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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Sure. Just gimme a while to find the damn thing (if I *can* find it...)

Uh.....Ixnay on that, actually, sorry. Found an old Word backup on my end.

......*checks mail*..... *shrug* OTOH......WTH. Muchas gracias, amigo.

OK, have a question re Authored Rage *stares 'round the room, glaring paranoiacally at the TV for an instant* In the case of Authorarial 'tag-teams' (of which there have been many others than merely you and me) just what the frak happens?
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Then I guess they (both, all, whatever) get equally blamed by the Fiction.

On which case, they ALL better start running... a little faster than the other guy, preferably.



Think he's not a BakeNeko? Just wait 'till he grins at ya...


In Coreline, the term 'BakeNeko' is used for two different types of Fictions: actual humanoid cat-spirits who have entered the 'mortal realm' (but are different from, say, Geobreeder-verse Phantom Cats) and Fictions that were designed with extreme cat-like features (but aren't QUITE fully animalistic). Statistically, they are the same.
BakeNeko have an attitude and occasional mannerisms that are 'cat-like' (duh), and any number of cat-like features, such as ears, fangs, eyes and claws. They rarely see a need to disguise themselves.

*+2 Dexterity.
*30 ft. Base Speed.
*Jumpers: BakeNekos add 20 feet to their Jump check results (still have to roll normally, though).
*Low-Light Vision: The BakeNeko can see twice as far as normal in low-light conditions. The BakeNeko can still distinguish colors.
*Cat-Like Special Movement: BakeNekos take half damage (rounded down) from most falling and always land on their feet.
*Natural Weapons (Claws and Fangs): BakeNekos have highly developed fangs and sharp nails, which might not be lethal, but can be painful.
The claws give an additional 1d4 (Slashing) to melee attacks, while the fangs inflict (normal character melee damage +2, Piercing) damage.
A BakeNako who bites can maintain a biting grip, inflicting equivalent damage each round. These additional attacks are automatically succesful, but the opponent can break the hold with a succesful Strength check.
The BakeNeko cannot use weapons to defend himself while using the hold, and has a -4 penalty to evade any attack as well.
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The following idea comes from my insane brain:

Maine is now Stephen King-land, full of mad supernatural things concealed in common Americana. There are insane cars and trucks driving themselves and smashing everybody that gets in the way. Cujo is now joined by a large 'flock' of similarly maddened dogs. A small number of pet cementeries are now capable of resurrecting anything buried in them (of course, now Evil).

I saw this on DeviantArt, and since I never liked the 'Chronicles', I was thinking whether to make it a big detail or not (with the myriad of AltVerses and whatnot).

(BTW, this is linked because they use the F-Word once and is generally morbid):


Just saw the movie and I thought: 'why not?'. If Michael Bay can make one thing well, is visually chaotic fight scenes.




First encounters between Giant Self-Aware Robots and Dumb Humans didn't included 'run for the freakin' hills and pray it won't keep chasing you- or feels like stepping on you' as often as it did during the Hours.

"Effective now, December 14, 200X, we send this message and the invitation for all Autobots and Maximals out there to come to Earth. We are here. We are waiting."-Automated beacon signal on Autobot scramble code (de-scrambled by the U.S. Government in classified Sol System listening post).

It is unknown how many people got to a vehicle during the 23 Hours to find out that it had a mind of its own. It is also unknown how many battles were started, ended or fueled by the Autobots and Decepticons.

But one thing's for sure: giant, self-aware robots were not an unusual sight. Matter of fact, it just gave people more (and bigger) targets.

It took exactly seven days for both sides to fully regroup and take action. Optimus Prime, being who he is, broadcasted a world-wide message giving appologies and offering the Autobots' help in the reconstruction efforts.
Megatron and the Decepticons retreated to the Moon, knowing that if the Autobots and other heroic Fictions banded together, their losses would be great (Megatron being Megatron, he didn't trusted anybody to ally with).

Currently the Autobots, like most other Fictions, do their best to gain a living, mostly by jobs such as construction, transportation and law enforcement, although others enjoy things like street racing. The Decepticons (those who aren't working for Megatron, anyway) do their living in more destructive ways (Decepticon mercenaries have become 'more common than scrapyards' nowadays).

Megatron, on the meanwhile, has started a 'cold' war, silently gaining the resources he needs for a 'proper' conquering campaign... and the Autobots are fighting him in a likewise fashion, knowing that there are factions out there who would probably hinder them both if they went for open warfare.

It truly HAS become 'more than meets the eye'.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
The following idea comes from my insane brain:

Maine is now Stephen King-land, full of mad supernatural things concealed in common Americana. There are insane cars and trucks driving themselves and smashing everybody that gets in the way. Cujo is now joined by a large 'flock' of similarly maddened dogs. A small number of pet cementeries are now capable of resurrecting anything buried in them (of course, now Evil).

marcoasalazarm said:



First encounters between Giant Self-Aware Robots and Dumb Humans didn't included 'run for the freakin' hills and pray it won't keep chasing you- or feels like stepping on you' as often as it did during the Hours.

"Effective now, December 14, 200X, we send this message and the invitation for all Autobots and Maximals out there to come to Earth. We are here. We are waiting."-Automated beacon signal on Autobot scramble code (de-scrambled by the U.S. Government in classified Sol System listening post).

It is unknown how many people got to a vehicle during the 23 Hours to find out that it had a mind of its own. It is also unknown how many battles were started, ended or fueled by the Autobots and Decepticons.

But one thing's for sure: giant, self-aware robots were not an unusual sight. Matter of fact, it just gave people more (and bigger) targets.

It took exactly seven days for both sides to fully regroup and take action. Optimus Prime, being who he is, broadcasted a world-wide message giving appologies and offering the Autobots' help in the reconstruction efforts.
Megatron and the Decepticons retreated to the Moon, knowing that if the Autobots and other heroic Fictions banded together, their losses would be great (Megatron being Megatron, he didn't trusted anybody to ally with).

Currently the Autobots, like most other Fictions, do their best to gain a living, mostly by jobs such as construction, transportation and law enforcement, although others enjoy things like street racing. The Decepticons (those who aren't working for Megatron, anyway) do their living in more destructive ways (Decepticon mercenaries have become 'more common than scrapyards' nowadays).

Megatron, on the meanwhile, has started a 'cold' war, silently gaining the resources he needs for a 'proper' conquering campaign... and the Autobots are fighting him in a likewise fashion, knowing that there are factions out there who would probably hinder them both if they went for open warfare.

It truly HAS become 'more than meets the eye'.

.............*reads posts*............WHOACRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP......Crap, crap. *jawdrop*.........#1 on the Bad Ideas List in this particular case *definitely*, is applying the 'Allspark treatment' to Christine. Why? The words 'bugfrell' and 'crazy' would be more than adequate to describe a........bad day in MA.

On the bright side, she wouldn't be indestructible anymore, the supernatural part of her removed.

On the bad side, she WOULD be a giant robot with automatic heavy-duty laser cannons that is pretty damn hard to destroy.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
On the bright side, she wouldn't be indestructible anymore, the supernatural part of her removed.

On the bad side, she WOULD be a giant robot with automatic heavy-duty laser cannons that is pretty damn hard to destroy.

Assuming also that the whole jealousy gig is (or was) amplified by her supernatural attributes........is there a cyberpsychologist in the house? *ironic :D *

Two new Feats:

The inner workings of the mind are the preserve of the character and you can use this knowledge to directly manipulate others.
+PreRequisite: Cha 13+, Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 6+ Ranks.
+Benefit: The character gains a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate checks made against living humanoids with an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. The character also gains the same +2 bonus on Charisma checks used to influence or interact with living humanoids that have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher.
Psionic-using characters can add this bonus to their power rolls, with the same requirements for the target.

+Alien Technology Proficiency:
Thru training, instruction following or trial and error (that didn't got you killed, at least), you have become proficient with the use of alien technology, including weapons, craft and equipment.
+Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls and skill checks when using any kind of alien technology.
+Special: A character withour this feat takes a -4 penalty when using any alien technology. The GM might impose a penalty (-2 or higher), if the design is incompatible with the character (a Human using a Vrusk firearm, for example). It does not replace the need for other feats that might be required for proper handling of certain aspects of the alien technology (such as Vehicle Operation for specific craft 'weight types', Armor Proficiency, Burst Fire or Exotic Weapons Proficiency, to name some).

(NOTE: This replaces the two independent 'Alien Proficiency' SRD feats in this setting).

Voidrunner's Codex

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