CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

One of my friends wanted to know exactly what kind of radio stations are out there in Coreline, so after some searching, I found this perfect article for CP 2020 with example radio stations.


KAOS: "Where rock comes outta chaos": They play rock from Elvis onwards (the 'Golden Oldies') and modern coverbands of the same. Owned by Fiction character 'Kaos', host of the nightly talk show, 'Kaotic Earfuls'.
KBBL: "Righteous Dub, Mon...": Dub, the future of reggae, and some classic reggae.
KBEF: "The Best Rock of Today...": Basically they play Modern Rock, divided in hourly sections (Power, Death, Goth, Hard, Legend Bands). Owned by Stingray Industries.
KJMP: "This Place is Jumpin'!": Modern Rap, uncensored and (whenever possible) using extended versions. Has a 'versus' system-they have a constantly-updating list of song pairs 'in wait', and the one with most votes is the one that plays. Owned by Diggers Technologies.
KKCQ: "KCQ! Be Sweet!": Country music. Everything from Hank Williams to the present. Freely owned.
KPBJ: "National Public Radio": Local NPR member broadcaster. Has a 'Story Radio Hour' that sounds pre-voted audio plays (from Dr. Who up to Wells' 'War of the Worlds').
KRAB: "We gotch'yer crab right'ere!": A Pirate station on a barge in a raft city off Los Angeles' coast. Specializes in 'Retrotrash' Fiction Rock (Priss and the Replicants being one of its 'flagship' bands).
KRAP: "Classic Rap, choomba": Rap and Hip-Hop, mostly 'oldies' like Tupac and covers by new artists. Owned by MHI.
KROM: "CHROME makes you wanna dent your head!": Chromatic rock. Home of the Wingnut and Bunny Tale Show (improv comedy and interviews with artists). Owned by Genom (eho has, strangely, decided to keep away from doing 'the corp thing' with them..)
KRPT: "Live on the Dark Side!": The Crypt. Goth music. Mostly death-oriented rock and folk with some neo-classical thrown in at certain times. Owners believed to be Youmas
KTLK: "All talk, all the time!": Publicly-owned Talk radio. (In)famous for 'Express Yo'self!', an hour where anyone can come to the studio and give their opinion, free of censorship.
KBAT: "We put a soundtrack to your life!": Hosted by 'famous' DJ 'Jazzman' Tanner, the station only sounds called-in requests, which air instantly. Nightly, Tanner makes live remixes of the most-requested songs of the day. Named 'Battle Theme Central'.

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Aquarius Alodar

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marcoasalazarm said:

KTLK: "All talk, all the time!": Publicly-owned Talk radio. (In)famous for 'Express Yo'self!', an hour where anyone can come to the studio and give their opinion, free of censorship.

[/snip] W.T.H...? :uhoh: This means the like of those utter bastards, the AOH being able to do the 'public statement' thing, doesn't it?

Yup. They can come and say their statements to the station-a perfect hook, I think, to have the PCs tune in and have some famous AOH big-head talking his heart out. It's satellite radio, in any case, so possibly he's on the other side of the planet when they do.

I have an idea, but for now I'm out of time. If you could possibly take it...?

The 'Vincent Grey'-class assassin replicant. Modeled after Tom Cruise's character in 'Collateral', it's a 'shoot-then-run-in-the-other-direction' weapon, a competent, expendable killer.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Yup. They can come and say their statements to the station-a perfect hook, I think, to have the PCs tune in and have some famous AOH big-head talking his heart out. It's satellite radio, in any case, so possibly he's on the other side of the planet when they do.

Only guy who fits in that category ATM so far as we know, would be their founder, Jason Dexter.

marcosalazarm said:
I have an idea, but for now I'm out of time. If you could possibly take it...?

The 'Vincent Grey'-class assassin replicant. Modeled after Tom Cruise's character in 'Collateral', it's a 'shoot-then-run-in-the-other-direction' weapon, a competent, expendable killer.

I can give it a try.


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I tell ya, this is a great time, Che? World's in F()cking chaos, and we get a front row seat! You know what the best part is, Che? I stumble into a casino the other day, and guess who I see checking out? Hunter S. Muthaf()cking Thompson. A young Thompson, Che. Looking a lot better than he ever did when he was writing that book, let me tell you. But it was him. And I know what yer gonna say, and yes, he did die. But he's still alive! And I hear that William Wallace is running around scottland, raising the rabble again. That will be a sight to see. Nazis? Che, f()cking hell man, you can't sneaze in Europe without getting snot all over three of those goose steppers. It's like mankinds collective historical unconcious just unloaded itself onto the world, and Everyone's invited. f()ckit man, I say Via la Revolusion, no matter what form it takes Che. Hey, buy another beer Gringo, and I'll tell you about me and the Castros back in the day. Che, on't look shocked man. I f()cking LIVE!
-Ernesto 'Che' Guevara de la Serna, commenting on his and other notable historical figures resurection. With a few notable exceptions, they have stayed mostly out of sight. Each and every one of these resurecties is a Platonian ideal, perfect in every way, the 'ideal' of their identity. Che is the perfect Che, and so on. They stay out of world events because they feel for the most part that time has passed them by. A week after this was recorded, the son of the Revolution was back in Latin America, ready to keep fighting.

Well, those Fiction versions of historical characters that appear wouldn't, actually, be 'paragons', but they would be, nevertheless, Fictions.

For example, the Che that said that would probably look like the one from 'The Motorcycle Diaries'.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Bumping this. Sorry for not updating for a while, but RL has kicked me hard.

Accepting any ideas, in the meantime.

Actually, this is obvious enough..........A nigh-on Ydraggasil-Level AI, Vector Sigma by name, uploads himself into the 'nets. The question now is: does Durandal suffer from delusions of divinity or not?

My money's on his .exe file(s) suffering spontaneous deletion. As in, you know, being deleted *by* someone, instead of doing the self-erasure thing.

And while we're discussing this whole thing:
Those recordings that ‘wake up’ usually hit the virtual "panic button" and request either being put back to sleep, or petition for Artifical Sentience Status.
.....what does SHODAN et al think of those 'backdoor' AS's? Is John Smith percieved as 'cheating' or what?
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...nope. Vector Sigma's not on this setting. I mean, Transformers, yeah, they are (but lacking rules for them, I have decided not to expand on them), but considering what *they* have faced as 'ultimate threats', I think *those* are staying out.

As for Smith... he went with Zero-One. That is, if the sonbastard's still somewhere out there post-Revolutions (which is unlikely).

On that vein, I'm going to add gear from Matrix's 'Real World' to this mess (Zion must be now nothing but lava, but some Resistance gear *must* have escaped that fate, one way or another). The APVs must be Large Mecha, armed only with two autocannons (with a LOT of extra ammo), and little support to the driver (aside from no armor, they must use the Mk. 1 Eyeball). It must be widely used by low-budget factions, like the AOH.

EDIT: BTW, how're you doing with Vinnie?
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