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(CSRHoD) Creamsteak's Red Hand of Doom II [IC]


Avril 18
Werewolves 17
Brutal Werewolf 14
Warren <-- Currently Here
Siobhan 8
Tyrla 5
Larian 5

Warren and Pender delay.

Avril's dire wolf steps into the world from the ether and strikes the wolf both damaging and tripping it. Avril begins call lightning.

During the werewolves turn, 1 goes for Pender, 1 for Warren, 1 for the big bad wolf, and 3 for the dire wolf. Most regenerate some. Number 6 provokes an attack of opportunity from the wolf.

The attack of opportunity misses (nat 1).

Number 7 attacks pender, who barely deflects the better part of the creatures claw.

Number 9 slashes at Warren but doesn't land his attack.

The big bad wolf is uninjured by both attacks against him, but the dire wolf is significantly less lucky and takes 2 hits dealing a total of 31 points of damage.

The big bad wolf strikes back against #2, hitting him twice and dropping him unconcious.

Pender's retalliation deals a devastating 56 points of damage

Wolf Damage
1 28 real, 115 non-lethal
2 14 real, 88 non-lethal
3 28 real, 115 non-lethal
4 14 real, 0 non-lethal
5 14 real, 0 non-lethal
6 14 real, 0 non-lethal
7 0 real, 56 non-lethal
8 0
9 43 real, 38 non-lethal


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Drawing her bow and sighting down the first arrow shaft, Siobhan takes aim at one of the wolf beasts threatening the front lines. She fires, then quickly draws and fires a second. The arrows glow with a bright white light that leaves a streak through the air as it heads toward its victim.

OOC: Siobhan will fire at either werewolf 9 (if it is still alive after Warren's turn) or werewolf 6.
Siobhan longbow attacks and damage (1d20+9=11, 1d20+4=23, 1d8+5=12, 1d8+5=10, 2d6=5, 2d6=8)
First one is probably a miss, but the second one looks good. 10 arrow damage, 8 holy damage.


Avril - Human Druid - AC 21 - hp 55/55 - Spot +15 - Listen +15
Mandla - Riding Dog - AC 28 - hp 45/45 - Spot +5 - Listen +5

The battle was quickly heating up, and these werewolves were quickly showing that they were not ordinary lycanthropes. These were healing - and quickly to each would that was inflicted upon them. They were more like trolls than werewolves, unless there was truly something of that blood in them. Could these werewolves be formed from trolls?

Avril shuddered from her high vantage point as her spell completed. She unleashed a bolt of lightning at one of the nearetes werewolves, and then decided that perhaps fire would be the best option. "Don't target the leader. Try fire - these werewolves may have troll blood." Mandla meanwhile sank his teeth into the werewolf near Pender, aiding the powerful warrior in the fight. The dire wolf in turn continued to harass the werewolf that was fighting Warren.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: The Dire Wolf continues to attack werewolf #9. Dire Wolf Bite Attack: +13. Damage: 1d8+13. Trip +13. The werewolf attacked and tripped #9 the previous round - doesn't Warren get an AoO on #9 or is it fighting while prone?

Dire Wolf, Large, hp 26/57, Spd 50 ft., AC 14, Bite +13 melee (1d8+13), Trip +13, Low-light Vision, Scent, Fort +10, Refl +7, Will +6, Str 29, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Also, since Mandla was at X7, doesn't #7 trigger Mandla's ready action while defending that spot? Either way, Mandla attacks #7. Mandla Bite Attack: +10. Bite Damage: 1d6+6.

Avril completes the casting of her spell. She directs a bolt of lightning at #9 or #7, whichever is standing. Damage: 3d6 hp.

I place Mandla at X7, and Avril 10 ft. above Y7.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Extended Greater Magic Fang (Avril, Mandla, 16 hours)
Barkskin (Avril, Mandla, 160 minutes)
Air Walk (Avril, Mandla, 80 minutes)
Summon Nature's Ally (Dire Wolf)
Call Lightning (1/9 Used, 9 minutes)

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Greater Magic Fang
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend (2 Used)
Produce Flame
Air Walk
Protection from Energy (Summon Nature's Ally)
Call Lightning

Level 0 (6): Cure Minor Wounds (3), Detect Magic (2), Guidance
Level 1 (5): Cure Light Wounds, Enrage Animal, Entangle, Faerie Fire
Level 2 (4): Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace
Level 3 (4): Cure Moderate Wounds
Level 4 (3): Cure Serious Wounds, Flame Strike

Avril's Character Sheet


First Post
Tyrla hurled another arcane bolt at the nearest wolf. Her other hand drew forth a wand for later use.

OOC: Eldritch blast at 7 (if it is still up); point blank +11 touch, 5d6+1 damage. Then draw wand of burning hands for later use in finishing some of these things...


First Post
Warren the halfling, AC 26, HP 47/47, Island of Blades stance

Warren strikes back at the werewolf that tried to hit him, spinning his blade before seemingly thrusting with two blades at the werewolf, but one disappears in a puff of shadow and mist as he withdraws the real sword. "Finish it with yer tiny fireballs, Avril!"

If that drops the werewolf, Warren steps closer to the one fighting Pender. The shadowy illusion of swirling blades continues to hover around Warren, helping to obscure the position of his real blade.

[sblock=THE MAP IS WRONG]Warren is in X-5, NOT W-5. That means that werewolf 9 should be in W-4 or whatever, if it was able to move that bit further and attack in one round (I dunno). I dunno where Mandla, Avril, and Siobhan are, either, since they're not on the map.

Anyway, Warren initiates Shadow Blade Technique against werewolf #9. 25 to hit for 7 damage. Stupid InvisibleCastle.....
1d20+13=25, 1d4+6=7, 1d20+3=13, 1d6=5

Island of Blades doesn't help one bit as long as Warren's not adjacent to the same opponent as one of his allies, so he'll be trying to double-team werewolves with Pender or the wolves.[/sblock]


OOC: Sorry for the long delay, moving and stuff sucked.

I'm going to break from this combat from a moment, assuming everyone is comfortable with that. It's a little awkward picking up halfway through a combat after that, so I'm just going to jump ahead with a compromised victory (some of them get away).

Within a few moments, the werewolves are beaten back, killed, or on the retreat. All but the larger werewolf guarding the doorway flee into the caverns or are too injured to continue. The big werewolf looks at the group, himself beaten and terribly injured from the fighting that has happened down here. He growls out, "So, you're not the hobgoblins? Who are you? What are you doing here?"


First Post
Siobhan speaks up, "Be at ease, our group has been hunting the goblinoids for some time. We found the tunnels below the tavern while investigating the town. When we found the cell we assumed that someone from the town had the lycanthropy curse. That's when we ran into the first of the turned gob's. We saw you were fighting them as well and decided to aid you."


"I'm afraid that the prisoner you speak of is the beast you see before you. Three years ago, I was injured by a wolf while scouting in the southern woods. I became afflicted, as you see me now. At first, I had little control over the transformation. I attacked my father and my brother one night when the moon was full and my sanity was at its last. It was then that they detained me here in these old caverns. Given time, and the aid of the old hermit priest, I was able to regain much of my humanity, but I was still to be detained here away from the town. In time, I became something of a ghost story to the locals."

He looks tired and worn, while much of his flesh has regenerated from the wounds delivered to him, his hair is torn in many places.

"When the goblins first attacked, the townsfolk set up barricades and moved many of the noncombatants below ground. At first, it was estimated that there were only a few of them, outriders, on wolves. The townspeople felt that if they could just show a little strength, they could fight off the attack. The goblins were driven away for a time, but they returned, with greater numbers. That's when they moved into these caverns, and asked for my aid. I ambushed the goblins in the tavern, and killed most of thier number, but some fled to call for more aid. Some of the others felt that taking on my curse was a blessing, and they took my blood to become afflicted. I objected, as did the elders, but they did not listen to reason. The werewolves you see down here are not hobgoblins, they are my kinsfolk who chose to be tainted by this curse. The curse has made them pack animals, incapable of reason. In time, with the help of others, they might recover, but it is doubtful."

He motions to the door behind him. "I have been fighting off their attacks for the better part of a week now. Behind me, the remaining villagers are locked in. They fear me, more than the hobgoblins or the other cursed. Maybe you can help them escape now?"


First Post
"I would be glad to go and see them as well as tend to any wounded there are. I will speak with them and perhaps alleviate some of their fears. My compatriots will have many questions for you I'm sure."

Siobhan follows the wolfman to the sealed door and calls out to those inside to be let in so she can begin her work.


Past the door you find sixteen people, nine of which are children. Of the adults, four are women and two are men. One of the men is much older, greyed to his years. He steps forward when Siobhan enters.

"Thank goodness, someone came! We've been in a terrible predicament of late!"

An equally aged woman steps forward. "Is it safe now? Can we go home?"

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