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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


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Not that I can remember. Anyway, as promised, it is Wednesday, and you get your next Kaiju...sort of. Mothra, the final of the King, Dark King, and Queen "triad". Alas, my creature creature has, oh yes, yet again broken down and unable to make Colossal creatures. Right now, you get two fluff sessions until the system is restore.


One of the legendary three Royal Daikaiju spoken of by Reals and Fictions alike, Mothra is considered an extension of the hand of Coreline itself. She is the defender of humankind, a queen moth of enormous size that has powers of amazing flight for her size, powder-laden wing scales, and grappling claw. While she is the weakest of the Three Royals, she is also one of the most long-lasting. In a life cycle no one but the minuscule Shobijin truly understand, when the current Mothra is either killed or sacrifices herself in defense of Humanity, there are immediately twin Mothra larvae born of an egg in a hidden location in the South Pacific. So, no matter how many times you kill her, Mothra will be back again..and again...and again...to take you down. Moreso than any other kaiju, Mothra's power lies not in physical prowess, but in her sheer intelligence and power to inspire humankind to go the extra mile to defend their homeworld.


Shrewster-Speed Demon
130 feet of insane shrew with a Flash complex, Shrewster is a ferocious monster not by his size or species, but by his sheer speed. Natural attack-wise, Shrewsy is your typical giant monster: he bites, he claws, he leaps like the big rabid water shrew he is. It is his unnatural talent, however, that gives him a defensive edge. When Shrewster runs, he produces wind force that creates a tornado around his body, making him look like some gigantic killer Taz. He is not, however, invulnerable. Zilla Jr. managed to clean his clock by beating the creature senseless until he no longer had the power to produce his speed attack anymore, thus allowing the beast to be sedated and shipped off to Monster Island Preserve. So far, the defensive shielding has kept the rowdy rodent in, but Shrewster's speed means that he cannot be specially paddocked like the other monsters, lest his lack of movement cause him to go insane. Shrewster has become a popular test subject of Monster Island scientists, since his speed and dexterity seem to defy all logic on how a creature his size should function. It is possible that, despite his upped size, Shrewster has a similar "overdrive metabolism" such as a typical Pre-Vanishing shrew, but instead of working it out in food need like normal shrews, Shrewsy gains energy by actually releasing it: some form of "give and take" in which the more he produces high friction, the more life-sustaining energy his body gets. Others have suggested Shrewster basically acts like a baleen whale, filtering the "air plankton" of various insects and small animals that are snapped into the twister around it.

Primalis-Harryhausen's Earth

Primalis, the ancient planet of the beasts.


Humans stranded on Primalis watch as a proto-triceratops thunders across the Deathlands.

Primalis, designated by the Council of Alternate Earths as EdE-87, is a planet near the edge of the Sol Primus system, a land of prehistoric beasts not as they really were, but old-fashioned Hollywoodized "sluggish cold-blooded brutes" and "lumbering archaic behemoths". Instead of the correct scientific view of warm-blooded and diverse creatures, the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and sea beasts of Primalis are all Fiction concepts rather than resurrected beasts, mud-wallowing tail-draggers that stomp and romp across ancient verdant jungles. The mammals are also Fictionalized, dim-witted and over-ferocious dire animals that wander the land. The worst offenders of all are the Cavemen, not anything like real h. sapiens neanderthalensis but over-excessively hairy, stooped, dim-witted brutes. Primalis is a mixture of Ray Harryhausen beasts, old-fashioned Tarzan Pellucidar creatures some Conan Doyle's Lost World here and there, and good ol' anatomically incorrect Charles Knight creatures.

Post-Vanishing Locations
Swamp of Horrors: Brimming with proto-plesiosaurs, giant crocodiles, monstrous turtles, and other aberrations of nature, the Swamp of Horrors is shrouded in eternal mist, a place few dare to brave in search of its mysteries. Will-o-wisps often flit above the waters, leading gullible and superstitious people right into the waiting jaws of beasts that devour them. On the very tip of the northwest inlet of the Swamp of Horrors is a tribe of lizardfolk that often practice ritual sacrifice of any captured humans to the swamp monsters.

The Jungle: Nearly 70% of Primalis is covered by a mass of rainforest simply called "the Jungle". Here, the beasts run wild and untamed, and apemen watch and wait for any unlucky humans to cross into this land of living horror. Giant spiders lurk in massive webs across paths, massive serpents in the rivers that criss-cross toward the Swamp of Horrors, and proto-pterosaurs and saber-tooth cats swarm the sawtooth-like mountains that signify the divide between Jungle and Deathlands.

Deathlands: Beyond the jungle lies the Deathlands, a forbidding desert of jagged rocks, spiking mountains, inset canyons, and many boneyards of the mighty proto-dinosaurs. The tribes of cavemen dwell here, scrounging off the dire rats and dog-sized monstrous scorpions that scuttle across the badlands-like death trap they call home. There are also areas where tar pits bubble, some having a deadly combination of pits and jagged rocks, creating near-impenetrable barriers.

Characters and Creatures

Proto-beasts: Living reminders of the time when it was incorrectly believed dinosaurs and other Mesozoic beasts were sluggish, cold-blooded, enlarged lizards that did little more than wallow around in swamps and fight things, the proto-beasts are basically the prehistoric reptile and dinosaur equivalent of dire animals. They are the most commonplace beasts in Primalis, and it is unlikely you will ever spend more than a day on the planet without seeing at least 5 or more of these monstrosities.

Template: Proto-Beast
"Proto-beast" is a template that can be applied to any animal, monstrous humanoid, or humanoid (hereafter referred to as the base creature) that is either a dinosaur or some form of prehistoric reptile or amphibian. A Proto-beast uses all the base creature's statistics save for the following changes.
Challenge Rating:
Same as base creature +2.
Speed: Same as the base creature -10 (minimum 5 feet).
Defense: Proto-beasts gain a +4 natural armor bonus to Defense.
Special Qualities: A Proto-beast retains all of the special qualities of the base creature, and gains the following special abilities.
Cold-blooded: Proto-beasts are archaic and unrealistic charicatures of cold-bloodedness, and are easily injured by cold. The Dexterity score of the Proto-beasts drops by 4 in temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and any attack that deals cold damage deals twice its typical damage on a successful attack.
Damage Reduction (Ex): A Proto-beast has an amount of damage reduction equal to 2 + 1/2 its hit die (rounded down)/-. For example, a Proto-troglodyte would have DR 3/-.
Unnatural Endurance (Ex): Despite their vulnerability to cold, Proto-beasts have an unusual resilience toward attack. They may continue to function until they reach -4 hit points and become unconscious, rather than the typical -1 hit point knockout rate.
Saves: Same as the base creature, modified by its new ability scores.
Ability Scores: Proto-beasts have the following ability score adjustments: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Intelligence (minimum 1), -2 Wisdom.
Skills: Same as base creature.
Feats: Proto-beasts gain Toughness as a bonus feat.

Cavemen: Proto-humans compared to true Neanderthals, the humanoid beasts only known as Cavemen haunt the rocky regions of the Deathlands. They are simple-minded brutes that utilize primitive bone and stone weaponry, hunters that live in tribes that dwell in the caverns of the Deathlands mountains and hills. Cavemen have an appearance of an over-application of features typically thought of as male with a mixture of ape thrown in: hunched back, thick and extremely hairy body, jutting brow ridge, over-sloping forehead, and large feet and hands. Cavemen are not exactly friendly either, attacking humans that enter their lands without qualm.
Species Traits
Size: Medium-size.
Ability Modifiers: +4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Low-light Vision (Ex): Cavemen have low-light vision.
Powerful Build (Ex): Cavemen gain powerful build, as per the half-giant special quality.
Weathered: Cavemen are naturals at surviving in nearly any kind of harsh and adverse weather. They gain a +4 bonus to saves against heat or cold effects, as well as gaining Cold and Fire Resistance 5.
Bonus Feat: Cavemen gains Archaic Weapons Proficiency as a bonus feat.
Free Language Skills: Speak Caveman.
LA: +2.
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First Post
New Prestige Class: Deviser
Devisers are, in essence, the ultimate techies. While a techie makes fabulous gadgets, a Deviser makes fabulous gadgets that defy all known lays of physics. They can create such defiant creations by working under a usage of technology principle not fully understood that is commonly called "The Schimmlehorn Effect". Devisers in school systems such as Whateley are often moreso taught ethics than invention: they tend to have a bit of the "Mad Scientist gene" and their creations can sometimes be a bit too hard to handle. Devisers fresh out of the Academy are often picked up by various militaries and governments due to how much oddities of nature they can manage. Their unique creations, known as Devises, are prized for both their power and their uniqueness: it is basically impossible to reverse-engineer a Devise unless you are another Deviser. The fastest path into this prestige class is through the Smart Hero class and the Techie advanced class, but that isn't the only path.

To become a Deviser, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Abilities: Intelligence 16+.
Skills: Craft (Electronic, mechanical) 8 ranks.
Feats: Gearhead, Meticulous.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Deviser prestige class.

Hite Die
The Deviser gains 1d6 hit points per level. The character's Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Deviser gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every time she attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Deviser's class skills are as follows.
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Deviser prestige class.

Lesser Devise
At 1st level, a Deviser can craft oddities known as Devises: objects that by means even the Deviser does not understand have more powers than what they would imply, and oddly just the ones she wants. When using Craft (Electronic or mechanical), she may increase the Craft DC by 5 to automatically install a gadget up to DC +2 without needing to produce the extra cost for materials. The Deviser chooses her gadget within the limits of the campaign's rules.

Jury-rig +X
At 2nd level, the Deviser gains a +2 bonus to Repair checks made to attempt temporary or jury-rigged repairs. If she already has jury-rig +2, the bonus is +4. Is she already has jury-rig +4, the bonus is increased to +6.

Bonus Feat
At 3rd level, the Deviser gains a bonus feat. The feat must be chosen from the following list, and the Deviser must meet all the prerequisites.
Armor Proficiency (Light, medium, powered), Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alien Technology Proficiency.

Greater Devise
At 4th level, the Deviser's gadget DC limit for her Devise creation is increased to +4, and a Devise can be created with up to 2 gadgets.

The Schimmlehorn Effect
At 5th level, the Deviser can create gadgets that do whatever she wants on a whim. Her gadget DC limit increases to DC +6, and a Devise can be created with up to 3 gadgets.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Rappy said:
New Prestige Class: Deviser
Devisers are, in essence, the ultimate techies. While a techie makes fabulous gadgets, a Deviser makes fabulous gadgets that defy all known lays of physics. They can create such defiant creations by working under a usage of technology principle not fully understood that is commonly called "The Schimmlehorn Effect". Devisers in school systems such as Whateley are often moreso taught ethics than invention: they tend to have a bit of the "Mad Scientist gene" and their creations can sometimes be a bit too hard to handle. Devisers fresh out of the Academy are often picked up by various militaries and governments due to how much oddities of nature they can manage. Their unique creations, known as Devises, are prized for both their power and their uniqueness: it is basically impossible to reverse-engineer a Devise unless you are another Deviser. The fastest path into this prestige class is through the Smart Hero class and the Techie advanced class, but that isn't the only path.

To become a Deviser, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Abilities: Intelligence 16+.
Skills: Craft (Electronic, mechanical) 8 ranks.
Feats: Gearhead, Meticulous.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Deviser prestige class.

Hite Die
The Deviser gains 1d6 hit points per level. The character's Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Deviser gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every time she attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Deviser's class skills are as follows.
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Deviser prestige class.

Lesser Devise
At 1st level, a Deviser can craft oddities known as Devises: objects that by means even the Deviser does not understand have more powers than what they would imply, and oddly just the ones she wants. When using Craft (Electronic or mechanical), she may increase the Craft DC by 5 to automatically install a gadget up to DC +2 without needing to produce the extra cost for materials. The Deviser chooses her gadget within the limits of the campaign's rules.

Jury-rig +X
At 2nd level, the Deviser gains a +2 bonus to Repair checks made to attempt temporary or jury-rigged repairs. If she already has jury-rig +2, the bonus is +4. Is she already has jury-rig +4, the bonus is increased to +6.

Bonus Feat
At 3rd level, the Deviser gains a bonus feat. The feat must be chosen from the following list, and the Deviser must meet all the prerequisites.
Armor Proficiency (Light, medium, powered), Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alien Technology Proficiency.

Greater Devise
At 4th level, the Deviser's gadget DC limit for her Devise creation is increased to +4, and a Devise can be created with up to 2 gadgets.

The Schimmlehorn Effect
At 5th level, the Deviser can create gadgets that do whatever she wants on a whim. Her gadget DC limit increases to DC +6, and a Devise can be created with up to 3 gadgets.
...........'Schimmlehorn Effect', huh? Sounds like the Terra Partum version of the Heisenburg uncertainty principle, if you ask me. :)
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I was thinking about trying to adapt this setting to Mutants and Masterminds.

Not to *stop* with the D20 Modern adaptation, adding on classes and whatnot (because D20M will *always* be my first and best RPG), but to try to adapt the races and some other stuff.

And try and make an MnM campaign on this site. Maybe a PL10, 150pp pandemonium during the Hours or something.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Rappy said:
Not that I can remember. Anyway, as promised, it is Wednesday, and you get your next Kaiju...sort of. Mothra, the final of the King, Dark King, and Queen "triad". Alas, my creature creature has, oh yes, yet again broken down and unable to make Colossal creatures. Right now, you get two fluff sessions until the system is restore.


One of the legendary three Royal Daikaiju spoken of by Reals and Fictions alike, Mothra is considered an extension of the hand of Coreline itself. She is the defender of humankind, a queen moth of enormous size that has powers of amazing flight for her size, powder-laden wing scales, and grappling claw. While she is the weakest of the Three Royals, she is also one of the most long-lasting. In a life cycle no one but the minuscule Shobijin truly understand, when the current Mothra is either killed or sacrifices herself in defense of Humanity, there are immediately twin Mothra larvae born of an egg in a hidden location in the South Pacific. So, no matter how many times you kill her, Mothra will be back again..and again...and again...to take you dowin. Moreso than any other kaiju, Mothra's power lies not in physical prowess, but in her sheer intelligence and power to inspire humankind to go the extra mile to defend their homeworld.

:lol: *shakehead* That.......is mostly garbage. Apparent *dàikaiju-kami* seem to be telepathically contacting random minds within Coreline´s mass consciousness in some kind of an attempt to attract attention......or so says the pandimensional rumourmill.


In the midst of all the confusion that happened during the Hours, which included the forced incommunicado that the LaGrange Stations enforced, a couple of space stations that had appeared were not discovered, if only for a short while.

Babylon Stations Four and Five, ten and five miles long respectively, appeared one next to the other in LaGrange Point 4, and the first thing that every human and alien inside them thought when they looked outside and saw it all was:


For they saw Earth, Earth that they fought with and against, to defend and destroy, to uphold and overthrow, and the insanity that reached them they had no measure for.

Since, even for them, many of the characters they could see had been Fiction, too.

The Babylon Stations made official contact with Earth and the other LaGrange Colonies approximately two weeks Post-Vanishing, in near-typical B5-verse fashion, the result not of ‘true’ first contact prerogatives, but of power-desiring diplomats that wanted to step up the ladder of power.

The Spacer communities, most influential of them that of the Colonial Remnant, provided assistance to the Babylon Stations in terms of supplies and manpower, and soon the Stations were ‘open for business’ again as a diplomatic and bartering waypoints.

Babylon 4, with its larger ship bays, takes care of the former, while Babylon 5 takes care of the latter. The former is commanded by an Alternate of Jeffrey Sinclair, while the latter is commanded by an Alternate of John Sheridan. Both Babylon Stations are defended at all times by a multi-national task force, mostly composed of Sol System ships, as well as some others from beyond the System (such as the New Galactic Republic).

Inside the Babylon Stations, it is the strange mixture of awe-inspiring alien cultures and advanced technology and down-below wretched scum and power-seeking backstabbers that it has always been. Security forces are now better trained and equipped than before, and have a steel-clad leader in Michael Garibaldi-but unfortunately, criminals adapt pretty quickly.



The Nerima Riots were the greatest example, after the Hours themselves, of how bad would Coreline’s police and military forces behave against a driven Fiction force, joined in their desire to tear thru things. The Riots invoked reforms, that would soon manifest as the Fiction-Special Weapons, Tactics and Investigation divisions and a revival in the world-wide ‘arms race’.

The world thought that, if something like the Riots happened again, they would be ready.

They were damn wrong.

The 15-Block War (so it ended up being called on the streets) occurred in downtown New York City four years Post-Vanishing (and three years after the Nerima Riots). The 15-Block War started at 7:03 A.M., local N.Y. time, and ended at 2:30 P.M., like the Riots did. Investigations done after the fact revealed that the 15-Block War was ignited by a massive case of Authored Rage, aimed towards two very important comic book companies located in downtown N.Y. Aside from the down-to-the-minute similar schedule, no investigation revealed any connection with the Nerima Riots.

And there’s very little connection to be seen, since the Raging Fictions were a large number of Alternates of major characters of said companies. And so, the Regular police, the F-SWTI, the Army, Marines and at least one local militia had to face off against the Avengers, The Justice League, Themisciran Amazons, aliens, berserkers, angels and demons, powerhouses of all kinds. Heroes came and went off the Rage and the ‘who’s-who-scorecard’ changed like crazy.

At the end of the day, the fact that only 15 blocks were destroyed (and not the whole city) was a miracle in and of itself.

The changes that occurred after the 15-Block War were minor, considering the extent of the situation: both comic book companies (and all others in the city) were moved to Staten Island and a defensive perimeter was brought up to prevent that any Fictions that could be created from endangering the city. The Justice League and the Avengers (and all other identified Fictions) were brought to trial and later declared not guilty under the fact that they were afflicted by the Rage. All of New York’s local militias, the police, the F-SWTI armed themselves more heavily, and all around the world the latter agency filled its rosters with empowered personnel and its armories with bigger guns for any future times when something like the Riots or the War happened, when the F-SWTI would not request major assistance from the local governments, would not aim for a toe-to-toe armed conflict.

They would bring the bad guys down, hard, with a major surgical strike.


As a third 'add-on' (more of an insane idea to toss in the ring, actually), I had managed to see 5 episodes of that new Gundam series, the 'Double-0' one, and here I am thinking of how to adapt the paramilitary organization, 'Celestial Being', to this setting.

And here's my idea: 'Celestial Being', in Coreline, is an extremely secret 'pre-emptive' strike force for Orb (that exists in New Guinea) and, by extent, the LaGrange Colonies. In the minds of the world's conspiracy theorists, they are to Orb what the fellas in the black helicopters are to the United Nations (read the Menace Manual if you don't get the quote).


+JACKSON POLLOCK: Splatter (usually someone’s innards’) and the act of creating it (‘The Road Painting turned that guy’s head into a Jackson Pollock’).
+INSPECTOR GADGET: Derogatory term for cyborgs (usually gizmo-laden, inexperienced, or both).
+KALIMAN: ‘Umbrella’ term for any Fiction with a ‘Secret Training From Deep In The Orient’ background, usually a pulp-era one. Term coined after a famous ‘70’s Mexican comic book character (Note: not all of them need revere Kali).
+THE BUNKER: Too many applications to describe, but mostly used for two things: Washu Hakubi (of Hakubi Customs’) (in)famous Black Market weapons warehouse, and a pretty brutal deep-space pirate faction, infamous for its large use of biotech-enhanced psions.
+‘X-RAY-THREE-INDIAS’: Street slang for Organization XIII.
+SILVER-EYED WITCH/SLAYER: Derogatory term for Claymores.
+GENOM BRAVOS: Boomers. (Ex: BU-55C and BU-39C Boomers are ‘Genom Three Bravos’-Big Blue Boomers).
+DE-REZZED: Dead. Commonly used by Internet Fictions (Digimon, NetNavis, etc).
+CAPES: Superheroes. Used as a quantifier (‘Lots of Capes by the Daily Planet today’), a descriptor (‘Great. ANOTHER bulletproof Cape’). To take the Cape-to become a superhero.
+S.A. or SupAb: Depending on the community, it either means ‘Superhuman Ability’ or ‘Superman’s Ability’. Both are used as descriptors or quantifiers (in the latter usage, a scale with the Big Blue Boy Scout being the ‘100%’).
+G-MAN: Government Agent. Not to be confused with *THE* G-Man, which is Godzilla.
+ANGRAV, A.G.: Anti-Gravity.
+ANTI-G: Anti-Gundam.
+STEEL SAMURAI: Gundams, sometimes used for their pilots. Term coined from their general design’s resemblance to Samurai armor.
+OPERATION: CEILING: Orb Intelligence codeword for the ‘Celestial Being’ Faction.
+OPERATION: FIRESTORM: The official (but rarely used) name for the Coreline Tiberium War.
+YAMATOANS: Derogatory term for the Brotherhood of Nod, coined because of their new co-leader, an Alternate of Kira Yamato.
+LANDO’S ARMY: Derogatory term for the United Nations’ Global Defense Initiative task force, coined for their current leader, Redmond Boyle.
+GENNER: Umbrella term for people that either have an unusual gene-set or had been genetically modified. (Examples: Someone with a Stargateverse Ancient Gene is an ‘A-Genner’, someone with a Pariah Gene is a ‘P-Genner’, Moreaus are ‘Ani-Genners’, Franks are ‘Hodge-Genners’, Devilman-type monsters are ‘Beast-Genners’, Coordinators are ‘Co-Genners’, etc). Depending on the situation, it can be derogatory or complimentary.
+BENNIE’S SCREWBALLS: Derogatory term for The Others.

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