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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Well, a few personal ideas (take 'em or leave 'em-it's just my two cents):

+Scotland becoming a somewhat modernized Claymore-land (as in the Norihiro Yagi manga-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claymore_(manga) ), with the countryside outside of the cities being full of roaming Yoma and the Organization having a pretty large seat of secret power inside the land.

Scotland is cut off from the rest of the world by some pretty hefty minefields, heavy-caliber automatic security sentries, stationed military with orders to shoot anything that moves, security screening that includes DNA testing, and a rebuilt Hadrian's Wall (as in the Neil Marshall movie 'Doomsday' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_(movie)).

A friend of mine wanted to add the Culture, but I have no idea how (maybe one or two of the cities have been rebuilt with Culture technology, but CLULESS meddling -and general world-wide paranoia and hostility- has stopped our beloved Space Hippies from taking over the country, let alone the world).

+Bleach... people had accepted the fact that there is a 'higher' level, which is the plane Bleachverse characters live in. Soul Society has sort of expanded/fusioned with Asgard (think I wrote about it in the first page), and the formerly-Medieval Japan-esque town outside of Soul Reaper HQ has evolved into a more modern city, which in its stead has also somewhat challenged the Reapers' position as the 'leadership'.

It also does not helps that more and more Reapers are starting to appear with (or adopt) firearms and modern technology and military tactics (including mechanized infantry, snipers, demolitions and weaponized medics) to replace the Zampakutou, Hot-Blooded-Samurai-with-mangled-Spanish-terms, and feudalism of the old Reapers-which has created a schizm in the ranks.

+France, Boulogne-Billancourt had become an odd 'plane nexus' with the Internet itself (as in, you can shift planes there and enter the Internet instead of having to 'jack in' or use Virtual/Augmented Reality gizmos or be blasted with a digitizing system (this latter patented to ENCOM)). That being, there are NetNavis, Digimon and other things coming in and out of town at all times-and viruses, hackers, and things like XANA, the MCP, Durandal and other evil A.I.s try to take it over constantly.

LeHavre's become a Steampunk mecca, owning to such guys as Jean Rocque Raltique, Agatha Heterodyne and James Ray Steam.

+Russia.... What I can think of is to expand on the Britannian grip of the area (for some weird reason the nexus to the Britannian universe is located in Siberia), Chernobyl and a good deal of the area hit by the fallout is now a rad-mutant-infested and general-weirdness-infested blight out of the Fallout series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ( S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and Metro 2033 ( Metro 2033 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ).

And Tunguska... it would be easier to ask what is NOT weird in there...that is, if you can survive going there.

And on the crime side, Hotel Moscow is getting more powerful (even if Balalaika's outright brutal disregard of the Vory V Zakone (Thief in law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) code is getting her marked for destruction by the other Mafiya), and on the magic side, it's like 'Night Watch' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Watch_(Russian_novel)), more 'hush-hush' magic and people who enforce its usage... quite severely.

Yeah, and lots of (former) Reds with Rockets and communist-funded declassified super-tech abounds.

+Venice... it's a lot of steampunk, alien tech, pulp and modern tech combined insanely. Think a combination of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, Assassin's Creed, Sakura Wars, Girl Genius, The Shadow, some Dune, some WH40K, some Mutant Chronicles and hit 'puree'. Think the Nadiaverse Atlanteans and House Harkonnen going into a war over the future of the city using clones of Altair, Sparks and Mentats for strategy, Jagermonsters and Saradukar for shock troops, and ocean warfare galore with subs, underwater mecha, gene-modded amphibious troops and Heaven-knows-what-else.

As well, we haven't thought much about the United Emirates of Orb. It's located in New Guinea, but no idea whether to have it on Papua or on an artificial island. Maybe the latter would be more practical in terms of not stepping on all of the other things there (like the pulp stuff).
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First Post
Thanks for the info, Marco, I'll be sure to implement it.

Also, due to the unfortunate loss of d20 Modern Star Wars (as far as I know, that is; I wasn't able to find it on WoTC and I'm afraid it must have been lost in the Great Forum Rewrite), I've been working on two Coreline Gazetteers at once; the other being Coreline Gazetteer 3: Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy.

I figured that, due to both disagreeing with some of its ideas, off-kilter comparisons to d20 Modern, and the more questionable legality of ripping up RPG notes rather than making what is essentially a fanfiction campaign setting, I'd ignore the Star Wars Roleplaying Game and go with a mixture of instinct and research, as well as noting what in d20 Modern already works well for Star Wars instead of converting things that already have a fit. Anyway, here's a small taste of what will come in that title, since it's a wee bit farther off (understating) than the Eurasia guide:

Coreline Gazetteer 3: Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy said:
Basics of Conversion
Certain items and ideas from the Star Wars universe are already reflected adequately by existing game rules; as such, use the following suggestions as a baseline.

Force Powers
Psionics work well enough as a replication of the Force. Of course, certain new powers must be created and others might not work well for a Jedi, so make sure to examine the new Force-related psionic powers and Jedi advanced classes (from Appendix II: Force Powers and Appendix I: New Advanced and Prestige Classes, respectively).

The following firearms and melee weapons serve as good analogues for items from the Star Wars-verse.

Item-------------------Star Wars-verse Equivalent
Laser pistol-------------Standard blasters
Laser rifle---------------Blaster rifle
Sonic Beam-------------Geonosian sonic blaster
High frequency sword----Vibroblade
Beam sword-------------Lightsaber
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Well, a few personal ideas (take 'em or leave 'em-it's just my two cents):

A friend of mine wanted to add the Culture, but I have no idea how (maybe one or two of the cities have been rebuilt with Culture technology, but CLULESS meddling -and general world-wide paranoia and hostility- has stopped our beloved Space Hippies from taking over the country, let alone the world).

+Bleach... people had accepted the fact that there is a 'higher' level, which is the plane Bleachverse characters live in. Soul Society has sort of expanded/fusioned with Asgard (think I wrote about it in the first page), and the formerly-Medieval Japan-esque town outside of Soul Reaper HQ has evolved into a more modern city, which in its stead has also somewhat challenged the Reapers' position as the 'leadership'.

It also does not helps that more and more Reapers are starting to appear with (or adopt) firearms and modern technology and military tactics (including mechanized infantry, snipers, demolitions and weaponized medics) to replace the Zampakutou, Hot-Blooded-Samurai-with-mangled-Spanish-terms, and feudalism of the old Reapers-which has created a schizm in the ranks.

+France, Boulogne-Billancourt had become an odd 'plane nexus' with the Internet itself (as in, you can shift planes there and enter the Internet instead of having to 'jack in' or use Virtual/Augmented Reality gizmos or be blasted with a digitizing system (this latter patented to ENCOM)). That being, there are NetNavis, Digimon and other things coming in and out of town at all times-and viruses, hackers, and things like XANA, the MCP, Durandal and other evil A.I.s try to take it over constantly.

LeHavre's become a Steampunk mecca, owning to such guys as Jean Rocque Raltique, Agatha Heterodyne and James Ray Steam.

+Russia.... What I can think of is to expand on the Britannian grip of the area (for some weird reason the nexus to the Britannian universe is located in Siberia), Chernobyl and a good deal of the area hit by the fallout is now a rad-mutant-infested and general-weirdness-infested blight out of the Fallout series, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ( S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and Metro 2033 ( Metro 2033 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ).

And Tunguska... it would be easier to ask what is NOT weird in there...that is, if you can survive going there.

And on the crime side, Hotel Moscow is getting more powerful (even if Balalaika's outright brutal disregard of the Vory V Zakone (Thief in law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) code is getting her marked for destruction by the other Mafiya), and on the magic side, it's like 'Night Watch' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Watch_(Russian_novel)), more 'hush-hush' magic and people who enforce its usage... quite severely.

Yeah, and lots of (former) Reds with Rockets and communist-funded declassified super-tech abounds.

+Venice... it's a lot of steampunk, alien tech, pulp and modern tech combined insanely. Think a combination of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, Assassin's Creed, Sakura Wars, Girl Genius, The Shadow, some Dune, some WH40K, some Mutant Chronicles and hit 'puree'. Think the Nadiaverse Atlanteans and House Harkonnen going into a war over the future of the city using clones of Altair, Sparks and Mentats for strategy, Jagermonsters and Saradukar for shock troops, and ocean warfare galore with subs, underwater mecha, gene-modded amphibious troops and Heaven-knows-what-else.

As well, we haven't thought much about the United Emirates of Orb. It's located in New Guinea, but no idea whether to have it on Papua or on an artificial island. Maybe the latter would be more practical in terms of not stepping on all of the other things there (like the pulp stuff).

Re: the Culture. That was pretty much my intention, if my assumption is correct.....setting fluff. Same with Oz, or the Nonestican landmass rather, at least initally. Hence the Swiss colony and not much else.

But, OTOH....

Confused here.......The Shadow? Are we, 'Spartacus' effect aside, talking the original pulps or the movie here? I just have this image of an aviator walking into a coffee house alongside an infantry guy, Indian kid in between' em, brown bear and panther following behind.

Yup, maybe you didn't get it......Tarzan/Allard/Mowgli/Bagheera/Baloo.

#Little Green Bag#

I'm a mite more familiarized with the movie version of the Shadow, but managed to buy a few pulp books (And heard some radio broadcasts) of the character because of it (I just love Orson Wells´ voice for the Shadow).

I think we would be talking the pulp book version here, if nothing else because he has much more history behind him. And a few crazier gizmos.


First Post
I'm happy to report that the Coreline Gazetteer Volume 2: Eurasia is about 60% done at the moment, which isn't too bad considering how busy I've been.

Also, I added the beam sword (how did I forget that?) to the list of Star Wars-capable d20 Future weapons, and as a bonus here's a list of some Star Wars-verse armors with d20 Future analogues, just as another piece for those that don't wish to wait a while for the third gazetteer to be out.

Item + Gadgets-----------------------------------Star Wars-verse Equivalent
Flight suit and helmet-----------------------------Same name
Light Combat Armor-------------------------------Blast Armor
Scout Armor + Integrated HUD---------------------Scout Trooper Armor
Medium Combat Armor + Environmental Seal, as
well as 1d3 Integrated Equipment pieces------------Clone-/Stormtrooper Armor
Silent Suit + Chameleonic Surface-------------------Stealth Suit
Space Combat Suit---------------------------------Same name

EDIT: Also, I found out that the original d20 Modern Pokemon was gone with the wind as well. *Sigh* That's another thing on my plate. Suffice to say, I may have to cut Eurasia a bit short, because I have reworkings of a lot of old Coreline material to do (including an update of the first Coreline Gazetteer that contains the OGL [duh, that was stupid to forget] and both previously dropped locations), as well as the Star Wars for Coreline materials, and things unrelated to Coreline as well. Phew.
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Just in case: I think I made a write-up of Los Angeles somewhere around here. You can consider that write-up canned.

The reason?

Gideon020 on deviantART and his stories for the setting.

I rather like the idea of L.A. becoming a sort-of-kinda-but-not-almost Megacity (it is tinier than MC2 was).


First Post
Alrighty. Well, since I've tried starting to sort out my various project ideas and quirks, there is some more time for Coreline, but not a whole lot. So, while Eurasia is still getting its treatment and North America is getting some revisions, the next of the non-Star Wars gazetteers planned will be South America. Unlike Australia and Africa, which currently have no Gazetteer articles (and will thus be 100% fresh material unless something happens before then), South America at least had my horridly outdated Roraima Plateau Gazetteer to gut and update. Anyway...some ideas I had for it, for your overview and general bouncing off of ideas:
  • The Doctor of the Millenium vampire army and Doctor Von Reichter: two Nazi mad scientists that fled to South America in their home universe to create strange things-that-should-not be. A match made in heaven? ...Not exactly, as the two have made quite the hell out of Argentina and southern Brazil with their pseudo-rivalry.
  • The Amazon is one of those places that is definitely not on your "want to visit" list. B-Movie-style "KILLER killer bee" swarms, lost cities with strange civilizations, scientifically inaccurate dinosaurs augmented with cybernetics and drafted into armies, super-sized anacondas, and more can be found in the great expanse that is the Green Hell.
  • Panama has become an outpost of Costa Rica's Hidden Leaf Village, as well as a staging point for forays into the Green Hell.
  • While supers such as Cybersix may protect you in the cities of Argentina, the post-CLULESS wastes of Patagonia play home to copious amounts of RadGoo and mad sicnece-spawned mutant monsters.

Actually, a pretty large part of Panama is taken (from the Costa Rica/Panama border to the Canal, including said location) by Los Angeles and their National Guard. They took the canal from NOD (who tried to destroy it) during the Tiberium War (before that, the territory was owned by the Panama government-so yeah, Konoha might have a tiny outpost in there yet).

Los Angeles National Guard by ~Gideon020 on deviantART

Also, Panama has one of the biggest orbital launch sites in the South American territory (and as such, strategically important).

As for Costa Rica ( Costa Rica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), the current president is Oscar Arias Sanchez, owner of the Nobel Peace Prize, who had to take the reins during the Hours and who has had to deal with a lot of crap over the years (like Konoha appearing (which is endangering severely the country's stand as neutral), the bad neighborhoods in the country (which we hadve a lot of) becoming miniature copies of the New York Penitentiary in wretchedness (and as such the police having to get more heavily armed and accepting Superhumans), the Red Cross deciding to use the country as the experimentation area for their Hazardous Enviroment EMT Team concept (think Doc Wagon or Trauma Team) and general narcotraffic, terrorism and political nuisance because of its strategic position.

Costa Rica also has the Central American offices of Ad Astra Rocket Company, which is quickly becoming one of the main producers of Star Wars-style hyperdrives in Coreline (and as such, the target of lots of corporate heat).

I love Cybersix, BTW. Pretty obscure, but cool.
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First Post
Eh, South America was just an outline anyway. It'll be a while before it actually gets worked on. Also, here's a look at the first two of what will be in the upcoming Star Wars guides for Coreline. Since it will take so long, it's only fair to share what I have planned for it, and...well, its' become a more laborous project than imagined, one that will span several titles. Note that the planet lists will only include playable species and creatures for the entries, not various equipment, NPCs, etc.

Volume I: General Notes
-The State of the Galaxy

-Using Pre-existing Material for Star Wars Themes
--Psionic Powers as Force Powers

-Common Species of the Galaxy
--Mon Calamari

-New Equipment

-Common Droids of the Galaxy
--Arakyd Industries Viper Probe Droid
---Viper Hunter-Killer Probot (advanced Viper Probe Droid)
--Baktoid Armor Workshop Spider Droids
---DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid
---ASD1 Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid
---OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
--Baktoid Armor Workshop/Haor Chall Engineering Variable Geomotry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, AKA "Vulture Droid"
--Baktoid Combat Automata Battle Droids
---B1 Battle Droid
---B2 Super Battle Droid
---B3 Ultra Battle Droid
---BX Droid Commando
--Cybot Galactica 3PO-Series Protocol Droid
--Cybot Galactica 3PO-Series
--Industrial Automaton GNK "Gonk" Power Droid
--Industrial Automaton Marksman-H Combat Remote
--Industrial Automaton R2-R5 Series Astromech Droids
--Industrial Automaton/Geentech Corporation 2-1B Surgical Droid

-Basic Creatures of the Galaxy
--Exogorth (Space Slug)
--Womp rat

-Skills and Feats


-Advanced and Prestige Classes

-The Force

EDIT: In general, the Outer Rim Guide list that was here has been revised and looked over, and what did and didn't work has changed. Also, the core rulebook list has changed somewhat as well, but not to the same extent..still, the above list isn't an end-all be-all.
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A tiny request for the SW Gazeteer? Togruta (even if there's no write-up for Shili). I mean, we're talking about a humanoid that was predatorial and has a pretty developed spacial sense.

And yeah, I'm a Shaak Ti fan.

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