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Current Plan?


Just keep in mind that the Ternell Complex is generally closed up at night. The gates are secured and the walls are patrolled as a general rule. But the tension is building with the impending battle.

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First Post
I figured as much. It is likely that Tormal will spend the better half of the two weeks (especially that last week) before the battle inside the fort for their saftey. The above statement was more of what Tormal has been saying/practicing lately. Even if there hasn't been much time to really show it! :)


Cash flow:
Does anybody have the total for what each member of SOL had after the sale of the mantle, and the costs associated with bringing back the dead were? I don't remember if Macbeth was informed of the total.

Also, would you guys mind totalling up what each of you has, noting it and bringing with you Friday? Such things as equipment and encumbrance might be important for this and some upcoming sessions.



First Post
from the mantle each member made 5000gp. This was figured after the expense of bringing back tormal and tyrm was taken out of the selling price of the mantle.


The Floating Peaks

The Floating Peaks are more akin to legend and myth rather than a real place. Of course, the Shrine of Tranquility and the Road to the Gods are both legend and myth to most people. The three spellcasters before you can attest to the reality of the Shrine of Tranquility. And since Josefus has actually visited it, he can also tell you that the Road to the Gods is real. He walked along it. So in that context, maybe the Floating Peaks exist as well.

They are alleged to be far to the West, and a bit North. Some stories say they are the peaks of immense mountains above the clouds. When viewed from above the clouns, they look like they are floating. Other stories say they are mountains suspended over nothingness. Still other stories attribute them to volcanic islands jutting out from the ocean as nothing more than barren, cratered peaks. More stories say that the mountains below them were blasted by immense magics and all that remains are the peaks floating above a barren wasteland. Obviously, with so many stories, it is difficult to say which might be true.

What is consistent is that some of the ancient necromancer kings built their towers upon these peaks. The towers were built as impenetrable sanctuaries and fortresses. As the wars waged across the world, the wizards residing in the floating peaks came under seige and eventually fell. Legend does not clarify exactly how this happened, or what state the towers might be in now. If the Sword of Ternell is at the Floating Peaks, it may be quite difficult to retrieve.



The Church of Pter has several chapels, churches, temples etc across the world. Whenever possible, they try to remain in communication. This isn't a universal constant. As an example, there is practically no communication with the churches in Li's and Wu Cho's homeland. Sadly, there is no known church near the Floating Peaks. If there were, there would be a lot more information about the Floating Peaks. :D But there is a small church somewhat near White Plume Mountain. If the SOL are interested, the Church can arrange transport to the church. This would cut down travel time considerably. Sadly, the priest there is not capable of providing a quick method of return should you be successful. But the offer stands.

Josefus provides all the above information and is very interested in when you will be leaving and which location seems like the best one to pursue.

"Friends, you have offered to attempt to recover the Sword of Ternell. If our divinations have been accurate, it seems there are two possible choices. While we can arrange magical transport quite a bit closer to White Plume Mountain, we cannot offer much guidance on how to find the Floating Peaks. What place seems most likely to lead toward success? Is there anything we can provide to help improve your odds? Most importantly, when do you leave?"



Let's see, the SOL wintered at the Ternell Complex. Around Spring, you all headed out and dealt with Nockmort. Then you had to retreat back to the Ternell complex to recover. Shortly thereafter, you travelled to Mt Korliss. You arrived at Mt Korliss sometime near the end of Plowing. Is that correct? Sowing and Greening passed while you were at Mt Korliss. Summer began and Shearing passed. Then on Heat 5, everything went bad. Oceas received his Sending indicating that the Trident of Xanthos disappeared. The Sword of Ternell was also taken. Other bad things happened that night. Notably though, Heat 5 is a double full moon.

By Heat 7, you had been instructed to return to Mt Ternell. You managed to turn that into a 10 day journey when Kind negotiated passage with Dola. You arrived at Mt Ternell on Heat 17. It was exactly two weeks since the 5th. (Remember these are 6 day weeks.) It is afternoon of Heat 19 before Josefus, Kelust and Parvis have finished up divinations and provided the limited information you have received. Oceas has also been nagged by his Elder once again. Oh, and a hurricane is moving in on Stormhaven.

If the assault force that met Steintantz returns on schedule, they will be making it back to the Ternell Complex on Meadow 5. This will be five weeks after all heck broke loose. My understanding is that SOL is going to participate in the defense of the Ternell Complex. I will be trying to fill in some of the narration between Heat 19 and Meadow 5. I know some of you want to do a few things. Feel free to post. Just remember that, for the most part, the folks at the Ternell Complex are preparing for a seige and a battle. This is the first time the Complex has been attacked without the protection offered by the Sword of Ternell. While they appreciate your help, they are very much focused on what needs to be done. There is a lot of growing tension.


First Post
The worst of my semester is over!

Anyway, Deigh is all for staying and fighting, in the immediate future.

As for the time in between, Deigh has been in the complex for a while, any chance he might be able to get a magic item made? he has some cash at this point...

For the future, I'd say White Plume Mountain is a good first stop. We can definately make it there, and see how things go. An excursion to fight Knockmort again might not be a bad idea either...


Deigh would have had the end of Plowing, all of Sowing and all of Greening to commission magic. After Heat 5, things get very loopy at the Complex.


Heat 20
Josefus receives the morning report from the army. The withdrawal is proceeding as expected. The giant and his minions are continuing pursuit. Knowing that it is unlikely he will be needed, Josefus sequesters himself into an inner sanctuary and sets himself down into an elaborate throne. Expending all of his blessings for the day, he once again sends out a message to the leaders of the Church.

Dozens of priests receive his Sending relating the events at the Ternell Complex. It is a short message, enough to convey the peril and the plan. Josefus then waits for the responses to arrive. The magic of the Throne of Sending receives the messages and prioritizes them. Due to his strength and experience, Josefus is able to reply several times. The Throne is a powerful item that is rarely used, but the situation is dire enough to warrant such measures. It is several hours before he is finished. Dragging himself out of the sanctuary, he gathers the other leaders within the Ternell Complex to aprise them of the plan.

Heat 25
The army continues it's retreat and Josefus has taken to publicly announcing the status of the updates. The Complex is a flurry of activity. The few minor artificers are trying to get some final items created for the upcoming battles. Smiths are checking weapons and armor and repairing whatever needs it. Each day the forest around the Complex retreats a bit. Trees are being cut to avoid providing cover for the enemy. Kind protests the destruction, but he also knows that it makes sense. Besides, it hardly seems like the enemy will be any easier on the environment. Many trees will fall to provide tools to assault the fortress.

The focus of the inhabitants at the Ternell Complex is impressive. Containers for arrows, bolts, javelins, and throwing spears are placed all over the Complex. Every container capable of holding water is being filled and placed for quick access. Personal items are being placed in chests and locked away. Houses, inns, taverns, and businesses are being cleaned, almost as if guests are expected.

Moons: The primary is waxing toward full. The secondary is waning toward new.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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