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Creative Exercise: The Sovereign Dominion of Eyros

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No problem.

I changed the post before this one in the time as you answered.

I just think that the Praes are a fine sinister organization but we shouldn´t set them up as secret rulers. They have much power but after a while people would catch on. They cannot kill everyone of their political enemies and every non elven spellcaster without the houses catching on.
And I think that the gnomes would be doomed in an open war against everyone else and at least some of the Patriae know it. Every race would gladly help fighting them and an undead army controlled by a death knight involuntarily working for them is not as good as a regular trained and disciplined army who probably have their own mages.
And Thanatos can do only so much, there are other powerful spellcasters. He may be paranoid but he doesn´t kill the freed masks of House Kiron and the primal masks with their mysterious oaths still live, too.

The Praetorii issue was a battle the Praes choose not to fight and instead use it as far as possible. Why should they do the boring guard duty if they get humans to do it?

As I said they cannot kill every potential spellcaster, people would catch on and I don´t think that the empire would leave all its spellcasting assets in the hands of gnomes.
Another reason is that there are players who probably want to play something else as a spelcaster than a gnome or an elf with child mentality.
And with players becoming more powerful spellcasters do you want an automatic death warrant on every PC wizard?
I introduced the Praetorii to show that there are other spellcasters besides gnomes and elves, players don´t need to play one but there should be an organisation as a showcase, to highlight the fact that there are spellcasters besides elves and gnomes.
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On the 14th day of the 5th month the Bakers of the Capital City hold a contest on who can make the grandest cake.

The last two years running, Nok the Breadman, has won with imaginary cakes depicting various points in the history of the Six Pillars.


First Post
Khorod said:
There is an older faith in Nistadeen which is quietly included today as just another cultural tradition. This was the shared faith with the country that came to be dominated by necromancers and known as Valjaria. It centers around the worship of certain sacred trees. Groves of these trees are found in most cities of Nistadeen, and the sage-mystics who look after them have enormous powers in working with plants.

Many holy days now appropriated by the Corythos faith coincide with days when these gardeners enact certain ancient rituals that were said to make the Elven land pleasant, fertile, and safe. Once, these were called the Sacred Gardeners, but such formal recognitions were stripped with the Realization of Corythos. Still these gardeners are very popular to advice-seekers on many matters, and when a group of three or more gardeners wants to speak to anyone in the Elven realm, they do so. It is not a good idea to avoid this audience.

I'll do up the gladiatorial basics later for my next contribution probably. I've been DMing arena matches for The 13 Kingdoms for at least a year now, and have a fair grasp of how a gladiatorial sport in Eyros would be set up.


A trio of foreign gladiators has recently arrived in Eyrdeyn to compete in the Eyrdeyn Grand Coliseum's MCCLXVII (1,267th) Annual Games, to be held midway through the coming autumn. The trio, calling themselves Lux Ex Oriente, "Light from the East," and have earned significant popularity with the crowds in arenas from Zhalccu to Eyrdeyn. These gladiators are also great athletes that intend to compete in other parts of the Games as well as the gladiatorial competition. Kal'aj'ash'nee intends to enter the decathlon, Ikaido the marathon, and D'achao'himat'echet the mounted race.

The apparent leader of Lux Ex Oriente is Kal'aj'ash'nee, a stunning warrior-woman from distant Mo'ahhim, nearly ebon of skin with long, many-braided black hair, she seems to be the only one of the trio who speaks Vulgar Eyrosian; the others only speak their native tongues and Mo'ahhim. Kal'aj'ash'nee wears piecemeal bone-and-leather armor in the apparently-Mo'ahhi-common style, revealing but mildly functional and easy to move in. Like others of her kind she wields a whip-dagger (ginta as the Mo'ahhi call it), with a blade made of sharpened bone and etched with crude symbols. Kal'aj the Ebon (as the crowds know her) is well-muscled but particularly lithe and seems to constantly surprise her opponents with the speed and accuracy of her ginta. Her Mo'ahhi fighting style is dancelike and appealing, but deadly to foes with the spinning whip-dagger. She is manipulative and cunning, but does not speak often, and has a hardness in her looks. The Mo'ahhi's accompanying foreign allies, though they often seem at odds, are Motoushi Ikaido of Nientei, and D'achao'himat'echet Uramao'tetcatlan of O'hoa'ti'neumas.

Ikaido the Azure (as the crowds know him) is a somewhat short, olive-skinned Nientese man of middling age and wizened appearance, with two long, thin mustaches and black hair tied back in a topknot. He wears a dark blue headband with a sunrise-behind-a-mountain stitching over the forehead, and his blue-lacquered leather lamellar has a very foreign look to it, and doesn't seem to lessen his incredible speed or agility. Ikaido carries a curved bastard sword and similar shortsword, at the left side of his belt in artistic sheathes, and the blades themselves are lightly engraved with colored patterns. He speaks frequently to Kel'aj in her language Mo'ahhim, seemingly displeased regarding others but mindful of angering Kel'aj with too much of his complaining, and Ikaido never seems to address D'achao directly. Ikaido at least seems willing to talk to arena fans with Kal'aj translating, and seems to convey only compliments and polite gratitude to his fans, though some see that he simply hides his contempt well. The sword-dancer fights with a fast-paced two-sword style emphasizing brutally fast and deceptive offense over defense, but is quite agile on the defense as well, though not as skilled at it.

D'achao the Bronze (as the crowds know him) is an O'hoa'ti bloodspell zealot, whose savage knife-fighting style and self-mutilation, not to mention copper dagger and wicker armor, speak volumes about his people's culture. From the hardly-known O'hoa'ti'neumas hordelands of the far, far east, D'achao'himat'echet is a towering reddish-bronze man of great muscle and little finesse. Though perhaps ruggedly handsome, D'achao's body is scarred in many places and apparently each scar is either from a battle-wound or self-inflicted as marking a kill by D'achao. Like all O'hoa'ti zealots his scalp is kept bald, and shows signs of rough shaving with crude implements. His forehead is marked with a strange scar shaped as some kind of symbol, as is the palm of each hand. D'achao rarely speaks and often seems agitated or terribly bored, while even in his calmer moments he seems to look at some people with a strange, inexplicably unsettling glint in his eyes. Maybe it's just his red eyes, but it seems to be more than that.

D'achao has an obvious dislike of Ikaido but seems to fight well enough in tandem with the Nientese sword-dancer. He also shows an obvious affinity for Kel'aj and does as she says, despite his enmity towards the other Lux Ex Oriente member Ikaido, and despite Kel'aj's apparent lack of interest in him. D'achao the Bronze fights with a crude copper dagger, etched with some foreign symbol, and he wears simple wicker armor, signs of his people's primitiveness, yet they seem reasonably effective against Eyrosian arms and armor. His fighting style is direct and brutal, utilizing his broad dagger for attacking, and his free hand for grappling and shoving. He carries two extra copper daggers sheathed in his wicker armor, but only as a reserve. However, what unnerves his opponents is that D'achao always starts a battle by cutting himself a shallow gash and wiping the blood across his copper blade and wicker armor. He chants in his people's primitive tongue the whole time as he ritually cuts himself and then even while fighting, and sometimes spatters his blood on opponents with a flick of his hand, which seems to harm or frighten them for some reason (besides the disgust).


A suffusion of yellow
domino said:
As an aside, someone might want to come up with some sort of qualifying system. These new gladiators probably wouldn't be able to just show up, without proving themselves somehow. Else they'd go up against the champ, die, and that's not entertainment.

The Gladiator Arena's of Eyros are the domain of a number of competing 'Training Stables' which are often owned by Nobles or even wealthy merchants and guilds. Stables provide food, housing and training for their gladiators. Contrary to popular belief not all Gladiators are slaves. Many are criminals spared execution or consignment to the military in order to fight in the arena, others are volunteers who pay for training in the stables and may choose when to fight. Of course there are also Free men unattached to any stable who sign up to fight, the Stable Owners can however refuse such challenges but not those of another registered Stable

The Dracheschatten runs a large stable with its own training barracks (uner Taljik patronage) and champions in three different arena's across the empire. It is also this group that has been sponsoring many (though not all) of the Mo'ahhi, Nientese and O'hoa'ti gladiators.



Arbiters of the arcaneum surveilling the gladiatorial contests currently debate if D´achao is using magics to help in his battles (as said earlier magic besides arms and armor is forbidden in duels).

None of his opponents complained, as crying foul without reason results in fines and nobody is sure enough.
At the moment the arbiters consider to send for a wizard able to watch the entire duel with arcane sight spells.

Rystil Arden

First Post
OK: The big problem is that Sarellion created the Arcaneum with a preface that they were going to be adversarial to the Praes Thanatos. This makes no sense, so its gone in the revision. Now everyone is more or less working in harmony and so there is no need for strange plots. And if Eyros can work in harmony, so can the contributors of Eyros!

Revised Arcaneum:

The Arcaneum is the imperial office regulating spellcasting affairs. Originally it was a small bureau that was tasked to regulate the standardisation process and compile the lexicon, but the Praes Thanatos eventually shifted some of its more mundane duties over to the Arcaneum, to allow the gnomes more time to spend on things that they considered more important.

The arcaneum as it is now is responsible for:
The registration and classificaton of new spells
Testing new wizards who want to teach for their competence
Training Eyrian wizards in the basics of magic. They cannot teach the Masks because the Masks use a different spellcasting technique, but Masks are still sometimes sent there to learn the required discipline (at the Pillar's option).
Granting permissions for enchanting magic items to freelancer spellcasters
Commission and acquistion of magical items for use by the imperial adminstration.
Detection of malign magical influences in the courts. They ensure that criminal spellcasters don´t fool around with the clerk behind the desk or the higher ups.
Education of the adminisration about magic and its uses.
Surveillance for mystical phenomena

The Arcaneum is more of an andministrative office than a wizard´s guild. There are wizards within the arcaneum but most members are clerks with knowledge about magical theory. They are the experts when the civil offices have to deal with magic or need to use magic. The Arcaneum has 25 active wizard members, 50 Magewrights, and almost 500 clerks and experts on duty. They often hire out freelancer spellcasters to aid in lessons, and so at any given time, they may have up to 29 wizards and 58 Magewrights on staff.

The arcaneum also works together with the Masks and the Praes Thanatos in classifying spells deemed dangerous. Spells with area effect are deemed dangerous and only upright magicians of the common classes and nobles are allowed to learn this spells. The Knock spell is only allowed to the Praes Thanatos and has been dubbed gnome´s magic key by the common people. The use of the magic door opener also explains the term skeleton key.

The arcaneum has a militant branch, who are all hexblades, the Praetorii Arcanae. These are responsible for providing magical security for the senate and the highest offices, like the Imperial Treasury. They are not the only guards for this installations but part of the senate´s security forces. Embassies in foreign countries have one Praetorii as the other branches, Masks and Praes Thanatos are unsuitable.

The Arcaneum is led by a council of Six Magistrates, 2 Wizards, 2 Magewrights, and 2 Bureaucrats. The Six Magistrates often meet with members of the Patriae Sicarii to discuss policy and these two arcane-minded groups see eye-to-eye on most issues.

The Praetorii are normally not deployed away from this posts unless the Praes Thanatos and the Six Magistrates in council decide that there is a need for them.

If the local arcaneum official perceive a magical problem in their area they are expected to assess the problem and call on the Praes Thanatos or the nearest Mask to deal with the problem.
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