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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Five years Post-Vanishing, the appearance of Tiberium in the Southern coast of Australia gave a lot of scientists a scare, especially since it reached so-called ‘Red Zone’ levels in the expanse of a few months, eliminating or mutating all nearby ecology and making human life all but impossible to sustain within its perimeter (at least not without massive radiation shielding and excessive dosages of anti-radiation drugs). After the Tiberium stopped growing and it was confirmed that it would not grow more, in order to safeguard the Tiberium Zone’s perimeter (or at least as its primary objective), the United Nations enabled the Global Defense Initiative plan-a multi-national, U.N.-sponsored task force.

The appearance of the Brotherhood of Nod shortly after that was (at least in the eyes of the Pre-Vs) almost a given.

The very first Nod ‘communique’, transmitted world-wide thru hacked news stations from deep within the Tiberium Zone, exposed to the world that Kane had accepted an Alternate of Kira Yamato, one that could survive the Tiberium Zone’s radiation, under his wing.

And this Kira proved to be extremely brilliant… and every bit as driven and insane as Kane. Soon, Nod had an army of Tiberium radiation-resisting Ultimate Coordinators, souped-up G-Units and gear, and they proved their apparent superiority on September Second, 6 P.V., in a three-tier attack that leveled Perth and most of New South Wales, all but annihilated what remained of Okinawa Island and blew up the recently-instated GDI ‘Philadelphia’ space station, which fell within Orb territorial waters and destroyed many of its coastal sectors.

The following offensive, to say the least, was bloody. Taking three months and much assistance of Factions such as the Justice League, Orb and the LaGrange Colonies, the GDI finally pushed the Brotherhood back into the Tiberium Zone and destroyed their headquarters thru long-range and orbital bombing.

The following clean-up operation found neither Kane’s nor Kira’s bodies.

And nine months later, on the anniversary of Nod’s greatest offensive, a small (and less destructive that it SHOULD have been) Tiberium bomb detonated inside the Morgenrote headquarters in Orb, followed by an E-Mail with a single message:

“You Can’t Kill The Messiah”.

The Brotherhood of Nod is still out there, going into the shadows in the face of near-total annihilation.

And from the shadows it will strike. It is just waiting for the right time to do so.

Kane and his Children can afford to wait.





“Look at them all, fighting for petty scraps, of land, of food, of power, like a bunch of stray dogs.
And like stray dogs we shall put them all down. They deserve no mercy whatsoever. Not after what they have done, and continue to do. The will of Kane is that of bloody, swift retribution unto our enemies.
And we, as Kane’s Children, will see that it’s done.”

-Kira Yamato to the Brotherhood of Nod, Date & Location Unknown.

The words ‘Apocalypse Cult’ don’t even begin to scratch the surface. They have some of the most insane masterminds as leaders. They use one of the most deadly radioactive elements on Coreline freely. They have an ‘absolutely no mercy’ rule against their enemies.
Blown away to near-extinction during the retaliation of Year 6 Post-Vanishing, the Brotherhood of Nod is now in the shadows, composed of merely a few thousand very driven fanatics.
Which only makes them all the more dangerous.

AGENDA: Conquer the world (‘Peace Through Power’)/Destroy all of Nod’s enemies.
STRUCTURE: Worldwide Cult/Conspiracy with members in all walks of life.
SYMBOL: A chamfered triangle enclosing a curved scorpion tail.
REQUISITION LIMIT: 50 (Classified).

The Brotherhood of Nod was created by Kane, in its home universe, an unknown amount of time before the appearance of Tiberium on Earth. The Brotherhood became extremely powerful soon after that with its developing of Tiberium-using technologies.

Of course, Kane used this power in very evil purposes, deciding to conquer the world, and the world’s governments deciding not to take it. The following so-called Tiberium Wars involved all kind of weaponry and elements, introduced mutants, mad Artificial Intelligences and even aliens, and saw the Earth turning into a Tiberium-infested wasteland.

When the Vanishing occurred, Kane appeared in Coreline, the Brotherhood that he had created pretty much non-existing. It is not known how long did it took him to collect men dedicated to his same cause, or even his involvement in the appearance of Tiberium in the Southern Coast of Australia, but once the Zone grew into its current dimensions, he was ready. He had analized what the other factions could bring to the fore. He had chosen his alliances, developed his technologies.

And he found his ideal Child, the one he soon came to announce as his Apprentice and Heir to the Brotherhood, deep inside the Tiberium Zone: an Alternate of Kira Yamato, an Ultimate Coordinator that, as well as his many other gifts, was immune to the Tiberium radiation-a feat that few other Fictions could claim.

It was with Kira’s and Kane’s collected intelligences that the Brotherhood grew further in its threat status, unlocking the secret of Ultimate Coordinators and producing them en-masse, acquiring and modifying Gundams with weapons of insane power and Tiberium reactors, as well as improving on ‘Old Reliable’ vehicles of the Brotherhood.

The attack of September 2nd, on the 6th Year Post-Vanishing, was a blitzkrieg that only a small collection of miracles (and a hell of a lot of bravery) managed to stop. It was one more symbol that the world’s nations still were not prepared for all the menaces that the multiverse could throw at them, and the Brotherhood wasted no time to wave it in their faces.

The following retaliation, officially called Operation: FIRESTORM and ‘affectionately’ called the Coreline Tiberium War (or to those in the know of Kane’s past, the Fourth Tiberium War) was a symbol as well: one that the Brotherhood of Nod, for all of its fanaticism and firepower, was not prepared for a determined, allied counter-offensive, especially one so soon after their attack. Kane had underestimated his foes, didn’t expected certain factions to enter the war-and paid for it three months later, when his forces were pushed into the Tiberium Zone and bombarded into oblivion.

But they couldn’t kill the Messiahs.

Now, the Brotherhood of Nod is reforming, becoming more specialized, striking from the shadows and investing into hardier, more destructive and stealthier weapons, expanding its feelers for a way to ‘balance the scales’ and introducing agents into the very forces that attempted its destruction.

This is a plan that will (admittedly) take a long time, but Kane and Kira will wait.

The Brotherhood of Nod exists now as a series of loosely-connected cells, all of which report to Kane and Kira. The Brotherhood’s cells vary greatly, from assassins and infantrymen to scientists to infiltrators to mechanized units, and depending on how deep their cover is, many Nod members might have never even seen Kane or Kira nor know how to contact them or any other cells-communication being purely one-way issuing of orders. This separation and secrecy allows for the survival of the Brotherhood even if many cells are exposed and destroyed.

After the destruction of the main Brotherhood H.Q. within the Tiberium Zone, there has been no advancement in the location of any ‘true’ bases of the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood’s organization before the Tiberium War had created a large number of outposts and caches throughout the world, some of which had since been destroyed, a large number of which are still unaccounted for.

Members of the Brotherhood gather themselves any place they can, be it in dark basements, alleys, and even member-owned nightclubs and offices. Secrecy is a factor observed at all times these days.


Depending on the cell, the members of the Brotherhood of Nod can be quite wealthy and have access to top-secret Nod technologies, or be pretty damn poor and using the most basic of weapons (this don’t always goes hand-in-hand, however). Undercover agents might also have access to gear from their infiltrated faction.

One of the most secret technologies that the Brotherhood of Nod has, however, is that of the Ultimate Coordinator. Extremely rare by Multiversal standards, Nod managed to unlock the techniques of Ulen Hibiki and mass-produce them, trained from birth or enhancement in the beliefs of Nod and advanced fighting techniques, fanatically loyal to the end one and all, hard to defeat by regular fighting means, they are one of the chief reasons the Tiberium War lasted as long as it did.

Their other ‘ace in the sleeve’ is Tiberium. This dangerous radioactive element is the core of many of their technologies-Tiberium reactors were installed in all Nod-used G-Units and buildings, controlled exposure to Tiberium mutated carefully-selected members into super-soldiers, and not-quite-controlled Tiberium radiation and toxic byproducts are their chief WMDs. It is unknown how is it possible that Nod can have such free access to Tiberium with GDI having such a close watch of the Zone, but theories abound, from Kane having access to a Tiberium-infested AltVerse to secret Tiberium ‘greenhouses’ to moles in GDI.

Becoming part of the Brotherhood of Nod is pretty hard, getting out of it impossible. Once you see into the insanity that is Kane’s mind, either you embrace it or you die.
Those fighting the Brotherhood of Nod do so on many levels, from the random ‘heroes’ in the streets of Coreline who locate a cell to the people of the nations’ armed forces who try and wipe it out for good.
The Brotherhood of Nod makes a good villain in a lot of levels, especially since the cells are so varied in methods of operation and available equipment. Stories involving everything from ‘kill-all-the-terrorists’ to ‘terrors from beyond human comprehension’ to ‘how much do you TRULY believe you have seen of the Devil you know?’ can involve the Brotherhood (and maybe the Heroes will never know).

The Brotherhood of Nod’s main objective is simple: ‘Peace Through Power’. The only true peace that Kane will accept from his enemies is that of their graves.
Low-power adventures should involve cells with little firepower but probably lots of conviction or other methods to obtain their objectives, while high-power adventures should involve the big guns and terrors of the Brotherhood-their Tiberium-mutated shocktroopers, the Ultimate Coordinators, etc.
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post

+DE-REZZED: Dead. Commonly used by Internet Fictions (Digimon, NetNavis, etc).

.....the first group being *extremely* hard to make thus, especially if we're speaking of Season 1/2 types.


Well..........ACES-JOKERS? Er............we're screwed, aren't we? Aren't we? *stare*



Wise move to backup the Coreline Tread here. I've been reading it at WOC forum even if I didn't manifest myself. Keep up the good work !
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Aquarius Alodar said:

+DE-REZZED: Dead. Commonly used by Internet Fictions (Digimon, NetNavis, etc).

.....the first group being *extremely* hard to make thus, especially if we're speaking of Season 1/2 types.


Well..........ACES-JOKERS? Er............we're screwed, aren't we? Aren't we? *stare*

There's no Wild Card Virus out there, although many of the characters that were created on the books are, and they will prefer to be called 'Aces' or 'Jokers' any day of the week. Many people lso just prefer to call a superpowered with those terms (out of familiarity).

Hmmm.... I'm thinking something... what about making the 'Aces High' Club a chain?

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
There's no Wild Card Virus out there, although many of the characters that were created on the books are, and they will prefer to be called 'Aces' or 'Jokers' any day of the week. Many people lso just prefer to call a superpowered with those terms (out of familiarity).

Hmmm.... I'm thinking something... what about making the 'Aces High' Club a chain?

*Wheeeeeewwwwww* *sweatwipe*
.....just an O.D on good ol' healthy paranoia, anyway.

As for the resturant chain idea........good thinking. :D :cool:

Also, some Jokers have nasty problems that are crying out to be fixed (Captain Trips' daughter, for one thing)......for which a little trip to the Sixth Galaxy might be one option. (Y. V. reengineering, of course) Exposure to the 'Wormtown Protocol', however, brings to mind the words sledgehammer, crack, and nut, which means it's obviously right out.

EDIT: FYI, the terms 'Sixth Galaxy' and 'Wormtown Protocol' may sound like soundbites, but they are in fact what some people came up with for better-sounding colloquial terms for the SWG (also a very backhanded dig at the few David Brin fans that survived the Hours) and CLULESS, respectively.
(Well, duh.)
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Wormtown: where The End Of The World As We Knew It started.

I thought for a second there (and bear with me, it was a dreary second) that 'Wormtown Protocol' is some government buzz-word for 'Another 23 Hours Are Coming-Kiss Your Rear Goddbye'.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Bumpijng this. Got into work, and it has been pretty pressing.

But if you think for one moment I'm gonna abandon this-then you're very mistaken.

Something just occurred (this could probably be on corelinerumormill.com) You know the Servitors (or Servants, if you prefer) of the Ancient Spirits of Evil? One wonders what exactly they might be doing in Central America for Thundarain royalty to give their attention? Plus, at least a few of them have to be Death Knights or Deathbringers (MMII, 207/55) if they're to be anything more than a ravening horde, requiring *near-constant* direction. Yeah....the ASoE did pick a fairly uncreative one for a champion, at least by 2000s standards. :D

Edit: Dammdammdammdammdamm! Thing....in....head......*groan*

"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and go as the Bordermists spew forth Shards that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Shards that gave them birth stride the world again.....

.....Yup, apologies for the steal, Bob. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_Time

(*gasp*.....Frakking CLULESS. But it does have its good sides apparently......*cough,cough*)
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