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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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Lord Zack

I would suggest putting Outer Rim Area 51 in the Tingle Arm, past the Corporate Sector. That's technically Wild Space and not part of the Outer Rim proper, but it is close to the Hydian Way, a major trade route. If so, then the Corporate Sector have probably set up a spaceport nearby to service ships passing through. There are probably pirates in the area, of course. They might be under the aegis of Black Sun or the Zann Consortium or maybe just independent operators, but it'd be cool to have them equipped with a bunch of technologies stolen from visitors from the Milky Way.

I am thinking that while the galaxy as a whole might be as it is after the Swarm War, which if I remember correctly you said is the current time for Coreline, there might be enclaves of elements of earlier, perhaps later if you like the Legacy comic book, times. Like say, Darth Revan appears and starts stealing modern ships to mass produce with the Star Forge, the Tion Cluster reforms the CIS with the help of a droid army from the Clone Wars and maybe even the Imperial Remnant is joined by Emperor Fel, his Imperial Knights and his forces from the Legacy comic books.

The 23 hours were in 2002, correct? So if we assume that the Star Wars Galaxy is in the same state it would be in the latest NJO era novels the year would be 27 ABY. So if time passed in the same rate in the Milky Way and Star Wars Galaxies it would be 39 BBY in 2014. Still no Second Galactic Civil War, Darth Caedus, etc. Assuming that the campaign is set in 2014, of course. Furthermore there would be no guarantee thise things would ever happen if the GM doesn't want them to.
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I would suggest putting Outer Rim Area 51 in the Tingle Arm, past the Corporate Sector. That's technically Wild Space and not part of the Outer Rim proper, but it is close to the Hydian Way, a major trade route. If so, then the Corporate Sector have probably set up a spaceport nearby to service ships passing through. There are probably pirates in the area, of course. They might be under the aegis of Black Sun or the Zann Consortium or maybe just independent operators, but it'd be cool to have them equipped with a bunch of technologies stolen from visitors from the Milky Way.

I am thinking that while the galaxy as a whole might be as it is after the Swarm War, which if I remember correctly you said is the current time for Coreline, there might be enclaves of elements of earlier, perhaps later if you like the Legacy comic book, times. Like say, Darth Revan appears and starts stealing modern ships to mass produce with the Star Forge, the Tion Cluster reforms the CIS with the help of a droid army from the Clone Wars and maybe even the Imperial Remnant is joined by Emperor Fel, his Imperial Knights and his forces from the Legacy comic books.

The 23 hours were in 2002, correct? So if we assume that the Star Wars Galaxy is in the same state it would be in the latest NJO era novels the year would be 27 ABY. So if time passed in the same rate in the Milky Way and Star Wars Galaxies it would be 39 BBY in 2014. Still no Second Galactic Civil War, Darth Caedus, etc. Assuming that the campaign is set in 2014, of course. Furthermore there would be no guarantee thise things would ever happen if the GM doesn't want them to.

One small note beforehand: I am somewhat indecisive about the specific "year zero" of the setting, because of some things I have seen which are cool enough to add-not all of them being "there" from "year zero", but some of them, yes.

As an example: "Pacific Rim" is not something that would be added from "year zero"-it would appear later and some things about it (such as the application of the Serizawa Scale to try to classify Kaiju (emphasis on "try" because some Kaiju are harder to classify than others-and probably would be a discussion in-universe (and maybe out) about expanding upon the scale)) would influence the setting. But "Star Trek" is there from "year zero" onwards, and I was seeing some ideas on STO/the Abrams reboot (such as, of course, the Hoban Supernova (and with it, Romulus and Remus being reformed by the Virus), Species 8472 being reclassified as the "Undine", Starfleet pretty much pulling everything they can out of mothballs and refitted to keep up with necessities, and so on), and so is "Mass Effect".

I was struggling with the idea whether to keep "year zero" unknown or not.

On the SW side of things... time has passed about the same rate on both the Milky Way and the SW galaxy from The Vanishing and "year zero" onwards. Stuff from all over the setting's timeline is there (such as the examples you mentioned-Darth Revan stealing ships that (to him) are modern to update his army, the CIS being reformed with Clone Wars-era droid armies, the Imperial Remnant getting some more teeth, Alderaan is back and is as you see it on the "The Old Republic" RPG, etc).

Some discussion of which things are there and not there from the end of the First Galactic Civil War onwards needs to be done.

Lord Zack

The Greater Seswenna and the return of Grand Moff Tarkin

With the advent of the 23 hours and it's effects on the galaxy came the reappearance of one of the Emperor's most notorious underlings- Grand Moff Tarkin appeared, along with a number of Imperial Armies and Fleets he used to "convince" a number of sectors to accept his "protection". These sectors came to be known as the "Greater Seswenna" after his original command as a Moff before it was expanded into Oversector Outer. Tensions have arisen with the Galactic Alliance as that government has started to stabilize after the Yuuzhan Vong War. However, these tensions have yet to result in war.

Reports of Tarkin having secured an alliance with a renegade Clone Master are unsubstantiated, yet he has definitely contracted Sorosuub to outfit a large force with Stormtrooper gear as well as to build new warships. These maybe Army Troopers He has also been building some kind of battlestation in the Patriim sector, which may be another Death Star. Repeated sabotage has resulted in large delays in the construction. Despite calls within the Galactic Alliance to censure Tarkin, most do not wish to risk war, especially with such threats as Revan and the mysterious Imperial force within the Deep Core, feared to be Palpatine returned once again. It is also uncertain whether the Imperial Remnant would side with him or not. Tarkin's standing forces seem to number at least three augmented sector groups, not including local forces under his banner, which he has begun to organize into sector groups under the command of lesser Moffs appointed by him.

the Sith Empires

When squadrons of Old Republic warships started raiding shipyards and capturing ships most thought little of it with everything else that was happening. When those warships returned alongside the warships they stole multiplied dozens or hundreds of times over and started taking and holding territory, the galaxy's leaders started to realize they had a problem. Yet there was little they could at first since their forces were depleted from the Yuuzhan Vong War. By the time a proper response could be arranged, much of the Trans-Hydian Region had fallen. Darth Revan had reformed his Sith Empire.

The newly reformed Confederacy of Independent Systems was one of the first forces that began to stand up to Revan's fleets. This is part of what led to so many supporting it's return in the first place. These systems gladly accepted the droid armies in exchange for protection. However even the CIS's industrial capabilities began to be outstripped by the Siths' so they called upon the Galactic Alliance, with which they had allied with before, regarding it as a much more acceptable alternative to the Republic. Yet the distraction of the Swarm War prevented them from doing much to pursue their front at first.

Then when the Galactic Alliance was poised to take the fight to the Sith another threat arose. Darth Krayt appeared with forces of the Galactic Empire of 137 ABY and began to conquer their own chunk of the galaxy. While the Imperial Remnant was joined by Emperor Fel's loyalists and the Galactic Alliance was bolstered by the addition of the Core Fleet to their forces Krayt has managed to contest much of the galaxy, with slivers of scattered territory held by his forces. Perhaps unexpectedly Tarkin has emerged as an ally of the Alliance against Krayt, if only because he claims the title Tarkin covets.

The appearance of The Old Republic era Sith Empire is somewhat of a boon to the Galactic Alliance. They contest much of Revan's territory, even having taken Korriban and the rest of Sith Space from him. Revan has begun to focus on fighting them, the enemy that he was preparing the Republic to fight during his first conquests. Another alternate of Revan has led a team to Dantooine, where he first discovered the existence of the Star Forge. This alternate is aligned with the Jedi Order and is working to reconstruct the damaged Star Map in the Rakatan ruins there so that the Galactic Alliance can use it to find the location of Lehon and once again destroy the Star Forge. In the meanwhile, the Empire of the Hand, led by an alternate of Grand Admiral Thrawn and allied with the Galactic Alliance, is searching the Unknown Regions the hard way.

The Corporate Sector Authority, Trade Federation, Intergalactic Banking Clan and others

Since the discovery of Outer Rim Area 51 the reconstituted Trade Federation has made a deal with the Corporate Sector Authority and Intergalactic Banking Clan have made a number of deals to facilitate trade with the Milky Way Galaxy. They have made contact with the Ferengi Alliance, who have helped form further commercial contacts and have exchanged gold-pressed latinum, nuyen, euros and other local currencies in exchange for Banking Clan credits. Since one of the most valuable commodities available is the differing technologies of the two galaxies the Techno Union is also heavily involved and they have bought out StarMech Enterprises to produce and sell technologies from the Star Wars Galaxy. StarMech was in operation since shortly after the 23 hours, but with the backing of the Techno Union they have grown considerably. The megacorps and trade guilds of the Star Wars galaxy have also been in contact with the Rogue Traders of the Imperium of Man.

One of the most imported technologies are industrial replicators, in order to allow for more rapid production of goods, especially war materiel to counteract the advantage granted to Darth Revan's Empire with the Star Forge. The absolutely exorbitant prices charged for these devices have sent the Galactic Alliance deep into debt with the Banking Clan, but the large amounts of weapons they have produced have helped hold the line. The Star Wars hyperdrive is heavily exported due to it's much, much improved speed over warp engines, despite the existence of even more effective hyperdrives like those of the Asgard and the Ancient Stardrive which allow for travel between galaxies, and the necessity of astrogation data. Many experimental warships have been fitted with weapons like quantum torpedoes or yamato cannons imported from the Milky Way.

The resurgence of the trade guilds has not gone unnoticed by galactic authorities. Despite laws and other measures taken to avoid the corruption experienced in the Old Republic, they have gained much of their old power. The Trade Federation has even purchased a number of new warships like the Star Galleon or the Corona-class escort frigate for the Trade Defense Forces. They are, however, a lot more careful about when and how they use their forces, not wanting a repeat of the Naboo fiasco.
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Nor a repeat of the freaking Clone Wars (well, something more limited in scope, but probably more chaos and people gunning for them to compensate...).

Speaking of the Clone Wars, the planet of Kamino has gotten quite the increase in business. As top-notch experts in the field of cloning and genetic engineering, research into better tech, selling cloning tech and cloning anything the client wants (all that they ask is money and some biological material to use as a base) is pretty much their top export... and business is good.

Several races (like the Stargate-verse Asgardians) are near the top of their clients list.

Lord Zack

I think the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree, from Marvel Comics, might be interested in utilizing the genetics expertise of Kamino to jumpstart the evolution of his race. Others interested in the cloning capabilities if Kamino likely include the Sontarans, albeit they are more likely to try and take what they want, and the Galactic Federation, who have had them cloning Metroids and other specimens as part of their ongoing biological weapons projects. Some prefer the Arkanian method, despite it's flaws because it's speed. Revan has attempted to seize Spaarti cylinders on a number of occasions, since he has thus far had to rely heavily on droids to operate his capital ships. At least he hasn't had to make due with subpar processors like the CIS since he can produce anything he needs with the Star Forge.
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OK.... this old. Soooooooo~oooo oooooollllldddd.....

But I did it. I saw the videos. It is official. I am a fan of The Nostalgia Critic.

...I think you fellas should start to run for your lives.

Belatedly: I like the idea of the action point system, I'll work on that.

Well, since I got the okay "no objections" vote to the idea, here is one of the more insane results of Coreline. Only one actual set of stats for now, but I will work on the others.

War of the Raving Reviewers
"I remember it because you won't be able to! *Gunshot*"
-Sound bite from a police investigation of a Glasses Gang battle with the Angry Video Game Nerd

The "eccentric reviewer" had become a staple of Internet life before CLULESS, and the ravaging of the Earth into its new Coreline form did not skip over noticing this. One of the largest bastions of this would by the Glasses Gang, the so-called "rulers of Naperville" that were spawned from the Internet characters portrayed by Douglas Walker and crew. The leader of this rabble-rousing gang, Nostalgia Critic, is a sarcastic gunman who has tendencies that are best described as psychotic. He also has an unnatural ability to survive damage, and almost Bogeyman-like quality to return from that dead that has been attributed to a binding contract with some form of unearthly being (speculations have run from a celestial to the Autobots). Partially the extension of his creator and as such as comedian, the Critic makes reviews of various media as a natural habit. In his spare time, he makes insane ramblings that make little sense, shoots at things that make him angry, and acts as a pseudo-vigilante of his group's turf. Other members of the Glasses Gang include:
  • Nostalgia Chick: The female counterpart of the Critic, known for shouting "Puppies!" at random intervals.
  • Suede: A stylish New Zealander who is familiar with most anime tactics and tropes. Has a small fued with Benzaie.
  • Benzaie: Loves obscure video games, insists on being French.
  • Linkara: An eccentric comic book expert with a flintlock pistol and fedora.
  • Spoony: A sarcastic man whose extensive knowledge of RPG and video game lore helps him when he chooses to help the Glasses Gang rather than himself. Has a MST3K-style robot named Burton.

Their mortal enemy is the Angry Video Game Nerd, brainchild of James Rolfe. Instead of being intentionally funny, the Nerd is aggressive and manic in his hatred of subpar material. He is also somewhat of an equipment expert, holding proficiency in various forms of video game-based weaponry.

Nostalgia Critic (Human Charismatic Hero 2/Fast Hero 2/Gunslinger 6): CR 10; Medium-size humanoid; HD 2d6+8 plus 2d8+8 plus 6d10+24 plus 3; HP 92; Mas 21; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; Defense 20, touch 20, flatfooted 18 (+0 size, +2 Dex, +8 class); BAB +6; Grap +8; Atk +8 melee (1d4+2, pistol whip), or +9 ranged (2d6+0, Glock 17); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ none; AL chaos; SV Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +5; AP 5; Rep +4; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16.
Occupation: Creative (Bluff, Perform [Comedy], Spot).
Skills: Bluff +14, Craft (writing) +5, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +12, Gather Information +8, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Current Events) +12, Knowledge (Popular Culture) +12, Knowledge (Streetwise) +7, Move Silently +10, Perform (Comedy) +9, Read/Write English, Sleight of Hand +11, Speak English, Spot +13, Tumble +10.
Feats: Die Hard, Double Tap, Endurance, Far Shot, Improved Damage Threshold, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Toughness.
Talents (Charismatic Hero): Fast-Talk.
Talents (Fast Hero): Evasion.
Talents (Gunslinger): Close Combat Shot, Weapon Focus, Defensive Position, Lightning Reflexes.
Possessions: Stylish clothes, pistol (one of the 2d6 damage ones, possibly Glock 17), 2 ammo boxes, various personal items.

..we really need to make stats for the other guys.

Lord Zack

Has anyone done anything with Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri? I'm working on a write-up for Planet but I was wondering if anybody had written anything up yet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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