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Crossed Paths - Part I

Thomas Hobbes

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ooc: to save time, perhaps we could post plans out of character? Just at thought, Role-playing would be more fun but slower. Also, we could use the tag, so Manzanita would have an easier time of it. Just highlight it to read.

Bad manzanita! You shouldn't be reading this!

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Guilt Puppy

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Nathaniel seems to echo the sentiments of others: "I'd say a mix of the rope and the walking plan should work well... It's hard to move through water, even at the bottom, and having something to hold on to would work better, for the less determined of us. If no one else is more confident in going first, I'd say I could do it. I'm no skilled swimmer, I'll admit, but I grew up on the waters, so I'll be at least at ease."


"We could use the first rope to get down to the tunnel entrance. One of the first two takes down the second rope. While one stays at the tunnel entrance to guide people in, the other takes the second rope up the tunnel, playing it out as he goes. I could do this I suppose. The others could then use this to pull themselves along through the tunnel. It would probably be wise to attach the rope to a point before the surface. Alternatively, we could all just proceed up the tunnel together.

"How long does the spell last?"


Brioc shrugs at the planning going on around him.

"I am happy with whatever seems best to you. I think the walking idea has much merit, and I can provide light for our passage under the water." Something seems to occur to Brioc at that moment, and a look of worry crosses his face.

"What about Wolf? Will the dwarven spell work on him? Should I carry him as we walk thorough the passage?"

OOC: Does the Share Spells animal companion special ability come into play here? If so, there shouldn't be any reduction in duration for adding Wolf in on the Water Breathing spell.


"Even if it will work, will you be able to persuade the wolf of that before you launch yourself into the waters? On the other hand, Mendicus may have need of a pair of sharp ears and a good nose.

"Indeed," he adds, glancing at the stone arrowhead in his hand, "if this little adventure is going to last for a more than a day, perhaps two of us should remain here."


Marcus looks around the cliff top as if seeing it for the first time. He fingers the arrowhead absently.

"No. I would not choose to make camp here. Grandfather would take strips off me if I did. Its too exposed and there's nowhere to run and nowhere to stand and fight. Mendicus should make camp somewhere else, but a place that we could all find our way back to. Perhaps somewhere along the way we came in.

Marcus turns to Brioc. "Can you communicate with your companion. Over distances I mean, without words. It would be invaluable for Mendicus to know that we were returning, or that needed him to find us quickly with the horses."


First Post
share spells, as I understand it, allows spells you cast UPON YOURSELF also affect your companion. I don't think it would work if Dhormium cast it

Mendicus seems nervous. "It might be nice to have the wolf or one of you remain with me. I don't know that I could be counted upon to defend your horses & gear if the wendol find me."

Looking over the cliff, it might be tricky to secure a rope to a rock at the bottom of the cliff.
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"I'd much rather stay up here, under the sky, rather than be down there, under the earth. But someone good with weapons may be a better choice, ... and I have a little experience of skulking around that may be useful down there," he adds reluctantly.


"Wolf will stay with Mendicus." Brioc decides. "He has sharper senses than any of us, and will be happier above ground. Unfortunately, I can speak no better with Wolf than any other animal, which is not at all unless I ask for the Goddess' blessing. But even so, he should be of much use in guarding the horses."

Inez Hull

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"I agree with Marcus, this is no spot for a camp. Perhaps we can set up a campsite somewhere secure with Mendius tending the horses and both Wolf and Tarlli keeping watch for signs of the Wendol."

"When we descend the cliff I can use my magic to render invisible whoever elects to go up the tunnel first, although only for a few minutes. Hopefully they can scout ahead and secure the rope, despite any possible guards or watchers".

[OOC: Manzanita can I swap out one monster summoning II for invisibility? I also just realised that my intelligence grants two bonus 1st level spells, don't suppose I can add a Featherfall?]

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