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D&D 3.5 Homebrew: Paths of Legend Vol 1: Tragedy at Silvergard


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Woohoo, game starts tomorrow! For those still dragging, today (actually, tomorrow around noon-ish Mountain Time) is your last chance to get in the details of your characters.

For those already in, I'll be starting an OOC thread in Talking the Talk to handle all the administrative details and work out the kinks. Watch for the first IC post in Playing the Game sometime tomorrow. Please have first responses in within a week. Thanks and I look forward to seeing what comes next.

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I'm excited about this. I'm at work for the next 9 hours or so and I'll have my character's background (and name at least) done before I'm done here. So you know, I can commit to posting at least once a day, if not more.


OK, so as for Mundane gear, I'm stumped. :( Do you use rations? Would William have any reason in character to be lugging around a crowbar or rope + Grappling hook, or etc etc?


First Post
Whatever you feel he would need if he were traveling. Rations are a good idea if William isn't confident in his ability to catch game or forage while he's traveling (Survival skill). If William is already in the Azgundi capital, then you can skip the basic survival gear for now.


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Okay, here she is: Estelle. I didn't give her a last name due to circumstances which will become evident, but if you'd like for her to have one, I might just go something similar to George R.R. Martin and name her Hill or something like that. Anyway, I didn't write this in there, but she was born in early Summer, our equivalent of mid June. So she's a summer baby. Nothing has changed but the updated Appearance, Background, and Personality.

Female Half-Vampire Rogue
Alignment: CN
Origin: Azgund

Abilities: (32)
STR - 10 (2 Points)
DEX - 18 (16 Points)
CON - 10 (2 Points)
INT - 14 (6 Points)
WIS - 8 (0 Points)
CHA - 14 (6 Points)

HP: d6 = 6
Speed: 30ft
Initiative: +4

AC: 14 (+4 Dex)

Fort: 0
Reflex: 6
Will: -1

BAB/Ranged/Grapple: +0/+4/+0

Two Daggers Ranged +3/+3 1d4+1 19-20x2 10’ Range
Two Daggers Melee -2/-2 1d4 19-20x2

Class Abilities:
Sneak Attack +1d6

Racial Abilities:
+4 Skills at 1st Level
+1 Skill at each level
Extra Feat at 1st Level
Favored Class: Any

Bluff – 6 (4 Ranks + 2 Cha)
Disable Device – 8 (4 Ranks + 2 Int + 2 Mwk. Thieves’ Tools)
Escape Artist – 8 (4 Ranks + 4 Dex)
Gather Information – 6 (4 ranks + 2 Cha)
Hide – 8 (4 Ranks + 4 Dex)
Knowledge Local – 6 (4 Ranks + 2 Int)
Listen – -1 (0 Ranks - 1 Wis)
Move Silently – 8 (4 Ranks + 4 Dex)
Open Lock – 10 (4 Ranks + 4 Dex + 2 Mwk. Thieves’ Tools)
Search – 6 (4 Ranks + 2 Int)
Sleight of Hand – 8 (4 Ranks + 4 Dex)
Spot – -1 (0 Ranks - 1 Wis)
Tumble – 8 (4 Ranks + 4 Dex)

Two Weapon Fighting
Point Blank Shot


Backpack 2gp

Two daggers hooked in 4gp

In/On Backpack:
Bedroll 1sp
Flint and Steel 1gp
Waterskin 1gp
Soap 5sp
Masterwork Thieves’ Tools 100gp
Signal Whistle 8sp
Hooded Lantern 7gp
Oil Flasks (x2) 2sp
Total Money: 8gp, 4sp

[sblock=Physical Appearance]Estelle is quite pale, due to her allergy to the sun. Her skin just does not react well, getting very red and blotchy if she is in direct sunlight for quite some time. She has very smooth, milky white skin otherwise, which accentuates the starkness of her eyes. Her chocolate brown wavy hair she keeps loose and free flowing down to the small of her back. She is quite short and lithe, with an enchanting smile punctuated by slightly pronounced canines.[/sblock]
Age: 16
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 104
Eyes: Blue-Grey
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Pale

[sblock=Background]Estelle’s mother, Margaret, was a commoner in Azgund, nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary. Margaret’s husband, Phillip, worked on a small community farm and the two of them shared a small house on the edge of the wheat fields. Their lives were simple and happy. One autumn 17 years ago a few of the neighbors disappeared at night. Not enough to cause a full-scale problem, but enough to cause worry and force everyone to sleep a little less easy. The one night it happened to them, the simple, happy couple.

A knock on the door roused them. When Phillip answered, a disheveled looking man who had one simple request for water greeted him. Concerned, he invited the man into the house to rest for a minute while he prepared a small meal. In no time at all, Phillip was dead, attacked from behind with a simple neck breaking. From there the man moved into the bedroom, where he attacked Margaret.

Nine months later she died and Estelle lived. The local midwife couldn’t save Margaret, but managed to keep the baby, who was very small. Without any family, Estelle spent her first summer battling for life. It was a battle she won. Through the next few years of her life she was being cared for by many different families on the farm, each taking on the responsibility for a time. Estelle grew up as a very social child, but the lack of true intimacy scarred her.

She never became an issue until she became a woman grown. Her aggression turned paramount and she terrorized the boys of her age, much to the shock and dismay of the little farming community. Very quickly those families that had cared for her and raised her took to shunning her. Without any friendly faces or welcome homes, Estelle took to the big city.

Having only been there for a short amount of time, she has quickly picked up a few useful skills, but is really looking to find her niche. While she still has some insidious inclinations, Estelle tries hard to keep them in check. She is a bit ashamed of what happened back at home, but she feels like she had no control.[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality]Estelle is very bright, very charming. She knows what needs to be said in order to elicit certain responses, however, she has a little bit of a dark streak to her and is not afraid to use people to get what she wants. Stemming from the lack of a true loving relationship and lack of intimacy, she is quite the flirt and uses the lure as a tool.[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
Here's Corath's background. Because of her uniqueness, I've written it in first person. After all, she's a construct. She doesn't really have a family per se, or anything else of that nature. Her natural state looks a great deal like the nimblewright picture in MMII in that she is quite shiny. Her master took a great deal of time to make her look appealing, even without her disguise self ability. She is a shiny gold/platinum amalgam. Her "body" has been etched such that she appears to be wearing flowing robes when standing still, but the image changes into the appearance of elven chain when she begins to move, particularly in a fight. This is all cosmetic stuff. :) As for her face, that has been etched to provide the semblance of a real face. It is NOT the mask one sees in MMII. She has "real" hair in that, while it isn't real hair, it appears to be...kinda like a doll. :p I'm thinking that her master, narcisistic twit that he was, wanted her as human appearing as possible in her natural state for aesthetic purposes. Her only disguise self persona, then, is a statuesque human (about 5'10" and 145 lbs) with dark brown hair and brown eyes. Her "background" follows...

"Although I have few memories from before my awakening ten years ago, I dream of a time prior to that. I dream of silver and shadow. I dream of plots and false promises. I dream of abandonment and redemption.

In these dreams, the ones that occur frequently, I remember rocks raining on my head. I remember a child being taken away. I remember being commanded to kill all in my path with no regard for my own safety. I remember protecting my master against all who would do him harm. All of these things I remember.

I have since pieced some of my past together. I have used my memories, dreams, rumors, and tales to base my current self on. Whether any of these are true is anyone’s guess, but I have yet to find anything that is glaringly false in my constructed past.

I am a construct, a nimblewright, although I’m not entirely certain what that means yet. I know that my kind were used in the Shadow War as spies, covert operatives, and assassins. I know that my kind belonged to members of the Enchanters’ Circle of Thay, a land of wizards to the south of Azgund. I know that I was a bodyguard to my master in addition to those other roles.

My disjointed reminiscence provides me with images of a confrontation…snatches of conversation. My master taunting a young half-elven woman. Threats exchanged. Promises of retribution made. A winged woman watching in confusion as my master revealed himself to be not whom he had been for the last several years. A dark man standing between the women and my master. Other men, one Thayvian and one Azgundi, circling around as I approached from the crowd as my master had planned. A man of unknown lineage and a Halfling, moving fluidly, circling around in search of a better position, not realizing the threat I represented. A Tureni woman, children, and her mate, taking the half-elven babe to safety at the behest of the half-elven woman.

I remember them and the fight that followed, albeit as if through a grey haze. My master called on me to reveal myself and defend him. I did so, as I had so often done before. The Thayvian man I knew to be one of the Arcane Tricksters with ties to the Silver Shadow. The man of unknown origin was an associate of his. The dark man standing between my master and the two women I knew to be a member of the Shadow Knights and previously of the Azgundi covert network. The winged woman had been a thorn in his side until very recently. My master had been sent to Azgund with express orders to complicate the lives of this man and the half-elven woman with silver hair. I now know them to be the Shadow Knight and the Silver Shadow.

The fight went awry almost from the first. My master was pursued by the Silver Shadow relentlessly, and not even his soul stealing magics worked. She was tenacious in a way I have not seen since. The plan involved my dropping a tower he had helped design and build, having been the seneschal of Guare for the years leading up to this. At his command, I did so, trapping myself and the Shadow Knight along with most of the others.

I lay in darkness, waiting for my consciousness to leave me. I don’t know how long it took, but as I lay there beneath the rubble and waited for the end, I heard a voice. It told me that I would have life and that I was to have choice. As the voice left me, rescuers found me. I came back to myself, got up as they ran, and left.

I have been wandering ever since. I look for purpose. I seek understanding. Most of all, I strive to be worthy of my sentience, something mortals tend to take for granted. Perhaps, if I prove myself worthy, I, too, can find redemption. As the Shadow Knight found his after a long, dark time, so I hope to find mine. It is this I strive for. The memories of all I had done, all whom I had killed, all that I had lost, keep me focused on what could be, what can be, what should be. It has been only since I came to understand that I truly have a choice that I have begun to discover all that I remember being able to do. This is the path I follow and the tale I try to weave.

May those who come after me learn from what I’ve done, do, and will do. May those whom I have wronged understand that choice is a gift of sentience; without it, choices cannot be made. May those who have done wrong accept the redemption that can come from making different choices.

Thank you, Strange Voice. Thank you, Silver Shadow. Thank you, Shadow Knight. Thank you all who were with you. It is to you that I owe all that I have become. Never will I forget you."


First Post
Hey folks, I'm starting up an OOC thread here shortly, so this one is going to fall by the wayside. I'll be checking back here at the end of the day to make sure nothing last minute came in, though.

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