a human with the Ancient gene.

Puddle Jumper (PL8-9)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Shuttle
Size: gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft, 2000 (200) atmospheric speed, reach orbit without assistance.
Defense: 11 (-4 size, +3 Class +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (-4 size, +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense: 8
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 10d20 (200 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 26.2 ft, 15.4 ft wide
Weight: 200,000 lb.
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 2, 1 can operate
Passenger Capacity: 18 standing, 2 in cockpit, rest in rear
Cargo Capacity: 8000 lb
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 49
Restriction: Rare (+5), Lantean/Asuran Lic (+1)

Drone Weapon +5 ranged (20d10, 19-20x4, -)

Attack of Opportunity: None

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: artificial gravity, DHD
Engines: Thrusters, ion engine
Armour: Vaadium
Defense Systems: Radiation shielding, autopilot system, damage control (1d10), cloaking field
Sensors: Class VI sensor system
Communications: Radio transceiver, mass transceiver
Weapons: drone weapon (8 drones)
Grappling Systems: none

Dial Home Device, this piece of equipment allows the crew to dial a Stargate within 1.5 miles. Takes a standard action to dial a known address.

Drone Weapon
Drone Weapons are weapons developed by the Ancients as their primary weapon system. A drone is vaguely squid-shaped, 3 feet in length, with a rounded yellow head with small spikes that jut out to the rear of the weapon, with six tails extending from the rear, which taper to a point while in flight, and glows a bright yellow when active. These weapons are capable of penetrating most shields and deal heavy damage to a target. It has on board targeting systems, but can be directed from a Control Chair or console onboard small Ancient ships such as Puddle Jumpers. If a launched drone doesn't destroy a target, it can be returned to its launch point for use later. The drones can operate easily in atmosphere and space, even reaching orbit from a planetary launch location.
The pilot or co-pilot can fire up to 4 drones, making attack rolls for each, targeting up to 4 different targets or a single target. After launch can keep directing the drones if they miss, or target destroyed, or let the drone's own targeting systems take over.
Requires a human with the Ancient gene to operate.

Lantean Drone Weapon (PL9)
Damage: 20d10
Critical: 19-20x4
Damage Type: Energy/Kinetic
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire:
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC:
Restriction: Rare (+5), Lantean Mil (+3)
Notes: Ignores 30 points of hardness/DR.
Ignores shields of all types except Lantean shields, or shields powered by a ZPM module, or planetary scale shielding. On ships that have shield hit die equal to at least three-quarters the total ship's hull hit die (75%), then deals damage to shields. If drone deals more damage than is required to destroy the ship by 50% or more, the drone survives and can be used to strike another target, but deals damage it exceeded the first target.
If drone misses target, can make keep making attacks until it strikes or after 5 rounds when runs out of energy and returns to launcher. Unless the launching point is more at a greater distance than 500,000 ft if a ship, or outside of orbit for a ground based launcher, then floats inert, or crashes to the ground.
Drone controlled by a Control Chair or gunner on ship gains a +5 to attack rolls. If drone loses connection to launching point, it'll attack the launching point's enemies, using IFF systems at +4 to attack rolls, up to 5 rounds then it returns to the launch point.
Drones returning to launch point return automatically, but can not be launched again for 5 rounds.

SGA Puddle Jumper
This version of the Puddle Jumper are ones modified by the Stargate Atlantis Expedition team that modified the cloaking screen into a defensive shield. This allows the craft to withstand more damage, but when the shield is operating, the cloak is inoperative. When used as a cloak, the shield is inoperative. With the shield, the craft can survive greater depths under water, about 1.2 miles. The shield/cloak field has also been modified with use of a Wraith stunner, to release a stun pulse, but the ship's cloak, or shields are inoperable while using the stun pulse.
Make following changes to Puddle Jumper to make SGA Puddle Jumper:
Add shields, 200 hp;
Add stun pulse;
PDC: No change, but only available to SGA and SGC members.

Shield/Cloak Field
Pilot or co-pilot can switch from cloak or shield as a standard action once per round. The shield regenerates at 5 HP per round of not taking damage.

Stun Pulse
The pilot or co-pilot can activate a stun pulse as a standard action, releasing a bubble burst with a 50 foot radius, all outside the ship must make a Fort save DC 19 or be Stunned for 1d4 rounds. A failed save of more than 5, the target is rendered unconscious for 1 hour. When the pulse is used, if the cloak or shield is active it is deactivated, and can not be used for 2 rounds.


G2-1B7 is a 2-1B series medical droid that was part of rebel Partisans cell run by Saw Gerrera that had white and yellow plating with grey limbs and other parts. The droid was modified with swappable servogrip pincers to handle medical equipment in specific circumstances, and had its ethical subroutines modified to allow it to administer drugs beyond the point where they become dangerous levels while treating Saw Gerrera. G2-1B7 displayed incredible skill at working with rudimentary equipment and conditions, recycling equipment and installing cybernetics and repurposing equipment to use as cybernetics. Its drug storage systems were expanded to increase number of doses of drugs and medicines it can carry, and it had some repairs that reinforced its structure slightly.

G2-1B7, 2-1B Medical Droid
CR: 2
Size: Medium (5 ft)
Hit Points: 1d10+14 (24)
Init: +1
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 11 (+1 Dex)
BAB/Grp: +0
Attack: unarmed +1 melee 1d3+1
FS/Reach: 5/5 ft
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Cyber Scavenger, Ingenious Cybercrafting
Saves: Fort +0 , Reflex +1 , Will +0
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con -, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 5
Skills: Balance +5, Computer Use +8, Craft Electrical +10, Craft Mechanical +10, Craft Pharmaceutical +8, Knowledge Behavioral Science +6, Knowledge Earth and Life Sciences +6, Listen +2, Search +4, Spot +2, Treat Injury +10
Feats: Surgery, Cybersurgery, Xenomedic, Craft Cybernetics, Salvage

Frame: biodroid
Locomotion: Legs (pair)
Manipulators: Task Hands (2)
Armour: None
Sensors: Class VI
Skill Software: Skill Net (+4): Craft Pharmaceutical, Knowledge Behavioural Science, Knowledge Earth and Life Sciences, Treat Injury, Skill Net (+2) Computer Use, Research, Search, Treat Injury
Feat Software: Surgery, Cybernetic Surgery, Xenomedic, Craft Cybernetics, Salvage
Accessories: Int upgrade x2, Dex upgrade, internal storage (20 lbs, usually medical supplies or tools), complink, tool mount x2 (on arms of medical tools), vocalizer, polyvox, medicomp sensor, pharmacist kit, medical kit, surgery kit, first aid kit, hypodermic injectors, hold 10 different chemicals with 15 doses each, heuristic processors, stabilizer system, hydraulic legs
PDC: 26, Unique (+7)

As a medical droid, G2-1B7 isn't designed for combat, but with its swappable servogripers and after having its ethical subroutines modified, G2 will use a weapon to defend a patient, but will use stun setting or use nonlethal damage option if using a melee action. If using a melee action, doesn't take the normal -4 penalty to attack rolls when attempting to deal nonlethal damage with a melee weapon.

Heuristic Processor
The 2-1B series droids are able to learn new skills and feats, and take on ordinary classes (see d20 modern pg 270 Support Characters), but must relate to the medical field in some way.

Stabilizer System
This system allows the 2-1B to perform delicate surgery even with explosions all around it, or a starship pulling wild maneuvers. Includes magnetic feet, +4 stabilize checks (against overruns/bull rushes, being knocked prone), and Balance checks.

Hydraulic Legs
The legs are designed to raise or lower the droid so that it can work at different levels for increased efficiency. The droid can adjust its height by 12 inches up or down.

Cyber Scavenger
G2-1B7 is very skilled at scavenging cybernetic parts, gaining a +4 to Search checks while Salvaging for cybernetic components or items, and time is reduced by half.

Ingenious Cybercrafting
G2-1B7 is very skilled at crafting cybernetic devices using components that normally not part of the cybernetic device, reduces the Wealth check against the purchase DC for crafting cybernetics by 2, as can use components not normally used.

Voidrunner's Codex

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