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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

One of the most distinguishable differences between Anime and American Fictions where it comes to education (or rather, the student body) is the intra-student violence. While many Animes have had battles of rather severe caliber tearing the campus apart, and the students don't get much more than a lenghty reprimand and are forced to put back together what they broke (when the faculty seems to actually give a damn about what's going on), several American Fiction series dealt with 'peer pressure' and 'bullying' and 'pushing too far' and similar post-Columbine things (and what could have happened if they hadn't been stopped in the nick of time).

As such, a number of school principals and ruling bodies are divided: there are some who will not lift a finger unless the student is actually starting to drop in grades or something similar, while others will use any means necessary (including psionic scans and the like) to search for 'red flags' and keep them from turning into something worse (since they know that Coreline has an innumerable ammount of methods to make it worse).

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First Post
I actually had a situation like that planned before that latest post Marco :)

Fade in on a Headmaster's office, currently filled with reporters from several news media, both earthbased and otherwise.

"Headmaster, since the school year has only recently begun, do you expect any other incidents like the male student found outside the entrance to the Girl's dormitories, dressed up like a pig with a roasting spit nearby bearing the note: "the next pig will meet with this" ?" one of the reporters asked.

The headmaster, an older man with a gentle expression, let a small sigh.

"I just KNEW that would be the first question" he adds.

"As is traditional with any institution with seperate sleeping areas for either sex, there are always those who try sneaking into the other area, for whatever reason.
Unfortunately for this student, he must have run into one or more of the ladies of "Vandread" origins instead of the regular security personel.

I'm sure some of you know how, jaded, their knowledge and experiences regarding the male population is, which is a main reason why they're following several social and other classes dealing with that matter here at Stellvia.

While I must admit their methods are a tad, extreme, I'm quite certain people will think twice before trying to sneak in again. And it could have been much worse, they left it at a warning afterall" the Headmaster explains.

"So you're going to allow these women free reign?" another reporter asks.

"Certainly not, as with any other student, they are expected to abide by several rules and expectations that are standard here. Some of them are a little more lax in the privacy of their dorm rooms of course, but the students know that violating the rules can and at times WILL lead to being expelled. And remember that the male student in question broke those rules first." came the answer.

"Does this mean Stellvia sticks with it's established comments?" another voice piped up.

"Yes, Stellvia sticks to it's ethos that ANY student who passes the required entry exam will be allowed to study at this location. Issues like Old Type, New Type, Natural, Coordinator, even things like the age old Good vs Evil are expected to be left at the airlock. To make it crystal clear: as long as a student, regardless of their origins, abides by the rules, they'll have no problems as Stellvia." the Headmaster replies.

"Is this one of the reasons you've hired Lucrezia Noin as a teacher?"

"Partially. A not insignificant number of our students stem from the various colonies. Several of them, as well as some teachers, have expressed interest in an expanded choice of the Flight class. To this end Miss Noin has been hired to deal with a number of the applications for "Mobile Suit" courses."

"About that Flight class, how does Stellvia stand on the criticism that students will be able to pilot spacecraft and, apparently, military grade robotic suits before they are old enough to legally drive a car?"

"The Flight class has, and no doubt will remain, a fixed part of the 1st year orientation schedule of Stellvia. Miss Noin's courses will not be available until at least a student's 2nd year."

Fade out as yet another set of questions is heading the Headmaster's way..

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Ravage_mk2 said:
Aquarius, I think the HP of your outsider might be a tad off 9D12 + 9x3(27) would max out 135, and the average would be somewhere near half that.

Ripped off somebody else's statblock, but........*shrug*.

Ravage_mk2 said:
As for the Coreline Education Association, or C.E.A, I kinda view them as one of the things trying to get some order back into the world.

Albeit the world of education.

I mean, ALOT of young people in Coreline ARE at the age where (high) school attendance is prefered/encouraged/required.
(depending on the various guidelines of pre-Hours)

As such, the C.E.A. is doing it's best to get any such Coreliner, this being any pre-vanishing, post-vanishing or fictional person/being/entity,
(hereafter refered to as Client) into a "suitable educational facility".(this definition tends to be quite relative, at least for some Clients)

Depending on how easy it is to contact a given client, the methods range from an official letter or telephone call which requests their attendance at a meeting/interview at the earliest convenience, to a "living" messenger that, hopefully, won't get killed, eaten, mauled or whatever before reaching, or while dealing with, the Client.

Sometimes, a more "forceful" method is needed, blackmail being a regrettable, but often effective, method to get the Client to show up, especially if you make sure to disrupt their regular agenda by doing so.

Not a risk free method of course, as hinted at by the "former associate" remark in the above interview. Not surprising really since the Client in question was an early Gundam Wing verse Heero Yui....

Pre and Post vanishing Clients tend to get assigned/choose to go to a "normal" (by Coreline standards anyway) (High) school, and are often the easiest Clients in general. Any magically capable Clients in this category get the choice of several extra institutions, as appropriate.

The Fictional Clients, on the other hand, are the equivalant to Pandora's box for this association. One never knows quite what to expect from the most of these Clients, and the varied level of education (or nigh utter lack of it) is often also an issue.

One alternate of Inuyasha, for example, got assigned to a Kindergarten due to his utter lack of present day education. Some C.E.A employees have started a betting pool for when he'll go ballistic. The fact that his Kagome showed him a bed of nails and telling him that IF he ends up wrecking the Kindergarten, she will repeatedly give him a close encounter with it IS improving the odds in his favor....

Another example would be the Client(s) with an "extra curricular activity", often of the "fighting some madman or evil force" category.(basicly most SR/RR pilots, Sentai/Rangers and Magical Girls/Boys)

While the C.E.A tries it's best to accomodate this...pastime, the WILL put their Clients' education as a 1st priority.

There are, of course, the exceptions to the rule.
Some Clients for example are educated to a level surpassing that of what would be the norm for their age.(and a couple of them surpass it by ALOT)
These fictions tend to skip a couple of classes, graduate early and in some cases are even hired as Teachers.

I'll get to covering one such C.E.A offered institution later.

This........*shakehead* *HEADDESK* Jaw. Drop.

You'd think that the various Pokemon Leagues would devote a certain amount of attention to enforcing their exemption for Pokemon Journeys, wouldn't they? (Translation: violent expulsion if absolutely necessary.....which it is in most cases.)
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Marker Mage

First Post
Well, since someone here is talking about the school system in Coreline, I thought I might as well mention an idea that I had posted to another Coreline topic that is relevant. My idea was of Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga from Azumanga Daioh being in an area that's high in magic when she arrived in Coreline during the 23 hours. She instantly began to like magic and even tried copying one of the people she saw casting a spell. Her calmness, imagination, and amazing focus (she can stare at an eye floater while the whole classroom she's in is in chaos because of a cockroach) allowed her to cast the spell rather easily despite the chaos during the 23 hours. She was able to do during the 23 hours what most sorcerers were only able to do while practicing. The things that sorcerers spent half their life learning, opening their minds, forgetting what's going on around oneself, focusing only on the spell and nothing else, these things came naturally to Osaka. Some time after the 23 hours, she decided to follow Chiyo's advise and become a teacher. She of course decides to teach magic.

I've even come up with a few ideas of what kinds of things one can expect to happen in her classes.
1. She flies to the school by using a special enchanted item she made that looks like Chiyo's pigtails.
2. She becomes so focused on a lecture that she doesn't notice the fire alarm going off. The class leaves without her and she doesn't notice until she finishes her lecture and notices that she has been lecturing to a bunch of empty desks. Her first guess at what happened is that she accidentally teleported the whole class.
3. The class regularly takes bets on whether their teacher will actually be distracted from her lecture. Some of the students that bet that she will be distracted will go to rather great lengths to win the bet. They do have to follow a rule about not actually harming the teacher if they want to win the bet though. Most students think of it the in the same way that tourists think of getting a Buckingham Palace guard to move.
4. She often falls asleep during her classes.
5. The students occasionally debate about whether or not she's an alt because of how the anime she was from didn't have spellcasting in it.
6. She often gets complaints about how she doesn't punish any of her students for their disorderly conduct in her classes.
7. There are students that find her scary because of the rumors about her being the most powerful sorceress in Coreline and also because of her morbid sense of humor.

The Chiyo pigtails that she uses would be able to provide the wearer with the ability to fly, show the wearer's emotion (bonus to diplomacy and handle animal checks, but a penalty to bluff), and whenever one of the pair is moved, the other in the pair is moved (I'm sure players will find a way for that to be useful). I still don't trust myself enough to attempt to stat them out though.

Oh, and I thought of a possible adventure that would involve Osaka.
A student could get a hold of an older version of Osaka's Chiyo pigtails. Said Chiyo pigtails are evil intelligent items and are only able to be safely removed by the person who put them on. It's up to the PCs to help Osaka rescue her student and put an end to the pigtails' reign of terror. If they successfully rescue the student, Osaka will probably reward them with the newer version of her Chiyo pigtails.
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Here's the Coreline adventures that are located in the Wizards threads.

They are (for now) classified in 'started/ended' and 'about to start/seeking players'.


-Coreline: Trouble At Bad Rock (during the 23 Hours, it was just a simple survival scenario). (one-shot)
http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=849610 (Pre-Game AND Game Thread).

-Coreline: Silver Eyes, Sharp Teeth (2 Years Post-Vanishing, a search-and-destroy mission in Canada. Officially added the series 'Claymore' by Noihiro (sp?) Yagi to Coreline). (one-shot (high-level)).
http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=896487 (Pre-Game).
http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=898366 (Game Thread).

-Coreline: Furinkan High (3 Years Post-Vanishing, the life of a 'misfit' class (although less misfit than the Nerima Wrecking Crew's) in the biggest qualifier to 'Most Dangerous High School on Earth') (campaign started-still accepting new players).
http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=923799 (Pre-Game Thread).
http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=925370 (Episode 1).

-Coreline: Invisible Hands (set in 2010, a murder mistery that is now becoming ever more weirder-and more hostile) (Ongoing campaign, Octavian_5 GMs it).
http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=920911 (Episode 1).
http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=925504 (Episode 2).


+CORELINE: CODEX LABS: CRACKED (by LtDeathsauce, and quoting him, 'Think Aliens meets SpaceHulk meets Doom meets 28 weeks later meets Rainbow-Six meets F.E.A.R. meets just about any monster/horror movie ever'). (Adventure still seeking players).

+CORELINE: MISSING: ONE (1) BATTLESTAR (The Post-Vanishing maiden voyage of a refit Battlestar 'Galactica'-twists and turns to be exposed later, but expect capital-'W' War). (Campaign seeking players).


First Post
I'd figure the schools of Nightmare Campus and Bible Black wouldn't exactly be "safest school ever" material either.(especially if by some twist both schools ended up being the same one in Coreline.)

The C.E.A will have a guilt issue whenever they send someone to that place. Either they're sending lambs to the slaughter, or adding yet more wolves.

Working on a something for the "dungeon crawlers" among us, btw

Voidrunner's Codex

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