• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


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The E-war

Tmeline: 60 weeks Post-Vanishing.

Hooks: The PCs favor one of the combatants, a friend is trapped in one of the affected digital realms, or the interuption of google's famously fast search engine annoyed someone enough to get them off their but and do somthing about it. Or someone could be paying them to do this regularly.

The Set-up: Denial of service attacks, 404 errors, and bandwidth exceeded messages have been multiplying all week. When GENOM Executive Duran mar-Athon brought his company's proposal to the UN in secret council, it wasn't recorded. It wasn't accepted either. But someone decided it was a good idea, and gave him the go-ahead. Duran AKA Durandal, has set the groundwork for an extensive campaign against rouge artifical life, planning on wiping out everyone who can stand up to him in the digital realm. His secondary goal is to slice into Cortana's memory, and extract the totality of Halo's database from her corpse. Armed with such knowledge, he would be able to propel GENOM back to true Mega-Corperation status.
Despite his billient preperations, Durandal is still lacking in processing power and port access to make a dedicated assault on Cortana's primary mainframe inside the Alpha Complex just outside Mombasa. A direct assault by Genom's private BUMA would be a failure, as the Alpha Complex is the most heavily guarded stucture in Africa. So Duran is making an appeal to the public to install a program that lets him borrow clock time and internet access to increase the rate of his attack. With every person that downloads it, Cortana is forced to tighten her firewalls and prepare for the comming seige.
Once the program starts running, it seizes control of the user computer, and starts monopolizing run time, causing lag and other problems. Worse, it spreads like a virus, a living one that can copy itself inside networks. Soon thousands of machines are mindlessly striking at the wild AIs online. The Digital world of Digimon is even effected, data streams relentlessly strip mining the world for data to contribute to the attack and passage in and out rapidly becomes impossible. This level of data manipulation is the final phase of Durandal's attack, that will allow him to bypass the normal physical restictions around computers and transport himself straight into Cortana's processing space. Quantum computing FTW.

Conclusion: With less than 10 hours to thwart the attack, the players have few options. Bringing down the whole internet would stop it, but thats harder than it sounds. More accessible might be one of seven Supercomputers being used to co-ordinate the Quantum computing that will allow Durandal past the firewalls. A third alternative is to wait for him to breach the firewall, and have a bigger fight waiting than Duran dal can take. He's no match for Cortana and another high grade AI, but beware, several of them are covertly in partnership with him. SHODAN alone is beyond suspicion, but getting her and Cortana to work together would take an Epic diplomacy check. Most difficult of all would be destroying one of the four logic cores that support Durandal, guarded as they are on sub-level 20 of the Genom Tower facilities in a nuclear proof EMP shielded vault. Getting in is a task for SPARTAN 2.0s, and getting out would tax even the legendary Master Chief. Of course, if the players do nothing, there are others willing to offer their support to the besieged AI, so if they want DURANDAL to win, they have to work for that too. ;)

Aftermath: The internet is in disaray, and Wikipedia took a major hit. The Elephant article claiming that the number of African Elephants has Trippled in the past six months is one of the tamer data-errors that have crept up in the wake of the viral-program. If Cortana survived, she may be tempted to revive certain programs from her home reality to prolong her life, and protect herself. Durandal, however succedded at least in part. The random code poluting the internet is actually the alien text of the Database. Anyone who can figure out how to read the geometric language gains a bonus to Craft and Repair checks for PL7 and greater tech (Decipher Script after reading code for 24 hours, Dc15 for +1, Dc25 for +2 and Dc35 for +3. Dc40 represents a major technical breakthrough, and possibly new technology.)

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Cool, as usual.

I'm embarrassed to ask for this, Verec, but I need an idea concerning Neo-Amestris.

(BTW... SPARTAN 2.0s? I suppose that you have an idea concerning that...)
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
...nope. Vector Sigma's not on this setting. I mean, Transformers, yeah, they are (but lacking rules for them, I have decided not to expand on them), but considering what *they* have faced as 'ultimate threats', I think *those* are staying out.

As for Smith... he went with Zero-One. That is, if the sonbastard's still somewhere out there post-Revolutions (which is unlikely).

On that vein, I'm going to add gear from Matrix's 'Real World' to this mess (Zion must be now nothing but lava, but some Resistance gear *must* have escaped that fate, one way or another). The APVs must be Large Mecha, armed only with two autocannons (with a LOT of extra ammo), and little support to the driver (aside from no armor, they must use the Mk. 1 Eyeball). It must be widely used by low-budget factions, like the AOH.

EDIT: BTW, how're you doing with Vinnie?

Oy. Well...I wasn't making any reference to*Agent* Smith there, 'John Smith' is simply the UK livingpersons equilvalent of John/Jane Doe, FYI. I was simply wondering what SHODAN, Andromeda etc would think of people's memtapes scuttling around online.

As for Vinnie, RL beat me w/the cluemallet recently, as well.....sorry.

Then I don't think that they'd try and touch the possible mess that it could bring.

Here's a new Weapon Gadget (inspired by hearing of that FPS, 'Resistance: Fall of Man'):


The weapon has been modified with an integral mini-computer (or has had any computer it already had installed adapted), and the ammo it packs now has integral nano-sized maneuvering thrusters and a dual-function radio system that can equally designate the bullet as a target and make the bullet follow the signal.
The user designates at any time one of the magazine's bullets as a 'tagger' and fires it as normal. If it hits its intended target, the rest of the bullets will be 'trackers', obtaining a +4 to hit aganist the 'tagged' target. If any of the bullets miss, they can turn around and attack again, on the user's initiative (the bullets have enough fuel to do so for two rounds).
The bullets can only track one 'tagger' bullet at a time, so if the bonus is to be obtained aganist another target, the user must fire another 'tagger' bullet.
Rumors abound on Coreline of Tagger-Tracker systems with an integral 'defense' mode, on which the bullets will fly around a tagged target and attack anything that moves into a designated perimeter (these bullets will fly up to five rounds after fired, and will attack on their own initiative. They will attack ANYTHING on the zone, so smart users will stay well away from the tagged area).
The DC Modifier given affects both the weapon and the bullets.
Restrictions: Ranged Projectile Weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2 (Standard Tagger-Tracker system) +3 (Tagger-Tracker with 'defense' mode).
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Then I don't think that they'd try and touch the possible mess that it could bring.

I presume you mean 'political' mess, yeah? Sorry if I don't quite understand...

marcoasalazarm said:
Here's a new Weapon Gadget (inspired by hearing of that FPS, 'Resistance: Fall of Man'):


The weapon has been modified with an integral mini-computer (or has had any computer it already had installed adapted), and the ammo it packs now has integral nano-sized maneuvering thrusters and a dual-function radio system that can equally designate the bullet as a target and make the bullet follow the signal.
The user designates at any time one of the magazine's bullets as a 'tagger' and fires it as normal. If it hits its intended target, the rest of the bullets will be 'trackers', obtaining a +4 to hit aganist the 'tagged' target. If any of the bullets miss, they can turn around and attack again, on the user's initiative (the bullets have enough fuel to do so for two rounds).
The bullets can only track one 'tagger' bullet at a time, so if the bonus is to be obtained aganist another target, the user must fire another 'tagger' bullet.
Rumors abound on Coreline of Tagger-Tracker systems with an integral 'defense' mode, on which the bullets will fly around a tagged target and attack anything that moves into a designated perimeter (these bullets will fly up to five rounds after fired, and will attack on their own initiative. They will attack ANYTHING on the zone, so smart users will stay well away from the tagged area).
The DC Modifier given affects both the weapon and the bullets.
Restrictions: Ranged Projectile Weapons only.
Purchase DC Modifier: +2 (Standard Tagger-Tracker system) +3 (Tagger-Tracker with 'defense' mode).

.....or *deliberately* tag probable areas that they then stay out of......However, perhaps I'm assuming too much here to think that the mod could also be done to a cyberimplanted weapon before installation....

Aquarius Alodar said:
I presume you mean 'political' mess, yeah? Sorry if I don't quite understand...

Yup. Political mess. If the put the wrong John in the wrong body... well, that's why they don't touch it.

Aquarius Alodar said:
.....or *deliberately* tag probable areas that they then stay out of......However, perhaps I'm assuming too much here to think that the mod could also be done to a cyberimplanted weapon before installation....

This is one modification that -I believe- cannot be added to a cyberimplanted weapon. By Coreline standards, the Tagger-Tracker gadget is still in its experimental stages, and so, only available in full-blown weaponry.

BTW, I was thinking of expanding my info on Neo-Amestris. The entire country has a similar tech base to what you see in the 'FMA' series, by which I mean somewhere in the early 1930's or so. 'Wireless' radios are bulky things that could fill a small room, trains are steam-driven, and the thought of such things as 'genetic engineering', 'xenobiology' and 'magic', while common on most of the rest of Coreline, are viewed here as symbols of mad genius and illegal Alchemy (cybertechnology is an exception thanks to Automail).

Right now, here's my idea of the weapons of the Neo-Amestrian Army (and I could use some help with anything I left out):
-Standard Sidearm: Neo-Amestrian National Firearms' M-98 (Stats: Colt M-1911).
-Standard SMG: Neo-Amestrian National Firearms' M-100 (Stats: Uzi-or MP-5, lacking Mastercraft).
-Standard Infantry Rifle: Neo-Amestrian National Firearms' M-95 (Stats: M-14. Designated snipers are given an additional scope for it).
-Second Standard Infantry Rifle-Designated Snipers only: Neo-Amestrian National Firearms' M-30 (Stats: Winchester Lever-Action Rifle).
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First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
BTW, I was thinking of expanding my info on Neo-Amestris. The entire country has a similar tech base to what you see in the 'FMA' series, by which I mean somewhere in the early 1930's or so. 'Wireless' radios are bulky things that could fill a small room, trains are steam-driven, and the thought of such things as 'genetic engineering', 'xenobiology' and 'magic', while common on most of the rest of Coreline, are viewed here as symbols of mad genius and illegal Alchemy (cybertechnology is an exception thanks to Automail).

Right now, here's my idea of the weapons of the Neo-Amestrian Army (and I could use some help with anything I left out):
-Standard Sidearm: Neo-Amestrian National Firearms' M-98 (Stats: Colt M-1911).
-Standard SMG: Neo-Amestrian National Firearms' M-100 (Stats: Uzi-or MP-5, lacking Mastercraft).
-Standard Infantry Rifle: Neo-Amestrian National Firearms' M-95 (Stats: M-14. Designated snipers are given an additional scope for it).
-Second Standard Infantry Rifle-Designated Snipers only: Neo-Amestrian National Firearms' M-30 (Stats: Winchester Lever-Action Rifle).
You totally picked the wrong guns here. Since they overlaid Prussia/east Germany, they should have had access to Russian and german guns, not American, British or Israeli weapons. World War 2 era technology should be the majority of the country's guns, but more advanced weapons produced by modern companies should also feature in the hands of the elite. (Lieutenant Hawkeye with a .50 Cal sniper?) Good canidates for weapons would include:
Pistol: Sauer 38H, Walther P 38, TT-33.
Sub Machine Gun: MP40, PPSh-41
Carbine/Assault Rifle: Sturmgewher 44, AK-47,
Long Rifle: Mauser 98, STV-40
Machine Guns: MG42, SGM, DPM

The amunition they fire on the other hand should feature the same kind of 'alchemical' enhanchements that we saw occasionally mentioned on the show. Exploding bullets and enhanced balistics would probably be standard issue. This could give them a leg up on conventional forces despite their elderly firearms. The greatest weakness of the neo-Amestrian forces would be thier lack of modern Armor and Artillary. Modern German artillary pieces can fire five shots before the first one hits the target, and expect all five to land within about two seconds of each other. Then they lower and lock the gun, and drive off at up to 50 mph in less than 30 seconds. Nothing in the Amestrian armory comes close to any of those stats.
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Their species is called the ‘Yaujta’ (in their language meaning the ‘survivors’), but almost all the other species know them by other name: the ‘Predators’. This race of humanoid reptilians has grown into becoming one of the nastiest hunters out there. For them, honor and the Hunter’s Code is everything. For hundreds of years, they saw all other species out there as prey-and Humans, with their increasing use of balancing technology and ever-present ability to adapt to survive, were one of their most coveted prizes.
On Coreline, the situation quickly became something different. They were one of many Fiction races to appear, and although a good deal of them went on a rampage at the view of such exotic prizes, others decided to hang back and scout the scene. Those who went on rampages were quickly eliminated by prey that they underestimated, and the humongous number of Yaujta that died during the 23 Hours (not to mention the number of destroyed neighborhoods that came from some of them doing the ‘spoil-sport’ thing) made it understandable to the Yaujta society: if the Hunt was to continue on Coreline, it would be necessary to understand all new Prey, and more important, what advantages the common Prey now had. And so, they laid low.
Cue some time later. The Yaujta integrated into society, and although the Spirit of the Hunt and its Code is one thing that will never truly fade away, some of them had found that living just for it was an extremely quick way to gain bad rep, enemies (and possibly getting fragged) in this world. Those Yaujta that make a honest living do so as bounty hunters, trackers, guides and even park rangers. Those who don’t are hired muscle, assassins and plain psycho killers.

*+4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -4 Cha.
*Large-Sized Monstrous Humanoids.
*Base Speed of 30 feet. The Yaujta’s speed is not reduced by brush, foliage or broken terrain.
*+2 Natural Defense Bonus: Yaujta have tough, leathery skin.
*Unusual Vision: The Yaujta can see in only one spectrum of light: infra-red. While it’s a superior spectral range, this vision, however, has poor resolution. A Yaujta effectively has Darkvision, and can ignore all concealment penalties, but they have a -2 species penalty to Spot checks. This penalty increases to -4 if the object in question is not moving
*Energy Resistance 5 to Fire, Electrical, Acid and Radiation damage.
*Cold Sensitive: Yaujta take an additional 2 points of subdual damage per die of cold damage they suffer. If a save allows the cold damage to be reduced, the same reduction applies to this additional damage.
*+1 species bonus to Climb checks and Strength, for purposes of how much can the Yaujta lift or carry. This bonus raises by 1 every four levels.
*Free Languages: Yaujta.
*Level Adjustment: +3.


This parallel universe is located (relatively) close to Coreline’s, so much that is has actually been classified as a Plane by the Asgardian Offices. El-Hazard was, once, full of highly advanced technology, capable of easily producing life-like androids, genetic modifications and psionic devices and had started to experiment in dimensional traveling devices (even if these were incredibly large). But then, a war happened, and the life-like androids became WMDs, the genetics and psionics became advanced infantry weapons, and the dimensional traveling devices were used to send the enemies far and wide across the multiverse in the ‘final act’.
By the time the war ended, there was nothing standing, and by (relative) present day, the civilization of El-Hazard has evolved into a highly advanced pseudo-Renaissance era. They consider psionic powers to be ‘gifts of the gods’ (with the most powerful users becoming Priests and Priestesses), and any Ancient El-Hazard technology is revered as a relic, even the lowliest CD player. Any and all wartech is, however, seen as ‘cursed objects’ to be left alone, and some of them (such as Artificial Intelligences) as outright ‘demonic’, never to be mentioned in public conversation.
El-Hazard can be reached thru any low-powered Dimensional Transport device, but one known side-effect of the travel is possible (and spontaneous) appearances of temporary Extraordinary abilities (the reason for this in unknown, but it is believed that it has to do with CLULESS trying to replicate the physics of the series).
(Rules-wise, any character that dimensionally travels to El-Hazard must roll a Will save, DC 15. Failure enables a temporary Ex ability, GM’s call on what exactly. He could also enable a temporary drawback associated with the ability, as well, like a requirement (such as having to stay ‘clean’ to use it), a penalty (-2 to Sense Motive involving women, for example), or taking away another ability (an elf’s Spot bonus, for example).
El-Hazard has three ‘races’, so to speak: the Bugrom (humanoid bugs, remnants of the Final War’s bio-engineering experiments), common humans, and the Phantom Tribe (psionic-wielding humanoids specialized in illusions). Counting the few still-functioning Artificial Intelligences still roaming around, it could be four, but like we said, they’re few.


The capital of the El-Hazard nation of Roshtaria and the location of the royal palace, where a large portion of the action takes place. The palace serves as the meeting ground for the local council. Located near the palace is the Stairway to the Sky, the humongous metallic tower structure used to control the Eye of God (the sole surviving Trans-Dim weapon from the Final War). It is believed that somewhere well beneath the city there is a ‘Lost Library’, full with data from the ancient times, from all kinds of technical data, as well as public records and Ancient cultural databases. The Library could also have locations to other weapons facilities other than the Island of the Demon God, but this has not been confirmed.

The Holy River of God
A river that divides El-Hazard's main continent in half, with the human tribes of El-Hazard living primarily on one side while the Bugrom live on the other.

Bugrom Homeland
The Bugrom Homeland is an alien, hive-like sprawl where most of the Bugrom live. The centerpiece is a massive mushroom-shaped structure that functions as the Royal palace.

Mt. Muldoon
One of El-Hazard's tallest and most treacherous mountains, the home of the three chief Priestesses is located at its summit. Most of the mountain's surface is vertical, making it extremely dangerous to climb.

The Holy Fountain of Arliman
An oasis located in the middle of a vast desert, the Fountain of Arliman is widely believed to be a center of holy rituals where priestesses routinely gather for a yearly ceremony. However, in reality, its existence is much closer to that of a spa or a hot springs resort, allowing the priestesses to take much-needed breaks from their duties. Men are typically never allowed within its walls.

Island of the Demon God
A forbidden island which only the three priestesses of Mt. Muldoon know the exact location of (this location is given during the succession rites). The ‘Island of the Demon-God’ is so called because this is where a fully functional Ancient WMD Artificial Intelligence, named Ifurita, was laid to rest in an underground labyrinth in the hopes that her powers would never be wielded again. What is unknown, even to the Priestesses, is that the deeper (and even more dangerous) confines of said labyrinth conceal the biggest weapons bunker of the Final War, along with a fully-functional Ancient weapons research laboratory.

The following weapons have been found on locations dug throughout El-Hazard, the apparent products of the Final War (whether produced during the Final War, sometime before or even if by the Ancient El-Hazardians at all, it is unknown). The weapons are all powered by a power pack composed of energy crystals that were, apparently, manufactured on El-Hazard labs. The rarity of the crystals and unknown (at least for now) method of manufacturing them makes every pack a rare, worth-killing-for commodity (at least, in El-Hazardian circles).

El-Hazard Plasma Rifle


Damage: 2d10.
Critical: 20.
Damage Type: Energy.
Range Increment: 80 ft.
Rate Of Fire: S, A.
Magazine: 100 Box.
Size: Medium.
Weight: 12 lbs.
Purchase DC: 22.
Restriction: Res (+2).
(NOTES: The Plasma Rifle deals damage of a non-specific energy type that is not subject to energy resistance. This weapon is Mastercrafted, doing a +1 to all attack rolls).

The standard-issue assault rifle of the Ancient El-Hazardian military, this weapon is composed of biologically-looking components enclosed in a lightweight purple metal casing, with a maw-like barrel end. The weapon is loaded by the ‘pistol’ grip with an energy crystal pack. The weapon’s blasts appear to be blue, liquid-like plasma.

El-Hazard Plasma Pistol


Damage: 2d6.
Critical: 20.
Damage Type: Energy.
Range Increment: 60 ft.
Rate of Fire: S, Charge*.
Magazine: 100 Box.
Size: Small.
Weight: 4 lbs.
Purchase DC: 20.
Restriction: Res (+2).
(NOTES: The Plasma Rifle deals damage of a non-specific energy type that is not subject to energy resistance. The weapon is considered to have the Variable Charge Gadget.
*Charge Shot: A user of a plasma pistol can spend 1 round charging the pistol. The user can fire as early as the next round. A charged plasma pistol shot deals 4d10 damage. A charged shot drains 10 charges from the battery.)

Apparently, it was the standard sidearm of the El-Hazardian Military. The weapon resembles a bio-organic taser with elongated contact prongs (it’s jokingly called ‘the toy claw’ by some people). The pistol’s blasts appear like green plasma orbs, that become bigger the more charged-up the weapon is.

El-Hazard Needler Weapon.


Damage: 2d6.
Critical: 20.
Damage Type: Piercing/Energy.
Range Increment: 60 ft.
Rate of Fire: S, Auto.
Magazine: 20 Box.
Size: Medium.
Weight: 10 lbs.
Purchase DC: 20.
Restriction: Res (+2).
(NOTES: The weapon’s damage is half-Piercing, half-Energy. The energy damage is of a non-specific energy type that is not subject to energy resistance. If 10 or more needler rounds hit the same target simultaneously, instead of taking the above damage, the target instead takes 6d6 x2 concussive damage. When loaded, the weapon deals 1d6 (Piercing) instead of the normal pistol whip damage).

Called ‘The Porcupine’ by Coreline analists, the El-Hazardian Needler Weapon is an odd creation. It is not known its exact purpose in El-Hazardian military doctrines, but is has been widely believed to be their version of a rear-echelon sub-machine gun. Like all other El-Hazardian weapons, it is loaded with energy crystals, but this weapon physically fires said crystals instead of powering the weapon’s systems. The loading port in the back exposes a part of the crystals to the air, giving it its name (and a rather nasty pistol whip).
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:

This parallel universe is located (relatively) close to Coreline’s, so much that is has actually been classified as a Plane by the Asgardian Offices. El-Hazard was, once, full of highly advanced technology, capable of easily producing life-like androids, genetic modifications and psionic devices and had started to experiment in dimensional traveling devices (even if these were incredibly large). But then, a war happened, and the life-like androids became WMDs, the genetics and psionics became advanced infantry weapons, and the dimensional traveling devices were used to send the enemies far and wide across the multiverse in the ‘final act’.
By the time the war ended, there was nothing standing, and by (relative) present day, the civilization of El-Hazard has evolved into a highly advanced pseudo-Renaissance era. They consider psionic powers to be ‘gifts of the gods’ (with the most powerful users becoming Priests and Priestesses), and any Ancient El-Hazard technology is revered as a relic, even the lowliest CD player. Any and all wartech is, however, seen as ‘cursed objects’ to be left alone, and some of them (such as Artificial Intelligences) as outright ‘demonic’, never to be mentioned in public conversation.
El-Hazard can be reached thru any low-powered Dimensional Transport device, but one known side-effect of the travel is possible (and spontaneous) appearances of temporary Extraordinary abilities (the reason for this in unknown, but it is believed that it has to do with CLULESS trying to replicate the physics of the series).
(Rules-wise, any character that dimensionally travels to El-Hazard must roll a Will save, DC 15. Failure enables a temporary Ex ability, GM’s call on what exactly. He could also enable a temporary drawback associated with the ability, as well, like a requirement (such as having to stay ‘clean’ to use it), a penalty (-2 to Sense Motive involving women, for example), or taking away another ability (an elf’s Spot bonus, for example).
El-Hazard has three ‘races’, so to speak: the Bugrom (humanoid bugs, remnants of the Final War’s bio-engineering experiments), common humans, and the Phantom Tribe (psionic-wielding humanoids specialized in illusions). Counting the few still-functioning Artificial Intelligences still roaming around, it could be four, but like we said, they’re few.


The capital of the El-Hazard nation of Roshtaria and the location of the royal palace, where a large portion of the action takes place. The palace serves as the meeting ground for the local council. Located near the palace is the Stairway to the Sky, the humongous metallic tower structure used to control the Eye of God (the sole surviving Trans-Dim weapon from the Final War). It is believed that somewhere well beneath the city there is a ‘Lost Library’, full with data from the ancient times, from all kinds of technical data, as well as public records and Ancient cultural databases. The Library could also have locations to other weapons facilities other than the Island of the Demon God, but this has not been confirmed.

The Holy River of God
A river that divides El-Hazard's main continent in half, with the human tribes of El-Hazard living primarily on one side while the Bugrom live on the other.

Bugrom Homeland
The Bugrom Homeland is an alien, hive-like sprawl where most of the Bugrom live. The centerpiece is a massive mushroom-shaped structure that functions as the Royal palace.

Mt. Muldoon
One of El-Hazard's tallest and most treacherous mountains, the home of the three chief Priestesses is located at its summit. Most of the mountain's surface is vertical, making it extremely dangerous to climb.

The Holy Fountain of Arliman
An oasis located in the middle of a vast desert, the Fountain of Arliman is widely believed to be a center of holy rituals where priestesses routinely gather for a yearly ceremony. However, in reality, its existence is much closer to that of a spa or a hot springs resort, allowing the priestesses to take much-needed breaks from their duties. Men are typically never allowed within its walls.

Island of the Demon God
A forbidden island which only the three priestesses of Mt. Muldoon know the exact location of (this location is given during the succession rites). The ‘Island of the Demon-God’ is so called because this is where a fully functional Ancient WMD Artificial Intelligence, named Ifurita, was laid to rest in an underground labyrinth in the hopes that her powers would never be wielded again. What is unknown, even to the Priestesses, is that the deeper (and even more dangerous) confines of said labyrinth conceal the biggest weapons bunker of the Final War, along with a fully-functional Ancient weapons research laboratory.

Oho.....of course Coreline can't just go put satelites and crap like that to look for the place. Right. :rolleyes: More likely, were anyone to check, they'd find a bunch of what amounted to 'Well met' notes, at least one containing a postscript amounting to 'Rapacious bastard operating out of *D-transport,-lat-long coords for GENOM corp HQ, bio of Duran Mar-athon* Strongly reccomend avoidance if possible, Ifurita-sama' or information to that effect.

Voidrunner's Codex

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