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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Siege tank
The siege tank is a terran vehicle that can be configured to fulfill both the armoured support and the long-range artillery support roles. The Arclite siege tank is a four tread tank fitted with twin 80mm PPG-7 Plasma cannons, making it potent tank, in assault mode, capable of engaging heavy armour and buildings. Once in a good position, it can switch to siege mode, making it a static emplacement and the weapon becomes even more powerful. The treads angle out and stabilizing pylons are deployed. The turret and barrels modify themselves, removing the separation between the two barrels, forming a wider, and slightly longer barrel. This creates a longer ranged, more powerful plasma blast that also explodes to affect a larger area upon impact, making it a potent defense weapon, although with a slower rate of fire. While in siege mode, the vehicle is also immobile, requiring protection against airborne and fast ground attack craft that manage to get close.
The Arclite siege tank is 6 squares long (29.5 ft), 4 square wide (20 ft), with a crew of 3 with full cover.

AAV-5 Arclite Siege Tank
Crew: 3
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 60 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: 0
Top Speed: 70 (7)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 30
Hit Points: 100
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 48
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Headlights, GPS, military radio, night vision 1000 ft, 2 fire-linked PPG-7 plasma cannon/Mjolnir 120 mm shock cannon, NBC protection grants +4 to Fort saves, 1 week air/rations, transform.
Notes: +4 stability to drive checks to prevent being knocked off course or flipped, half penalties for rough terrain, half penalties for firing weapons while moving. Can't attack airborne targets
NameDamageCritDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
2 Fire-Linked PPG-7 80 mm Plasma cannon (assault mode)21d620x2Fire175 ftSemi-
Mjolnir 120 mm Shock Cannon (siege mode)15d1020x2Ballistic250 ft1 per 2 rounds75 rds

PPG-7 80mm Plasma Cannon/Mjolnir 120mm Shock Cannon
This weapon is a dual mode weapon system. While in assault mode, it is a pair of 80mm plasma cannons, dealing 14d6, 20x2 fire damage, ignoring 10 points of hardness/DR
When the siege tank switches to siege mode, the weapon changes to the Mjolnir Shock Cannon, firing a 120mm tungsten round that shatters on impact, dealing 15d10, 20x2 ballistic damage, ignoring 15 points of hardness/DR to the target struck and deals 10d10 damage to all within 10 foot radius of the target struck, Reflex save DC 15 for half. Targets that more than 10 ft long covered within the blast radius take an additional 50% more damage for every 10 ft within the blast radius. The Mjolnir can attack targets out to 20 range increments, but can't attack anything within 100 feet of the vehicle.

The siege tank can change from assault mode, functioning as a tank using the PPG-7 plasma cannons, using stats above. As a move equivalent action can change to siege mode, becoming immobile and activates the Mjolnir, plus its Hardness increases to 35, can't make use of the driver's Dex bonus to Defense but uses the driver's Class bonus to Defense increased by 50% (rounding down). The driver can change between the two modes once per round.

Weapon Upgrade

The vehicle's weapons are boosted for improved damage and accuracy. Gains +1 die and +1 to attack rolls. Can be applied 3 times.
PDC: 21

Additional Armour
The vehicle can be plated in heavier armour, but at the expense of speed and maneuverability. Adds +1 hardness and +2 hit points, but reduce speed by 5 (1 per 2 applications chase), Initiative and Maneuver by -1. This can be applied 3 times, with penalties and bonuses stacking.
PDC: 18 (Mil +3)

Crucio Siege Tank
The Crucio is the replacement to the Arclite, with large hull, additional two treads on the sides, larger weapons and improved armour. One advantage the Crucio has over other vehicles with treads is the treads are made of neosteel plates, and a series of tubes in the chassis and bogies of the tank that pump a fast-drying gel into the affected area, replacing lost or reinforcing damaged tread segments, allowing the vehicle to remain operational after suffering massive damage.
The Crucio siege tank is 6 squares long (29.5 ft), 5 square wide (25 ft), weighing 60 tons, with a crew of 3 with full cover.

Crucio Siege Tank
Crew: 3
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 60 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +1
Top Speed: 75 (7)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 30
Hit Points: 120
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 50
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Headlights, GPS, military radio, night vision 1000 ft, 2 fire-linked 90mm plasma cannon/180 mm shock cannon, NBC protection grants +4 to Fort saves, 1 week air/rations, transform.
Notes: +4 stability to drive checks to prevent being knocked off course or flipped, half penalties for rough terrain, half penalties for firing weapons while moving. Can't attack airborne targets
NameDamageCritDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
2 Fire-Linked 90 mm Plasma cannon (assault mode)21d820x2Fire200 ftSemi-
180 mm Shock Cannon (siege mode)15d1220x2Ballistic300 ft1 per 2 rounds120

90mm Plasma Cannons / 180mm Shock Cannon
This weapon is a dual mode weapon system. While in assault mode, it is a pair of 90mm plasma cannons, dealing 14d8, 20x2 fire damage, ignoring 15 points of hardness/DR
When the siege tank switches to siege mode, the weapon changes to the 180mm Shock Cannon, firing a 180mm tungsten round that gets superheated at firing, dealing 15d12, 20x2 ballistic damage, ignoring 15 points of hardness/DR to the target struck and deals 10d12 damage to all within 15 foot radius of the target struck, Reflex save DC 17 for half. Targets that more than 10 ft long covered within the blast radius take an additional 50% more damage for every 10 ft within the blast radius. The Shock Cannon can attack targets out to 20 range increments, but can't attack anything within 100 feet of the vehicle.

The siege tank can change from assault mode, functioning as a tank using the plasma cannons, using stats above. As a move equivalent action can change to siege mode, becoming immobile and activates the Shock Cannon, plus its Hardness increases to 35, can't make use of the driver's Dex bonus to Defense but uses the driver's Class bonus to Defense increased by 50% (rounding down). The driver can change between the two modes once per round.

Same as the Arclite plus the following:

Maelstrom Rounds
Maelstrom rounds have an armour-piercing tip, improving armour penetration without reducing area damage. Dealing 10d12, 20x3 , ignoring 25 points of hardness/DR to the primary target, while still dealing 10d12 to 15 ft blast radius, Reflex save DC 16. Only usable in siege mode.
PDC 24 for 10 rounds.

Shaped Blast
These rounds are a type of 'smart shell' reducing the damage to friendly units that might be caught in the blast radius. This is an upgrade to regular and Maelstrom rounds. Reduce damage by 1 die, reduce blast radius by 5 feet. Any allied units (with operating IFF and communications systems) caught in the siege tank's Shock Cannon blast radius gain +4 to Reflex saves, a successful save reduces damage by 75% (three-quarters rounding up), and on a failed save only suffer 75% (three quarters) damage instead.
PDC: +2

Ultra Capacitors
These self-replicating ultra capacitors reduce reload time of weapons and systems. On the siege tank these change the weapon systems from semi to semi and automatic in assault mode, and the 120mm Shock Cannon changes to single instead of 1 per 2 rounds.
PDC: 17

Vanadium Plating
A different type of armour plating for the vehicle. Adds +1 hardness and +5 hit points. This can be applied 3 times, with penalties and bonuses stacking.
PDC: 21 (Mil +3)

Regenerative Bio-Steel
A new type of hull plating that was developed by Egon Stetmann aboard the Hyperion after studying the cellular structure of Zerg organisms. It uses regenerative nanobots to slowly repair the hull. The equipped vehicle can repair 1 hit point every 1d4 rounds.
PDC: 25 (Rare +4)


Raynor Siege Tank

Crucio siege tanks under the command of Raynor are modified versions with upgraded armour, weapons and an afterburner system to move about the battlefield quickly to better reposition for optimal firing arcs.
Make following changes to Crucio siege tank to make a Raynor siege tank:
Hit points +4, total 124 (Additional Armour x2);
Hardness +2, total 32, 37 in siege mode (Additional Armour x2);
Add Advanced Siege Tech -Transform takes 1 free action, capable of twice per round;
90mm Plasma cannons deal 23d8 +2 attack rolls (Upgrade weapons x2), range incr 220 ft (Advanced Optics);
180mm Shock cannon deals 17d12 +2 attack rolls (Upgrade weapons x2), range incr 330 ft (Advanced Optics);
Add Afterburner;
PDC: 53

Swann Siege Tank
Crucio siege tanks under the command of Swann are upgraded with improved armour, weapons, and repair systems.
Make following changes to Crucio siege tanks:
Hit points +20% base hp +6, total 150 (Additional Armour x3 and Mechanical Know-how);
Hardness +2, total 32, 37 in siege mode (Additional Armour x2);
Add Advanced Siege Tech -Transform takes 1 free action, capable of twice per round;
90mm Plasma cannons deal 22d8 +1 attack rolls (Upgrade weapons x1), range incr 220 ft (Advanced Optics);
180mm Shock cannon deals 16d12 +1 attack rolls (Upgrade weapons x1), range incr 330 ft (Advanced Optics);
Add Maelstrom Rounds (120mm Shock Cannon 0d12, 20x3 , ignoring 25 points of hardness/DR to the primary target, while still dealing 10d12 to 15 ft blast radius, Reflex save DC 16. Only usable in siege mode);
Add Regenerative Bio-Steel, repair 1 HP every 1d4 rounds;
Add Immortality Protocol
PDC: 55

Nova Coverts Ops Siege Tank
These siege tanks modified for use by the commander Nova, a Ghost, making them more mobile to quickly deploy and move again after firing, with jump jets and faster transformation sequence. They are also fitted with a Spider Mine dispenser that can release Spider Mine mk2.
Make following changes to Crucio siege tanks:
Add Advanced Siege Tech -Transform takes 1 free action, capable of twice per round;
Add Jump Jets;
Add Regenerative Bio-Steel, repair 1 HP every 1d4 rounds;
Add Shaped Blast;
Add Spider Mine Dispenser (carries 12 spider mine mk2);
PDC: 55

Imperio Siege Tank
The Imperio is the siege tank developed by the Umojan Protectorate after spies had gained plans for the Crucio from the Dominion. The Imperio has advanced targeting systems and fast transformation systems and improved speed.
Make following changes to Crucio siege tank:
Increase HP to 130 hp;
Increase speed to 80 (8):
Add Advanced Siege Tech -Transform takes 1 free action, capable of twice per round;
90mm Plasma cannons deal 24d8 +3 attack rolls (Upgrade weapons x3), range incr 220 ft (Advanced Optics);
180mm Shock cannon deals 18d12 +3 attack rolls (Upgrade weapons x3), range incr 330 ft (Advanced Optics);
PDC: 52 Mil +3 Umojan Protectorate

Advanced Siege Tech
This reduces the time of the transformation and improves its armour while in siege mode. Can transform as a free action for a maximum of twice per round. While in siege mode, hardness +5.
PDC: +2

A set of afterburners are fitted to the vehicle to increase its movement for short periods. As a free action, driver can activate the afterburners, increasing the speed, while in assault mode, to 100 (10) for 2 rounds, but suffers -2 to Drive checks. Requires 2 rounds cooldown between uses.
PDC: +1

Advanced Optics
Increases the range of weapons. Increase range increment of weapons by 10% (round down).
PDC: +1

Mechanical Know-how
Swann, as an engineer, has learned over the years how to improve the frames and armour of vehicles. Increases the vehicle's base HP by 20% (before any other bonuses).
PDC: +3

Immortality Protocol
In the event the vehicle is reduced to 0 hit points it is disabled, but not destroyed (unless the damage dealt renders the vehicle to -50 hit points). The following round the vehicle is instantly repaired 5d6+5 hit points, but none of its systems are usable until the following round. Usable once, must be completely replaced after use.
PDC: 30.

Jump Jets
The vehicle is fitted with jets that give it limited flight, mostly used for getting up or down cliffs. The vehicle can raise up or down up to 100 feet and move 50 feet horizontally as a move action, requiring a successfully Drive check DC 16 without any environmental or combat penalties.
PDC: 23

Spider Mine Dispenser
This device attaches to the back of the vehicle and holds 12 spider mines. Deploying a spider mine requires the vehicle to be stationary and takes a full round to deploy.
PDC: 20 (Mil +3)

Spider Mine mk2
These mines are improved with a stronger frame, better explosive pattern, although with slightly less damage. With ability to burrow into the ground to conceal itself, fitted with motion, IFF and visual sensors to detect targets. Once a target enters its range, it quickly unburrows and rushes towards the target, exploding. Each mine is size small, about the size of a small to medium sized dog, with 8 hit points, Defense 16 while unburied. It can detect targets within 50 feet and unburies itself as a free action that does provoke an attack of opportunity when a target is within 30 feet, rushing to the target with a speed of 60 ft, making a touch attack with +6 bonus to attack rolls, dealing 4d6 fire and slashing damage to a 20 foot radius, Reflex DC 18 for half, except the target struck makes no save.
While buried, the mine has +20 to hide, even against sensors designed to detect electronics as it is shielded.
PDC: 20 per mine

Heavy Siege Tank
The Heavy Siege Tank is a special forces version of the Crucio, slightly larger, improved armour and better repair systems. Otherwise very similar to the standard Crucio tank, and can take many of the same upgrades as the basic version.
The heavy siege tank is 7 squares long (32.8 ft), 5 square wide (25 ft), weighing 70 tons, with a crew of 3 with full cover.

Heavy Siege Tank
Crew: 3
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 60 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +0
Top Speed: 70 (7)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 33
Hit Points: 150
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 52
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Headlights, GPS, military radio, night vision 1000 ft, 2 fire-linked 100mm plasma cannon/200 mm shock cannon, NBC protection grants +4 to Fort saves, 1 week air/rations, transform, spider mine mk2 dispenser, 20 spider mk2 mines, repair system.
Notes: +4 stability to drive checks to prevent being knocked off course or flipped, half penalties for rough terrain, half penalties for firing weapons while moving. Can't attack airborne targets
NameDamageCritDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
2 Fire-Linked 100 mm Plasma cannon (assault mode)24d820x2Fire225 ftSemi-
180 mm Shock Cannon (siege mode)16d1220x2Ballistic350 ft1 per 2 rounds180

100mm Plasma Cannons / 200mm Shock Cannon
This weapon is a dual mode weapon system. While in assault mode, it is a pair of 90mm plasma cannons, dealing 16d8, 20x2 fire damage, ignoring 20 points of hardness/DR
When the siege tank switches to siege mode, the weapon changes to the 200mm Shock Cannon, firing a 200mm tungsten round that gets superheated at firing, dealing 16d12, 20x2 ballistic damage, ignoring 20 points of hardness/DR to the target struck and deals 10d12 damage to all within 20 foot radius of the target struck, Reflex save DC 19 for half. Targets that more than 10 ft long covered within the blast radius take an additional 50% more damage for every 10 ft within the blast radius. The Shock Cannon can attack targets out to 20 range increments, but can't attack anything within 100 feet of the vehicle.

The siege tank can change from assault mode, functioning as a tank using the plasma cannons, using stats above. As a move equivalent action can change to siege mode, becoming immobile and activates the Shock Cannon, plus its Hardness increases to 35, can't make use of the driver's Dex bonus to Defense but uses the driver's Class bonus to Defense increased by 50% (rounding down). The driver can change between the two modes once per round.

Repair System
This system repairs damage to the vehicle, repairing 5 hp every 1d4 rounds. If the vehicle is fitted with Regenerative Bio-Steel, the repair system is upgraded to 10 hp every 1d4 rounds.

Spider Mine Dispenser
This device attaches to the back of the vehicle and holds 20 spider mines. Deploying a spider mine requires the vehicle to be stationary and takes a full round to deploy.
PDC: 20 (Mil +3)

Spider Mine mk2
These mines are improved with a stronger frame, better explosive pattern, although with slightly less damage. With ability to burrow into the ground to conceal itself, fitted with motion, IFF and visual sensors to detect targets. Once a target enters its range, it quickly unburrows and rushes towards the target, exploding. Each mine is size small, about the size of a small to medium sized dog, with 8 hit points, Defense 16 while unburied. It can detect targets within 50 feet and unburies itself as a free action that does provoke an attack of opportunity when a target is within 30 feet, rushing to the target with a speed of 60 ft, making a touch attack with +6 bonus to attack rolls, dealing 4d6 fire and slashing damage to a 20 foot radius, Reflex DC 18 for half, except the target struck makes no save.
While buried, the mine has +20 to hide, even against sensors designed to detect electronics as it is shielded.
PDC: 20 per mine

Graduating Range

This upgrade for the Heavy Siege Tank increases the range increment of the 200mm Shock Cannon while in siege mode if it is attacking the same target for multiple rounds. After each successful attack against a target that is out more than 2 range increments, the range increment is improved by 50 feet for the next attack, to a maximum of +250 feet. This bonus lasts for 10 rounds after reaching maximum bonus, or the first missed shot before that time.
PDC: 26 Mil +3

Exidium Siege tank
Exidium siege tanks are an attempt to create a far more mobile artillery unit developed by the Dominion of Man years after the destruction of the Hybrid Zerg-Protoss creatures. Exidium have a frame that looks like a thicker Diamondback with four wheels in outriggers. The turret mounts a smaller pair of plasma cannons than the Arclite siege tank, along with an anti-aircraft missile launcher to protect against one of the greatest weaknesses of the siege tanks. Instead of a Shock cannon the plasma cannons turn into, the Exidium instead has an Volcano plasma cannon, completely reducing the dependence on physical ammunition, except for the missiles for defense. For added defense, the Exidium features a shield generator, combined with the lack of physical ammunition for its main weapon, gives the Exidium greater staying power in the battlefield, able to roam with only a few light escorts, set up ambush points, then quickly move to another ambush point before any retaliatory attacks.
The transformation system, similar to the Arclite's, the wheels angle out, stabilization pylons deploy, the body lowers, and the turret modifies to create a larger turret for heavier damage with large blast area.
The Exidium Siege Tank is 4 squares long (20.5 ft), 4 square wide (18.2 ft), weighing 35 tons, with a crew of 3 with full cover.

Exidium Siege Tank
Crew: 3
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 50 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +2
Top Speed: 90 (9)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 20
Hit Points: 70, shield 80 hp, regenerates 5 hp per round without suffering damage.
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 53
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Headlights, GPS, military radio, night vision 1000 ft, 2 fire-linked 70mm plasma cannon / 150 mm volcano cannon, anti-air missile launcher (+3 attack airborne targets, -2 to attack ground based targets), NBC protection grants +4 to Fort saves, 1 week air/rations, transform.
Notes: +2 stability to drive checks to prevent being knocked off course or flipped,
NameDamageCritDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
2 Fire-Linked 70 mm Plasma cannon (assault mode)13d620x2Fire200 ftSemi-
150 mm Volcano Cannon (siege mode)10d10-Fire300 ftSingle-
Anti-Air Missile Launcher9d620x2Ball/Fire
Single12 missiles

70mm Plasma Cannons / 150mm Volcano Cannon
This weapon is a dual mode weapon system. While in assault mode, it is a pair of 70mm plasma cannons, dealing 9d6, 20x2 fire damage, ignoring 15 points of hardness/DR.
When the siege tank switches to siege mode, the weapon changes to the 150mm Volcano Cannon, firing a large plasma round that detonates upon impact dealing 10d10, fire damage, to all within 25 foot radius, Reflex save DC 20 for half. Targets that more than 10 ft long covered within the blast radius take an additional 50% more damage for every 10 ft within the blast radius. The Shock Cannon can attack targets out to 20 range increments, but can't attack anything within 100 feet of the vehicle.

The siege tank can change from assault mode, functioning as a tank using the plasma cannons, using stats above. As a move equivalent action can change to siege mode, becoming immobile and activates the Volcano Cannon, plus its Hardness increases to 25, can't make use of the driver's Dex bonus to Defense but uses the driver's Class bonus to Defense increased by 50% (rounding down). The driver can change between the two modes once per round.

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The Shatterer is a militarized version of a mobile sonic emitters designed with Tiberium abatement in mind, but proved quite effective against large groups of infantry, light vehicles and buildings. The Shatterer has a sideways oval forward hull, which holds a two person cockpit center left, while the sonic weapon is center right, which runs the length of the hull. Behind the oval hull is the engine block with the thrusters that pushed it forward. The vehicle uses hover technology to float up to 3 feet above the ground. While as fast as Predator Tanks, making far faster than the original Disruptors, but are smaller and lightly armoured. Thanks to the abilities of the sonic cannon, able to damage all within its area of effect, combined with its faster speed, the Shatterer can move into position, fire, then move again faster than the Disruptors ever could. Unfortunately, like the Disruptors, the Shatterer has to be stationary to fire, but with a good driver and gunner, a skilled crew can scoot and shoot quickly and evade most counter attacks.
The Shatterer is 5 squares wide (23.6 ft), four squares long (18.9 ft), weighing 3.6 tons, providing full cover to its crew. Takes 1 round to enter through a fighter style cockpit, and another round to start the vehicle. Due to the armour and placement of the weapon and power systems, the pilot can only see forward and to the left, but there are hidden cameras and holographic display to provide full vision.

Shatterer (PL6)
Crew: 2
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 50 lbs
Init: +1
Maneuver: +1
Top Speed: 90 (9)
Defense: 8
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 65
Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 54
Restriction: Mil (+3) GDI
Accessories: Search light, military radio, resonance emitter, darkvision 200 ft, thermo vision 200 ft, hazardous chemical and radiation sensors and GPS.




Damage Type

Range Incr

Rate of Fire


Resonance Emitter




150 ft long, 15 ft wide line


30 shots

Resonance Emitter
The Resonance Emitter is a refinement of the harmonic resonance cannon of the Disruptor, while dealing roughly same damage, it has improved range, and has a higher chance of causing harmonic resonance in the target
, and instead of firing a solid beam of sonic energy, it fires a long pulse. It damages everything within its 150 foot long, 15 foot wide field of fire, Reflex DC 20 for half damage, ignoring half the targets' hardness/DR. Targets destroyed by this weapon have a 30% chance to explode, dealing half damage to a 20 ft radius in half slashing, half fire damage. Targets that survive the attack have a 30% chance of having their hardness/DR permanently lowered by 1 each time struck, until repaired. If attacking a large structure, larger than 30 ft in two directions, deals double damage.
If used within 50 ft of Vinifera Tiberium, or Blue Tiberium field, it causes the vein, or field to start to detonate, dealing 50% more damage than normal.
Regenerates ammunition at a rate of 1 per 5 rounds not firing.

Shatterer A1C2
This upgrade to the Shatterer brings its other system up to date, such as communications and protection with an APS, ALA and TOS systems added. Two mini turrets are fitted to the front corners which contain machineguns to provide some additional protection and offensive capability, at least against lighter targets.
Make the following changes to make a Shatterer A1C2
Increase speed to 95 (9)
Add APS;
Add ALA;
Add TOS;
Add 5 HP (total of 70);
Add 4 smoke grenade launchers (2 grenades each, 8 smoke grenades total)
PDC: +1

APS (Active Protection System) - Against missile weapons that use wired and IR targeting systems, as well as laser guidance, this system imposes a -2 to attack rolls to such weapons when targeting the tank.

TOS - Tactical Ops System combines GPS, military radio, the targeting system and computer systems to aid in co-ordinating combat with allied units. The Commander can designate up to 5 allies (or allied vehicles), granting them +1 to attacks and a +1 circumstance bonus to Defense against the target the tank is attacking. This bonus stacks with if any of the designated allies (or allied vehicles) also have a TOS system, or any other bonus from abilities or the Aid Other action that increases bonuses to attack while all allies are attacking the same target.

ALA - Anti-Laser Aerosol launchers release a cloud covering a 30 foot radius around the vehicle, reducing damage from laser based attacks by 50%. This cloud also grants some concealment of 10% miss chance. The cloud persists for 2d4 rounds, however strong winds of over 30 mph will dissipate the cloud in 2 rounds.
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Earth Shaker
The Earth Shaker is a GDI produced variant of the Crucio siege tank, mounting a pair of Resonance Emitters in the turret. Surprisingly, due to the design of the siege tank, the Earth Shaker is able to move while firing, although the weapon's damage is reduced as the sonic pulse is slightly diffused. When the Earth Shaker switches to siege mode, the two resonance emitters alter and shift into a Resonance Disruptor, which has two firing modes: a much wider and longer area of effect; or a much shorter pulse that can be fired out a greater distance.
The Earth Shaker siege tank is 6 squares long (29.5 ft), 5 square wide (25 ft), weighing 59 tons, with a crew of 3 with full cover.

Earth Shaker Siege Tank

Crew: 3
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 80 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +1
Top Speed: 90 (9)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 25
Hit Points: 125
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 51
Restriction: Mil (+3) GDI
Accessories: Headlights, GPS, military radio, night vision 1000 ft, 2 fire-linked resonance emitter/resonance disruptor,
NBC protection grants +4 to Fort saves, 1 week air/rations, transform.
Notes: +4 stability to drive checks to prevent being knocked off course or flipped, half penalties for rough terrain, half penalties for firing weapons while moving. Can't attack airborne targets




Damage Type

Range Incr

Rate of Fire


2 Fire-linked Resonance Emitter




150 ft long, 30 ft wide line


40 shots

Resonance Disruptor (Cone)


250 ft long, 125 ft wide cone


40 shots

Resonance Disruptor (Pulse)




250 ft


40 shots

2 Fire-Linked Resonance Emitter / Resonance Disruptor
The Resonance Emitter is a refinement of the harmonic resonance cannon of the Disruptor, while dealing roughly same damage, it has improved range, and has a higher chance of causing harmonic resonance in the target, and instead of firing a solid beam of sonic energy, it fires a long pulse. It damages everything within its 150 foot long, 30 foot wide field of fire, Reflex DC 22 for half damage, ignoring half the targets' hardness/DR. Targets destroyed by this weapon have a 30% chance to explode, dealing half damage to a 20 ft radius in half slashing, half fire damage, Reflex save DC 14 for half. Targets that survive the attack have a 30% chance of having their hardness/DR permanently lowered by 1 each time struck, until repaired. If attacking a large structure, larger than 30 ft in two directions, deals double damage.
If used within 50 ft of Vinifera Tiberium, or Blue Tiberium field, it causes the vein, or field to start to detonate, dealing 50% more damage than normal.
If the tank is moving while firing, damage is reduced to 10d6 and Reflex save DC 20.
When the Earth Shaker changed to siege mode, the barrels split open and parts from the turret move forward and morph the two resonance emitters into the Resonance Disruptor. This weapon has two firing modes, either a much larger area beam than the resonance emitters, dealing 12d6 sonic damage to a 250 foot long, 125 foot wide cone area, Reflex save DC 23 for half damage, ignoring half hardness/DR of anything caught in the area effect. Objects of more than 30 ft length in the area suffer 25% more damage (round down) for every additional 10 feet caught within the area. Targets that survive the attack have a 30% chance of having their hardness/DR permanently lowered by 1 each time struck, until repaired.
Or a pulse that deals 10d8 sonic damage, range increment 250 ft with a maximum range of 2500 ft, ignoring three-quarters (3/4) hardness/DR, plus half damage to a 15 ft radius, ignoring one-quarter hardness/DR, Reflex save DC 17 for half. Primary target stuck survive the attack have a 50% chance of having their hardness/DR permanently lowered by 2 each time struck, until repaired, while those in the blast area have a 25% chance of having hardness/DR permanently lowered by 1 each time struck until repair. Targets destroyed by this mode have a 30% chance to explode, dealing half damage to a 15 ft radius, half fire-half slashing, Reflex save DC 14 for half.
In either mode, the shots regenerates at a rate of 1 shot every 3 rounds not fired.

The siege tank can change from assault mode, functioning as a tank using the resonance emitters, using stats above. As a move equivalent action can change to siege mode, becoming immobile and activates the Resonance Disruptor, plus its Hardness increases to 30, can't make use of the driver's Dex bonus to Defense but uses the driver's Class bonus to Defense increased by 50% (rounding down). The driver can change between the two modes once per round.


Mobile Construction Vehicle
Mobile Construction Vehicles are large vehicles designed to provide supplies and heavy construction equipment to anywhere on the battlefield so that portable bases can be built. Depending on the generation of the vehicle, their design can vary as well as the technology used. Most MCVs have a driver and basic crew cab at the front, behind which is a large 'cargo' section, similar to other large transport vehicles with trailers, except the cab is attached, with multiple wheels. Once in position for deployment, the vehicle will lower itself to the ground, the cargo section will open, with the sides and roof providing the 'floor' and from within deploys via many robotic arms and use of metamaterials, the structure within expands with several cranes. The final building that is erected is a mostly automated construction facility, with forges, assembly lines and other tools required to build virtually any structure that is programmed into its databases when the necessary raw materials are provided. It also carries several smaller vehicles to transport finished components for newly constructed buildings to nearby locations for final assembly. The range for the smaller vehicles is only within 3 miles of the MCV.
Depending on the generation, most MCVs, once deployed, become a permanent fixture of the new base and can not be redeployed.
Both GDI and NOD built MCVs to advanced their causes, both functioning nearly identically, generally only with physical design differences to suit the builder's aesthetics and technologies.

MCV Gen 1
The first generation of MCV are based on a design from construction vehicles from WW2, is heavily armoured, slow, but sturdy. Requires a crew of 2 to drive, but a minimum crew of 10 to deploy and operate. It can carry 10 tons of raw materials before deploying to help set up facilities. The MCV Gen 1 is 6 squares wide (30 ft), 10 squares (50 ft) long, providing full cover to its crew. Has two doors, one on each side of the cab, with a door at the rear to load supplies before being deployed, takes 2 full rounds to start the basic harvester. The cab has enough space for 10 crew members and supplies (food and water) for 2 days.

Crew: 2 to drive, 10 to deploy and operate
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 10 tons
Init: -4
Maneuver: -6
Top Speed: 50 (5)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 25
Hit Points: 150
Size: Colossal
Purchase DC: 39
Restriction: Lic (+1)
Accessories: NBC sealed, headlights, radio, GPS, construction yard
Notes: +4 Fort saves, Deploy

Deploy - Once stopped at a suitable location, the crew and deploy the MCV from its vehicle form to a construction yard. This process takes 1 hour, after which the new construction yard can begin constructing components for buildings that it has stored in its databases.

Construction Yard Gen 1
This structure has a large main building with a rounded roof, large roll up door at the front, a large crane to the right of the door. The crew cab of the MCV becomes the main control center. Inside the main structure is a multitude of construction equipment, forges, welders, cutters, assembly lines operated by robots and limited AI all controlled from the control center. There are barracks for the operators, minimum of 10 to a maximum of 20. Can store 15 tons of raw materials inside. There are a number of small vehicles used to transport finished components and assemble them at the location of the new building's site if within 3 miles of the construction yard. Takes 2 hours per 10 hit points of building to be constructed, typically using up 10 tons per 10 hit points of raw materials.
Construction Yard is roughly 100 ft by 100 ft, 50 ft tall, with 150 hit points, hardness 20. Requires a crew of 10 to 20, has full NBC protection for occupants. Crane can lift 30 tons, height of 75 ft, horizontal reach of 30 feet.

MCV Gen 2
The second generation of MCV are saw improvements in the design, with improved miniaturization and automation to allow a larger facility to be deployed with the same crew, in the same size of vehicle. Requires a crew of 2 to drive, but a minimum crew of 10 to deploy and operate. It can carry 10 tons of raw materials before deploying to help set up facilities. The MCV Gen 2 is 6 squares wide (30 ft), 10 squares (50 ft) long, providing full cover to its crew. Has two doors, one on each side of the cab, with a door at the rear to load supplies before being deployed, takes 2 full rounds to start the basic harvester. The cab has enough space for 10 crew members and supplies (food and water) for 2 days.

Crew: 2 to drive, 8 to deploy and operate
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 10 tons
Init: -4
Maneuver: -5
Top Speed: 50 (5)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 25
Hit Points: 180
Size: Colossal
Purchase DC: 40
Restriction: Lic (+1)
Accessories: NBC sealed, headlights, radio, GPS, construction yard
Notes: +4 Fort saves, Deploy. Obstacle breaker, GDI MCV can be carried by an Orca Carry All to move them about battlefields faster. NOD can use their equivalent to transport theirs.

Deploy - Once stopped at a suitable location, the crew and deploy the MCV from its vehicle form to a construction yard. This process takes 1 hour, after which the new construction yard can begin constructing components for buildings that it has stored in its databases.

Obstacle Breaker - Due to the size, weight and armour of the Mammoth, it can easily smash through obstacles such as low walls, or even into buildings. Obstructions that have a hardness/dr of 10 or less are easily crushed by the Mammoth, which includes such things as low walls, even small vehicles such as cars. When the Mammoth strikes such obstacles, this is considered a ram attack, resolve as normal (d20 page 160) plus deals an additional 5d6 which ignores 10 points of hardness. The Mammoth tank only takes 1/4 (one-quarter) damage from any ram or collisions, while a successful Reflex save reducing damage to the Mammoth to none.

Construction Yard Gen 2
This structure has a large main building with a rounded roof, large roll up door at the front, a large crane to the right of the door. The crew cab of the MCV becomes the main control center. Inside the main structure is a multitude of construction equipment, forges, welders, cutters, assembly lines operated by robots and limited AI all controlled from the control center. There are barracks for the operators, minimum of 8 to a maximum of 20. Can store 15 tons of raw materials inside. There are a number of small vehicles used to transport finished components and assemble them at the location of the new building's site if within 3 miles of the construction yard. Takes 2 hours per 15 hit points of building to be constructed, typically using up 12 tons per 15 hit points of raw materials.
Construction Yard is roughly 120 ft by 120 ft, 60 ft tall, with 180 hit points, hardness 20. Requires a crew of 8 to 20, has full NBC protection for occupants. Crane can lift 40 tons, height of 80 ft, horizontal reach of 30 feet.

MCV Gen 3
The third generation of MCV are saw huge improvements in the design, with improved miniaturization and automation to allow a larger facility to be deployed with the smaller crew, in the same size of vehicle, plus the vehicle carries a small reactor to power . Requires a crew of 2 to drive, but a minimum crew of 10 to deploy and operate. It can carry 15 tons of raw materials before deploying to help set up facilities. The MCV Gen 2 is 6 squares wide (30 ft), 10 squares (50 ft) long, providing full cover to its crew. Has two doors, one on each side of the cab, with a door at the rear to load supplies before being deployed, takes 2 full rounds to start the basic harvester. The cab has enough space for 10 crew members and supplies (food and water and air) for 3 days.

Crew: 2 to drive, 8 to deploy and operate
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 15 tons
Init: -4
Maneuver: -4
Top Speed: 50 (5)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 25
Hit Points: 200
Size: Colossal
Purchase DC: 41
Restriction: Lic (+1)
Accessories: NBC sealed, headlights, radio, GPS, construction yard
Notes: +4 Fort saves, Deploy. Obstacle breaker, GDI MCV can be carried by an Orca Carry All to move them about battlefields faster. NOD can use their equivalent to transport theirs.

Deploy - Once stopped at a suitable location, the crew and deploy the MCV from its vehicle form to a construction yard. This process takes 30 minutes, after which the new construction yard can begin constructing components for buildings that it has stored in its databases.

Obstacle Breaker - Due to the size, weight and armour of the vehicle, it can easily smash through obstacles such as low walls, or even into buildings. Obstructions that have a hardness/dr of 10 or less are easily crushed by the vehicle, which includes such things as low walls, even small vehicles such as cars. When the vehicle strikes such obstacles, this is considered a ram attack, resolve as normal (d20 page 160) plus deals an additional 5d6 which ignores 10 points of hardness. The vehicle tank only takes 1/4 (one-quarter) damage from any ram or collisions, while a successful Reflex save reducing damage to the vehicle to none.

Construction Yard Gen 3
This structure has a large main building with a rounded roof, large roll up door at the front, a large crane to the right of the door. The crew cab of the MCV becomes the main control center. Inside the main structure is a multitude of construction equipment, forges, welders, cutters, assembly lines operated by robots and limited AI all controlled from the control center. There are barracks for the operators, minimum of 6 to a maximum of 20. Can store 30 tons of raw materials inside. There are a number of small vehicles used to transport finished components and assemble them at the location of the new building's site if within 3 miles of the construction yard. Takes 1 hours per 10 hit points of building to be constructed, typically using up 10 tons per 10 hit points of raw materials. The generator not only powers the Construction yard, but can power one other building, such as a barracks or small field hospital, but nothing energy intensive such as war factory, research facilities or similar type buildings
Construction Yard is roughly 120 ft by 120 ft, 60 ft tall, with 200 hit points, hardness 20. Requires a crew of 8 to 20, has full NBC protection for occupants. Crane can lift 50 tons, height of 80 ft, horizontal reach of 30 feet.

Atlas MCV
The Atlas MCV is a modified GDI MCV Gen 3 built by Starfleet Engineering Corps, for use in areas where shuttles and anti-grav vehicles can't be used. The Atlas looks similar to the GDI MCV, but with slightly angular design, filled with Federation technology, with advanced tools and replicators.
The automatic systems are far more advanced, with the addition of replicators, and components held in a pattern buffer, the Atlas is capable of deploying a far larger facility, and is capable of undeploying to move again. The hull is fitted with polarized hull plating for additional protection as a tougher hull was thought more resistant to dangers of falling debris and rockslides than deflector shields would. A single light phaser is added to the roof for additional defense but sees more use as an alternate drilling, cutting or even welding tool in an emergency. Emergency transporters are installed in the event that the vehicle would be destroyed the crew can teleport up to 10 km away.
The Atlas MCV is 6 squares wide (30 ft), 10 squares (50 ft) long, providing full cover to its crew. Has two doors, one on each side of the cab, with a door at the rear to load supplies before being deployed, takes 2 full rounds to start the basic harvester. The cab has enough space for 10 crew members and supplies (food and water and air) for 7 days.

Crew: 2 to drive, 5 to deploy and operate
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 20 tons
Init: -3
Maneuver: -3
Top Speed: 60 (6)
Defense: 9
Hardness: 20
Hit Points: 180
Size: Colossal
Purchase DC: 41
Restriction: Res (+2) United Federation of Planets
Accessories: NBC sealed, headlights, subspace radio, GPS, construction yard, emergency transporter
Notes: +4 Fort saves, Deploy.

Deploy - Once stopped at a suitable location, the crew and deploy the MCV from its vehicle form to a construction yard. This process takes 10 minutes, after which the new construction yard can begin constructing components for buildings that it has stored in its databases. Can undeploy, changing back to a vehicle, taking 30 minutes.

Atlas Construction Yard
This structure has a large main building with angular designs, a large crane to the right of the door that is fitted with anti-grav and magnetic grapplers and tractor emitter. The crew cab of the MCV becomes the main control center. Inside the main structure is a multitude of construction equipment, forges, welders, cutters, industrial replicators, assembly lines operated by robots and all controlled from the control center. There are barracks for the operators, minimum of 5 to a maximum of 20. Can store 100 tons of raw materials inside. There are a number of small vehicles used to transport finished components and assemble them at the location of the new building's site if within 10 miles of the construction yard. Takes 30 hours per 10 hit points of building to be constructed, typically using up 8 tons per 10 hit points of raw materials. The generator not only powers the Construction yard, but can power three other building, such as a barracks or small field hospital, or one energy intensive building such as war factory, research facilities or similar type buildings, including small defensive weapon emplacements (3 such small facilities).
Once deployed, two phaser type 1 are available for protection, or to assist in breaking down raw or scrap material into usable sizes to be used within the building.
Construction Yard is roughly 200 ft by 200 ft, 80 ft tall, with 180 hit points, hardness 20. Requires a crew of 6 to 20, has full NBC protection and environmental protection for occupants. Crane can lift 80 tons, height of 100 ft, horizontal reach of 100 feet.





Dam Type

Range Incr

Rate of Fire



Phaser Type 1




500 ft


50 shot capacity


The Atlas MCV has large replicators to allow the engineering crew to create any tools, equipment and materials they need to perform repairs or complete a project.

Emergency Transporters
The Atlas MCV is fitted with an emergency transporter system that when the hull reaches 0 hit points (while polarized the Atlas MCV will remain intact but with holes up to -10 hit points) will immediately transport up to 10 living beings inside to a safe location within 10 km (16 miles) away. This can be overridden with a command from a crew member to allow the crew to gather equipment and gear, but the system will re-engage at -5 hit point then again at -10 hit points if the command is overridden again at -5 hit points.

Polarized Hull Plating Defensive System
An early defensive system developed for Starfleet in the mid 2100s, before deflector shield technology, a ship would be fitted with hull plating relays that would polarize the hull, strengthening the hull and making it more resistant to damage. It also has the advantage of making the ship more difficult to lock onto with most grappling systems. Activating Polarized Hull Plating takes a standard action, granting +5 to the ships hardness, and as long as the system has power (50% chance of this power not being interrupted) and active before the ship reaches 0 hit points, increases the ship's destruction threshold by 50%, and the ship only loses 1 hit point every 2 rounds. Most ships will have a separate power supply just for this system. Unfortunately a ship can not run this system indefinitely, and can only remain running for a maximum of 30 minutes before requiring at least 10 minutes of being inactive.
This can be used while in vehicle or building forms.
PDC: 5 + one half base PDC of starship.

Phaser Type 1
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 1d10 as a free action once per round. The Type 1 phaser, an earlier model, found on shuttles and other small vehicles or small civilian craft. The phaser has a 50 shot capacity, recharges 1 shot every 1 minute of inactivity. Can be used as a welder or similar to a fusion torch but with a range of 50 feet.
Damage: 6d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 500 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship/Vehicle Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Res (+2)


Along with new locations, technologies and species brought to life by Cluless, many from video games, along came Power Ups and Achievements, and the benefits that come with them.

Untouchable - You've escaped fights without a scratch. Survive 50 combat encounters without taking any damage. You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense can use against a selected target, similar to the Dodge Feat, can stack with any other Dodge bonus. This bonus can be used against the same target as the Dodge feat, or another target you can see within 50 feet.

Veteran - You've been in many fire fights and continue to fight. Live through 50 combat encounters, killing at least 1 opponent in each one. Gain one of the following once: 1 +5 hit points; 2 gain +1 to attack rolls; 3 +1 to all damage rolls; 4 gain +1 to one save (Fort, Reflex or Will); 5 +1 to 1 skill; 6 increase fixed numeric value provided by 1 talent by +1. Gain +1 Reputation.

Survivor - You've been shot, stabbed, blown up, crushed and knocked down, but you get back up again. Successfully make save to Stabilize while dying (at -1 or lower hit points) 50 times. Add half (round down) Will save to Stabilizing saves.

Sniper - Kill 10 targets while using aiming action and using a rifle. Gain an additional +1 to attack rolls while using aiming action.

Team Player - You work well with others. Flank an opponent with an ally 50 times. When flanking now you and ally gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls. Gain +1 to checks to hire NPCs to work with you.

Death From Above - Kill 50 opponents when you are more than 10 feet above them. When you attack an opponent from above, you deal an additional +1 per die of damage.

Killer - Kill 50 members of a specific race/type of enemy. Gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against this type of enemy. Gain +1 Reputation, suffer -1 to Diplomacy checks against this specific race/type of enemy.

Slayer - Kill 100 of a specific race/type of enemy. Gain +2 to attack and damage rolls against this type of enemy. Gain +2 Reputation, suffer -2 to Diplomacy checks against this specific race/type of enemy.

Executioner - Kill 200 of a specific race/type of enemy. Gain +3 to attack and damage rolls against this type of enemy. Gain +3 Reputation, suffer -3 to Diplomacy checks against this specific race/type of enemy.

Up Close And Personal - Kill 100 enemies with the same melee weapon. Gain +1 to damage rolls with this weapon. Gain +1 Reputation.

David vs Goliath - Kill 50 living opponents at least two sizes larger than you. Gain +1 to attack and +1d6 damage against targets 2 sizes larger than you.

Juicing It Up - Kill 50 enemies while using some kind of Power Up. Power Ups have their duration increased by 25% (round down).

Artisan - Craft 15 different items. Gain +1 to 1 Craft skill.

Craft master - Craft 30 different items. Gain additional +1 to Craft skill from Artisan bonus.

Master Crafter - Craft same item 30 times. Reduce time to craft this item by half and gain +1 to Craft checks to craft this item. Gain +1 Reputation and checks, except Craft, related to the item.

Fanatical Believer - You believe so much in your faction/religion/cause, that you've killed many of the enemies of your faction/religion/cause. Actively target and kill 50 members of an enemy of your faction/religion/cause. Gain +1 Reputation, gain +2 to checks relating positively to your faction/religion/cause, but suffer -2 with the enemy group. Also gain +1 to Initiative and Attack rolls against the enemy of your faction/religion/cause.

Fastest Gun - You're quick to draw a weapon and attack first. Win first in Initiative order in 50 combat encounters and attack in the first round, successfully dealing damage. When you are first in Initiative order and attack first, you gain +2d6 points of damage for that first attack only. Gain +1 reputation.

Fighter Ace - You've destroyed 10 fighters (air or space). Gain +1 Reputation.

Fighter Veteran - You've survived multiple dogfights. Fight in and survive 50 combat engagements as a pilot or crew of fighter/bomber air or space craft, and destroy at least 1 opponent in each encounter. Gain +1 Reputation and Gain one of the following once: 1 +2 to Pilot checks; 2 gain +1 to attack rolls; 3 +1 per die to all damage rolls with ship weapons; 4 gain +1 to one save (Fort, Reflex or Will); 5 +1 Dodge Defense; 6 increase fixed numeric value provided by 1 talent by +1.


The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE) is a six legged multipurpose military ground walker and tank used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars and for several years after the formation of the Galactic Empire. These armoured vehicles are armed with six lasers, four forward mounted around the driver's cockpit, two on the rear, and a mass driver in a turret on top. Required a minimum crew of 7, driver and a spotter in the forward compartment, four gunners/support crew, two in the forward and two in the rear sections of the main hull, and the main turret gunner. Although it can run with a bare minimum of 2, but most weapons can't be used. The AT-TE can transport 20 troops, up to 40 tons of cargo. The hull is pressurized and has air supply for 3 weeks, allowing it to function in the vacuum of space.
Measuring 72 feet long (15 squares), 31.4 feet wide (6 squares), 18.7 feet tall not counting the turret, for at total 9.57 feet, with a maximum speed of 37 mph, which does make it slow, but it is very stable, and can move with four legs, but slower. The feet are fitted with terrain sensors, tractor-field generators and magnets, allowing it to climb sheer surfaces and even ferrous metal surfaces, allowing it to travel virtually anywhere. The AT-TE's hull is shielded against EMPs and ion weapons

In Coreline, these walkers can be found in several militaries or mercenary groups as they are excellent transports for both personnel and cargo, able to function in most environments and providing heavy strike capabilities with the mass driver. A few variants have been developed, including stripped down versions for civilian use with construction equipment mounted on the turret for work in hazardous locations.

Crew: 7 (minimum 2)
Passengers: 20
Cargo: 40 tons
Init: -3
Maneuver: -3
Top Speed: 65 (6)
Defense: 6
Hardness: 20
Hit Points: 85
Size: Colossal
Purchase DC: 42
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Military radio, headlights, first aid kit x5, sensors equivalent to mech mk III sensors, weapon link to HUD, 1 mass driver cannon, 4 lasers, satellite communications, motion sensor 200 ft, 3 week air supply, rations and water for 2 weeks, NBC, magnetic feet, tractor feet.
Notes: Rough Terrain Design, +4 Fort against airborne poisons, diseases, radiation, +5 Drive checks to prevent being knocked off course, passengers and crew except mass driver canon gunner has full cover, while the gunner has only one-half cover.
Rough Terrain Design - All penalties for rough terrain are reduced by three-quarters (round down)
Climbing - The AT-TE is able to climb hills and mountains, capable of climbing any surface that can support its weight, including metallic surfaces, but at half speed, with a bonus to Climb skill of +5, with a successful Drive check.
EMP/Ion Resistance - The vehicle is immune to EMP blasts, and against ion (Star Wars) weapons has a resistance of 20.
Legs - The legs are armoured, but can be destroyed. Each leg can be attacked with targeted attacks suffering -3 to attack rolls, requiring 25 points of damage to disable. Each leg disabled reduces speed by 5 and -1 to Drive checks. The AT-TE can function with as little as 3 legs, with at least 2 on one side, however it'll be slow and unwieldy.
Weapons - The four forward lasers can target individual targets in the front half arc of the AT-TE, or can target the same target fire-linked (damage changes to 6d10). The rear two lasers can cover the rear half of the vehicle, with one laser covering each rear quarter, or both in a 45 degree arc. Each laser can be automated attack with a +4 attack roll, with an initiative of +3, have full access to the AT-TE's sensors for detecting hiding troops, and can only attack once per round.

DamageCritTypeRange InrcRate of FireMagazine
Laser (6)4d1020/x2Fire175 ftSemiUnlimited
Mass driver cannonVaries Varies300 ftSingle75

Mass Driver Cannon

This launcher uses magnetic principles to launch a physical round, typically a KEW round. It has a magazine capable of carrying 3 different types of munitions. This allows the craft to fire a variety of projectiles for different missions. The launcher has a range increment of 300 ft, capable of firing out to 20 range increments.
Incendiary - This projectile is packed with incendiary chemicals to burn large areas. Deals 7d6 fire to a 30 foot area, Reflex DC 16 for half, deals 3d6 fire damage for 2d4 rounds. PDC 17 for 5 rounds.
KEW - This is a solid projectile that has a discarding sabot, shaped for armour piercing, used against targets with particle shielding against normal missiles. Deals 4d12, ignores 10 points of hardness, bypasses shielding. PDC 19 for 5 projectiles.
Fragment - This projectile, upon detonation releases shards of sharp metal over a large area that is deadly to infantry, but can also be used against aerial targets. Deals 6d6 slashing damage to a 40 ft radius, Reflex DC 18 for half damage. Organic creatures also suffer 1 point of bleeding damage each round, requiring a Treat Injury check DC 14 and 1 minute work, to stop, or magical healing. PDC 17 for 5.


Civilian AT-TE
The civilian version has lighter armour and lacks the weapons, but due to this lightening, thus allowing for heavier cargo loads to be carried.
Make the following changes to create a Civilian AT-TE:
Remove all weapons,
Reduce Hardness to 15;
Increase speed to 70 (7);
Increase cargo capacity to 50 tons with no passengers;
Reduce sensors to equivalent to mech class II sensors;
Remove military radio & replace with standard radio/comm systems;
PDC 39 Lic (+1)


Construction Unit
This fits the Civilian AT-TE with a heavy crane, with magnetic claw ends, two heavy wenches with 500 ft of heavy reinforced cables each, four robotic arms with variety of tools, four search lights. The four robotic arms are fitted with buzzsaws, cutting and welding fusion torches and multitools, with a 15 foot reach around the AT-TE, with two on the front on either side of the driver's section, and two in the rear, with an added controller booth. The heavy crane can reach out to 30 ft past the AT-TE, lift 20 tons, with mechanical claws and magnetic grappling (+20 to grapple checks with the cranes). Each wench is able to support 5 tons. Requires a crew of 5, able to carry 10 tons of cargo internally.
PDC: +2

Elite AT-TE
This version of the AT-TE are ones found by the Alliance to Restore the Republic and upgraded, adding additional armour, upgrading the lasers, adding protection for the mass driver cannon gunner.
Make following changes to AT-TE to make Elite AT-TE:
Increase hit points to 90;
Increase hardness to 22;
Increase damage of lasers by +1d10 (total of 5d10);
Reduce speed to 60 (6);
PDC +1 Military Rebel Alliance

The AT-TES is a siege version of the AT-TE, removing the mass driver cannon and replacing it with a light turbo laser. The turret is also larger and has a fully enclosed gunner position instead of the open version the standard AT-TE has. The troop transport compartment is much smaller, with the internal space filled with power generators to power the powerful weapon, and a shield generator installed for added protection. For additional protection, particularly against aircraft is a pair of concussion missile launchers. The troop transport capacity is reduced to 4 troopers, typically armed with either shoulder mounted missile launchers or e-web type weapons to protect the AT-TES against infantry and fast light vehicles. The AT-TES are used against fortified locations and buildings, but the turbolaser can be used to attack ships in low orbit, allowing them to be fairly mobile and concealable planetary defense weapons.
Make following changes to AT-TE to make AT-TES:
Add shield generator with 100 hit points, regenerates 5 HP per round doesn't take damage;
Replace Mass Driver Cannon with Light Turbolaser (dedicated generators provides unlimited power);
Add 2 Concussion Missile launchers with 4 missiles each (8 total)
Reduce troop capacity to 4 troopers;
Increase crew to 8;
PDC: +2

The Turbolaser can attack ships in low orbit (about 3 million feet), but must be shuttle or larger size, but suffers -15 to attack rolls. If allied ships in orbit share information and warn of enemy ships, can reduce this penalty to -8 (due to range increments). The AT-TES must be immobile to fire the turbolaser, but can move while firing the smaller lasers.

Concussion Missiles
Concussion missiles are a type of short range anti-vehicle missile generally deployed by a starship, vehicle mounted or even shoulder launchers. Their small size and maneuverability make them excellent anti-fighter weapons and giving fighters a heavy, if limited payload, punch besides their energy weapons.

Concussion Missile (PL6)
Damage: 10d10
Critical: 19-20x2
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Large
Purchase DC: 23
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: +2 to target ships of shuttle types or smaller.

Light Turbolaser
Light Turbolasers are light capital ship level lasers more powerful than lasers found on starships, however they have lower fire rates than those found on fighters. These weapons are also not as accurate at targeting fast moving targets suffering -1 to strike any ships of Ultralight size or smaller.

Light Turbolaser (PL6)
Damage: 10d8, ignore 15 points of DR/hardness
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 9500 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 39
Restriction: Military (+3)

M-12A Beetle
The M-12A Beetle is the US military's variant of the AT-TE, as an all terrain and atmosphere tank. The lasers are all replaced with .50 cal machine guns, the mass driver replaced with 120mm cannon based on the M1 Abrams tank. The switch to complete ballistic weapons allows the vehicle alter the ammunition to suit the situation, such as special materials, armour piercing, etc. To combat the slow speed, the M-12A has six wheels under the hull that it can lower down onto, lift the legs and drive upon, however the off road capability of the wheel system isn't as good, but in flat terrain or in urban areas, the wheels allow it to move about much faster.
Make following changes to AT-TE to make M-12A Beetle:
Add wheels to give land speed 80 (8);
Reduce passenger capacity to 16;
Add Switch Motivation System;
Replace lasers with .50 cal machine guns (2d12, 110 ft, ballistic);
Replace Mass Driver Cannon with 120mm cannon;
PDC +1

120mm Tank Cannon10d12*20Ball150 ftSingle120 rounds
M2HB Heavy Machine Gun (6)2d1220Ball110 ftS, ALinked (3000 rds ea)
Smoke Grenade Launcher (2)none-None50 ftSemi12 grenades

The 120mm Tank Cannon has space and loading mechanism that holds a total of 80 rounds, which can hold up to 5 different types of rounds. The 120mm is capable of firing up to 20 range increments in a ballistic manner, particularly with the aid of spotters and laser designators.
The stats are for a solid round, with specialty rounds as the following:
APFSDS - Armour Piercing Fin Stabilizing Discarding Sabot is a heavy anti-armour round, ignores 20 points of hardness, increase range incr to 200 ft, deals 8d12, ballistic damage. PDC 14 for 5 rounds.
HEAT - High Explosive Anti-Tank round, deals 6d12 fire damage to target, ignoring 10 points of hardness and damages a 30 foot radius area, Reflex save DC 15 for half. PDC 13 for 5 rounds.
M1028 Anti-Personnel Cannister - Creates a shotgun effect that spreads from the muzzle, deals 5d12 ballistic damage to a 200 foot long, 100 foot wide cone, Reflex save DC 20 for half damage. PDC 13 for 5 rounds.
M908 Obstacle-Reduction Round - A modified HEAT round that replaces the front fuse with a steel nose for penetration. Ignores 15 points of hardness, deals 5d12 fire damage to target and 15 foot radius. If the ability to ignore hardness is 5 or more points greater than the target's hardness, the round penetrates the object and deals its damage to all on the other side, increase Reflex DC by +5. This round is particularly useful against walls and barriers, punching a large hole and clearing the other side of any infantry.

The M2HB heavy machine guns can carry 3 different types of ammunition and switching between the different rounds is a free action once per round.

Switch Motivation System

As a move equivalent action once per round, the driver can switch from the standard 6 legs, to lower the M-12A to its 6 wheels with the legs folding up, giving it slightly better speed on roads. Speed changes to 80 (8), with Initiative and Maneuver change to -2 each. Rough terrain penalties while in this mode are only reduced by one quarter (1/4). The M-12A can be moving when it switches between wheels and legs, or vice versa, but can't be moving faster than half speed (of either modes)


With the advent of time, some ships get some upgrades, even without using technologies from other sources.
The D4 saw a few upgrades. Reposted D4 base stats for reference.

D4 Class Klingon Patrol Ship
The D4 Class is a small Klingon patrol ship, from the Kelvin Timeline, with a narrow body, two wings that can pivot up or down for improved atmospheric maneuverability, and various thrusters for incredible maneuverability in space. Armed with twin disruptors mounted on the top of the wings, close to the wing junctures with the fuselage, and four hatches on its underside to allow the rapid deployment of troops from rappelling lines. These ships are usually deployed in groups of 2 to 4, where one will bait a target while the other three strike from hidden positions or move in and out of strike range, harassing larger targets.

In Coreline, the Klingon Empire uses the D4s to patrol border systems, or sells them to allied systems. Many have turned up in pirate and raider groups as the ships make excellent rapid strike craft

D4 Class (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: System Patrol Craft
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft, 2000 (200) vehicle scale atmospheric, perfect maneuverability, able to hover
Defense: 7 (+2 Dex +3 Class) 8 with +1 Dodge
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 6
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 15d20 (300 hp) shields 375 hp
Initiative Modifier: +3
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 101 ft
Weight: 40,000 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 2 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 6
Cargo Capacity: 400 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 54
Restriction: Mil (+3)

2 Fire-linked Disruptor cannon -6 ranged 18d12

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the design, the D4 enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers, and +1 Initiative.

Standard PL(6-7) Design Spec:, Agile ship, transporters, rappel lines, drop doors
Engines: thrusters, Warp Drive (Warp 4)
Armour: vanadium
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot, sensor jammer
Sensors: Class IV, targeting system
Communications: Radiotransceiver, subspace transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked disruptor cannons type 1
Grappling Systems: none

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

Disruptor Cannon Type 1
Disruptors are a type of energy weapon, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, and are capable of only 2 power levels. They are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. Can switch between 6d12 lower power or 12d12 full power shots.
Damage: 12d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 41
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

Drop Doors & Rappel Lines
The D4 is equipped with four small hatches on its underside with rappelling lines that allow 4 troops to drop up to 30 feet on the lines with no falling damage, without the ship having to land. The lines can be used to raise troops from the ground using the same lines. Lifting a medium sized creature up 20 feet per round. The lines are 60 feet long.


D4 Mk2
The D4 Mk2 saw a few updates including upgraded warp drive to a maximum speed of warp 5.5, a cloaking device, and modified weapons that was experimental and not seen on many other vessels as the results were not always replicated on other ships even with the same weapon modifications. While cloaked, the ship can not fire weapons and shields do not work while it is active, but once deactivated, the shields can be activated in same round.
Make following changes to make a D4 Mk2:
Increase crew to 4;
Reduce cargo capacity to 300 lbs;
Increase maximum warp speed 5.5;
Add cloaking screen;
Add Relentless Hunting;
PDC +2

Relentless Hunting
When the weapons of the ship successfully score a critical hit, if using the optional critical hit rules, increase the roll by +5%. If not using the optional critical hit rules, deals an additional 25% damage, after multiplying damage rolls by critical modifier. Additionally, the weapons deal +1 die of damage for 5 rounds, plus an additional +1 die of damage for each additional successful critical hit that deals damage, with the time the bonus damage extended by 2 rounds. However this bonus damage only lasts, during the time, as long as the ship's weapons deal damage each round.

D4 Refit
The D4 Refit can be applied to all D4s, it upgrades the shielding and adds additional armour plating, making it far more resilient to damage, unfortunately the weight and power draw of the modified shields reduces its sublight speeds.
Make following changes to any D4:
Reduce tactical speed by -500 ft;
Increase hardness by +5;
Shields gain DR 50 against energy attacks, not counting acid and concussion, and DR 30 against all over forms except acid;
PDC: 54, takes minimum 1 week to upgrade to an existing ship.

Direct Hit

This option upgrades the weapon's piercing capability. Against a ship with shields, the weapon has its critical threat range increased by 1 (now 19-20x3). When attacking a shield with no shields, or shields not operative, weapons gain the ability to ignore hardness/DR 15.
PDC: 46


Arkonian Battleship
Arkonian Battleships are ships built by the reptilian race the Arkonians in the mid 2200s, that have an oblong forward section, a narrow mid-section that joins the rear engineering section, with two armoured warp nacelles mounted on the lower sides, with upsweep wings extending from the warp nacelles, which mount the ship's main weapons, a pair of disruptors. Mounted on the lower front of the forward section is a photon torpedo launcher with a large payload of torpedoes. There are lighter disruptors in turrets to cover the sides and rear. The ship is surprisingly well armoured, unfortunately the shields are weaker than other ships of similar size. While the design seems similar to Andorian ships, they are notable for 'spikes' that line the dorsal surface, resembling the spikes on Aarkonian heads. Under the forward section is the shuttlebay that can carry 6 Arkonian Patrol Ships and an additional 4 shuttles.
While many of these ships are used by the Arkonian Military to protect their systems and patrol their space, many are used by Arkonian mercenaries, or even sold off.

In combat, if the Arkonian battleship is alone, it will typically have 2 Patrol ships patrolling farther out in the system which can arrive to reinforce the battleship. If fighting 1 ship it will engage the first round with type 2 disruptors and photon torpedoes, using disruptors each round, firing torpedoes every other round. The Patrol ships in system will arrive within 1d4 rounds. If there are more than 2 enemy ships, the Arkonian battleship will launch a patrol ship each round. The patrol ships will work in pairs to attack a single target while the battleship focuses on one. If the battleship has suffered more than 30% damage to its hull, the patrol ships will try to flank and surround the strongest opponent.

Arkonian Battleship (PL6-7)
Type: Mediumweight
Subtype: Battlecruisers
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3000 ft
Defense: 7, 8 with dodge
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 200d20 (4000 hp) shield 2500 hp
Initiative Modifier: +6
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 759 ft
Weight: 23,700 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 130 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 20 (typically dedicated soldiers)
Cargo Capacity: 3000 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 61
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Forward arc 2 Fire-Linked Disruptor Type 2 cannon -3 ranged 12d12, and Disruptor Type 1 cannon -8 ranged 12d12; or
Disruptor Type 1 cannon -3 ranged (12d12, turret) and Disruptor Type 1 cannon -8 ranged 12d12 (or photon torpedo (varies));
Forward arc 2 Fire-Linked Disruptor Type 2 cannon -3 ranged 12d12, and Photon Torpedo -8 ranged varies

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6-7) Design Spec:, Agile ship, transporters, sickbay, replicators, shuttlebay (6 Arkonian Patrol ships, room for 4 additional shuttles, launch 1 per round)
Engines: thrusters, Warp Drive (Warp 6)
Armour: Layered Heavy Ditanium Alloy
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot, damage control system (3d10), sensor jammer
Sensors: Class III, targeting system
Communications: Radiotransceiver, subspace transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire disruptor cannon type 2, 2 disruptor cannon type 1 (turrets), 1 photon torpedo launcher (100 torpedoes each)
Grappling Systems: tractor beam

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

Light Shields
These shields are lighter than advanced shields (which combine shield and field technology, but are a bit weaker than both combined) and standard shields, providing less protection. This type of shielding is usually put on civilian craft or inexpensive light combat craft. These shields only add 10 hp per HD of the ship equal to one-fourth the starship's overall Hit Dice (rounded down, minimum of 1).
PDC: Shield type -2.
Restriction: None
Note: Can be combined with Advanced Shield versions.

Disruptor Cannon Type 1
Disruptors are a type of energy weapon, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, and are capable of only 2 power levels. They are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. Can switch between 6d12 lower power or 12d12 full power shots.
Damage: 12d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 41
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

Disruptor Cannon Type 2
Disruptors are a type of energy weapon, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. The Type 2 saw improvements in rate of fire and has three power levels, switching between 6d12, 9d12 or 12d12 full power shots.
Damage: 12d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi, Automatic
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 42
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Layered Armour
The ship has layered and interlocking armour, granting a 50% increase to the hardness of the armour, as well as the benefits of Fortification, 50% chance to convert critical hits into regular hits.

Heavy Ditanium Alloy (PL5-6)
Heavy Ditanium alloy is an alloy that was used to replace titanium, combining Duranium into the alloy to create a new type of armour and superstructure, in the use of military craft and especially space craft as it had some inherent abilities to block some of the radiation encountered in space.
Hardness: 20
Base Purchase Modifier: 14 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship.

Arkonian Patrol Ship
This type of craft is a shuttle sized patrol ship built by the Arkonians in the 2200s, manned by a single pilot, used to patrol space that their carrier ships are in. They had a half-circle hull with the curve as the leading edge, with cockpit and engine section curving up from the top. The ship is armed with a pair of disruptor blasters type 1s. They are quite fast and have layered armour similar to larger Arkonian ships, as well as light shielding.
While patrolling they may range individually from their carrier ship if in friendly or neutral space, but otherwise work in pairs, flying in a wing.

Arkonian Patrol Ship (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Shuttle (orbital)
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 4500 ft
Defense: 13
Flat-Footed Defense: 11
Autopilot Defense: 9
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 5d20 (100 HP) shields 63 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 33 ft (width)
Weight: 22,010 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 6
Cargo Capacity: 100 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 48
Restriction: Mil +3

2 fire linked disruptor blaster type 1 +1 ranged 10d12, 20x3, fire/energy, 4000 ft.

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech
Engines: thrusters, ion engine
Armour: layered heavy ditanium alloy
Defense Systems: autopilot
Sensors: Class II, targeting systems
Communications: Radio transceiver, subspace receiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked disruptor blaster type 1
Grappling Systems: none

Layered Armour
The ship has layered and interlocking armour, granting a 50% increase to the hardness of the armour, as well as the benefits of Fortification, 50% chance to convert critical hits into regular hits.

Heavy Ditanium Alloy (PL5-6)
Heavy Ditanium alloy is an alloy that was used to replace titanium, combining Duranium into the alloy to create a new type of armour and superstructure, in the use of military craft and especially space craft as it had some inherent abilities to block some of the radiation encountered in space.
Hardness: 20
Base Purchase Modifier: 14 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship.

Disruptor Blaster Type 1
Disruptor blasters are early disruptor based weapons, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, and are capable of only 2 power levels. They are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. Can switch between 4d12 lower power or 7d12 full power shots.
Damage: 7d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 37
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Note: -1 to attack


Discovery Class
The Discovery class is a United Earth scout ship produced after the success of the NX program, fitted with Warp 5 engines with a maximum speed of Warp 5.5. The Discovery were used to map out areas, function as scouts, and during times of war as interceptors. The hull was a flattened tube, with a short narrow forward section that contains the bridge and sensor, with the two warp nacelles mounted at the rear on short up swept pylons. Armed with two phase cannons, one fore under the chin, and one rear mounted on the dorsal surface, a single forward spatial torpedo launcher, as photonic torpedoes were not deemed a necessary expense on a scout ship, and polarized hull plating for defense. The ship had a unique energy distribution system that allowed it to temporarily give its engines a huge boost in power, making it quite fast in sublight, and for very short periods, much faster at warp 6.5.

Discovery Class (PL6)
Type: Light
Subtype: Corvette/Scout
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 7 (-8 size +2 Dex +3 Pilot)
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 15 (20 polarized)
Hit Dice: 38d20 (760 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 454.5 ft
Weight: 82,000 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 30 Trained (+4)
Passenger Capacity: 10
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 47
Restriction: Res (+2)

Phased cannon -3 ranged 12d10 (front or rear arc); or
Spatial Torpedo -3 ranged varies*

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, Shuttle pod bay (space for 2 shuttle pods, carries 1 standard), Engine Overcharge
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 5.5)
Armour: ditanium
Defense Systems: polarized hull plating, autopilot
Sensors: Class III
Communications: radio transceiver, drivesat comm array
Weapons: two phased cannons, spatial torpedo launcher (30 torpedoes)
Grappling Systems: Grappler

Engine Overcharge
This system is part of the energy distribution system, especially linking to the engines. This functions similar to an afterburner system, allowing the pilot to make an Afterburn maneuver, increasing tactical speed by 1000 ft (2 sq). Able to function for 10 rounds at a time before requiring a 5 round cool down, but if used for less than 5 rounds at a time, only requires 1 round cool down. Alternatively, can be used to temporarily boost the warp speed to by +1 warp factor for 20 minutes, after which the warp speed drops to Warp 4 for an hour before can be used again.

Polarized Hull Plating Defensive System
An early defensive system developed for Starfleet in the mid 2100s, before deflector shield technology, a ship would be fitted with hull plating relays that would polarize the hull, strengthening the hull and making it more resistant to damage. It also has the advantage of making the ship more difficult to lock onto with most grappling systems. Activating Polarized Hull Plating takes a standard action, granting +5 to the ships hardness, and as long as the system has power (50% chance of this power not being interrupted) and active before the ship reaches 0 hit points, increases the ship's destruction threshold by 50%, and the ship only loses 1 hit point every 2 rounds. Most ships will have a separate power supply just for this system. Unfortunately a ship can not run this system indefinitely, and can only remain running for a maximum of 30 minutes before requiring at least 10 minutes of being inactive.
PDC: 5 + one half base PDC of starship.

Phased Cannon
Phased cannons are the precursor to phaser weapons, a phased energy beam weapon that had variable energy output. Usually mounted on retractable semi turrets to give them field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5000 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 40
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Spatial Torpedo
Spatial torpedoes are larger versions of spatial charges, capable of carrying a larger charge and affecting a larger area.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 5d8 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 1000 ft square (on a planet 1000 ft radius maximum), and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 18d8, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 15 for half damage when set for area damage. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target, in which case to a single target the weapon gains ignore hardness/damage +1/die over 3. So if damage is set to 4d8 and affects only a single target gains ignore hardness/Dr 2
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 28
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Discovery Class Mk2
The Mk2 version of the Discovery class were produced, or upgraded, shortly after the start of the Earth-Romulan War. The weapons are upgraded to pulsed phase cannons, with the spatial torpedo launcher magazine upgraded to hold 50 torpedoes. Armour is slightly improved, but not by much as the United Earth forces wanted to keep the speed up for use as interceptors. With that thought, the engines were boosted, improving both sublight and Warp speed.
Make following changes to Discovery to make Discovery Mk2:
Increase Hit Dice to 39 (780 hp);
Increase tactical speed to 4000 ft;
Increase Warp speed to Warp 5.9;
Increase Hardness to 17 (22 when polarized hull activated);
Replace Phased Cannons with Pulsed Phased Cannons;
Attack bonus increases by +1;
PDC +1

Pulsed Phased Cannon
These weapons are improved versions of the phased cannon in that it has improved rate of fire, range and accuracy, however they have the same damage ratings.
Has the same variable energy output as phased cannons, but enjoy a +1 to attack rolls. Usually mounted on retractable semi turrets to give them field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 41
Restriction: Mil (+3)


Arkonian Interceptor
This ship has a flat wing forward section with two 'blade' like structures on each side that jut forward and behind the wing body, with the command section mounted on a raised part in the middle of the wing body. A narrow rear section that extends above the hull with a slight fish tail-like structure, that contains the impulse engines. This smaller craft was used by the Arkonian military as an interceptor, armed with two torpedo launchers and a single disruptor.
These ships are used to patrol the Arkonian home world and major colonies, or as rapid response craft, pirate interception and light escort craft. They race ahead of battleships to harass and distract larger targets to allow the battleships to approach without being attacked before unleashing their own weaponry and carried patrol craft. The ships were built in late 2200s as cheaper military craft to supplement the battleships and patrol craft before the Arkonian military developed replacements.

In combat these craft will fire all their weapons in the first round if possible, then switch to the disruptor the following round as the torpedo launchers have limited ammunition, typically used every other round. If working with Arkonian battleships and patrol ships, they will race ahead with the patrol ships, adding the heavier power of their photon torpedoes, typically working with one or two wings to flank opponents, leaving them open for when the battleships are in range. They will attack to disable when paired with battleships usually so the troops from the battleships can board the craft, but in wartime conditions and disabling isn't an option, they will attack the same target until destroyed, or if a battleship is suffering damage, move to attack its attacker.

Arkonian Interceptor (PL6-7)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Escort
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft
Defense: 7, 8 with dodge
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 18d20 (360 hp) shield 180 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 190 ft
Weight: 856 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 20 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 2
Cargo Capacity: 15 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 53
Restriction: Mil (+3)

2 Fire-Linked photon torpedoes -3 ranged varies, and Disruptor Type 2 cannon -8 ranged 12d12; or
Disruptor Type 2 cannon -3 ranged (12d12) and Disruptor Type 1 cannon -8 ranged 12d12 (or photon torpedo (varies));

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6-7) Design Spec:, Agile ship, transporters, sickbay, replicators
Engines: thrusters, Warp Drive (Warp 6)
Armour: Layered Heavy Ditanium Alloy
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot, damage control system (3d10), sensor jammer
Sensors: Class III, targeting system
Communications: Radiotransceiver, subspace transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked photon torpedo launchers (50 torpedoes each), 1 Disruptor type 2
Grappling Systems:

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

Light Shields
These shields are lighter than advanced shields (which combine shield and field technology, but are a bit weaker than both combined) and standard shields, providing less protection. This type of shielding is usually put on civilian craft or inexpensive light combat craft. These shields only add 10 hp per HD of the ship equal to one-fourth the starship's overall Hit Dice (rounded down, minimum of 1).
PDC: Shield type -2.
Restriction: None
Note: Can be combined with Advanced Shield versions.

Disruptor Cannon Type 2
Disruptors are a type of energy weapon, typically thoron-based giving them a typically green coloured energy bolt, with high damage potential, but lack the multiple settings, are shorter ranged than phasers, and not as accurate, but deal greater damage. The Type 2 saw improvements in rate of fire and has three power levels, switching between 6d12, 9d12 or 12d12 full power shots.
Damage: 12d12, 20x3
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 4000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi, Automatic
Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 42
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Note: -1 to attack

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.

At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Layered Armour
The ship has layered and interlocking armour, granting a 50% increase to the hardness of the armour, as well as the benefits of Fortification, 50% chance to convert critical hits into regular hits.

Heavy Ditanium Alloy (PL5-6)
Heavy Ditanium alloy is an alloy that was used to replace titanium, combining Duranium into the alloy to create a new type of armour and superstructure, in the use of military craft and especially space craft as it had some inherent abilities to block some of the radiation encountered in space.
Hardness: 20
Base Purchase Modifier: 14 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship.

Voidrunner's Codex

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