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Juan Sierra

First Post
My group had questions on the crafting mechanics for this game. So far as I can tell, the rules are kind of distributed between exploits, skills, skill checks, and careers.

The following are relevant rules, and my [naive] interpretation of how crafting works. I would appreciate it if someone could correct any errors or offer improvements.

From the "craftsman" career: Builder. Assuming raw materials are available, you can make an item of equipment in one day by rolling a LOG check vs. the item's value.
There isn't a clear metric for what the item's value is, but we do get a hint from the "reputation, contacts, and credit" EONS article, which has a table of credit requested to difficulty check. I'll post a relevant snippet below:

DC: 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
CR: 500 | 650 | 900 | 1200 | 1500 | 2000

So to craft say a 500Cr sniper rifle, you'd need to have a 5d6 dice pool to have about a 50/50 chance to craft it. To get the 5d6 pool, a grade 5 character could do 8 points in LOG (3 base + 5 from careers), plus 5 relevant [crafting] skill points (say weaponsmithing). That's a pool of 13, for 4d6, so you'd need an extra 2 points, possibly from species skills + some other LOG/[craft] bonus or expending LUC dice. But a starting character *could* craft a 500Cr, which makes most early-game stuff fairly accessible.

There are also extended skill checks, which may be reasonable for a multi-hour/multi-day craft. Instead of a single check, you would need three DC15 successes (for the 500Cr sniper), but failures only cost you time. Since it appears that the "Builder" exploit allows crafting within a day, this could either mean each check is an hour (so you could reasonably succeed in crafting within a day) or a day (so a straight up but risky Builder check finished in a day, but a "safe" extended craft could take multiple days). This would still allow our grade 5 to craft a single 500Cr item in say a week on average if crafting is a major task.

A 500 Cr item is about half a month's work for the lowest paid NPC (waitress - 800Cr per month), so this doesn't seem too unreasonable. Higher level characters (with more LOG/[craft]/LUC, and possibly with higher quality equipment) could craft even more expensive items. A grade 10 focused on crafting (so 13 LOG, and say 10 skill ranks in the relevant [craft]) has a dice pool of 4d4 (LOG) + 4d4([craft]), but is capped at 7d6. This is a static score of 25, so they could reasonably craft equipment up to 9000Cr worth.

Allowing "gearmasters" would also let characters bypass the GMD (grade maximum dice) by having expensive gear that helps with crafting, making it faster/more likely to occur.

I still don't know what the "cost" is for crafting. Builder assumes you have access to resources, but doesn't say how they're spent. It doesn't make sense to spend the item's cost, cuz you could just *buy* it then. But I can't find any rules for how much you pay for the raw materials, nor what are the consequences of failure (short of time lost).


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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Those rules do use the actual value of the item - they're designed for survivalist situations. Make an object while locked in a cell, or stuck on a desert island.

There aren’t really crafting rules per se. Although there should be! And that value table you referenced would be a good start for them.
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First Post
I've came up with some basic ones for my OLD game, basically need 50% of the cost in materials and can roll each day towards the normal market value of the item. For example if my player wants to make a sword that costs 20gp normally to buy then they need 10gp of materials and make a roll for a days work, if they get 20+ they have a sword but if they get say 14 then they need another days work and need at least a 6 the next roll to finish the sword.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
That sounds like a great way to approach it, too. Keep rolling towards the value of the item. I quite like that approach! It'd take a month or so to build a 500cr sniper rifle at a starting 5d6 dice pool.

Juan Sierra

First Post
I think my group may try out the rules as I interpreted them, using 1day/roll against the DC in the credit table. It's a little faster (Grade 5 can build a rifle in about 6 days on average if they max out crafting-related stuff), but I feel that scales a little better with the idea that as you go up in skill/ability you can do bigger and better things, and gives a crafting-heavy character a good upgrade path. If it starts getting out of hand I'll have to rebalance the table or change the number of successes they need to roll.

I do like the idea of rolling *to* the market value, since that makes it potentially less swingy (you always make progress), but I also like the idea that the cost is related to complexity, and so a grade 5 pretty much shouldn't be able to craft certain items that are too complex. Maybe the availability value could be worked in somehow, so that "mundane" items are easier than cutting-edge tech. I know the availability is already a hard yes/no, but it might help clarify how complex an item is.

I will prolly charge 50% material cost, as seems to be pretty standard in other games.

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