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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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Lord Zack

I am wondering what state the various governments of the world are in in Coreline. The United States for instance, are there any remnants of the federal government around? I imagine there would at least be fictional versions around like the Enclave from Fallout. I imagine some might be willing to give into the likes of John Henry Eden in exchange for some security. I would prefer Michael Wilson myself...

I am wondering what state the various governments of the world are in in Coreline. The United States for instance, are there any remnants of the federal government around? I imagine there would at least be fictional versions around like the Enclave from Fallout. I imagine some might be willing to give into the likes of John Henry Eden in exchange for some security. I would prefer Michael Wilson myself...

The world is still pretty much rebuilding, even 10 years after The Vanishing. This means, in the case of the United States (for example) that there's still big chunks of it that remain pretty much lawless (in comparison to modern-day US). The bigger (still standing) cities are bastions of civilization and outside of them, the further away, the more lawless things get.

Nevada, for example, is pretty much back to normal on Vegas (except for the crazier types of crime and the police getting up to speed to confront it-the local CSI has pioneered such stuff as Death Note "ballistics" testing, for example). Over on Goodsprings.... well, it's as you see it on FONV. Except with less background rads and with working phones. It's a tourist and trading route hot spot-but the companies that go that way make sure to use well-equipped and guarded convoys. Or pretty badass single members for special or quick jobs.

Some additional Fallout notes:

-Over on DC, the Capitol Wasteland appeared on a lesser manifestation. What this means is that Megaton is now a small suburban town in the middle of Virginia (with the bomb removed and a slightly less shanty-town look-still has walls with several pieces made out of old airplane parts, though), the local animal control groups have to deal with RadScorpion, mutated Mole Rat, Mirelurk and occasional Yao Guai and Deathclaw pest problem, and the Avengers Of Humanity (or the occasional idiot that wants to replicate them) is an issue. The AOH actually opposes The Enclave because they do NOT want something like Eden ruling America-and Eden doesn't likes them either, being "impure" (read: not Enclave-born) and all.

-The Brotherhood Of Steel is still around. They are mostly as portrayed on FO3-the "nicer", less homicidally insular chapters were (mostly) the ones to survive The Vanishing and the 23 Hours. Butting heads still ensues occasionally with their wanna-be Space Marine-slash-Adeptus Mechanicus mannerisms (or, at least, this is what some folks perceive their mannerisms sound like), but they are regarded to be on the side of angels.

-Galaxy News Radio exists on Coreline, and is now a network with at least four subsidiaries (maybe more, still thinking of it-need help with ideas for more possible locations): Galaxy News on Virginia/Washington D.C., Radio Angel on Los Angeles, Radio Cerberus on San Francisco and Radio Jefferson on Chicago. They have full satellite, streaming and regular radio broadcasting capabilities, and all of them have Three Dog as one of their DJs (although Angel has him calling himself "Freedog"). Radio Angel is pretty much a puppet of the Los Angeles government not unlike the original GNR was a puppet for the BOS (and it still kind of is-at least Three Dog has no problem talking about them in a positive light whenever possible). "Fighting the Good Fight" is still an important part of the GNR mission statement, and in this the crews of the stations work their hardest to broker info to those who do the physical part-and which includes the occasional field investigator-slash-spy.

-Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla are beverage corps over on The Line. Comparing to other companies like Coca-Cola, they're small. Obviously, the background info of the Fallout games is out there for perusal by the whole world, and so the companies have needed to take steps to not poison their clients in any way. But they still want to deliver an "accurate" experience of drinking their beverages (such a selling point this is amongst those people out there which are Fallout fans), so such things have been done like Nuka-Cola making a special (and classified) gas cocktail for their beverages that sounds like Geiger ticking when you open the bottles.

(Of course, there's people crazy enough (and some of them rich enough) that they go look and actually would even kill for "real" (read, several-hundred-year-old and even radioactive) Nuka-Cola and Sunset).
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Lord Zack

I suspect the New California Republic might want to annex Los Angeles. However, that would likely be impossible unless the NCR gets much, much heavier firepower. Caesar's Legion, if it still exists, would be just another band of relatively normal humans in a world with giant mechs and martial artists that can destroy celestial bodies. A menace to regular people and low-level fictions to be sure, but ultimately just a small fish in a big sea.

I imagine that whatever is left of the US Army will be trying their hardest to get as much advanced tech as they can. There would of course be plenty of fictional versions of the Army that would already have such tech. For instance, I imagine that there would be a relatively large force of Arm Slaves from the Full Metal Panic series. Also there will be various megacorps willing to provide advanced armaments... for the right price. Ultimately, they may or may not have settled on a standard issue.

I have some ideas on Star Wars I want to develop. For one thing, how does the Solaran Spur work? Even with the fastest hyperdrives the distances between galaxies are considerable. Also there is the issue of fuel, since Star Wars starships do need to be resupplied from time to time. I imagine there would need to be some factor that allows for vastly faster travel between the galaxies, some kind of spatial anomaly or perhaps a series of warp gates or some such.

I suspect the New California Republic might want to annex Los Angeles. However, that would likely be impossible unless the NCR gets much, much heavier firepower. Caesar's Legion, if it still exists, would be just another band of relatively normal humans in a world with giant mechs and martial artists that can destroy celestial bodies. A menace to regular people and low-level fictions to be sure, but ultimately just a small fish in a big sea.

I imagine that whatever is left of the US Army will be trying their hardest to get as much advanced tech as they can. There would of course be plenty of fictional versions of the Army that would already have such tech. For instance, I imagine that there would be a relatively large force of Arm Slaves from the Full Metal Panic series. Also there will be various megacorps willing to provide advanced armaments... for the right price. Ultimately, they may or may not have settled on a standard issue.

I have some ideas on Star Wars I want to develop. For one thing, how does the Solaran Spur work? Even with the fastest hyperdrives the distances between galaxies are considerable. Also there is the issue of fuel, since Star Wars starships do need to be resupplied from time to time. I imagine there would need to be some factor that allows for vastly faster travel between the galaxies, some kind of spatial anomaly or perhaps a series of warp gates or some such.

First things first. I will apologise for the lack of response. I've had some very pressing Real Life issues from last posting time until now. The fact is, that it's been a very long time and it's pretty unspeakable. Still, I'm sorry.

The second thing is, of course, the setting info.

For starters, the distance between galaxies ("Solaran Spur?" Never heard of that one. What's it about?).

Starting up with the SW stuff, we mentioned something called (but not quite determined other than it was a connection between the SW side of the galaxy and the regular human side of the galaxy) called "Outer Rim Area 51".

I was thinking now that this particular area (which specific location I still need to determine, but it is on the Outer Rim of the SW side of things) is a type of steady space disturbance created by the CLULESS Virus that allows ships travelling in hyperspace to jump from the Star Wars galaxy to the Milky Way galaxy (specifically, the outside edges of the Solar System). Because of this, Sol has become a pretty big part of the SW galaxy trading routes.

Of course, "steady" doesn't exactly means "100% reliable". Stories are common involving hyperspace accidents when taking the Area 51 jump that places the ships on sections of the Milky Way galaxy that are very, very bad to visit (such as smack in the middle of Reaver territory).... or other misfortunes happening such as attracting monsters from other planes and universes that raise hell on the ship... or of the ship tearing itself apart because the disturbance decided to "play rough" with its structural integrity... or of course of the disturbance deciding to kick you off in a parallel universe, never to be seen again.

As for the NCR annexing Los Angeles... actually, it was the other way around. L.A. has become a pretty big superpower (and a (smaller than MC-1, yet still classifiable as a) Megacity) by itself and the NCR becoming part of it has given the Rangers quite the shot in the arm in terms of available firepower.

NCR was somewhat.... weakened, though, because some of its original territories didn't followed them from the Fallout-verse (Baja, Nevada, Mexico). Although L.A. is making plans to try and retake some of them...

As for the Army.... yeah, it is settling on a type of "standard issue" that is slightly different from "current day" because of the available Fiction tech. Hard to tell what it would be, though-many units are still experimenting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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