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Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

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Why even for omnific? At omnific we have cosmic nullification.
Cosmic nullification has the weakness of needing someone to to be within your aura to use.

Meaning, theoretically, you would need to be within range to use it on someone. And someone could either plane shift or move out of range of you to counter. It's both more dynamic and exploitable that way vice a flat, broken, unabrogatable security blanket, which still would be mitigated by Cosmic Nullification meaning it would be pointless anyway as written, or utterly broken if made trans or omni.

Just seems like unnecessary extra steps and overcomplication.


Nightmare Portfolio

Aspects: Fear, Horror

Opposed Portfolio: Dream

Examples: Epiales (Greek)

Favored Animal: Dream Larva and Fear Eater (unnatural)

Favored Class: Direlock

Favored Place: Places of fear and horror

Favored Sacrifice: The face of a terrified sentient creature

Favored Time: A dark and stormy night

Favored Weapon: Any slashing weapon

Portfolio Trial: Make a person's die from fear

Prerequisites: Any non-good alignment

Symbol: Puddle from which a hand comes out

Typical Quote: "You Can Run but You Can't Hide."


Granted Power: You gain the Worst Nightmare ability.

Worst Nightmare (Su): Each time a creature first view you from a distance of 30 feet or less (or from a scrying effect), the subject sees the image of the most fearsome creature imaginable. This is not an illusion or phantasm; you truly becomes, for just that instant, the subject’s worst nightmare. Even if simultaneously viewed by dozens of different creatures, you appear differently to each one of them. All creatures must make a Will save DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Charisma modifier + your divine rank or die from the supernatural horror revealed. Survivors (and those resurrected) are immune to this effect from you for 1 day. This is a fear, death, mind-affecting effect, and can be avoided as if it were a gaze attack. This effect ignore immunity against this descriptors of creatures with less divine grade of you (quasi-deity, demi-deity, lesser deity, etc.). If you have the double Nightmare Portfolio consider yourself 1 grade higher for this effect. You can suppress this ability as a swift action and reactivate it as a move action. The save DC is Charisma based.

1 Sleep: You can put 4 HD of creatures to sleep.

2 Scare: Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.

3 Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.

4 Phantasmal Killer: Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.

5 Nightmare: Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.

6 Dream Travel: Travel to other places through dreams.

7 Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened and comatose.

8 Dream Voyage: As dream travel, but with more flexibility and able to affect more creatures.

9 Weird: As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft.


You create a realm of pure terror and horror in the dread Plateau of Leng, under a cold and horrible moon, on the slopes of the Kadath.

Hazards: Those mortals visiting your realm must beware of heart attacks (Will DC 11 with a new save to be made every encounter (+1 to the DC each time) or die. Immortals who fail their save will not die but will want to leave immediately. This effect is enchantment based.

Inhabitants: Creatures related to dream and fear, such as Animate Dream, Dream Larva, Dreamthief Hag, Night Hag, Nightmare, will be attracted to these realms.

Nightmare Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: Part of the immortal looks like something out of a nightmare. This may simply be the immortal’s eyes. Usually however, it is dependant on the second portfolio.

e.g. An immortal with the Nightmare and Sea portfolios may only manifest tentacles in the lower part of the body with boiling wolf heads at the junction of the two parts (like a Scylla). Whereas one with the Nightmare and Sky portfolios may have wings made of a black spider's web with screaming souls trapped inside.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Demeanor: The immortal’s mannerisms are creepy and unnerving.

Nightmare Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s entire manifestation looks like something out of a nightmare.

Demeanor: The immortal is always trying to cause fear.

(Single) Nightmare Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Dream-bound (Ex)
Fear the Fearless (Ex)
Use any fear domain spell as spell-like ability
You suffer a penalty equal to your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if you have not slept, dreaming, for at least 1 hour in the past 24 hours

You suffer 50% extra damage from attacks by creatures that are immune to fear

Always Active
Shield of Fear (Su)​
You are immune to fear effects and opponent morale bonuses​
Always Active​
Scion of Nightmares (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that is under a fear effect​
Always Active​
Children of Nightmares (Ex)​
Creatures you summon gain Profane bonus equal to your divine rank to all rolls​
Always Active​
Instrument of Nightmares (Su)​
Immunities against your fear attacks only 50% effective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Fear [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with fear based attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Fear Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with fear based attacks​
Greater Deity​
Heart of Nightmare (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to half your HD if there is a creature under a fear effect within your divine aura​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Messiah of Nightmare (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Dream)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by creatures of a lower divine status who have a nightmare in the last 24 hours
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Cosmic Fear (Su)​
Substitute cosmic fear (d20s) damage for all uses of fear (like Fear [Effect] or Phantasmal Killer)​
Always Active​

(Double) Nightmare Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Dream-bound (Ex)
Fear the Fearless (Ex)
Use two fear domain spell as spell-like ability
You suffer a penalty equal to double your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if you have not slept, dreaming, for at least 1 hour in the past 24 hours

You suffer 100% extra damage from attacks by creatures that are immune to fear

Always Active
Ward of Nightmares (Su)​
Allies in your aura are immune to fear effects and morale penalties​
Always Active​
Greater Scion of Nightmares (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to double divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that is under a fear effect​
Always Active​
Lord of Nightmares (Ex)​
Creatures you summon gain Profane bonus equal to your divine rank x2 on all rolls​
Always Active​
Embodiment of Nightmares(Su)​
Immunities against your fear effects ineffective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Fear [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with fear based attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Fear Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with fear based attacks​
Greater Deity​
Nightmare Soul (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD if there is a creature under a fear effect within your divine aura​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Abrogate (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Dream)
You can negate your opponents greatest advantage
Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Legendary Charisma (Ex)​
Your charisma score is tripled​
Always Active​
First One​
Transmigration (Su)​
If destroyed your spirit inhabits its slayers body​

FEAR [EFFECT] (SU) (Divine Ability)

Destroy your foes with fear based attacks.

Prerequisites: Any-non Good.

Benefit: The effect deals d6 damage per hit die of the deity. Creature that take damage must make a Will save, with the same DC of the version of the Effect or be panicked for a number of rounds equal to the divine rank of the deity. A Will save DC 20 + immortal’s Charisma modifier + immortal’s divine rank negate for the form without DC (like Hand or Strike). Against creature without a divine rank or equivalent this increase to a number of hours equal to the divine rank of the deity. If you have Uncanny Fear Mastery, you can choose to have creatures that fail their saving throw die of fear instead of making them panicked (this does not give the death descriptor to the effect but creatures immune to death effects have a bonus of +4 or equal to their divine rank [whichever is higher] on the saving throw). This effect has the fear descriptor.

Special: This effect can be taken multiple times and its effects stack.

Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect (see pages 116- 117), or it applies to the same effect as follows:

Taken twice = Greater [Fear] [Effect], original effect doubled.

Taken three times = Superior [Fear] [Effect], original effect tripled.

Taken four times = Perfect [Fear] [Effect], original effect quadrupled.

Taken five times = [Fear] Mastery, use any type of [aligned] effect.

Taken six times = Uncanny [Fear] Mastery, shape area effects to only target enemies.


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Nightmare Portfolio

Aspects: Fear, Horror

Opposed Portfolio: Dream

Examples: Epiales (Greek)

Favored Animal: Dream Larva and Fear Eater (unnatural)

Favored Class: Direlock

Favored Place: Places of fear and horror

Favored Sacrifice: The face of a terrified sentient creature

Favored Time: A dark and stormy night

Favored Weapon: Any slashing weapon

Portfolio Trial: Make a person's die from fear

Prerequisites: Any non-good alignment

Symbol: Puddle from which a hand comes out

Typical Quote: "You Can Run but You Can't Hide."


Granted Power: You gain the Worst Nightmare ability.

Worst Nightmare (Su): Each time a creature first view you from a distance of 30 feet or less (or from a scrying effect), the subject sees the image of the most fearsome creature imaginable. This is not an illusion or phantasm; you truly becomes, for just that instant, the subject’s worst nightmare. Even if simultaneously viewed by dozens of different creatures, you appear differently to each one of them. All creatures must make a Will save DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Charisma modifier + your divine rank or die from the supernatural horror revealed. Survivors (and those resurrected) are immune to this effect from you for 1 day. This is a fear, death, mind-affecting effect, and can be avoided as if it were a gaze attack. This effect ignore immunity against this descriptors of creatures with less divine grade of you (quasi-deity, demi-deity, lesser deity, etc.). If you have the double Nightmare Portfolio consider yourself 1 grade higher for this effect. You can suppress this ability as a swift action and reactivate it as a move action. The save DC is Charisma based.

1 Sleep: You can put 4 HD of creatures to sleep.

2 Scare: Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.

3 Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.

4 Phantasmal Killer: Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.

5 Nightmare: Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.

6 Dream Travel: Travel to other places through dreams.

7 Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened and comatose.

8 Dream Voyage: As dream travel, but with more flexibility and able to affect more creatures.

9 Weird: As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft.


You create a realm of pure terror and horror in the dread Plateau of Leng, under a cold and horrible moon, on the slopes of the Kadath.

Hazards: Those mortals visiting your realm must beware of heart attacks (Will DC 11 with a new save to be made every encounter (+1 to the DC each time) or die. Immortals who fail their save will not die but will want to leave immediately. This effect is enchantment based.

Inhabitants: Creatures related to dream and fear, such as Animate Dream, Dream Larva, Dreamthief Hag, Night Hag, Nightmare, will be attracted to these realms.

Nightmare Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: Part of the immortal looks like something out of a nightmare. This may simply be the immortal’s eyes. Usually however, it is dependant on the second portfolio.

e.g. An immortal with the Nightmare and Sea portfolios may only manifest tentacles in the lower part of the body with boiling wolf heads at the junction of the two parts (like a Scylla). Whereas one with the Nightmare and Sky portfolios may have wings made of a black spider's web with screaming souls trapped inside.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Demeanor: The immortal’s mannerisms are creepy and unnerving.

Nightmare Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s entire manifestation looks like something out of a nightmare.

Demeanor: The immortal is always trying to cause fear.

(Single) Nightmare Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Dream-bound (Ex)
Fear the Fearless (Ex)
Use any fear domain spell as spell-like ability
You suffer a penalty equal to your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if you have not slept, dreaming, for at least 1 hour in the past 24 hours

You suffer 50% extra damage from attacks by creatures that are immune to fear

Always Active
Shield of Fear (Su)​
You are immune to fear effects and opponent morale bonuses​
Always Active​
Scion of Nightmares (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that is under a fear effect​
Always Active​
Children of Nightmares (Ex)​
Creatures you summon gain Profane bonus equal to your divine rank to all rolls​
Always Active​
Instrument of Nightmares (Su)​
Immunities against your fear attacks only 50% effective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Fear [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with fear based attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Fear Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with fear based attacks​
Greater Deity​
Heart of Nightmare (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to half your HD if there is a creature under a fear effect within your divine aura​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Messiah of Nightmare (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Dream)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by creatures of a lower divine status who have a nightmare in the last 24 hours
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Cosmic Fear (Su)​
Substitute cosmic fear (d20s) damage for all uses of fear (like Fear [Effect] or Phantasmal Killer)​

(Double) Nightmare Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Dream-bound (Ex)
Fear the Fearless (Ex)
Use two fear domain spell as spell-like ability
You suffer a penalty equal to double your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if you have not slept, dreaming, for at least 1 hour in the past 24 hours

You suffer 100% extra damage from attacks by creatures that are immune to fear

Always Active
Ward of Nightmares (Su)​
Allies in your aura are immune to fear effects and morale penalties​
Always Active​
Greater Scion of Nightmares (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to double divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that is under a fear effect​
Always Active​
Lord of Nightmares (Ex)​
Creatures you summon gain Profane bonus equal to your divine rank x2 on all rolls​
Always Active​
Embodiment of Nightmares(Su)​
Immunities against your fear effects ineffective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Fear [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with fear based attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Fear Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with fear based attacks​
Greater Deity​
Nightmare Soul (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD if there is a creature under a fear effect within your divine aura​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Abrogate (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Dream)
You can negate your opponents greatest advantage
Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Legendary Charisma (Ex)​
Your charisma score is tripled​
First One​
Transmigration (Su)​
If destroyed your spirit inhabits its slayers body​

FEAR [EFFECT] (SU) (Divine Ability)

Destroy your foes with fear based attacks.

Prerequisites: Any-non Good.

Benefit: The effect deals d6 damage per hit die of the deity. Creature that take damage must make a Will save, with the same DC of the version of the Effect or be panicked for a number of rounds equal to the divine rank of the deity. Against creature without a divine rank or equivalent this increase to a number of hours equal to the divine rank of the deity. If you have Uncanny Fear Mastery, you can choose to have creatures that fail their saving throw die of fear instead of making them panicked (this does not give the death descriptor to the effect but creatures immune to death effects have a bonus of +4 or equal to their divine rank [whichever is higher] on the saving throw). This effect has the fear descriptor.

Special: This effect can be taken multiple times and its effects stack.

Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect (see pages 116- 117), or it applies to the same effect as follows:

Taken twice = Greater [Fear] [Effect], original effect doubled.

Taken three times = Superior [Fear] [Effect], original effect tripled.

Taken four times = Perfect [Fear] [Effect], original effect quadrupled.

Taken five times = [Fear] Mastery, use any type of [aligned] effect.

Taken six times = Uncanny [Fear] Mastery, shape area effects to only target enemies.
This is intense, I like it!


Here's a reworked ability from Deities and Demigods:

Divine Splendor (su) (cosmic)
Prerequisites: Perfect Divine Aura, Cha 70
Benefit: Enemies who enter your divine aura or start their turn there have to make a fortitude save at the same DC for your normal divine aura effects or die. The save must be repeated every round the enemy regards in the divine aura, although things like Learned Ability Immunity are still effective. This ability can be disactivated as a free action.


Is this epic or divine?

Armored casting (ex)
Prerequisites: Either 25 or 40 ranks in spellcraft
Benefit: You ignore the arcane spell failure chance from wearing armor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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