CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


A few NPCs from Marvel, although could be generic.

Marvel Mercenaries
This group of mercenaries are from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, offer their services as mercenaries, from raiders, guards, foot soldiers, etc. They all wear combat fatigues usually in dark greys with light helmets, goggles and face coverings, heavy gloves, keeping their identities secret, never using names and only ID codes and numbers when on the job or interacting with clients.

Marvel Mercenary Soldier
The mercenary soldier is versatile, able to perform in various roles that one can hire them for. They wear tactical armour with full face covering and tinted goggles to keep their identities secret. While on the job, they carry all the gear typically need for a job, although additional supplies may be assigned or carried, in a backpack with quick access to additional ammunition, grenades and equipment. They are armed with an M-16 with under barrel grenade launcher. The goggles and helmet are fitted with night vision, polarization and ear protection against flash bangs.

Marvel Mercenary Soldier Low Level (Strong Ord 2)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 1
Hit Points: 2d8+2, 11 hp
Mas: 13
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 17, Touch 14, Flatfooted 15 (+2 Dex, +2 Class, +3 undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +2 / +4
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +4 melee knife (1d4+2, 19-20x2 slashing), or +4 ranged Dark Watch Assault Rifle (2d8 ballistic, 80 ft), or +0 grenade launcher (varies, 70 ft), or +5 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Special Attacks: Covered Fire
Special Qualities: Tactical Loadout, Protective Measures
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +2, Will +1
Reputation: +0
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +2, Demolitions +3, Jump +2, Read/Write English, Survival +5, Swim +4
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armour Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 50 rounds, Dark Watch Assault Rifle (5.56mm, 40mm grenade) + 120 rds, 10 grenades, military radio, undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast use first aid kit, 2 lbs C4

Marvel Mercenary Soldier Mid Level (Strong Ord 6)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 5
Hit Points: 6d8+12 +5, 44 hp
Mas: 14
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 19, Touch 15, Flatfooted 17 (+2 Dex, +3 Class, +4 dark watch ceramic undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +6 / +8
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +8 melee knife (1d4+2, 19-20x2 slashing), or +8 ranged Dark Watch Assault Rifle (2d8 ballistic, 80 ft), or +8 grenade launcher (varies, 70 ft), or +8 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Full Attack: +8/+3 melee knife (1d4+2, 19-20x2), or +8/+3 ranged Dark Watch Assault Rifle (2d8, ball, 80 ft), or +8 ranged grenade (varies, 70 ft) and +3 ranged Dark Watch Assault Rifle (2d8, ball, 80 ft), or +8/+3 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball , 40 ft)
Special Attacks: Covered Fire
Special Qualities: Tactical Loadout, Protective Measures, Advanced Discipline Conditioning
Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +4
Reputation: +1
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +5, Demolitions +5, Jump +5, Listen +3, Read/Write English, Spot +3, Survival +8, Swim +6
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armour Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Strafe, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (grenade launcher)
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 50 rounds, Dark Watch Assault Rifle (5.56mm, 40mm grenade) + 120 rds, 10 grenades (5 frag, 2 sonic pulse, 2 EMP, 1 Buff grenade), military radio, Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast use first aid kit, 2 lbs of C4

Marvel Mercenary Soldier High Level (Strong 10)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 9
Hit Points: 10d8+20 +5, 70 hp
Mas: 14
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 21, Touch 17, Flatfooted 19 (+2 Dex, +5 Class, +4 Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +10 / +13
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +13 melee knife (1d4+3, 19-20x2 slashing), or +13 ranged Advanced Dark Watch Assault Rifle (3d8+2 ballistic, 90 ft), or +13 grenade launcher (varies, 70 ft), or +12 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Full Attack: +13/+8 melee knife (1d4+2, 19-20x2), or +13/+8 ranged Advanced Dark Watch Assault Rifle (3d8+2, ball, 90 ft), or +13 ranged grenade (varies, 70 ft) and +8 ranged Advanced Dark Watch Assault Rifle (3d8+2, ball, 90 ft), or +12/+7 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball , 40 ft)
Special Attacks: Covered Fire
Special Qualities: Tactical Loadout, Protective Measures, Advanced Discipline Conditioning, Augmented Crippling Strikes
Saves: Fort +8, Reflex +5, Will +5
Reputation: +2
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +8, Demolitions +5, Jump +6, Listen +4, Read/Write English, Search +3, Spot +4, Survival +12, Swim +6
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armour Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Strafe, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (grenade launcher), Point Blank Shot
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 50 rounds, Advanced Dark Watch Assault Rifle (5.56mm, 40mm grenade) + 120 rds, 10 grenades (5 frag, 2 sonic pulse, 2 EMP, 1 Buff grenade), military radio, Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast use first aid kit, 2 lbs C4.

Covered Fire
As long as the soldier saw an opponent, when taking cover, can improve the cover degree by one type (one-quarter becomes half, etc), and can fire the grenade launcher without revealing themselves, at -3 to attack roll.

Tactical Loadout
When fighting with other Marvel Mercenaries, deals an additional +2 to damage if attacking the same target as another Marvel Mercenary in the same round. Allied Marvel Mercenaries within 30 feet of each other gain +1 to attacks. If two Marvel Mercenaries are within 5 ft of each other, they can share ammunition or other supplies in their backpack as if it was on their person as their own equipment, allowing those low on ammunition to get a reload from an ally quickly.

Protective Measures
When fighting defensively with a weapon of small size in hand, only suffers -2 to attack rolls, while gaining +2 to Defense like normal.

Advanced Discipline Conditioning
Higher level members of Marvel Mercenaries gain advanced training, improving their health and resistances. Gains +5 hit points, +1 Fort and Will saves. Only available to members with at least 4 HD.

Augmented Crippling Strikes
Higher level members of Marvel Mercenaries gain advanced training in crippling strikes. The user can take a -5 to attack roll to improve critical threat range of weapon they are currently using, as long as they are proficient in its use, lasts until next attack, but has to be made within 5 rounds. Only available to members with at least 7 HD.

Dark Watch Assault Rifle
This rifle is loosely based on the Colt M-16A2 rifle, using 5.56mm ammunition, with an under barrel 40mm grenade launcher which holds two grenades instead of the normal single grenade. This weapon features a three-round burst setting. When using the Burst fire feat, it only fires three bullets instead of five, and can be used with only three bullets in the weapon. Doesn't grant the ability to make burst fire attacks without the feat, if use the setting without the feat, make a normal attack, wasting the extra two bullets. Switching between grenade launcher and rifle is a free action, can be done as many times as the user has attacks.

Dark Watch Assault Rifle (PL5 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 2d8 / varies by grenade
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic / varies
Range Increment: 80 ft / 70 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A / Semi
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs
Ammo: 20 box / 2 internal
Purchase DC: 18 Mil (+3)
Notes: built in grenade launcher, switching between rifle and grenade launcher free action. Can load a single grenade as a move action.

Advanced Dark Watch Assault Rifle
This version of the Dark Watch Assault Rifle is higher quality, with a longer barrel, with improved stopping power. This rifle is loosely based on the Colt M-16A2 rifle, using 5.56mm ammunition, with an under barrel 40mm grenade launcher which holds two grenades instead of the normal single grenade. This weapon features a three-round burst setting. When using the Burst fire feat, it only fires three bullets instead of five, and can be used with only three bullets in the weapon. Doesn't grant the ability to make burst fire attacks without the feat, if use the setting without the feat, make a normal attack, wasting the extra two bullets. Switching between grenade launcher and rifle is a free action, can be done as many times as the user has attacks.

Advanced Dark Watch Assault Rifle (PL5 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 3d8+2 / varies by grenade
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic / varies
Range Increment: 90 ft / 70 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A / Semi
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs
Ammo: 20 box / 2 internal
Purchase DC: 18 Mil (+3)
Notes: master work (+1 attack roll), built in grenade launcher, switching between rifle and grenade launcher free action. Can load a single grenade as a move action, improved damage and improved stopping power gadgets added.

Buff Grenade
These grenades use a combination of magic and nanite technology to steal any benefits those in the blast radius might have. When strikes target square, releases a pulse, dealing 2d6 non lethal concussive damage to all within 10 ft radius, Reflex save DC 15 for half damage. Any benefits those in the area might have, from magic, or technological, to any skills, checks, attack rolls, including fast heal (but not Regeneration), must make a Will save DC 15 or lose the benefits (if passive, or have a longer duration, the benefits are stopped) for 5 rounds. The user of the grenade gains half the bonuses (round down, to a minimum of 1) for 3 rounds. Example, if a target is benefiting from the effects of a Rage (+4 Str, +4 Con, -2 Def), the user of the Buff Grenade gains half the bonuses (+2 Str, +2 Con, -1 Def).
Weight: 1 lb
PDC: 19 for box of 5, unique to Marvel Mercenaries.

Marvel Mercenary Sniper
These are soldiers that are trained as snipers. Their helmet goggles are two circular lenses plus an additional sensor mounted on the left temple, which functions as a set of binoculars. They are equipped with a Dark Watch Longrifle, a knife and a pistol for back up.

Marvel Mercenary Sniper Low Level (Fast Ord 2)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 1
Hit Points: 2d8+4, 13 hp
Mas: 14
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 17, Touch 14, Flatfooted 15 (+2 Dex, +2 Class, +3 undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +1 / +2
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +2 melee knife (1d4+1, 19-20x2 slashing), or +3 ranged Dark Watch Longrifle (2d10 ballistic, 150 ft), or +3 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Special Attacks: Ricocheted Shot
Special Qualities: Steady Aim, Protective Measures
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +4, Will +1
Reputation: +0
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +2, Concentration +4, Demolitions +3, Drive +4, Hide +5, Jump +2, Move Silently +5, Read/Write English, Survival +5, Swim +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Far Shot, Dead Aim
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 40 rounds, Dark Watch Longrifle (7.62mm) + 80 rds (typically carries 20 rds/2 clips of different types of ammunition, such as armour piercing or others), 4 grenades, military radio, undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast first aid kit

Marvel Mercenary Sniper Mid Level (Fast Ord 6)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 5
Hit Points: 6d8+12, 39 hp
Mas: 14
Init: +7
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 23, Touch 19, Flatfooted 20 (+3 Dex, +6 Class, +4 Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +4 / +5
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +5 melee knife (1d4+1, 19-20x2 slashing), or +7 ranged Dark Watch Longrifle (2d10 ballistic, 150 ft), or +7 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Special Attacks: Ricocheted Shot
Special Qualities: Steady Aim, Protective Measures, Advanced Discipline Conditioning
Saves: Fort +4, Reflex +6, Will +3
Reputation: +2
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +2, Concentration +6, Demolitions +3, Drive +4, Hide +7, Jump +2, Move Silently +7, Read/Write English, Search +3, Spot +3, Survival +5, Swim +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Far Shot, Dead Aim, Improved Initiative, Armour Proficiency (light)
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 40 rounds, Dark Watch Longrifle (7.62mm) + 80 rds (typically carries 20 rds/2 clips of different types of ammunition, such as armour piercing or others), 4 grenades, military radio, Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast first aid kit

Marvel Mercenary Sniper High Level (Fast Ord 6)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 9
Hit Points: 10d8+20, 65 hp
Mas: 14
Init: +7
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 25, Touch 21, Flatfooted 22 (+3 Dex, +8 Class, +4 undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +7 / +8
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +8 melee knife (1d4+1, 19-20x2 slashing), or +12 ranged Advanced Dark Watch Longrifle (3d10+2 ballistic, 180 ft), or +10 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Full Attack: +8/+3 melee knife (1d4+1, 19-20x2, slashing), or +12/+7 ranged Dark Watch Longrifle (3d10+2 ballistic, 180 ft), or +10/+5 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Special Attacks: Ricocheted Shot
Special Qualities: Steady Aim, Protective Measures, Advanced Discipline Conditioning, Augmented Crippling Strike
Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +8, Will +5
Reputation: +3
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +3, Concentration +9, Demolitions +3, Drive +4, Hide +12, Jump +2, Move Silently +12, Read/Write English, Search +5, Spot +5, Survival +7, Swim +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Far Shot, Dead Aim, Improved Initiative, Armour Proficiency (light), Weapon Focus (Dark Watch Longrifle (includes advanced version)
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 40 rounds, Dark Watch Longrifle (7.62mm) + 80 rds (typically carries 20 rds/2 clips of different types of ammunition, such as armour piercing or others), 4 grenades, military radio, Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast first aid kit

Ricocheted Shot
This allows a character to ricochet or bounce a bullet off of objects to hit a target. Make a Concentration check DC 15, and suffers -3 to strike and deals 1 less die of damage. The total distance between the object ricocheted off and the target must be less than half the weapon's range increment, before any feats or equipment that increases range. A ricochet shot can only be ricocheted as many times as the attack has dice of damage (i.e. a character with 2d6 damage could ricochet one time and still do damage to the target). If a shot is ricocheted so that is hits an enemy from behind then the enemy is at caught flat footed. Each ricochet does 1 die of damage of the weapon to the object that it was ricocheted off of. Shots can be ricocheted off of a person, but the character must make an attack roll at --5 to strike instead of the normal -3.

Steady Aim
When spending a full round aiming, make a Concentration check DC equal to target's Defense. Beating the target's Defense grants a +1 bonus to damage +1 for every 5 points over the target's Defense the Concentration check beats.

Protective Measures
When fighting defensively with a weapon of small size in hand, only suffers -2 to attack rolls, while gaining +2 to Defense like normal.

Advanced Discipline Conditioning
Higher level members of Marvel Mercenaries gain advanced training, improving their health and resistances. Gains +5 hit points, +1 Fort and Will saves. Only available to members with at least 4 HD.

Augmented Crippling Strikes
Higher level members of Marvel Mercenaries gain advanced training in crippling strikes. The user can take a -5 to attack roll to improve critical threat range of weapon they are currently using, as long as they are proficient in its use, lasts until next attack, but has to be made within 5 rounds. Only available to members with at least 7 HD

Dark Watch Longrifle
This rifle is loosely based on the Erma SR 100 rifle, using 7.62mm ammunition, however it has a semi automatic action, comes with bipod and electro scope.

Dark Watch Longrifle (PL5 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 100 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs
Ammo: 10 box
Purchase DC: 20 Mil (+3)
Notes: built in bipod providing +1 when used, attached electro-optical scope (attack action acquiring target, range 150 ft ((225 ft with far shot feat), nightvision), built in suppressor.

Advanced Dark Watch Longrifle
The Advanced Dark Watch Longrifle is a masterwork version, with improved barrel construction and recoil systems. This rifle is loosely based on the Erma SR 100 rifle, using 7.62mm ammunition, however it has a semi automatic action, comes with bipod and electro scope.

Dark Watch Longrifle (PL5 Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Damage: 3d10+2
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 120 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs
Ammo: 10 box
Purchase DC: 20 Mil (+3)
Notes: Mastercraft +1, built in bipod providing +1 when used, attached electro-optical scope (attack action acquiring target, range 150 ft ((225 ft with far shot feat), nightvision), built in suppressor, improved damage and improved stopping damage gadgets added.

Marvel Mercenary Lieutenant
These are combat leaders of groups of Marvel Mercenaries, making allies faster and stronger.

Marvel Mercenary Lieutenant Low Level (Strong Ord 1/Dedicated Ord 1)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 1
Hit Points: 1d8+1 plus 1d6+1, 13 hp
Mas: 13
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 16, Touch 13, Flatfooted 15 (+1 Dex, +2 Class, +3 undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +1 / +3
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +3 melee knife (1d4+2, 19-20x2 slashing), or +2 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Call the Shots, Squad Coherency, Protective Measures
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +1, Will +3
Reputation: +0
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +2, Drive +3, Hide +3, Intimidate +1, Jump +2, Knowledge Tactics +2, Move Silently +3, Read/Write English, Survival +5, Swim +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Armour Proficiency Light, +1
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 60 rounds, (typically carries 20 rds/2 clips of different types of ammunition, such as armour piercing or others), 4 grenades, military radio, undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast first aid kit

Marvel Mercenary Lieutenant Mid Level (Strong Ord 3/Dedicated Ord 3)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 5
Hit Points: 3d8+6 plus 3d6+6, 39 hp
Mas: 14
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 19, Touch 15, Flatfooted 18 (+1 Dex, +4 Class, +4 Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +5 / +7
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +7 melee knife (1d4+2, 19-20x2 slashing), or +6 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Call the Shots, Squad Coherency, Protective Measures, Advanced Discipline Conditioning,
Saves: Fort +7, Reflex +3, Will +5
Reputation: +1
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +2, Drive +6, Hide +4, Intimidate +4, Jump +3, Knowledge Tactics +4, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Read/Write English, Spot +3, Survival +5, Swim +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Armour Proficiency Light, +3
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 60 rounds, (typically carries 20 rds/2 clips of different types of ammunition, such as armour piercing or others), 4 grenades, military radio, Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast first aid kit, Dark Watch Comm Gear,

Marvel Mercenary Lieutenant High Level (Strong Ord 5/Dedicated Ord 5)
Type: Human
Size: Medium
CR: 9
Hit Points: 5d8+10 plus 5d6+10, 65 hp
Mas: 14
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 20, Touch 17, Flatfooted 19 (+1 Dex, +6 Class, +4 Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest)
BAB/Grp: +8 / +11
FS/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +11 melee knife (1d4+3, 19-20x2 slashing), or +10 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Full Attack: +11/+6 melee knife (1d4+3, 19-20x2 slashing), or +10/+5 ranged Glock 20 (2d6, ball, 40 ft)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Call the Shots, Squad Coherency, Protective Measures Advanced Discipline Conditioning,
Saves: Fort +9, Reflex +3, Will +6
Reputation: +3
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +2, Demolitions +5, Drive +8, Hide +4, Intimidate +6, Jump +3, Knowledge Tactics +5, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Read/Write English, Sense Motivie +4, Spot +3, Survival +6, Swim +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Armour Proficiency Light, +4
Possessions: Glock 20 (10mm) + 60 rounds, (typically carries 20 rds/2 clips of different types of ammunition, such as armour piercing or others), 4 grenades, military radio, Dark Watch Ceramic undercover vest, helmet with ear protection, goggles with nightvision & polarization (+2 saves vs flash bangs & similar attacks, 50 ft darkvision -2 spot, HUD connected to military radio), fast first aid kit

Protective Measures
When fighting defensively with a weapon of small size in hand, only suffers -2 to attack rolls, while gaining +2 to Defense like normal.

Advanced Discipline Conditioning
Higher level members of Marvel Mercenaries gain advanced training, improving their health and resistances. Gains +5 hit points, +1 Fort and Will saves. Only available to members with at least 4 HD.

Augmented Crippling Strikes
Higher level members of Marvel Mercenaries gain advanced training in crippling strikes. The user can take a -5 to attack roll to improve critical threat range of weapon they are currently using, as long as they are proficient in its use, lasts until next attack, but has to be made within 5 rounds. Only available to members with at least 7 HD

Call The Shots
The Marvel Mercenary Lieutenant can inspire their allies, make a Charisma check DC 10 as a full round action, to all allies that can see and hear the Lieutenant within 50 feet. The effects last for 3 rounds. An inspired ally gains a +3 moral bonus to attack rolls and initiative rolls.

Squad Coherency
When using Treat Injury skill to heal an ally Marvel Mercenary, double the amount of hit points. If standing within 5 ft of an ally Marvel Mercenary, if the ally is hit by an attack, the Marvel Mercenary Lieutenant can use an attack of opportunity to attack the attacker at -3 to attack roll. If the attack was a ranged attack, the Lieutenant must already have a ranged weapon in hand, and can only attack if the attacker is within the first range increment of their weapon.

Dark Watch Comm Gear
This set of encrypted communications equipment links to a HUD system in a helmet, and has a touch screen controller that can attached to a user's wrist that can also display what is on the HUD, and functions as a manual input and scans text and images pointed at with a built in camera. Has a holo-display to project small 3D images such as maps or objects for mission briefings. It has a short range cellular phone tap and radio interceptor, both with a 5 mile radius, wireless modem, digital audio recorder and video recorder capturing everything around the user and anything linked via radio from allies, GPS and IFF system with linked radios.
Grants user +1 to Knowledge Tactics, negates half penalties for shooting into melee combat when an ally is in melee range of the target. Allows use of skills that can Inspire allies (Leadership Talent tree, other abilities/skills that grants moral or inspired bonus) over a greater distance of 1 mile without line of sight as long as in radio contact, 5 miles if linked with a video communications and HUD system.
Weight: 19 lbs
PDC: 24 Mil +3

Marvel Mercenary Equipment

Dark Watch Ceramic Undercover Vest

This set of armour is an upgraded version of the Undercover Vest, covering the torso, but instead of using ballistic plates, it uses ceramic plating, slightly lighter and provides slightly better protection with better placement and fitting. These armours are give to mid level and higher (at least 4 HD) members.

Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +4
Nonprof. Bonus: +2
Max Dex: +5
Armour Penalty: -2
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 3 lbs
Purchase DC: 16
Restriction: Res +2
Notes: When worn under clothing, grants +2 bonus on Spot checks to notice the armour.

Reactive Plating
The name is a slight misnomer, as these plates are not reactive like those on tanks, but are a set of armoured plates that house some defensive systems. These consist of a pair of pauldrons (armour over the shoulders) and a plate that attaches to the user's chest. These contain an aerosol dispenser that can release smoke, anti-laser aerosol. Also contains a magnetic field generator that helps deflect and reduce damage from electrical damage, and deflects projectiles. The system is powered by a power pack that fits in one of the shoulders.
Adds +1 Equipment bonus to Defense, which can be stacked with Light and Medium armour, increases Armour check Penalty by a further -1.
Anti-Laser Aerosol Dispensers release a cloud covering a 15 foot radius around the user, reducing damage from laser based attacks by 50%. This cloud also grants some concealment of 10% miss chance. The cloud persists for 2d4 rounds, however strong winds of over 30 mph will dissipate the cloud in 2 rounds. The user can use a laser weapon while the cloud is active, but it only deals half damage as the cloud reduces its effectiveness. Has enough for 5 uses.
Smoke Dispenser releases a cloud of smoke that also blocks IR sensors, covering a 15 foot radius around the user, granting full concealment of 50% miss chance for the user. The cloud persists for 2d4 rounds, however strong winds over 30 mph will dissipate the cloud in 2 rounds. Has enough for 5 uses.
Magnetic field generator provides a +1 Deflection bonus against metallic projectiles, electrical and ion weapons. The user gains DR 3 against electrical and ion based weapons. The field can be maintained for 1 minute, requiring a 5 round cool down. Each round of operations uses 1 charge from a standard power pack, which has 50 charges typically.
Weight: 5 lbs, must be used with all 3 pieces.
PDC: 18 Res +2

Dark Watch Isolated Suit
This full body suit, padded with ballistic polymers, with the outer layer fitted with meta-materials that change colours and small cameras that allow it to take on the colour and patterns of the wearer's surroundings. The suit is also insulated to regulate the wearer's heat signature to match the background, and block EM signals from being detected from simple electronics the wearer has on them (passive night vision, radios not actively being used). These suits are used where stealth is required and typically only given to mid level and above members.

Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +3
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Max Dex: +6
Armour Penalty: -1
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 5 lbs
Purchase DC: 21
Restriction: Mil +3
Notes: Grants +10 to Hide checks when not moving, +4 while moving less than 15 ft per round. IR and EM sensors suffer -3 to Search and Spot checks to detect the wearer.

Black Talon (PL6)

Also called ripper bullets, these degrade the hard defences of a target with each shot. Every black talon round that hits a target with a Hardness rating or Damage Reduction reduces that protection by 1 point to a minimum of 0. Damage caused by black talon rounds is very costly to repair, starting at a PDC of 10 and increasing cumulatively by 1 for every 1 of damage beyond the first. The cratered nature of black talon impacts means that all the damage done from them must be repaired at the same time.
PDC +3 Mil (+3)

Shredder (PL5)
These rounds are designed to break apart into small pieces like shrapnel, shredding the target's insides. Reduce damage die by 2 types (2d8 becomes 2d4, to a minimum of 2d4), but add 1d4 slashing damage, plus target suffers 1 point of bleeding damage each round until receives treatment. Removing the metal shards requires surgery with xray equipment as the shards are small and spread quickly.
PDC: +4 Illegal (+4)

Demo Rounds (PL5)
These rounds have the forward part of the bullet housed in a plastic case that easily breaks which allows the contained C4 to stick to target struck, which will detonate using a remote detonator. Anything struck takes 1d4 points of non-lethal damage. To make the round stick properly the user takes a -4 to attack roll to ensure it strikes to stick. The C4 only deals 1d4 points of concussive damage to a 2.5 foot radius (filling 1 square). These rounds are used more for sabotage and combined with other skills to make the most use of.
PDC: +3 Mil (+3)

Melter Rounds (PL5)
These rounds have a 'soft' shell that easily breaks once they strike a target. The bullet only deals 1d4 ballistic damage if a pistol round, 1d6 if rifle round, plus 1d6 acid for pistols and 1d8 for rifles, and deals same damage for 2 more rounds, the damage bypasses hardness/DR on metal objects.
PDC: +4 Mil +3

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How about a lightweight variation of the Siege Tank cannon instead of the plasma cannon? Not as powerful, maybe a power hog, but definitely more reliable than the Imperium tech.

Lord Zack

That would be redundant I think. The point isn't to make a new variant of a siege tank. I'm imagining a cheaper, more mobile alternative to the siege tank, with Koprulu Sector materials and possibly a railgun as the main weapon.


Additional Koopas

Blue Electro-Koopas
These Koopas are a smaller koopa that walks on all fours due to the weight of their shells. The blue shells have two large spikes that have electricity spark between them. The blue electro-koopa is capable of throwing its shell like a boomerangs to strike their target, and electrocute them. When not throwing the shell, it can shock anything that strikes them in melee combat.

Blue Electro-Koopa
Small Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 3d10+6+3 (28 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 14*, touch 12, flat-footed 12* (+2 Dex +2 natural*)
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+2
Attack: slam +2 melee (1d4 bludgeoning) or shell +4 ranged (1d4 bludgeoning + 1d6 electricity)
Full Attack: slam +2 melee (1d4 bludgeoning), or shell +4 ranged (1d4 bludgeoning + 1d6 electricity
Space/Reach: 5 ft /5 ft
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: tuck, koopa racial traits, acid resistance 5, light fortification, electricity resistance 10, shock, water vulnerability, thrown shell, shock
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 10
Skills: Climb +4, Jump +4, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Toughness
Environment: any temperate
Organization: pair, squad (1d4 plus 1d6 regular koopa troopas), or troop (1d6 plus regular koopa troopa s2d6), group (20+ 1d8)
Challenge Rating: 3

Blue Electro-Koopas are more aggressive and will attack enemies when they are spotted. They start by throwing their shells and will try to keep out of melee range, but will engage in melee, relying on their shock ability to further injure opponents.

Koopa Racial Traits (Ex): Koopas do not suffer any reduction in speed for carrying a medium or heavy load. Koopas have a +2 racial bonus to Climb and Jump checks.
Tuck (Ex): A Koopa may tuck his head, arms, and legs into his shell as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. However, this causes the Koopa to fall prone (unless he already was prone). This grants total concealment (50% miss chance) and cover (+4 cover bonus to Defense and Reflex saves). A Koopa can remain tucked indefinitely. While tucked, a Koopa can take no actions involving movement other than rising from prone. A Koopa retains his Tuck bonuses while standing up (specifically against attacks of opportunity incurred), but not after.
Though the average Koopa mentality is to avoid fighting at all costs, Koopas who defend themselves trust their natural defenses. They prefer to fight defensively, and try to avoid blows and strike when their opponents are tired out.

Light Fortification
Any critical attack against a koopa has a 25% chance of dealing normal damage instead.

Thrown Shell
When the Blue Electro-Koopa throws their shell, they lose their Natural Armour bonus to Defense, the shell has a range increment of 40 ft out to 5 range increments. The shell automatically returns back to the koopa unless it travels over a drop greater than 40 feet, then the shell drops to the ground if it missed its target. Then it disappears and the koopa grows a new shell in 1d6 rounds, but during this time it doesn't have the Natural armour bonus to Defense and loses the shock ability.

Water Vulnerability
When the Electro-Koopa is struck with at least 2 gallons of water, or any attack that could deal damage or push it more than 5 feet or knock it prone, it loses its resistance to electricity for 1d4 rounds. If it throws its shell during this time, it suffers the electricity damage from its ranged attack when the shell returns if it uses the attack.

Anything that strikes the Electro-Koopa with a melee attack suffers 1d6 points of electricity damage.

Koopa Paratroopa
Paratroopas are virtually identical to Koopa Troopas, except they typically have red shells, and they have a pair of feathered wings on their shells, allowing them to fly. When they suffer damage they lose their wings and drop to the ground, then become troopas. They are armed with spears.

Koopa Paratroopa
Medium Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 2d10+6+3 +10 (31 hp with wings, 21 hp without)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft, 40 ft fly (average)
Defense: 12*, touch 10*, flat-footed 12 (-1 Dex +2 natural +1 Dodge*)
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: slam +3 melee (1d4+2 bludgeoning) or spear +3 melee (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft), or spear +0 ranged (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft, 5 spears)
Full Attack: slam +3 melee (1d4+2 bludgeoning) or spear +3 melee (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft) or spear +0 ranged (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft, 5 spears)
Space/Reach: 5 ft /5 ft
Special Attacks: Dive Attack
Special Qualities: tuck, koopa racial traits, acid resistance 5, light fortification, Wings
Saves: Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14 Dex 8 Con 17 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 10
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Toughness
Environment: any temperate
Organization: pair, squad (1d6+1), or troop (3d6), group (20+ 1d8)
Challenge Rating: 3

The Paratroopa keep above their targets, will throw up to a couple of spears before engaging in melee combat, using their advantage of being airborne.

Koopa Racial Traits (Ex): Koopas do not suffer any reduction in speed for carrying a medium or heavy load. Koopas have a +2 racial bonus to Climb and Jump checks.
Tuck (Ex): A Koopa may tuck his head, arms, and legs into his shell as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. However, this causes the Koopa to fall prone (unless he already was prone). This grants total concealment (50% miss chance) and cover (+4 cover bonus to Defense and Reflex saves). A Koopa can remain tucked indefinitely. While tucked, a Koopa can take no actions involving movement other than rising from prone. A Koopa retains his Tuck bonuses while standing up (specifically against attacks of opportunity incurred), but not after.
Though the average Koopa mentality is to avoid fighting at all costs, Koopas who defend themselves trust their natural defenses. They prefer to fight defensively, and try to avoid blows and strike when their opponents are tired out.

Light Fortification
Any critical attack against a koopa has a 25% chance of dealing normal damage instead.

The paratroopas have a set of white feathered wings. While they have wings they have +10 bonus hit points. When they take damage that doesn't kill them out right, they lose their wings and drop to the ground, suffering no damage if the drop is 50 ft or less. They land safely and are healed any damage to 21 hit points and function as a troopa. If they are able to regain their wings, they gain the bonus hit points, through use of feathered, leaf or other items that grant flight from Mario Bro items. Any time the Paratroopa attacks a target on the ground while they are in the air, they gain a +2 to attack rolls. While they have their wings they have a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense.

Dive Attack
As a full round attack, the paratroopa can dive at a target below them within 40 ft, but must be more than 20 feet away. They gain a +4 to attack bonus (already factoring in the +2 bonus for being above due to their wings), but suffer -2 to Defense for the round. On a successful hit, the paratroopa deals double damage, and the target must make a Fort save DC 15 or be knocked prone. If the target is airborne, loses control and falls to the ground.

Koopa Scaratroopa
Scaratroopa are elite paratroopas, being faster and more powerful. Their wings are slightly larger and more 'angular' in design.

Koopa Scaratroopa
Medium Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 6d10+18+3 +15 (68 hp with wings, 53 hp without)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft, 50 ft fly (average)
Defense: 15*, touch 11*, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural +1 Dodge*)
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6
Attack: slam +6 melee (1d4+2 bludgeoning) or spear +6 melee (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft), or spear +4 ranged (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft, 10 spears)
Full Attack: spear +6 melee (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft) and slam +1 melee (1d4+2 bludgeoning) or spear +4 ranged (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft, 10 spears)
Space/Reach: 5 ft /5 ft
Special Attacks: Dive Attack
Special Qualities: tuck, koopa racial traits, acid resistance 5, light fortification, Wings
Saves: Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14 Dex 10 Con 17 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 10
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Toughness
Environment: any temperate
Organization: pair, squad (1d6+1), or troop (2d6+2)
Challenge Rating: 6

The Scaratroopa keep above their targets, will throw up to a couple of spears before engaging in melee combat, using their advantage of being airborne.

Koopa Racial Traits (Ex): Koopas do not suffer any reduction in speed for carrying a medium or heavy load. Koopas have a +2 racial bonus to Climb and Jump checks.
Tuck (Ex): A Koopa may tuck his head, arms, and legs into his shell as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. However, this causes the Koopa to fall prone (unless he already was prone). This grants total concealment (50% miss chance) and cover (+4 cover bonus to Defense and Reflex saves). A Koopa can remain tucked indefinitely. While tucked, a Koopa can take no actions involving movement other than rising from prone. A Koopa retains his Tuck bonuses while standing up (specifically against attacks of opportunity incurred), but not after.
Though the average Koopa mentality is to avoid fighting at all costs, Koopas who defend themselves trust their natural defenses. They prefer to fight defensively, and try to avoid blows and strike when their opponents are tired out.

Light Fortification
Any critical attack against a koopa has a 25% chance of dealing normal damage instead.

The scaratroopas have a set of white feathered wings. While they have wings they have +15 bonus hit points. When they take damage that doesn't kill them out right, they lose their wings and drop to the ground, suffering no damage if the drop is 50 ft or less. They land safely and are healed any damage to 53 hit points and function as a troopa. If they are able to regain their wings, they gain the bonus hit points, through use of feathered, leaf or other items that grant flight from Mario Bro items. Any time the scaratroopa attacks a target on the ground while they are in the air, they gain a +2 to attack rolls. While they have their wings they have a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense.

Dive Attack
As a full round attack, the scaratroopa can dive at a target below them within 50 ft, but must be more than 20 feet away. They gain a +4 to attack bonus (already factoring in the +2 bonus for being above due to their wings), but suffer -2 to Defense for the round. On a successful hit, the paratroopa deals double damage plus an additional +1d8 per 10 feet over 20 feet minimum the enemy is away from the scaratroopa, and the target must make a Fort save DC 17 or be knocked prone. If the target is airborne, loses control and falls to the ground.


N-1 Naboo Starfighter
The N-1 starfighter is a light craft developed by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps, used by the Royal Naboo Security Forces. It is a sleek craft, with two wings that spread from the front with the twin engines mounted on the ends, giving it a hammerhead shape, with the pilot and astromech socket at the end of the main hull, with a narrow, spear-like tail. The ship had a (sw) chromium coating along the front edge and front half of the engines, which contrasted with the yellow of the rest of the craft. The ships are equipped with a pair of lasers mounted on the top of the nose, while a proton torpedo launcher is mounted under the nose, with shields for defense and the ship's high maneuverability. To aid in its function as an escort craft, N-1s are fitted with a Class 1 hyperdrive.

N-1 Naboo Starfighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 4500 ft, 1200 (120) atmosphere
Defense: 11 (10 base -4 size +3 class +2 dex) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (10 base - 4 size +3 class)
Autopilot Defense: 8 (10 base -4 size +2)
Hardness: 20 +5 vs lasers
Hit Dice: 8d20 (160 hp) + 40 hp shields
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 36 ft 1 in
Weight: 8,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 1 +1 astromech (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 35
Restriction: Mil (+3)

2 fire-linked laser -2 ranged 9d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a; or
1 Proton Torpedo Launcher -2 ranged 10d12, 20x3, energy, 5000 ft, single, 10 torpedoes

Attack of Opportunity:

Bonuses: +2 Pilot checks and +1 Dodge while in atmospheres, +3 Fort save vs radiation, ships with Sensors class 3 or below suffer -3 to Computer use checks against the ship, and the Targeting system sensor on such ships don't apply their bonus against Chromium equipped vessels.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Ejector Seat
Engines: Ion engine, Hyperdrive x1
Armour: Polymeric + one-quarter Chromium
Defense Systems: Shields, autopilot
Sensors: Class III, Missile Lock Alert, Targeting System
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 Laser cannons, 1 proton torpedo launchers
Grappling Systems: None

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

SW Chromium Ship Armour (PL6)
Chromium can be used as ship armour, bolstering the ship's protection against radiation and even some protection against lasers and blaster type weapons. Chromium is expensive, and typically only used on some ships, such as royal craft, and may only be used as a coating or partial armouring of a craft. The mirror finish has the added bonus of temporarily disrupting some sensors.
Hardness: One quarter coverage (must be combined with another armour) +5 vs lasers and blasters, One half coverage (must be combined with another armour) +10 vs lasers and blasters. Three quarter coverage (must be combined with another armour, but at half its effectiveness) +5 base and +15 vs lasers and blasters. Full coverage 30 +20 vs lasers and blasters.
Tactical Speed Penalty: One quarter coverage 0 feet. Half coverage 0 feet. Three quarters coverage -500 ft (-1 square). Full coverage -1000 ft (2 squares).
Weight: One quarter coverage one-twentieth the weight of starship. Half coverage one-tenth weight of starship. Three quarter coverage one-quarter weight of ship. Full coverage one-third weight of ship.
Notes: One quarter +3 saves vs radiation. One half +5 saves vs radiation. Three quarter +7 save vs radiation. Full +9 save vs radiation. Ships with Sensors class 3 or below suffer -3 to Computer use checks against the ship, and the Targeting system sensor on such ships don't apply their bonus against Chromium equipped vessels.
Base Purchase Modifier: 18 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship for one quarter, 19 for half, 20 for three quarters, 21 for full.

The Dagger is a Colonial Fleet (BSG) inspired version of the Naboo N-1. This craft has the same shape of the N-1, but is more angular and loses the graceful lines. Instead of a needle-like tail, behind the cockpit, the hull tapers back to a third engine, with two intakes for the third engine mounted on the sides of the hull just behind the cockpit. A small tail fin and wings are mounted above the rear engine. Instead of a pair of lasers on the nose, two cannons are fitted midway along the wings. The forward position of the wings gives the ship a different handling profile than most Viper pilots are used to, but with this combined with the engines mounted on the ends of the wings makes it far more maneuverable, making it a far superior dogfighter. It can mount up to 4 missiles on the undersides of the wings for additional fire power.

Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (–4 size)
Length: 31 feet
Weight: 35,000 lb.
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100 lb.
Tactical Speed: 5,500 ft. (11 sq.) / 6,500 ft afterburner
Defense: 6 (base 10 - 4 size) +1 Dodge
Flat-footed Defense: 6
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 7d20 (140 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot’s Class Bonus:
Pilot’s Dex Modifier:
Gunner’s Attack Bonus:
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base Purchase DC: 44
Restriction: Military (+3)

Attack: 2 fire-linked modified rail cannons -2 ranged (9d12/20)

Attack of Opportunity: None

Bonuses: +2 Init, +3 Pilot checks, +1 Dodge to Defense

Standard PL 6 Design Specs: Twin Engine, RCS Mk3
Engines: Fusion torch engine, thrusters, hydrogen injectors
Armor: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Chaff launcher with 8 chaff bundles, sensor jammer
Sensors: Class II sensor array, targeting system
Communications: Laser transceiver, radio transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked modified rail cannons (range incr. 3,000 ft.), up to 4 external missiles
Grappling Systems: None

During the Fusion Age starship engineers expand upon experimental starcraft and prototype twin engine technology, designing a command and control system capable of taking two identical engine types and slaving them together, boosting the overall tactical speed of a starship.
A starship equipped with a twin-engine system must mount two identical starship engines – at the loss of 25% of the ship’s cargo capacity and one weapon slot – in order for the system to operate.
This device increases the tactical speed bonus of one of the engines by 50% (round down up the nearest 500 ft.) – the pair provides a tactical speed bonus of 150% of a single engine design. If the system or one of the engines in damaged in combat (most likely due to a critical hit), the remaining engine provides a tactical speed bonus equal to one-half (round up) the bonus a single engine design would normally provide.
Example: A starship equipped with this device and two induction engines would have a total tactical speed bonus of +1,500 ft. If one of the engines is damaged or destroyed the bonus drops to +500 ft. A starship equipped with this device and two gravitic redirectors would have a total tactical speed bonus of +2,500 ft. If one of the engines is damaged or destroyed the bonus drops to +1,000 ft.
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan.
Tactical Speed Bonus: See text.
Purchase DC: 15.

Improved Thrust
Computer system and machinery changes to the engine core grant the starship more power, enabling it to propel the starship at an increased rate of speed. The starship gains a +500 ft. bonus to speed.
NOTE: A starship may be equipped with multiple improved thrust gadgets, with each increase past the first granting an additional +250 ft. bonus to speed. (Tactical speed, in squares, is rounded down to the nearest 500 ft. increment.)
Restrictions: Starship engines only.
Purchase DC: +2.

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

The Reaction Control System, is a set of thrusters, placed about the ship, give it improved maneuverability and reaction time. Mk1 Grants +1 to Initiative, and +2 to Pilot checks to perform stunts PDC 14; Mk2 +2 Initiative, +2 to Pilot Checks PDC 15; Mk3 +2 Initiative, +3 to Pilot checks, PDC 16.
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Tau'ri Jumper
The Tau'ri Jumper is a Stargate Command built Puddle Jumper, and doesn't require the Lantean gene to operate. It follows a similar shape, a tube shaped hull, but instead of a slanted front, it has a cone shaped front, which has an airlock to the main section in the event of hull breach in either section. The hull is longer than the Lantean Puddle Jumpers, as a the primary engines extend from the rear of the main cabin area, but protected on the sides by curved hull. From the sides, running the full length from behind the cockpit, extends curved panels that have secondary thrusters and function as short wings. The cockpit only fits 2 comfortably, and can hold 16 people in the main hold. Due to the design of the engines and hatch, only a single person can enter or leave at a time, however those exiting or entering the vessel has three-quarters cover until away from the vessel, and up to 4 people can stand in the engine area and can fire hand held weapons. The Tau'ri Jumpers are armed with a pair of railguns mounted under the chin as the primary means of defense, while the extended wings have mountings for a pair of missiles or three Lantean drone weapons each wing. Also installed is a Wraith stunner system that was installed on the SGA Puddle Jumpers, as well as a cloaking device. Like the Lantean versions, the shields can't operate while the cloak is engaged, or when the stunner used. The DHD unfortunately only has a range of 1 mile.
While slightly larger and heavier, it has weaker shields than the SGA modified Lantean versions, but it is slightly faster and with the addition of the railguns gives it more combat options than its Lantean origins. These vessels aren't capable of operating underwater like the Lantean Puddle Jumpers.

Tau'ri Jumper (PL7-8)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Shuttle
Size: gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 3750 ft, 1800 (180) atmospheric speed, reach orbit without assistance.
Defense: 11 (-4 size, +3 Class +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (-4 size, +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense: 8
Hardness: 21, 30 against energy attacks except acid
Hit Dice: 11d20 (220 hp), Shields 150 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 33.2 ft, 13.8 ft wide
Weight: 230,000 lb.
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 2, 1 can operate
Passenger Capacity: 16 standing
Cargo Capacity: 10,500 lb
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 49
Restriction: Mil (+3), SGC

2 Fire-linked rail cannons -1 ranged (9d12, 20, ball, 3000 ft); or
Optional Select fire Cobra Mk2 missiles (or other type loaded) -1 (5d12, 19-20x2, ball, -); or
Optional Drone Weapon +5 ranged (20d10, 19-20x4, -) replaces missile.

Attack of Opportunity: None

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: artificial gravity, DHD
Engines: Thrusters, ion engine
Armour: Naquadah Composite Armour
Defense Systems: Radiation shielding, autopilot system, damage control (1d10), cloaking field
Sensors: Class VI sensor system
Communications: Radio transceiver, mass transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked railguns, optional 4 missiles, or optional drone weapon (6 drones)
Grappling Systems: none

Dial Home Device, this piece of equipment allows the crew to dial a Stargate within 1 mile. Takes a standard action to dial a known address.

Shield/Cloak Field
Pilot or co-pilot can switch from cloak or shield as a standard action once per round. The shield regenerates at 3 HP per round of not taking damage.

Stun Pulse
The pilot or co-pilot can activate a stun pulse as a standard action, releasing a bubble burst with a 50 foot radius, all outside the ship must make a Fort save DC 19 or be Stunned for 1d4 rounds. A failed save of more than 5, the target is rendered unconscious for 1 hour. When the pulse is used, if the cloak or shield is active it is deactivated, and can not be used for 2 rounds.

Naquadah Composite Armour
Plates made of Naquadah, a dense and energy absorbing material, this armour is heavier than steel and similar armours, but resilient against physical attacks, and highly resistant to energy attacks, except acid.
Hardness: 21, 30 against energy attacks except acid.
Tactical Speed Penalty: None
Weight: One-quarter the weight of the starship (rounded up).
PDC: 19 + one-half the base PDC of the starship.
Restriction: Military - Rare (+3 to +4)

Drone Weapon
Drone Weapons are weapons developed by the Ancients as their primary weapon system. A drone is vaguely squid-shaped, 3 feet in length, with a rounded yellow head with small spikes that jut out to the rear of the weapon, with six tails extending from the rear, which taper to a point while in flight, and glows a bright yellow when active. These weapons are capable of penetrating most shields and deal heavy damage to a target. It has on board targeting systems, but can be directed from a Control Chair or console onboard small Ancient ships such as Puddle Jumpers. If a launched drone doesn't destroy a target, it can be returned to its launch point for use later. The drones can operate easily in atmosphere and space, even reaching orbit from a planetary launch location.
The pilot or co-pilot can fire up to 4 drones, making attack rolls for each, targeting up to 4 different targets or a single target. After launch can keep directing the drones if they miss, or target destroyed, or let the drone's own targeting systems take over.
Requires a human with the Ancient gene to operate.

Lantean Drone Weapon (PL9)
Damage: 20d10
Critical: 19-20x4
Damage Type: Energy/Kinetic
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire:
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC:
Restriction: Rare (+5), Lantean Mil (+3)
Notes: Ignores 30 points of hardness/DR.
Ignores shields of all types except Lantean shields, or shields powered by a ZPM module, or planetary scale shielding. On ships that have shield hit die equal to at least three-quarters the total ship's hull hit die (75%), then deals damage to shields. If drone deals more damage than is required to destroy the ship by 50% or more, the drone survives and can be used to strike another target, but deals damage it exceeded the first target.
If drone misses target, can make keep making attacks until it strikes or after 5 rounds when runs out of energy and returns to launcher. Unless the launching point is more at a greater distance than 500,000 ft if a ship, or outside of orbit for a ground based launcher, then floats inert, or crashes to the ground.
Drone controlled by a Control Chair or gunner on ship gains a +5 to attack rolls. If drone loses connection to launching point, it'll attack the launching point's enemies, using IFF systems at +4 to attack rolls, up to 5 rounds then it returns to the launch point.
Drones returning to launch point return automatically, but can not be launched again for 5 rounds.

Combat Puddle Jumper
A larger, mostly longer, version of the Puddle Jumper, designed to carry a crew of 5 and up to 40 people for extended missions through the gate, and combat. It has a hyperdrive with an ZPM interface, without the ZPM can travel up to 40 thousand light years. For armament it carries 200 drones and two beam turrets on either side that are on extendable pods. Without a ZPM it has limited firing capacity for the beam weapons. The Combat Puddle Jumper has four engines that flip out from the corners at the rear. It lacks a cloaking device and has a shield, which can be boosted if a ZPM is installed. While the engine pods are retracted, the ship can hover silently, and move, however slowly and not as maneuverable, only done when going through a Stargate, or moving to a landing position. The craft is also capable of operating underwater, capable of surviving depths up to 800 ft.
To operate the ship the pilot must be a human with the Ancient gene. The Lanteans only produced these during the height of the Wraith War, but lost most, with only a few surviving at remote facilities, long abandoned.

Combat Puddle Jumper (PL8-9)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Shuttle
Size: gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft, 2000 (200) atmospheric speed, reach orbit without assistance.
Defense: 11 (-4 size, +3 Class +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (-4 size, +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense: 8
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 14d20 (280 hp), Shield 300 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 54.2 ft, 17.4 ft wide
Weight: 200,000 lb.
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 5, 1 can operate
Passenger Capacity: 40, 60 in emergency
Cargo Capacity: 12,000 lb
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 51
Restriction: Rare (+5), Lantean/Asuran Lic (+1)

Drone Weapon +5 ranged (20d10, 19-20x4, -) and Drone weapon +0 (20d10, 19-20x4); or
Beam Weapon +0 ranged (8d10, 18-20x2, 7500 ft) and beam weapon -5 (8d10, 18-20x2); or
Beam Weapon +0 ranged (8d10, 18-20x2, 7500 ft) and Drone weapon +0 (20d10, 19-20x4)

Attack of Opportunity: None

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: artificial gravity, DHD
Engines: Thrusters, ion engine
Armour: Vanadium
Defense Systems: Radiation shielding, autopilot system, damage control (1d10), shield
Sensors: Class VI sensor system
Communications: Radio transceiver, mass transceiver
Weapons: drone weapon (8 drones)
Grappling Systems: none

Dial Home Device, this piece of equipment allows the crew to dial a Stargate within 1.5 miles. Takes a standard action to dial a known address.

This hyperspace generator allows the craft to jump into hyperspace making interstellar travel possible, able to travel at twice the speed of light (lightspeed x4), jumping to hyperspace requires a Navigate check as normal plus a move action for the ship to actually jump to hyperspace. Can travel 40,000 light range.

The shield regenerates at 5 HP per round of not taking damage. With a ZPM the shield can regenerate at a rate of 15 HP per round, and increases the Shield HP to 550 HP

ZPM Plug
The Combat Puddle Jumper is designed to allow a ZPM to be plugged in to enhance its combat capabilities and range. With a ZPM plugged in, the Shield HP increases to 550 HP, shield regeneration is 15 HP per round. The beam weapon's rate of fire increases to Semi, damage increases by 1 die, range increases to 8,000 ft, and its ability to ignore hardness increases to 20. The hyperdrive also increases speed to x15 the speed of light, and has range of 200,000 light years.

Drone Weapon
Drone Weapons are weapons developed by the Ancients as their primary weapon system. A drone is vaguely squid-shaped, 3 feet in length, with a rounded yellow head with small spikes that jut out to the rear of the weapon, with six tails extending from the rear, which taper to a point while in flight, and glows a bright yellow when active. These weapons are capable of penetrating most shields and deal heavy damage to a target. It has on board targeting systems, but can be directed from a Control Chair or console onboard small Ancient ships such as Puddle Jumpers. If a launched drone doesn't destroy a target, it can be returned to its launch point for use later. The drones can operate easily in atmosphere and space, even reaching orbit from a planetary launch location.
The pilot or co-pilot can fire up to 4 drones, making attack rolls for each, targeting up to 4 different targets or a single target. After launch can keep directing the drones if they miss, or target destroyed, or let the drone's own targeting systems take over.
Requires a human with the Ancient gene to operate.

Lantean Drone Weapon (PL9)
Damage: 20d10
Critical: 19-20x4
Damage Type: Energy/Kinetic
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire:
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC:
Restriction: Rare (+5), Lantean Mil (+3)
Notes: Ignores 30 points of hardness/DR.
Ignores shields of all types except Lantean shields, or shields powered by a ZPM module, or planetary scale shielding. On ships that have shield hit die equal to at least three-quarters the total ship's hull hit die (75%), then deals damage to shields. If drone deals more damage than is required to destroy the ship by 50% or more, the drone survives and can be used to strike another target, but deals damage it exceeded the first target.
If drone misses target, can make keep making attacks until it strikes or after 5 rounds when runs out of energy and returns to launcher. Unless the launching point is more at a greater distance than 500,000 ft if a ship, or outside of orbit for a ground based launcher, then floats inert, or crashes to the ground.
Drone controlled by a Control Chair or gunner on ship gains a +5 to attack rolls. If drone loses connection to launching point, it'll attack the launching point's enemies, using IFF systems at +4 to attack rolls, up to 5 rounds then it returns to the launch point.
Drones returning to launch point return automatically, but can not be launched again for 5 rounds.

Light Beam Weapon
This is a direct energy weapon, used before the perfection of the Drone weapons, and functions as a backup when a ship runs out of drones.

Damage: 8d10
Critical: 18-20x2
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: 7500 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 46
Restriction: Rare (+5), Lantean Mil (+3)
Notes: Ignores 15 points of hardness/DR.
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Ok, this is something quickly cobbled together for (the now way too late) Thanksgiving. This has a serious lack of adjustment, so for now consider it "0.01 Edition" (and could use some help with that).

Also shows how rusty I am...

And yeah, the art is Artificial Intelligence. Made on Bing Image Generator. Will go ahead and correct this eventually.



Yet another example of the absurdity of the Core Timeline, "Turkey Tanks" are tanks that make an occasional appearance during Thanksgiving. They can either be the result of some idiot deciding to use a tank for their Thanksgiving parade float and forgetting to remove the ammo, or angry Fictional turkeys deciding to go on a rampage to avenge their fallen brethen, or groups like S.C.A.L.E. and Dirt First deciding to send a message. These tanks could either be actual (stolen or scavenged) armored vehicles, unconventional combat vehicles cobbled together using military hardware, turkey physiology and roasting equipment, or huge mutant cyborg turkeys.

Because of the huge importance of the date as an American tradition, Turkey Tanks appear mostly on American soil, although occasionally they also make an appearance in locations around the world (or in other worlds) that celebrate Thanksgiving, or just places where a lot of turkeys are eaten.

The particular example of a Turkey Tank that these stats portray was built from pieces of scavenged farm and armored vehicles and the roasted remains of a mutant turkey made gigantic through a Szalinski Growth Ray. The engine uses cranberry-based biofuel. The Turkey Tank is only armed with a 120mm smoothbore gun, and lacks a turret so it can only shoot what is in front of it within a limited traverse arc like tank destroyers. It is surprisingly resilient for a giant hollowed-out turkey.

The Turkey Tank is three squares wide and four squares long, weighting 50 tons empty. The Turkey Tank provides full cover to its occupants. Its tank cannon can only hit anything within the vehicle's Front arc (D20 Modern rulebook, page 155).

The Turkey Tank's biological elements (read: the turkey meat and baster, cranberry sauce and gravy) can supply enough for a Thanksgiving dinner capable of feeding 500 people (this can change depending on amount of people or how badly the Turkey Tank has been damaged).

This particular example of a Turkey Tank can only be accessed through a top hatch (cleverly concealed amongst the gravy spread on top) and an underside hatch (full round action to enter through either hatch (two through the top hatch if the character is trying to keep the gravy undisturbed), one full-round action to start the vehicle).

As this particular example of a Turkey Tank is made of scavenged parts, the Purchase DC represents a speculative price for all of the necessary parts to cobble it together (with GM call on availability of some, such as weapons) more than an actual price for a complete tank.



CREW: 3 (driver, gunner/loader, commander/secondary loader)
CARGO: 250 lbs., tow 10 tons
TOP SPEED: 65 (6)
SIZE: HUGE (-2 Size)
RESTRICTIONS: Illegal (+4)

NOTES: Repair checks only fix the Turkey Tank's mechanical components. Fixing the Turkey Tank's biological components requires either magic (ex. Cure Wounds spells, pg. 342 of the D20M Rulebook), tech (ex. Regen Wand, pg. 79 of D20 Future) or Craft (Cooking) roll of the same difficulty as the Repair check and necessary materials (gravy, cranberry sauce, turkey meat). The biological components can also be damaged through effects that affect biological targets (ex. Inflict Wounds spells, pg. 348 of the D20M Rulebook). The Turkey Tank's biological components can feed approximately 500 people with a single serving of food comparable with eating in an upscale restaurant (D20 Modern Rulebook, pg. 122).

WEAPON: 120mm Smoothbore Cannon (Requires Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Cannons) Feat.
Damage: 10d12 (Direct Hit) / By Shell*
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic (Direct Hit) / By Shell*
Range Increment: 120 Feet.
Rate Of Fire: Single.
Magazine: Single
* Sample Types of Shells for Turkey Tank:
Explosive Shells:
Explosion does 10d12 Concussion damage with blast radius of 50 feet, all characters in blast radius must make Reflex save DC 18 to take half damage.
Gravy Shells: Explosion with blast radius of 50 feet covers whole area with gravy, all characters in area must make Reflex save DC 18 to avoid being Blinded from the gravy covering their faces (1d4 rounds to wipe off enough gravy to see). All characters in affected area or moving through affected area afterwards at full speed must make Reflex save DC 15 or slip and be knocked prone.
Cranberry Shells: Explosion with blast radius of 20 feet covers whole area with rapidly congealing Cranberry sauce. All characters in area must make Reflex save DC 18 or be Entangled. The cranberry sauce can be washed off with enough water (such as a fire hose) or dissolved with specialized agents (Solvaway or degreaser).
This particular example of the Turkey Tank carries a load of 20 rounds for the Smoothbore Cannon; 10 Explosive, 5 Cranberry and 5 Gravy (may change on GM call).


D'kyr type
The D'kyr type was a Vulcan High Command combat cruiser, with a flattened conical shaped hull that flared out and around the circular warp nacelles and coming back together at the aft section of the ship, where the impulse engines were placed. The hull had a copper colour while the nacelles emitted a blue glow. Armed with 6 particle beam emitters and photonic torpedoes with deflector shield technology. They also have tractor beam technology, which allows easy retrieval of shuttle craft. The circular warp nacelle, when not in use or when launching a shuttle of which it carried two, would fold back into the hull. In the space inside the circular warp nacelle an auxiliary ship of up to 180 m (590 ft) can be docked, typically a Tal'Kyr support craft, but can only dock or launch when the nacelle is folded away. While the ships were first used in the 2150s, they served for many years with upgrades over the years, although they went from the main cruisers used by Vulcan High Command, after Vulcan joined the United Federation of Planets, these were regulated to defense roles for Vulcan and its colonies, or converted science vessels.

In combat if against a single target, or if against a group targeting the most powerful target, firing a barrage of photon torpedoes with four phasers. Following rounds will consist of firing phasers four and a pair, firing torpedoes every 2 rounds. Against multiple smaller targets, phasers will be used in pairs only to conserve power.

D'kyr type (PL6-7)
Type: Mediumweight
Subtype: Cruiser
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3000 ft
Defense: 11 (-8 size +5 Class +4 Dex) +1 Dodge
Flat-Footed Defense: 7 (-8 size +5 Class)
Autopilot Defense: 6 (-8 size +4 autopilot)
Hardness: 25
Hit Dice: 160d20 3200 hp, shields 4000 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +5
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +4
Length: 1968 ft
Weight: 86,500 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 147 (expert +8)
Passenger Capacity: 70
Cargo Capacity: 6,500 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 64
Restriction: Military (+3), Vulcan

Photonic Torpedo -1 ranged (10d20 for 1, varies for # fired) and 4 Fire-linked phaser type 3 -6 ranged (20d10 fire/energy, 5000 ft); or
4 fire-linked phaser type 3 -1 ranged (20d10 fire/energy, 5000 ft) and 2 fire-linked phaser type 3 -6 ranged (15d20 fire/energy, 5000 ft)

Attack of Opportunity:

+5 Fort save vs radiation, 25% critical hits converts to regular hits

Standard PL(7) Design Spec: sickbay, shuttle bay (2 shuttles, plus carry 1 craft in opening of warp nacelle), Agile ships, Easy To Repair, Swiss-Army Tech, Shield Dependent, rotating warp nacelle, Rapid Fire Torpedo Launchers.
Engines: thrusters, warp drive (max warp 7, cruising 5.5)
Armour: Duranium
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot, radiation shielding, damage control (3d10), light fortification
Sensors: Class IV sensors, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 6 phaser type 3, 2 photonic torpedo launchers (110 torpedoes each)
Grappling Systems: tractor beam

Rotating Warp Nacelle
The circular warp nacelle rotates from a vertical position when in use, to a horizontal position, which allows shuttles to and docked ships to launch or land. This takes a full round action. Once rotated to active position, vertical, the ship can jump to warp the next round.

Phaser Type 3
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 2d10 as a free action once per round. The Type 3 phaser was available on civilian ships.
Damage: 10d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 33
Restriction: Res (+2)

Rapid Fire Photonic Torpedo Launchers
The launchers are configured to fire variable numbers of torpedoes in groups of 1, 2, 4 and 8, however it takes some time to load, requiring 2 rounds to reload the launchers. Each doubling of the number of torpedoes increases damage by 50% of the base damage (5d10).

Photonic Torpedo
Photonic torpedoes are early anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 1000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 10d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 17 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 19 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Duranium (PL6)
Duranium is an extremely strong metallic substance used in alloys for hull construction of starships and space stations. It became well used in the Federation in the 2200s although some ships were still using Ditanium to save on costs and for ships that wouldn't see combat or small craft.
Hardness: 25
Tactical Speed Penalty -500 ft (-1 square)
Weight: One-tenth the weight of the starship (rounded down)
Base Purchase Modifier: 15 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship. Found only within Federation and other major Star Trek societies.

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

D'kyr 2200s Refit
This refit of the D'kyr saw improvements in many systems, improving speed in both sublight and warp, phasers upgraded to Type 4s and the photonic torpedoes are replaced with photon torpedoes. The mechanism for the rotating warp nacelle was improved to be faster, reducing the time it takes to fold to allow docked ships to launch or land faster. The 2200 Refit also added a secondary deflector dish, which allowed the D'kyr to fill other roles, including more science related ones, combined with the Tal'kyr further augmented these rolls. While not a front line combat unit as Starfleet was created, in the early 2200s this refit served along side United Earth and other species ships to fill the fleets that form Starfleet. In the later half, the ships saw more use patrolling only Vulcan controlled systems or acting as second line combat ships to support Starfleet starships, seeing action in several conflicts with the Klingons, including the Klingon War.
Make following changes to D'kyr to make 2200s Refit
Increase HD to 162d20 (3240 hp), shields to 4050 hp;
Reduce crew to 130;
Increase tactical speed to 3500 ft;
Increase Max Warp speed to Warp 8;
Replace Damage Control with Improved Damage Control (4d10)
Replace Phaser Type 3 with Phaser Type 4;
Replace Photonic Torpedo Launchers with Photon Torpedo Launchers;
Rotating Nacelle takes standard action;
Add Secondary Deflector Array;
PDC +2 Mil +3

D'kyr 2400s Refit
The D'kyr hull saw use far longer than expected, with minor upgrades over time, with a second major refit/redesign done in the late 2300s and early 2400s. Besides having the advances of the 2200s Refit, it had more upgrades towards a science vessel than combat, with improved sensors, speed and facilities to fulfill its new role. To protect the D'kyr from dangers, both combat and in its scientific studies, it has advanced shielding with regenerating systems.
Make following changes to D'kyr or 2200s Refit D'kyr to make 2400s Refit:
Add all benefits of 2200s Refit;
Reduce Crew compliment to 120;
Increase Passenger Capacity to 80;
Increase Max Warp speed to 9.5, cruising speed 6.5;
Replace shields with Heavy Shields, Shield HP change to 6075 hp;
Shields regenerate 20 HP per round;
Replace Class IV sensors with Class VI;
Add Astrometrics, Advanced Science Lab;
Add Emergency Warp Jump;
PDC: +3 Res +2

Secondary Deflector Array
Deflector Arrays are used to protect ships from microscopic debris, asteroids and other objects that might collide with the ship, especially at warp speeds. The dish is also capable of projecting other types of energies, such as gravitons, antiprotons, etc, allowing it to be used in multiple different ways for scientific research or other purposes. One such purpose is extending the basic deflections ability, and extend the main shields of the ship around a target ship nearby. When an engineer uses the Restore Shield option, increase the number of HD by 25%, rounding down, when angling shields, the damage on the shielded side is reduced by 75% (round down), instead of normal half. Tractor beam range is doubled, and grants a +2 to grapple checks with the tractor beam.

Phaser Type 4
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 35
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

This system is a dedicated set of extra sensors, computer systems tied into the navigation and main sensors, designed for studying space, nebulas, asteroids and other stellar phenomenon. These systems also aid in better navigation and mapping stellar routes. Provides +6 to Computer Use checks to study stellar phenomenon, nebulas, asteroids, etc. Provides +4 to all Navigation based checks, and +2 to Pilot checks to avoid stellar hazards, +6 to Knowledge: Physical Sciences, ship sensor range is doubled. Requires 1 crew per starship type, 50 tons per ship type, removes 1 weapon system, may add an additional sensor system, PDC 34.

Advanced Science Lab
This lab has extensive and advanced equipment for research, cataloguing specimens, reverse engineering and crafting equipment. Grants +5 to Computer Use checks, Research, Craft Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Knowledge: Earth and Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Technology and Xeno-technology, and +3 to Craft Mechanical and Electrical. The advanced lab has special ventilation systems and heavy radiation shielding granting anyone inside +4 to Fort saves against radiation from the event a sample not in an isolation chamber begins to emit radiation or if the ship itself is bombarded by heavy radiation. An incinerator (4 ft by 4 ft by 4 ft) for destroying harmful samples. 4 isolation areas and 16 isolation pods. The lab can be completely sealed from the rest of the ship with its own oxygen supply for 3 days.
Requires a crew of 2 per ship type, takes up 70 tons of cargo per ship type, remove 1 weapon system, may add an additional sensor, PDC 40.

Heavy Shields
These shields are stronger than standard shields, providing greater protection. These shields provide 30 hp per HD of the ship equal to one-fourth the starship's overall Hit Dice (rounded down, minimum 1).
PDC: Shield type +2
Restriction: Res +2
Note: Can be combined with Advanced Shield versions.

Emergency Warp Jump
The Warp drive is upgraded from previous versions, plus has a capacitor system to allow it to jump to warp speed for a short period in an emergency, even when the warp nacelle is rotated into the hull to allow ships to land/take off. As a free action, even as a reaction, the pilot can launch the ship to Warp 1 for 2 rounds, with the computer automatically plotting a course. This is enough to cause the ship to leave a star system. However after the jump, the warp drive is inoperable for 1d4 rounds. Which can be reduced with Repair check DC 20 by 1 round, with additional round for every 5 points over the DC.

Tal'Kyr Class
The Tal'Kyr is a Vulcan support craft, larger than most shuttles, usually carried by a D'kyr cruiser. The ship is a long oblong, with a pointed front, and flat bottom. A circular warp nacelle system attached at the top of the hull about one-third from the rear of the ship, circling down below the hull. At the bottom of the circular nacelle is a second, smaller oblong structure, with deflector array mounted above it. Measuring 480 ft, with a crew of 25, the ships easily fit within the space in the center of the warp nacelle of the D'Kyr. The ships are armed, but very lightly, with a set of fixed forward plasma cannons, another pair of plasma cannons in a turret, with a single photonic torpedo launcher. As a support craft, it supports the ship that carries it and any allies, using tractor beams and structural integrity fields to repair a target's shield or hull.

Tal'Kyr (PL6-7)
Type: Ultralight* (while length puts it in Light type, the narrow design keeps the weight and overall dimensions within Ultralight).
Subtype: Scout/Support
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 (1500 ((150)) atmosphere)
Defense: 7 (-8 size +2 Dex +3 Pilot) +1 Dodge
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 25
Hit Dice: 13d20 (260 hp), shields 325 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 480.5 ft
Weight: 730 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 25 Trained (+4)
Passenger Capacity: 5
Cargo Capacity: 40 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 48
Restriction: Res (+2)

Photonic Torpedo launcher -3 ranged (10d20, energy) and 2 fire-linked plasma cannons -8 ranged front arc only (21d8, fire, 3000 ft, single); or
2 fire-linked plasma cannon -3 ranged front arc only (21d8, fire, 3000 ft, single) and 2 fire-linked light plasma cannons -8 ranged turret (15d8, fire); or
Photonic torpedo launcher -3 ranged (10d20, energy) and 2 fire-linked light plasma cannons -8 ranged turret (15d8, fire)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, shield dependent
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 6.5, cruising 4.5)
Armour: Duranium
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot, radiation shielding
Sensors: Class IV Sensor, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 2 fire-linked plasma cannons, 2 fire-linked plasma cannons (turret), photonic torpedo launcher (5 torpedoes)
Grappling Systems: tractor beam

Enhance Shields
The ship must be within 500 ft of target ship, as a full round action, making a ranged touch attack, fires a beam which repairs or enhances the shields of the target. With a successful touch attack, the target's shields repair 10% of max HP with a Repair check DC 18. If the shields of the target are already at max, gain a bonus 10% (round down) for 2 rounds. The ship doing the shield repair/enhancement suffers -2 to Defense. The repair rate and other modifications can be made to shields if the person on the ship has skills to do so. This ability can be used 10 rounds in a row before requiring a 5 round cool down.

Repair Hull
The ship must be within 500 ft of the target ship, and as a full round action making a ranged touch attack, fires a beam that is part Structural Integrity Field and Tractor Beam along with materials from replicators. A successful ranged touch attack will repair the target instantly 3d20 HP with a Repair check DC 16. However if the target is moving more than 500 ft, the repaired HP is reduced by half. While repairing, the ship suffers -3 to Defense. The amount of HP repair can be increased by 1d20 for every 10 points the DC is beaten. Other abilities, skills can be used to increase the HP repaired if the person is on the ship doing the repairs. This ability can be used 10 rounds in a row before requiring a 5 round cool down.

Photonic Torpedo
Photonic torpedoes are early anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 1000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 10d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 17 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 19 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Duranium (PL6)
Duranium is an extremely strong metallic substance used in alloys for hull construction of starships and space stations. It became well used in the Federation in the 2200s although some ships were still using Ditanium to save on costs and for ships that wouldn't see combat or small craft.
Hardness: 25
Tactical Speed Penalty -500 ft (-1 square)
Weight: One-tenth the weight of the starship (rounded down)
Base Purchase Modifier: 15 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship. Found only within Federation and other major Star Trek societies.

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

Tal'Kyr 2200s Refit
The first major upgrade to the Tal'kyr, allowing it to be useful along with the D'kyr. It saw improvements in engines, slight improvement in hull reinforcement, and weapons were upgraded with modern versions. It's ability to repair and enhance shields are also upgraded.
Make following changes to Tal'kyr:
Decrease crew compliment to 21;
Increase speed to 4000 ft;
Increase Warp max speed to 7.5, cruising remains same;
Increase HD to 15d20 (300 hp), shields 375 hp;
Add Damage Control (1d10);
Replace 2 fire-linked plasma cannons with 2 fire-linked phaser type 3;
Replace 2 fire-linked light plasma cannons with 2 fire-linked phaser type 3;
Replace photonic torpedo launcher with photon torpedo launcher (6 torpedoes);
Enhance Shields now repairs/enhance 20% (round down);
Repair Hull now repairs 4d20 HP;
PDC +1.

Tal'Kyr 2400s Refit
The second major upgrade to the Tal'kyr, allowing it to be useful along with the D'kyr. It saw improvements in warp engines, automation, and its support systems are boosted.
Make the following changes to Tal'kyr, add all bonuses from 2200s Refit:
Decrease crew compliment to 14;
Increase passenger capacity to 15;
Change Damage Control to Improved Damage Control (2d10);
Increase Warp max speed to 9, cruising 7.5;
Enhance Shields now repairs/enhance 25% (round down);
Repair Hull now repairs 6d20 HP;
Add Astrometrics;
PDC +2


The Ferengi are a warp-capable humanoid species from the planet Ferenginar. Their civilization was based on free enterprise, where earning profit was the sole meaningful goal in life, superseding all other endeavors. For a long time, only the males were capable of earning profit and wearing clothing, where females were generally kept at home and treated like second rate citizens, but this changed near the end of the reign of Grand Nagus Zek, and continued with additional changes with Grand Nagus Rom.
Ferengie are generally shorter than Humans, with orange-brown coloured skin, blue finger and toe nails, enlarged skulls, wrinkled nose, sharp teeth and very large, sensitive ears. Internally they have ascending ribs, upper and lower lungs, giving them surprisingly large lung capacity and can hold their breathe for extended periods and provides some resistance to airborne toxins. They have a four-lobed brain, which makes them impossible to have their minds read by telepaths. Their sensitive hears can, with some training, tell a person's species and gender, even through electronic distortions, atmospheric/altitude changes, and decibel level of a sound. The ears are physically sensitive, making them an area that is capable of providing great sensual pleasure, but also great pain when injured.
As profit rules Ferengi society, virtually all Ferengi are good with numbers, capable of memorizing vast amounts of information, are quick at thinking up plans and schemes, and generally reading people so they can make deals that benefit themselves greatly. Some are not as good at making profit and end up turning their intelligence towards sciences and engineering.

Racial Traits:
Ability Modifiers:
-2 Strength, -1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +2 Charisma - Ferengi are intelligent, cunning and have good people skills to make them good sales representatives and negotiators, however they are physically weak.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Ferengi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Ferengi base land speed is 30 feet.
Racial Skills: +4 to Listen checks due to large and sensitive ears. They also gain +2 to Sense Motive and Bluff checks as they are quite skilled at reading people and scheming and planning how to improve their bank accounts.
Sensitive Ears: Ferengi ears are sensitive, allowing them to detect changes in air pressure, altitudes, weather changes within 5 mile range. Their ears can also function as parabolic microphones.
Photographic Memory: +2 to Knowledge checks and Intelligence checks to remember something they have previously seen.
Rules of Acquisition: Ferengi are driven by profit, and even those that are not, are generally good at finances, start with additional +4 Wealth Bonus and gain an additional +1 Wealth bonus from Profession checks, and any skill required for appraising items or negotiating prices.
Reputation: Ferengi, being so well known for being greedy and scheming beings, but will honour contracts. Gain +1 Reputation bonus.
ECL: +1

Ferengi Corvette
The Ferengi Corvette is one of the few Ferengi military vessels, used to patrol their territories and transit ways. First built in the 2100s, with the insect and crescent shapes known in other Ferengi ships pioneered in this craft. A flared front, curves out starting half way, with two little stub wings that angle down at the back. The bridge is raised above the main hull that curves down towards the rear of the ship. The warp nacelles are built into the stub wings and rear curve of the ship with the impulse engines built into the base of the spine.
These ships were some of the first many Ferengi merchants acquire as they raise in power and rank before becoming Da'mons. Many powerful Ferengi merchants will have these ships in their fleets to protect transports or guarding their warehouses. The corvette is armed with a pair of disruptor cannons type 1s in the points of the crescent, and a pair of disruptor blasters in turrets, with a photon torpedo launcher mounted in the front.

Ferengi Corvette (PL6-7)
Type: Light
Subtype: Corvette
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 4000 (1300 ((130)) atmosphere)
Defense: 7 (-8 size +2 Dex +3 Pilot) +1 Dodge
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 36d20 (720 hp), shields 900 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 240 ft
Weight: 8900 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 35 Trained (+4)
Passenger Capacity: 20
Cargo Capacity: 200 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 45
Restriction: Res (+2)

2 fire-linked Disruptor cannon type 1 -4 ranged (18d12, 4000 ft, fire/energy, s) and Disruptor blaster -10 ranged (9d12, 4000 ft, fire/energy, s); or
Photon torpedo -3 ranged (12d10) and disruptor cannon type 1 -9 ranged (18d12, 4000 ft, fire/energy, s); or
Photon torpedo -3 ranged (12d10) and disruptor blaster type 2 -9 ranged (9d12, 4000 ft, fire/energy, s); or
Disruptor blaster type 2 -4 ranged (9d12, 4000 ft, fire/energy, s) and Disruptor blaster type 2 -9 ranged (9d12, 4000 ft, fire/energy, s)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, transporters, replicators, shuttle bay (1 shuttle)
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 6.5, cruising 4 cruising)
Armour: heavy ditanium alloy
Defense Systems: polarized hull plating, autopilot
Sensors: Class III
Communications: radio transceiver, drivesat comm array
Weapons: 2 fire-linked disruptor
Grappling Systems:

Heavy Ditanium Alloy (PL5-6)
Heavy Ditanium alloy is an alloy that was used to replace titanium, combining Duranium into the alloy to create a new type of armour and superstructure, in the use of military craft and especially space craft as it had some inherent abilities to block some of the radiation encountered in space.
Hardness: 20
Base Purchase Modifier: 14 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship.

Disruptor Blaster Type 2
Disruptor blasters are early disruptor based weapons, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, and are capable of only 2 power levels. They are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. Can switch between 4d12 lower power or 9d12 full power shots.
Damage: 9d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 38
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

Disruptor Cannon Type 1
Disruptors are a type of energy weapon, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, and are capable of only 2 power levels. They are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. Can switch between 6d12 lower power or 12d12 full power shots.
Damage: 12d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 41
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

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