Correl: An Element of Origin - In-Character (MarauderX)

Jerrin rises. "Thank you, Kuzma, for your tale. I have heard, from one of my order, that the Wolfskulls' lair is in or near the stone forest. The Red Blades are no more, and the Vipers have been routed. Any remaining captives - or any sign of what happened to them - will be found at the Wolfskull's lair. I intend to pursue them to their lair and remove them from these lands. I hope my companions will also undertake this task. We have our own wolves to call upon, as the Viper Clan found out, and I have some power over the minds of animals."
"As to Leslee and Bosemern... I do not know if there is any way to restore Leslee to her true form. If we cannot restore her at this time, we must ensure that she understands we mean her no harm."

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Kuzma replies after taking an overly long drag on her tea.

"Ahh, that tale is older than I am! Bosemern and Leslee are sure to live together in their love, but I doubt that more remains than just the forest, filled with goblins as you say. But don't be frightened children! Our protectors sleep with us tonight, and soon they will likely be off to the Stone Forest to stop the goblins once and for all! Then we can sleep in peace and everyone can rebuild their homes once more!

Now, let's get you all to sleep, it is far too late to be talking about such nasty things."

Kuzma leans on Jerrin, who nearly faulters with her unexpected weight, and leads you all outside to the refreshing night air.

"Now young sirs," Kuzma continues, "let me see if my memory can recall my to the Stone Forest. Travel first to Cyprian's old home. There should be a trail to the East that leads into the deep forest and an old hermit after a day or two. You will know when you near him, as his brightly decorated trees will be as close as you need to get to him. Once there, travel south east towards the orc-strewn plateau. Some days beyond which you should reach the Stone Forest, or at least pick up their scent, if not their trail."

Kuzma then turns and her hand radiates a bluish energy before it soaks into the night as she extended a blessing from her goddess Lorleena. "Should you want to know more, just see me in the morning, I will be at the stables tending the horses with some salves. RRffack! Pa-tooey!"
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Tales of Creation - The Beginning

The gods surveyed what they were and had amongst them, and took from themselves to create the elements, and from these components the world itself was roughly molded. Then gods took the clay of the earth, added water and heat from fire, and with the breath of the winds made living creatures upon the world. In their randomness of creation beings were scatter across the lands, composed of all types and sizes. Of what they had created they were proud.

The gods became aware of their own developments and some grew bored, selfish, jealous, angry and vain, wanting to end the world and revert to that which was before creation. The gods began assembling the warriors of their own will, angels and fiends, to weild against one another in a mighty battle for all creation. From this a pact was reached, and the gods were banished from direct involvement in the world for fear of destroying it, instead letting the creatures of the world take responsibility for themselves how they would behave.

From this worship began, and the gods granted powers to those who would lead a life that would honor them. Those who would do such would follow the dogma that was the wish of the gods themselves. From this each of the gods followed their own path and only had a loose affiliation with one another beyond the creation of the world.

Pelor was one of the gods to have always been in existance, that his light was always shining down upon all of creation.

Nerull commanded that which was death and disruption of the world. He was said to have appeared as a phantom from the nightmares of the other gods before the world was made.

Obad-Hai had always been a catalyst for growth, however slow, and was said to have planted the seed of creation in the hearts of the other gods. Though his path is that with existance, it is also likened to change through time, either quickly with deadly storms or slowly with trickling streams.

Ehlonna is said to be the mother of angels and all the fey upon the world, and that in them her face is reflected for others to see. She is said to be the great nuturer and goddess of all that seek to coexist with the world of creation they are part of.

St Cuthbert is one of the few ascended gods, and it is said he was granted godhood after he saved known creation in his cradle of arms. His need for order and a desire for impartial justice was said to be well known and he grants his worshippers powers based on need for stringent needs, and is said to be responsible for the regimented order the gods now have among men.
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Session 19 Interlude

Perhaps many of you know already what you would like to do between sessions, and here is a chance to work a lot of it out. The PCs are all in Kargam, and nearly anything can be bought or sold here, all for the right price. Feel free to email me privately or post here with a plan of what you would like your PC to do, and I can get right back to you. Below are some of the plans that the NPCs are looking to do and what they have told you.

Stephan: "I would like to complete as much as I can in my journal to see if it will be comprehensive enough for the Order of Conheci to be interested in buying it from me. They are probably the best buyer, as they can muster explorers to follow up with the sites of the ruins for information. Sure, I might be able to sell it to a merchant or bard or some other shady guy, but I think they would let the information go, and try to sell the book in parts. I would rather see my efforts went to those who would follow up on them. After that I have to tell someone that is arriving in town that I am no longer interested in the deal we made, and I will head back to Sukyskin to aid my brother. After all, there is a pretty young face that I would like spend more time with, and I would like to go back to raising horses with my brother."

Sage Rian: "I am looking forward to explaining a few things with the headmaster of our order, as he will likely have a wise opinion and can give great insight and advice. He may even know of the same things that we have seen, and perhaps he will fund our explorations himself. Either way, he will likely want to meet with the rest of you after we have talked with him."

Arashika: "I will find work. I want to do what I want to do. Get in my way and pay."

Taras: "I'm here with my Uncle Stephan, and it would be great to stay and see the King since he is rumored to be in Kargam soon. I think I can convince him to stay, if only for a glimpse of King Gerin and his entourage. The parades and entertainers will be incredible, and I can't wait to see it all!"

Paladins of Heironious: "Thanks for your guidance and advise Sir Thovaas, you are welcome to stay at our barracks near the lower class district. We'll likely be needed for much of the events to help quell any riots or fights that start up. I hope to see everyone around the city!"
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