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(Cydra) Great Conflicts

the Jester

The Gruesome Wedding

7:45 p.m., 9/30/368 O.L.G., the Halls of Healing, Var, Dorhaus

Ten Buck Tom stops and looks east, shaken by sudden unease.

Something terrible just happened, he thinks, and he doesn’t know why. The altar boy talking to him trails off as his attention is obviously distracted. After a moment, Tom smiles at the lad, realizing his rudeness, and apologizes. Must just be something in my head. I’ve been jumpy ever since the Vestige. I’m starting to see shadows everywhere.


7:20 p.m., 9/30/368 O.L.G., in the room of the Crux Crystal in the inner sanctum of Bile Mountain

This chamber, the very chamber our heroes are gathered within, was where it all ended when they assaulted Bile Mountain before. It was here that they desperately fought to hold off the mithral golem while they hacked and hammered and cast spells at the Crux Crystal, the great gem that sustained the strange transformation of water to bile in the depths of the mountains. It was here that Angelfire Mountain got its new name, as the adventurer Angelfire shattered the crystal to pieces and ended the horrible curse of bile on the northwestern arm of Pesh.

There, in mid-air, where the Crux Crystal once hung, is the portal that Jezebel has discerned. Nobody can see it, but several of the others have already cast spells of detection in order to view it. Those who can detect it see it hanging in midair.

“Let’s go,” Thrush says grimly. “Let’s get this over with.” His brow is sweaty; he is returning to face some very angry former masters- and the group has already seen that they can restore their dead to life.

Our heroes gather together, and Thrush moves boldly through the space in the air that Jezebel has indicated. But nothing happens; he passes through the space holding the magical aura as if there were nothing there.

“It probably requires some sort of key to pass through,” Horbin muses. “But what?”

Sybele snaps her fingers. “I bet it’s the bile! Remember, we found some when we searched- I’ll bet it was so he could get back through the portal.”

“That’s possible,” admits Horbin. “Well, I’ve got that vial- let’s see.” And he moves through the portal’s area- and vanishes!

“Uh-oh,” groans Thrush.

Jezebel throws herself through after Horbin, but to no avail. “I thought it might open the door, but it only opened for him!”

“Didn’t the Bile Lord himself have a vial of it, too?” Drelvin asks.

“Yes.” Angelfire has pulled the other vial from her pouch. She turns and rushes towards the portal.

“Wait!” yells Sybele. “Give some to us!” But Angelfire rushes heedlessly through the portal. Londo gives an inarticulate cry as she vanishes and he hurls himself after her, passing through the air and going nowhere at all.

“Oh, crap,” Drelvin groans. “We’d better get some bile, and fast. Who knows what’s on the other side!”

“Not only that,” Jezebel adds, “the portal could be one-way.”


7:21 p.m., The Wedding Ground, the Bile King’s Demiplane

Amnor has not returned, and now the wedding party is one short. The Bile King is most displeased. He wrings his yellowed hands together and glances at his beautiful Queen of Guts, resplendent in her white wedding dress (though, truth to tell, it is starting to stain in the belly rather quickly, but that is all part of her beauty). He cannot have an inferior wedding; every detail must be perfect.

His demiplane is shaped like a sickle, with the wedding ground at the one end. He glances at the path and considers. If the interlopers have slain Amnor again they may find their way here. He feels a mild, acrid annoyance at the thought- but he could at least fill up his wedding party.


7:23 p.m., the inner sanctum of Bile Mountain

Our heroes rush towards one of the nearby caves that they earlier searched. It has a significant pool of bile in it- and as they move towards it, something stirs.

This pool is where Alcar, the Angel of Food, died. It is here that they recovered his mechanical leg. And deep in this pool lurks a terrible creature, mutated by the stinking, cloying bile all around it; a creature of such horrendous potential that the Bile King himself took interest, and wrought changes in it, in order that it might serve as a warden of the key to his secret dimension. Call it Alcar’s revenge, if you will; but as the great monstrosity rises up from its pool, almost everyone is clustered together and virtually everyone screeches to a gaping momentary halt.

It kills most of them.

The party manages to land a few quick shots. Most of them remain, sadly, in a small cluster, firing missiles. Thrush flies forward to engage it as Jezebel moves to the side, away from the group. Then-

The creature is like some terrible mix of crustacean and insect, sporting tremendous claws and four horrifying heads that seem to writhe with tentacles. Its mottled, armored carapace is swollen angrily and cracks leak out foam and bile. Its shell is spiny and wicked-looking.

All four heads spit bile in an explosive mass right where our heroes are clustered. Agonized screams ring out, and when it’s over only Thrush and Jezebel, neither of whom were caught, are standing. With a shock, Thrush realizes, This thing just killed everyone.

Next Time: Can things get worse? You bet they can!!
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What was that thing!?

Can our heroes recover? Horbin the Holy and Angelfire are beyond the portal- and splitting the party is maybe not such a good idea... can Thrush and Jezebel recover the bodies/equipment of the fallen? Or do they die too?

Man. This is awful!

More please. :D

the Jester

The Gruesome Wedding, pt. 2

7:22 p.m., 9/30/368 O.L.G., the Bile King’s Demiplane

Horbin stumbles as he catches his footing on the far side of the portal. He sees four fat walking corpses start moving towards them, slavering and gnashing their teeth. Their jaws seem unhinged.

Horbin the MFKG Holy hesitates not even an instant. He lays a protection from acid on himself, then casts a quickened searing light at the nearest creature, burning its flabby chest.

“SSSOO HUNGRY,” it moans, and the four of them rush forward to devour him.

Horbin channels the sacred might of Dexter, trying to turn these monstrosities back- but to no avail. He sets his stance, hefts his shield and braces himself-

Then Angelfire is there, slashing and hacking. The nearest undead creature staggers and turns to flee. Angelfire slices it viciously across the back, but it just keeps going, running out of sight.

Then the other three are on our heroes, keeping them rather busy. They fall upon Angelfire.

The jaws of the terrible monsters are able to open wide enough to bite a man in half. Angel blocks several bites, but several more penetrate her defenses. Still, she stands firm, screening Horbin so that he can unleash more of Dexter’s might in the form of a flame strike that burns all three remaining monsters. Angelfire slices through the skull of one of them and cleaves onto the next nearest. A moment more and our heroes have defeated the remaining undead.

Breathing hard, Angelfire glances behind them. The portal is faintly visible from this side.

“Where are the others?” Horbin asks after a moment.

“They don’t have any bile,” Angel remarks.

“Well, crap. That can’t be good.”

How right they are.


7:23 p.m., the Inner Sanctum of Bile Mountain

“Thrush, no! Run!” screams Jezebel as she blasts out with a maximized scorching ray. She’s moving backwards rapidly, as rapidly as she can while still keeping the horrible chuul in range of her spells.

But Thrush does not heed her. Roaring in rage, he charges forward and hacks at the monster with all his might, dealing it a tremendous wound. The four-headed monstrosity hisses loudly and strikes out, and though he parries its first claw, the second tears at him.

Biting her lip in fear, with only a glance to her mother’s corpse, Jezebel casts another maximized scorching ray. Her pulse quickens as she sees her would-be stepfather slash it again and again, inflicting grievous damage on it. And then it catches him in first one claw and then the other; and as it squeezes him in both, he screams one final time before it tears him in two.

“NOOOOOO!!!!” the half-dragon shrieks, and she fires another scorching ray and flees. But she can hear it pursuing her inexorably, and as it slays her, her last thought is Orbius- where are you?


7:25 p.m., the Inner Sanctum of Bile Mountain

Angelfire and Horbin emerge from the portal back in the Crux Crystal room. They are greeted by a grisly sight: the terrible four-headed lobster-thing devouring Jezebel’s body.

In an instant Angel is upon it. She deals a telling blow to it, but its wounds have begun to heal already. It turns and tears at her to incredible effect, forcing Angelfire to retreat for one of the few times in her life.* As it pursues her she timeslips and vanishes, leaving Horbin, cursing, on his own against the monster. As it lumbers towards him, it shrugs off a destruction, and Horbin takes a deep breath and readies his mace.

Where are the others? he wonders desperately, and shouts, “Hey! There’s trouble over here, if anyone can hear me!”

Next Time: The conclusion! Gutlings, Bile Lords, the King of Bile... and the Queen of Guts!!!

*We’re talking, according to the notes from this session, 248 hp of damage in one round.


the Jester said:
Next Time: The conclusion! Gutlings, Bile Lords, the King of Bile... and the Queen of Guts!!!

When you say "conclusion" you don't mean "the END," do you? :eek:

the Jester said:
Go to my no-player lookee thread in RG.

I had been keeping a close eye on the Rogue's Gallery thread- I knew you would post the stats there. But thanks for the pointer.

Incidentally, I want to thank you for gracing us with your frequent updates. Of all my favorite story hours, only yours has been updated at all recently. For the others, the drought has lasted for months. :(

So keep up the good work!

the Jester

Cheiromancer said:
Incidentally, I want to thank you for gracing us with your frequent updates. Of all my favorite story hours, only yours has been updated at all recently. For the others, the drought has lasted for months. :(

Hey, thanks Cheironmancer! You know, whenever I start to slack off on the updating, it's feedback that really motivates me to get back to it. The more people comment the more prone I am to update frequently, especially when I get to the 'tricky' stuff (i.e. stuff that's especially hard to write, complex and/or difficult to remember, etc).

Thanks again! :)

the Jester

The Gruesome Wedding, pt. 3 (Conclusion)

Look_a_Unicorn said:
In that case, please update!
I really love reading this Story Hour :)

Thanks! :D

Here you go, but remember- you asked for it!


7:23 p.m., 9/30/368 O.L.G., the Bile King’s Demiplane

The corpulent creature shambles at a full run into the wedding ground, then halts. The Bile King, his soon-to-be Queen, the other Bile Lords and the Queen’s gutlings- all are in attendance. A sacred moment is approaching. The priest is ready to perform the ceremony. To interrupt at this moment is inadvisable, for anything less than an incredible occurrence.

Someone has penetrated into the demiplane.

The Bile King draws himself up to his full height. The white-hot fires of anger are burning in him now. To interrupt, now, at his very wedding! This affront cannot be allowed to stand- no, to allow that would be to show a callow disregard for his love. For the Queen of Guts.

The King of Bile strides forward, the single word, “Come.” exiting his lips. The Bile Lords surge to their feet after him, shocked beyond words.

How long has it been, Chemnu the Bile Lord thinks gleefully, since the King has struck his enemies personally?

To the surprise- and, to a certain extent, consternation- of the Bile King and his Lords, the Queen of Guts and her gutlings silently rise and follow them out.


7:25 p.m., the Inner Sanctum of Bile Mountain

The terrible four-headed chuul makes a horrifyingly satisfied-sounding roar as its great pincers tear at Horbin, grabbing him and squeezing him severely.* The cleric struggles mightily to break free, but to no avail; it’s too strong, even with his many magical enhancements. “Hey!” he screams at the top of his lungs. “A little help here!”

But nobody hears.

Horbin gasps as the blood pours down his body. The chuul holds him with one claw and tears at him with the other, and he screams again as it savages his chest, popping ribs and crushing a lung. Blood pours from Horbin’s mouth.**

Desperately, he struggles to tear out of the thing’s grasp, and since it is only clutching him in one of its pincers, he manages to wriggle free, leaving a lot of body parts behind. He coughs and a great spasm of pain runs through him. I can’t take another one of those, he thinks woozily. Can barely stand... He bares his teeth in a glare of concentration and casts defensively, mass healing himself. To his surprise, not all of his wounds heal.

There’s nobody else left, he realizes with a shock as he calls out again. They’re all down, captured or worse. Grimly, he braces himself for another assault-

And then Angelfire appears, blurring in from out of time, and her falchion is everywhere. She had virtually no time to prepare for this fight, so she simply rushes into it with a psionic lion’s charge, dealing a series of tremendous, punishing blows to it. Her falchion tears great chunks from it, and she splits it between its two central heads almost to the midsection. The monster gives a high-pitched shriek and collapses, dead.

Horbin and Angelfire look at each other.

“Holy crap,” Horbin says after a moment. “I think the others are dead.” He glances over at the meager remains of Jezebel.

Angelfire cries out, “Londo!” But there is no answer.


7:27 p.m., 9/30/368 O.L.G., the Bile King’s Demiplane

The remains of the three famine spirits that Angel and Horbin killed lay in all their gruesome glory. The remaining famine spirit devours one of the corpses in but a pair of bites, then guiltily rushes over to attend its master.

“Tamult,” the King of Bile says, and the Bile Lord Tamult falls quaking to one knee before him.

“My King!” he cries, head bowed, his voice betraying naked fear... as is only proper.

“Bring them,” the King grates, gesturing at the portal. The Bile Lord nods eagerly, rising and turning towards the portal.

The Queen of Guts makes no sound, but a gutling detaches from her retinue to accompany the Bile Lord on his mission.


7:26 p.m., the Inner Sanctum of Bile Mountain

Grimly, the two take stock of their situation. Horbin is grimly angry. Why do I have to get stuck with Angelfire, of all people? he wonders with a silent groan.

”What do we do now?” he wonders aloud.

“Well,” Angelfire says, and stops.

Their options, here in the inner sanctum of Bile Mountain, where they are cut off from teleportation and plane shifting magic, are sorely limited. Quickly, they discuss things. Horbin points out, “My mass heal should have fully restored me, but it didn’t. Something’s wrong. I think it’s a type of terrible wound that requires a sanctified area in order to heal.”

“Not much of that here,” remarks Angelfire idly.

Horbin sighs gustily. “Well-“

Then, suddenly, through the portal step a Bile Lord and a gutling.

The gutling looks like a giant with deep grey, almost black, skin. His hair is a stark white that contrasts dramatically with his dark skin. He stands about twenty feet tall- so tall that Horbin and Angelfire stand only thigh-high to him. Worse yet, his intestines are hanging in gruesome loops from his belly. And even worse yet, as our two surviving heroes watch in horror, the ropey guts begin twitching and moving on their own.

Before Angelfire or Horbin have a chance to even move, Tamult, instantly recognizing them, unleashes a horrid wilting. The magic desiccates the two heroes, draining their bodies of moisture and vitality. Their mouths go dry as dust, their eyes grow sore and itchy with dehydration. Both of them give out shouts of pain.

This is bad! Horbin thinks. He fires a sunbeam, catching the Bile Lord square in the chest and staggering him for a moment. Then he turns to see how Angelfire’s doing-

Not well at all, really.

She scored but a single blow on the gutling before its intestines rose up and lashed out, entangling Angel in a web of dripping flesh. She gives a grunt of displeasure as several loops go around her throat. She grasps them to break free-

But then Tamult speaks a Word of Power, and suddenly Angel is reeling, unable to think or act or resist, and the loops tighten on her throat.

Gagging on the stench of the Bile Lord, Horbin assesses the situation. He has an idea as to an escape route, but it’s only an idea. It might work... it might.

But he can’t leave Angel to die, even if she just about left him to die just minutes before. Even if she almost let Faericles kill them all in Moil. Even if she is an evil bitch, Horbin thinks wryly, and hurls another sunbeam, this time at the gutling.


The light of Dexter is too mighty for the gutling to resist. In a howl of pain it is blasted apart, and Angelfire collapses to the ground.

Tamult leaps back through the portal.

“Oh, man, this is not good,” Horbin moans. He heals Angelfire, bringing her out of the stun, and she scrambles to pick up her two falchions that the dropped when the power word stun took effect on her.

Horbin tries desperately to gate in a solar, but curses when it fails. I knew that wouldn’t work here, he groans in his mind. Damn it!

Then two more Bile Lords and another gutling appear through the portal. One of the Bile Lords splits Horbin and Angelfire with a wall of force, and then the gutling lurches forward, charging at Angelfire. But she slips aside, deftly avoiding his attack, and then timeslips and vanishes.***

“Oh, you bitch!” Horbin cries, furious.

And then there’s no time to complain. He blasts another sunray forward, but it sprays uselessly off of the wall of force. Then the gutling gestures and darkness falls over the battle.

Not good at all! Horbin thinks wildly, and invokes another miracle, disintegrating the wall of force. Not because he wants to fight the overwhelming odds before him; because he doesn’t.

He rushes forward for the portal, but ropes of intestines wrap around him, squeezing an immobilizing him. The gutling’s deadly intestines bludgeon and squeeze, and Horbin struggles mightily to escape; but when Tamult gloatingly speaks another power word stun, it becomes clear that the party’s over for him. He can only stand the tender embrace of the gutling for another dozen seconds or so before he’s dead- less if the thing pounds on him with its huge morningstar as well.

Then Angelfire reappears next to the Bile Lords.

“Wait!” she cries. “We don’t have to fight! You’ve demonstrated your power; we can respect that. Maybe we can do something for you...”

But the gutling finishes Horbin with a terrible strength, and Tamult and Zurtneg, the two Bile Lords, sneer at Angelfire. Tamult dominates her- the Coilite’s will cannot withstand the crushing power of the Bile Lord- and he tells her to sheath her swords.

And she obeys.

“Come,” Tamult growls, “we have a wedding to attend.”


7:30 p.m., 9/30/368 O.L.G., the Bile King’s Demiplane

The gruesome wedding is a sight to be seen, if you can stomach it. If you’re not of an iron constitution, you probably wouldn’t want to look.

The hideous gutlings, a few flies buzzing around them (certainly not native to the demiplane) do nothing to make the wedding pretty. Nor do the Bile Lords, with their clouds of nauseating vapor. Angelfire is beautiful among them. She stands out like a sore thumb.

The poor Galadorian cleric that has been pressed into service to perform the ceremony- What a triumph, to have made Horbin do it! the Bile King thinks idly- is clearly terrified, but too frightened to resist. It is obvious that she wisely doubts whether she’s going to walk away from the ceremony.

But she performs it as best she can. She certainly reads the proper passages from the Galadron, and she even loses the quaver in her voice about halfway through. Immediately afterwards, of course, the Bile Lords and their King order Angelfire to kill the priest, which she gladly does.

Then they tell her to stand in the center of a small area. The gutlings and the Queen of Guts herself surround Angelfire.

“What’s going on?” she asks idly, yawning.

And they tear her to pieces.

Next Time: That’s right, it was a TPK!!! Will there be more updates in this thread? YES! Next time we’ll catch up with a few npcs and see what we see...

*According to my notes, Horbin the MFKG Holy took 117 hp in this round alone.

**Ouch! Another 107 hp.

***Timeslip is a Time domain spell imc. Angelfire had it prepared in multiple domain slots.

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