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(Cydra) Great Conflicts

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the Jester

“Look!” shouts Gerontius, pointing.

In the distance, through the churning chaos of Limbo, our heroes can make out several metal missiles burning towards them. Master Control! thinks Wankerman over their secure telepathic link.

Baron Lillamere replies, Let’s get out of here!

What about Marius? demands Alcar. We can’t let him get away.

The angel guy is right! Sybele’s mental voice is half-panicked. He’ll kill my daughter!

Something’s happened, Lillamere says telepathically. Marius’ destination has changed.

“How?” Mabrack cries aloud.

“Let’s go!” Lillamere exclaims. The group gathers and teleports a thousand miles.


The answer, of course, is a simple miracle cast by Prayzose. However, the emperor is not expecting the teleport trace that Orbius cast via limited wish, so the sudden arrival of Lester and Orbius catches him off-guard.

Lester swoops in, grabs Cluma’s corpse and plane shifts away, grabbing onto Orbius and talking his cohort with him.

“Sh*t!” exclaims Marius.


Orbus and Lester reappear a few moments later, next to the party (thanks to a superior teleport). Alcar soul binds Cluma, and everyone gets a last round of mocking in on the poor Arrow of Law.

“I still can’t believe he sued us,” Lester chortles.*

“So much for that,” Thrush answers wryly.

Stay focused! Baron Lillamere warns. We can’t give them any time to recover- with Marius, they can use it incredibly effectively.

He’s right, Sybele nods. We should press the advantage while we have it.

“Missiles,” Gerontius says suddenly, pointing. Indeed, off in the distance, the burning flames of the missiles’ exhaust stand out in the twisting chaos-scape like candles in the sky.

The party gathers together quickly.

Let’s go kick some ass! Jibber Junior enthuses. Where are we going?

To the Bastion of Order, Lester replies.

Again, the party plane shifts (to Cydra), then greater teleports to the Bastion.

“Now this is how you do it!” Lester cries, and he casts find the path to find the pool room in the Bastion. “We need to get to the devil room!” he declares.

“Missiles,” warns Gerontius. Simultaneously, the group notices several huge, strange-looking weapon emplacements built into the towers. They are swiveling to fire at our heroes.

This time the missiles are too close, too fast. Almost everyone is caught in the blast, flames roaring over their bodies and shrapnel shredding arms, legs, backs. Screams of pain ring out, and then the party clumps up into groups. Alcar casts a mass heal to heal the various wounds the party members have suffered, or at least as many of the wounds as possible. Then Lillamere and Orbius teleport into the emplacements and disintegrate the problem, while the others begin moving into the Bastion from a trap door in the ceiling.

A long line of orcish pistoleers move to oppose them.

“Surrender!” Thrush calls to them. “If you do not, I will have to kill you all! I am the foremost swordsman of our age!”

They do not listen.

Our heroes show no mercy. The pistoleers are the cream of the crop, the best of the best; they are, quite simply, the most elite pistoleers alive.

But our heroes are some of the most elite individuals of any kind alive. They have slain five Arrows of Law, now; and though the sunpowder weapons are frightful and deal telling wounds, they do not equal the odds. Our heroes cut them down, blast them to bits, overcome them easily. Lester’s fireballs, JJ’s energy waves- they are enough to finish the pistoleers. But another, powerful orc has moved into play, dancing the dance with a falchion. He, too, is no match for our heroes.

“This way! Alcar!” shouts Lester. “EARTHQUAKE!!”

Grinning, the Angel of Food, the Angel of Kickass, the Angel of Lost Causes, casts a spell. Suddenly the earth begins to shake and roar. Crevices open in the ground. From within the Bastion come cries of distress. The building itself shudders and creaks, but does not fall.

A troop of sword archons flies into view. Auras of pure righteousness flicker around them as they dive towards our heroes. With swords for forearms, they are formidable, and a good charge from one can completely obliterate a foe. But the party quickly moves through the door that Lester indicates. They find themselves in the chamber where they had fought the strange cubical Wrath of Law.

The sword archons pursue, and as the groups begin to melee, Alcar casts a second earthquake. Dust rises; the creak of straining metal is ominously loud. Things fall; the earth rumbles and roars. But the Bastion of Order stands.

“This is it!” Lester shouts. Dotting the walls of the place are a series of portals. Telepathically, he cries, The keys we need are through those portals!

As the sword archons press their attack, several of our heroes dash through the portals.

And then Alcar casts another earthquake.

Next Time: Through the portals!

*Way back when, he sued the party to recover his sword after he was raised after they killed him in their very first adventure as a party.

Nice update, Jester! Reading it makes me remember how kick butt that adventure was.

For those of you in the viewing audience, you may not have noticed, but we put off this quest until nearly the last possible second. Jester thought we would do it earlier, designed the whole thing, then had to wait while we screwed around! (10 sessions, minimum).

Jester, you forgot about Lester taking the missles head on! They were dodging our walls of force, so Lester flew out and took several rounds on the chin for the party! (I love having 500 hps+ :cool: )


First Post
This story is... epic. Continue pls :)

Seriously Jester, how far are you behind in Great Conflicts. And right now out of all your campaigns- conflict, halfling, low magic etc which campaign is played the most often/most looked forward to?

Anyway thumbs up. Updating that many story hours is appreciated. I'm following halfling way and great conflicts atm. Highlights are still Inoke>Asmodeous and Chief Jawbreaker. :D

the Jester

Krud said:
Seriously Jester, how far are you behind in Great Conflicts. And right now out of all your campaigns- conflict, halfling, low magic etc which campaign is played the most often/most looked forward to?

As far as how far behind I am, look here. If you scroll down to about game 716, you can see that I'm about 4 games behind in Great Conflicts and about three games behind in the halfling story. There are two remaining unposted 3K&E games, plus a tiny bit at the end of one more; the rest is all the low magic one right now.

When running experimental rule sets, I run them almost exclusively as a block; that way we don't mix up which rules apply when. :) Since the Year 271 Campaign has a huge number of changes to the system, we're playing it in 'arcs'. The first arc of the campaign ran from 642 to 666 (excluding 665), and the second arc runs from 722 on (with the 3K&E campaign running concurrently with different players, and with one epic game thrown in there due to the presence of an old player for a weekend- that would be the guy who played the infamous Belmondo the Enhanced).

As to which is 'most looked forward to'- well, you'd have to ask the players! I posted a poll on our Yahoo group (Cydra, if you're interested in checking it out), and it seems to come out damn close to even. :)

the Jester

Knightfall1972 said:
Excellent stuff, J. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, KF! :D

Right now I really need to sit down with all the players and make some notes about who went through which portal etc. Normally, our notes are pretty darn good, but some areas are a lil, ahem, indecipherable, and what happens next iis one of them. So unfortunately, it's likely to be another week or thereabouts before I have another update here.

But the next couple updates will be, shall we say, dramatic. :] :cool:

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