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Crossed Paths, Part II

Inez Hull

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Ehldannis scrambles to his feet and is smoothing out his robes in an annoyed fashion when he suddenly stops, his attention seemingly caught. He gazes around the camp his head cocked askew and stops and focuses as his attention passes over the Roman, his almond eyes locking the man with an iron stare. He takes a deep breath and seems to be mumbling to himself as comprehension dawns on his face suddenly and he yells out, too loudly for a night encamped in foreign wilderness, "Ware that man, he attempts to ensorcell us!"

Ehldannis immediately reaches for the reassurance of his magic and begins calling out a string of arcane words. [casts Invisibility]

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Marcus nods at Octar words of caution, but doesn't rely as he slips into the trees as quietly as possible. None is expected.

At the sound of the whistles and shouts Marcus freezes. Two groups! Marcus knows a bold move now could give them the advantage. But what do we face? Marcus decides to wait. He's a little exposed, but the woods behind him will make him harder to see, and those to the south cast some shodaws across where he stands.

As he stands motionless, Marcus realises that the anxiety that had been twisting around inside him this night as he had sat watch had gone. He had been such a fool. The children of his people, as Marcus had done, quickly learn that the night is their friend. The people of the towns feared it so. But his people learned to know it, and operate under its protection.

So much had been happening so fast. He had become so caught up in what he wanted to be, that he had begun to forget who he was. He would try not to forget again, assuming he lived through this night. There were, of course, creatures more comfortable in the dark than ever his people could be. And there was a good possiblity that some of them were just across the clearing ...

Marcus concentrates on keeping his breathing calm and his body relaxed and ready ...


Brioc's new scimitar slides smoothly out of it's scabbard, and the druid takes a defensive stance, his shield's reassuring weight on his right arm.

"We've got something out in the woods, and by the sounds of things they're not friendly." He answers Mendicus. "Grab a blade and be ready, for I think they're about to charge..."


First Post
By the dim light of the campfire, numerous armed humanoid forms can be seen grouping at the north end of the clearing. At this point, the light is too dim to make out their exact race. Eldannis vanishes from sight. Mendicus straps on his belt with his short sword and grabs his crossbow and quiver. Dhurmium readies his sheild and mace. Marcus slips into the bushes, and the wolf follows.

various enemies
Brioc & wolf

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Thomas Hobbes

First Post
ooc: I assume that significantly less than a minute has passed. How long does it take to get out of partially-donned armor?

Damn! thinks Octar, reversing direction and struggling to get out of his chainmail. What timing.


Marcus waits in amoung the trees. If we can get behind them, or even just hit them from the side ...

ooc: looking for a rear or flank attack opportunity.


"Hold back for now lads, give me a moment." Brioc quietly urges his friends. Invoking the powers of his gods, he calls out to the trees, asking them to hold his foes.

(OOC: Or put another way, Brioc casts Entangle.)


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Only about a round has passed since Octar began donning his armor, so his first round action could be to 'undon' it. I'll give Inez & Guiltpuppy a little more time before I post some actions.

Inez Hull

First Post
Ehldannis silently pads away from the campsite, giving himself the safety of space should the as yet unseen enemy come charging towards his companions. He then turns to watch the woods, the words of a spell mumbling repeatedly as he watches for signs of the attackers.

[OOC: move and then ready an action to cast sleep on any group that emerges from the woods]


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Round 1

I moved Ehldannis East into the woods, since you did not state a direction, Inez. East seemed safer. Since Guiltpuppy does not post very frequently, I'm going to assume an action for him.

Nathaniel, seeing forces arrayed against the party, begins an inspiring oration about the power of justice. He then waits, guarding Octar as he tosses his armor aside and girds for battle.

The enemy charges, shouting battle cries in a language none recognize. However, as they close, they are quite clearly orcs, about 6. These orcs employ a variety of gear, from the stone age to equipment of the Roman legion. Most wear hide or leather armor, though some wear the chainmail of the legion. Some wield large stone axes, others the steel longswords and large metal sheilds of the legion. All have a red talon emblazoned on their armor. They are led by a huge orc wearing legionaire chainmail, and weilding a large double axe. Behind these come a small company of orcs armed with shortbows.

These orcs close, charging the company. The large orc heads straight for Dhormium, striking him with his axe for 10 points dmg. Another swings his axe at Brioc, but misses widely. A third thrusts at Nathaniel with its sword, ripping a gash in his left arm (4 points). Nathaniel returns the blow more effectively, splitting the orc's skill.

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