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Criticism of the ENnies at RPG.net


Oh, come on! Just because a couple of guys say that a few of the ratings at enworld don't make sense given their opinion of the product, you hardly need to make this kind of hyperbole. rpg.net is a good site, and I've been going there for years for tons of useful information.

I will agree that their reviews tend to be really good and really detailed. I have problems with some of the people on the forums, but that's neither here nor there.

I didn't start this thread to facilitate a war of the boards. Rather, I thought that the criticisms that they brought up over there needed to be considered and answered if at all possible.

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Teflon Billy

Hand of Evil said:
Careful - you may start a war with them and I would hate to see threads popping up on the likes and dislike of each site.:)

Heh, I don't dislike RPG.net. I thihk there is a lot of value in the entire site.

But they do love their bitching:)

I remember one guy's review of Wolrd of Synnibar, and while it was a absolute laugh riot to read, it was in essence just one huge bitchfest. It is considered by many people I know to be both RPG.net's finest moment and the most perfect example of their "tone".

reapersaurus said:

and the interface is hideous.
just terrible.

How do you figure? If it doesn't use the SAME software/configuration as this forum, it's pretty close.

As for starting a 'war' between the two sites, I can't think of anything that would be more useless or petty. The people who think there's some kind of competition going on here between the sites are the same drooling mouth-breathers who will argue for hours on topics such as 'PS2 vs. XBox' or 'Star Wars vs. FOTR' or any number of lame non-issues which ultimately come down to a personal preference.

At ENWorld, the focus is on d20. That's cool, and I like coming here for that fact. At rpg.net, the focus is much broader, encompassing RPGs of every make, model, and style. To generalize and say that a mjaority of regulars there prefer "rules-light" is just ignorant. Go look in their main forum, and I bet at least half of the threads there on a given day discuss d20, d6/Legend, Palladium, and a multitude of other systems which are FAR from rules-light.

As for the disagreements that rpg.net is known for? Let's put it this way... if I create a web site about the Boston Red Sox, it's going to attract a majority of Red Sox fans, who will have a few minor arguments from time to time, but generally get along. If I create a web site about Major League Baseball in general, forget about it. All bets are off when I seat Yankees fans (damn them) next to Sox fans.

That doesn't make my MLB site any better or worse than my Sox site, now, does it?

Corporate Dog


Re: Heh...

Ashtal said:
I'm pretty sure that the interface for both the RPG.net forums and the EB World forums are mostly the same, if not identical. They may have different features turned on, but it's by and large the same. :)
*confused to no end*
umm.. do i have to become a member over there, or say some magic phrase to make them useable?

Cause the RPG.net _I_ looked at is nothing like ENBoards' interface.
It's not UBB, it doesn't show the entire thread at once, and I couldn't even find the link to the Forums from the homepage.
I'm sure it's there.... somewhere... but after a minute of trying, i went to a post, at the bottom, and clicked that link.

And there were almost NO features that i could see shared between the two boards.


*edit* just tried again.
found the links - second time around - to the forums. There's one word that identifies that table on the left as being Forums. :thumbsdown:

And when i follow that link, i see a board that DOES look remarkably similar to ENBoards.

Can someone explain what i was reading here: http://www.rpg.net/pf/read.php?f=5&i=118073&t=118035 ??
Last edited:

Re: Re: Heh...

reapersaurus said:
*confused to no end*
umm.. do i have to become a member over there, or say some magic phrase to make them useable?

Nope. Look for the "Forums" sidebar on the left hand side of the page, and click on "RPGnet" for the main forum.

My guess is that you were looking at the old interface, which is still used for feedback on reviews.

Corporate Dog


This should clarify things somewhat, Reapers. :)

The main forums over at RPG.net use the same BB system that we use here.

However, the forums that the reviews use are very primitive, although some people like them 'cause you can follow discussions easier.


Wolfspider said:
However, the forums that the reviews use are very primitive, although some people like them 'cause you can follow discussions easier.
My edit 3 posts above describes what i found 2nd time 'round.

But you've GOT to be kidding about people thinking the old boards are easier to follow a discusion?!
That can't be right, can it?

The visible hierarchy of a thread does NOT balance the insanity of having to click to follow each post you want to read, and it doesn't give you an overall picture of what's been said in the thread thus far.


First Post
Corporate Dog:
drooling mouth-breathers

The irony is that you've nicely summed up the difference between ENBoards and RPG.net right there, Corporate Dog. I expect to see expressions like this over at RPG.net, just as I expect to see *WHAM* *dig dig dig* over on the Wizards boards.

So no, if you don't like such bollocks, it's not a non-issue.


I have always found RPG.net's forums to be very important for me to read. Note that I don't necessarily equate that with sheer enjoyment. Just as I didn't want to run a basically non-moderated forum neither do I really want to participate in one. But I'll stand on the sidelines and read what's going on now and then. In any case I have great respect for the site -- it's about the only non-D&D or D20 site I visit with any regularity.

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