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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

So, in Modern stats, Edwin Windsor (in order to be a Batman WITHOUT the combat capabilities) would have to have a silver-plated, poison-filled (hell, ACID-filled) tongue. Probably Charismatic and a crapload of Feats.

For a Saiyan to be in ape form in this setting (and furthermore, permanently), he would probably have to be the subject of some inhuman (InSaiyan?) genetic enhancement test of some sort.

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Marker Mage

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
So, in Modern stats, Edwin Windsor (in order to be a Batman WITHOUT the combat capabilities) would have to have a silver-plated, poison-filled (hell, ACID-filled) tongue. Probably Charismatic and a crapload of Feats.
It isn't his Charisma that would make him feared. It's his Wisdom and Intelligence that's able to make him a great villain. I would think his Charisma wouldn't be that much as he had immense trouble getting his clients to listen to him when he was just a consultant. He also tended to think of things logically. He just isn't the charismatic type of villain.

He's the kind of villain who has memorized the Evil Overlord Career Guide and then came up with enough new material for it to double the entire list. His intellect could rival that of Sherlock Holmes or Dr. House. And as Topper once said in one of the prequel episodes "HE'S EDWIN WINDSOR! Even the devil... owes him money."

He is efficient, not charismatic.

marcoasalazarm said:
For a Saiyan to be in ape form in this setting (and furthermore, permanently), he would probably have to be the subject of some inhuman (InSaiyan?) genetic enhancement test of some sort.
I tried to think of what might be the Coreline equivalent of the Cromoglodon, and a Saiyan in permanent ape form seemed to be the closest. The Cromoglodon was seen by most as being unstoppable. The sky is blue, rain is wet, and the Cromoglodon is unstoppable. That's just the way things were. If there is a creature in Coreline that could get the toughest of fictions to go "OH SH*T!" then it would be a good replacement for the Cromoglodon.

And all of a sudden I have an image in my head of Gregory House and Edwin Windsor staring at each other over a table.... and it gives me the creeps.

I'm not quite saying that a Saiyan in ape form is *quite* impossible, but I believe that, in order to make them all the much more scary they should be extremely, EXTREMELY rare (as in, only thru some random and unduplicable act of some god-forsaken branch of science gone nuts)-or else, I'll have to deal with a huge bunch of fanatics on my group who will pick Saiyan for the sake of pretending to be Goku.

Of course Windsor should have one of those.
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Marker Mage

First Post
I agree that the perma ape saiyan should be very rare.

It would also be possible to have him as nothing more than a minor character. In this case I would suggest that he would have been taken out of his world before his secretary was killed, which would mean that he would still be an evil efficiency consultant. The heroes could reach the main villain of an adventure and find out that he's currently having a meeting with Edwin Windsor who's currently pointing out various inefficiencies in the evil lair (most of which are ones that allowed the heroes to reach the villain in the first place). Just remember that while Edwin was just an evil efficiency consultant, he never actually committed any crimes. It would be wise to stress this if the heroes try to kill him.

Oh, and to clear up any confusion about Edwin's job title as an evil efficiency consultant, it's supposed to refer to the people that he consults and not himself as evil.

New Feats:


You know every nook and cranny of your home territory, gaining advantages when fighting to defend it.
BENEFIT: You gain a +2 to the following skill checks when in your home territory: Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (Streetwise, Tactics), Navigate, Spot and Survival. This 'home territory' may be of any size, from a small town (or city sector) to a small country (like Israel, Palestine or Great Britain, for example). For extremely large countries such as North America, a portion of that country is the character's Home Turf (for example the state of Texas, and so forth).


You have the right connections or you know a very good forger. Either way, you have the licenses needed to buy a certain level of restricted goods without a bump in the price.
BENEFIT: The character can attain goods requiring a license without an increase in the Purchase DC. This feat can be taken four times, with the second feat allowing the acquisition of Restricted goods, the third feat bringing Military items into reach, and the fourth granting access to Illegal goods without a modification to Wealth DCs for purchasing them (Restriction-wise. The GM still has a final call on raising DCs based on rarity of the item, bribes and whatnot).

Creepy. Extremely. Sort of makes me imagine the end movie of SS2.

A new weapon:

General Electric PS-20 'Reliever".
Disposable Single-Shot Plasma Pistol.


Damage: 3d10.
Critical: 20.
Damage Type: Fire.
Range Increment: 5 ft.
Rate of Fire: Single.
Magazine: 1 Internal.
Size: Small.
Weight: 1 lb.
Purchase DC: 22.
Restriction: Mil (+3).
Notes: The 'Reliever' has a +1 to Sleight of Hand rolls to conceal. It cannot be reloaded. The listed Purchase DC is for a box of 4 PS-20s.

The PS-20 'Reliever' was an experiment by GE to develop a next-generation stealth pistol, easy to conceal, use and mass-produce, and devastating at close range (preferably point-blank).
However, in order to be easy to conceal, the PS-20 design had to be made with a non-rechargeable integral power pack.
Rather than be discouraged by the apparent flaws of the design, GE decided to market the PS-20 as a low-cost 'Personal Plasma Defense Weapon'.
Its street name, the 'Reliever', derivates from its common use (to 'relieve' enemies of their weapons), much like the General Motors 'Liberator' from WWII.

New Armor:


Type: Tactical.
Equipment Bonus: +5.
Nonprof. Bonus: +2.
Maximum Dex. Bonus: +3.
Armor Penalty: -4.
Speed (30 ft.): 25.
Weight: 10 lb.
Purchase DC: 20.
Restriction: Illegal (+4).
Notes: This armor has the Integral Weapon Gadget added to it twice.

The 'Rent-A-Gun' armor is a light-duty armor vest which has been modified in two ways: the first way is an integral computer-controlled articulated arm on which a weapon is mounted (usually an Uzi). The arm keeps the weapon on the user's back until ordered to deploy, on which it will swing in line with the user's waistline. Because of this, 'Rent-A-Gunners' can only fire from the hip.

The other modification (and the reason it's illegal) is a sealed canister containing C-4, located behind the user's head. The detonator is a hi-tech 'dog collar', which will detonate the charge if the user tries to remove the 'Rent-A-Gun' or leaves a designated perimeter (on which the vest will beep twice and give a 20-second count to return). The charge deals 4d6 damage (concussion, 5 ft. radius, Reflex DC 18) to anyone nearby and will certainly kill the user.

The 'Rent-A-Gun' is made by a number of underground firms and is mostly used by drug dealers and warlords.
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Just something that occurred right now: Given that (IRL) civilisation's gonna go all to crap on its own as a result of this 'global warming' thing, you'd think appropriate measures would be taken.....For example, strip-mining the Antartic ice cover and shuttling it the hell off Earth to wherever it's needed, y'know?

Also: After some thought, it looks like a case of 'Professor Allcome to Forum One.' IOW, code for Problems That Should Not Be......because CLULESS......is actually a quantum computer virus. I mean, how the hell else could it have done its thing except by frakking *seriously* w/quantum probablities?

CLULESS is driven by something, most probably the Power of the Muse. Many Fictions and Reals might try to quantify it, control it, duplicate it or classify it, but the Virus defies conventions as easily as you obtain new ideas.

Personally, I have pretty much made it the Power Of Plot (to borrow a term from Straczynski):
If some outrageously nuts change has happened to the local climate without anything else happening (like a 10-square-mile area of the Antarctic suddenly becoming tropical-heat to the point you can make a triathlon with no more weather problems that you could get from, say, making one in Hawaii-and with no collateral environmental damage), it's *DEFINITELY* CLULESS' work. Attempts to understand *why* did CLULESS did so are as useful as trying to understand the Necronomicon: you'd just go nuts over it.

(And it's better off to blame on the guys who created 'Battle Athletes', anycase. THEY'RE the ones who made Antarctica that way-just not with 'no collateral environmental damage').

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
CLULESS is driven by something, most probably the Power of the Muse. Many Fictions and Reals might try to quantify it, control it, duplicate it or classify it, but the Virus defies conventions as easily as you obtain new ideas.

Personally, I have pretty much made it the Power Of Plot (to borrow a term from Straczynski):
If some outrageously nuts change has happened to the local climate without anything else happening (like a 10-square-mile area of the Antarctic suddenly becoming tropical-heat to the point you can make a triathlon with no more weather problems that you could get from, say, making one in Hawaii-and with no collateral environmental damage), it's *DEFINITELY* CLULESS' work. Attempts to understand *why* did CLULESS did so are as useful as trying to understand the Necronomicon: you'd just go nuts over it.

(And it's better off to blame on the guys who created 'Battle Athletes', anycase. THEY'RE the ones who made Antarctica that way-just not with 'no collateral environmental damage').

Right now......*sigh*........*one* thing to say: 'Necronomicon-level physics' just turned into a new term for my personal lexicon.

Anyway, a small favour to ask: I seem to have cleaned out the 'Aniverse' source PDF by accident....if you'd do me the small kindness of emailing a copy, I would of course be very grateful (assuming it's still around somewhere, of course)

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