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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Pacific Rim inspired mech equipment..

Rocket Fists

"Sometimes, you just want to REALLY hit something really hard!"
The fist of the mech has been reinforced and several rocket thrusters are installed along the wrist and forearm. These thrusters propel the fist with incredible force to deal far greater damage the a mech's normal strength will allow. However, the thrusters have limited uses, usually about 5 charges. The mech's slam is considered to be from a mech of one size category larger (large normally deals 1d8, now becomes 2d6, huge 2d6 becomes 2d8, etc.), with colossal gaining an extra d6 in damage, plus +4 damage. If used as part of a Power Attack, the damage bonus is doubled.
Due to the reinforcing of the hand, all Dex related skills using that hand suffer a -2 penalty. Also when using the rocket fist, can not use any hand held weapons unless it is a one handed weapon and deals piercing damage, in which case they deal damage as if it was meant for a mech of one size category larger.
Rocket fuel reloads have a PDC 9 for 5 uses.
Equipment Slots: 1, must be hand
Activation: Standard attack (activation is free, part of an attack action)
Range Increment: Melee
Target: Single target within reach
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Purchase DC: 11 + one-quarter the mech's base PDC.
Restriction: None

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I'll admit.. I had a big fanboy moment when in Pacific Rim they said "Rocket Fist". I gotta see if I still have my Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla vhs around. I loved the old Godzilla movies.
Hmm.. I wonder if I should try making a 'template' for the creatures..

Lord Zack

Some rocket fists, like those on mechs built by TLI (the Tesla Leicht Institute, from Super Robot Wars) and the Photonic Power Labs (from Mazinger Z) are more powerful and are actual ranged weapons.


Some rocket fists, like those on mechs built by TLI (the Tesla Leicht Institute, from Super Robot Wars) and the Photonic Power Labs (from Mazinger Z) are more powerful and are actual ranged weapons.

Ok.. so maybe those are Rocket Assisted Fists instead.. But still.. Who doesn't like that kind of thing?

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
"Hmmm, lessee now....." *tapping stylus* .....*puts down,starts typing on touchsurface*.....
'....Abner Mckinney?

.....total jerkwad, if you ask some of us. As I understand it, the transphysicals known as theLords of Order don't generally go *looking* to crack your skulls in.....unless somone like our boy Abbey was to provoke them of course. Kind of like Rassilon of Galifrey, I'd say.:heh:.....we won't go into that. The point is that, most of the Inkkind, including the owner of this habitat I'm writing in ATM, are pretty decent, whereas 'Abbey' seems to be a raving, failed A.O.H candidate....'

-Excerpt of Worldbook posting by one of the more reclusive, self-titled maho shonen Kage Kamen.

Abner may have been or not. Of course, at the point of the writing, his final fate is unknown.

He could make a pretty good AOH (or Nutjob) NPC.

Gallifrey... glorious Gallifrey... out there, as it was before the Time War. And thankfully, even if many of the Time Lords are jerks (not even The Doctor is completely exempt), the ones from NuWho who wanted (and still want) to wipe out all existence and start from the beginning with them on the control tower are a minor faction. And with Time Travel being rather more hassling that is necessary over on The Line (certainly more hassling than they are accustomed to), they also have some difficulties on that end.

They, of course, are not ones to *stop* trying....


As an addtl. note: I am now in possession of both "Fallout 3" and "Fallout: New Vegas" and I must say, I am rather enraptured by what I see.

I had an idea or two regarding the "Fallout" universes (at the very least I can swear have notes for a Ghoul race somewhere amongst the chaos which is my notes), but lacking in info (and not having seen the games myself) I was rather reluctant to add anything to this setting.

Now.... well.... I need some help. I can see elements of the Capitol Wasteland and the Mojave Wasteland appearing within their respective "Real-World" locations, and thus turning them even into weird(er) places, on top of anything else Fiction which may have appeared there.

We're talking for example, on the DC side, that there is now a small town called "Megaton" (or at least that is how the natives call it. It may have another name by the rest of the people) which is built around a large crater on the ground (which used to hold an unexploded atom bomb... and now may be holding something else entirely (dunno what it could be.... an Alternate of Mjolnir, maybe?)), there is a multimedia group (although mostly is known as because of its radio station) called "Galaxy News" (and its most famous presenter-slash-Disc Jockey is someone nick-named "Three-Dog"), chunks of Chesapeake Bay are irradiated and loaded with mutated monsters like Mirelurks (and with that, the technology of Project Purity was moved to an artificial island just off the Jefferson Monument for it to continue doing its work), pest problems include Radroach, Giant Ant, Radscorpion, Yao Guai and friggin' Deathclaw rampages, and the Brotherhood of Steel and The Enclave are somewhere out there....

As for the Mojave Desert.... well, in a nutshell, it's like a combination of (among other shows set in Vegas) "CSI" and "Fallout: NV", the latter of which is running on a kind of "Wild Wasteland Plus" Trait (that with all the wacky running around). Locations like Goodsprings and Primm have become trader route hot-spots as well.

This is what I have-pretty much basics. Need help with specifics (like, well, how is Vegas handling it).


One small additional note: I was thinking about making an add-on to the Thunderian race over on Page 1 to work in the new "Thundercats" series. Differences I can see between "old" Thunderians and "new" Thunderians are that 1) Thunderians are a bit more cat-like (at the very, *very* least they get a bonus to Climb rolls and may even be able to make rolls as normal even if they are racing up the wall) and they have (or had) that "we're a superior race, rah-rah" thing that "old" Thunderians do not (so.... maybe that could be some kind of penalty to certain types of social rolls which can be bought off with Skill points or something?).

Voidrunner's Codex

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