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Question - Variant humans, yes or no? Also, can I swap out some of the barbarian starting gear for other stuff? Like, swapping out the explorer's pack for a scholar's pack, and the four javelins for a dagger and a quiver of arrows (for the shortbow I intend to pick up as her one simple weapon)?

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Question - Variant humans, yes or no? Also, can I swap out some of the barbarian starting gear for other stuff? Like, swapping out the explorer's pack for a scholar's pack, and the four javelins for a dagger and a quiver of arrows (for the shortbow I intend to pick up as her one simple weapon)?

I'm not going to fret over a few simple pieces of gear, as long as it's not something you couldn't buy with the starting gold for your class.

Describe what you mean by variant humans. I'm cool with your Jekyll and Hyde concept, if that's it. Is there more?



Page 31 of the PHB, the variant human traits sidebar. Instead of all ability scores increasing by 1, two scores increase by 1, you get a skill proficiency, and a feat.


First Post
Another 5E game, plus we would get to help build the world?!?! Why do you insist on tempting me so much. I'm in 3 games already and I was afraid that 3rd one would be pushing my limits. Hasn't so far though. I'm gonna think about this one some and see if there is another good concept I can put together before I declare all in. I guess that makes me a 'maybe'. But if others take all the other spots first, I shan't cry... too much. ;)


Page 31 of the PHB, the variant human traits sidebar. Instead of all ability scores increasing by 1, two scores increase by 1, you get a skill proficiency, and a feat.

Go for it.

Another 5E game, plus we would get to help build the world?!?! Why do you insist on tempting me so much. I'm in 3 games already and I was afraid that 3rd one would be pushing my limits. Hasn't so far though. I'm gonna think about this one some and see if there is another good concept I can put together before I declare all in. I guess that makes me a 'maybe'. But if others take all the other spots first, I shan't cry... too much. ;)

Sure... see what you can come up with. Granted, this thread hasn't been posted for 24 hours yet, but so far people aren't climbing over themselves to get in.



[sblock=Nissa Faori]

Nissa Faori of Timberfall

The daughter of a lumberer who wanted a son, Nissa's mother was cursed by the hags of the Fey Moor to give birth to a daughter who would eventually become a hag. The midwife present at the birth happened to be a priestess of Lathandar. Sensing the curse, the priestess attempted to reverse it but was only partially successful, passing most of the evil to Nissa's mother, who transformed into something...monstrous while giving birth to Nissa. Nissa's mother disappeared into the Fey Moor after giving birth.

Nissa grew up a sickly child due to the aftereffects of the curse and its attempted removal. While the other children were learning the major trade of Timberfall, lumber cutting, hauling, and shipping, Nissa was inside reading books, learning, and studying anything and everything she could about magic.

When Nissa reached puberty, the episodes started. She had always been a target of bullying from the other children whenever she had to be out and about. With puberty, it got worse, until one day she flew into a blind rage and...changed. She flew at one of the local boys and bit him on the arm hard enough to cause permanent damage. The curse had not been entirely removed and it caused her fits of uncontrollable anger accompanied by a physical transformation - not as hideous as a true hag, but monstrous nonetheless. Frantic, Nissa's father tried to find the priestess midwife, but learned she had died just a year earlier. Desperate, he ventured into the Fey Moor and made a bargain with a hag - a remedy that Nissa could take once daily to keep her anger in check. In exchange for the recipe for the remedy, the hag demanded a future favor from either Nissa or her father. Her father agreed, but kept the bargain secret from Nissa, figuring he would shoulder the burden himself.

Nissa's father being relatively well off, he was able to make good on a promise to send her to far-off Kingsport and the prestigious Blackthorn Academy. Nissa has a supply of her remedy and the recipe to make more. What she doesn't know...she is building up a tolerance for the remedy and its starting to lose its effect on her. The rages will soon return and get worse.

Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Barbarian (Path of the Berserker)
Background: Sage
Alignment: Lawful Good

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 13 (+1)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 15 (+2)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 14 (+2)

HP: 11
HD: 1d12
AC: 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Con, no armor)

Dagger - +3 to hit, 1d4+1 piercing, finesse, light thrown (range 20/60)
Shortbow - +3 to hit, 1d6+1 piercing, ammunition (20 arrows; range 80/320), two-handed
Battle Axe - +3 to hit, 1d8+1 slashing, versatile (1d10)

Racial Traits

+1 to two ability scores (Int and Cha)
Skill Proficiency - Medicine
Feat - Linguist (+1 Int, 3 languages, create written ciphers)

Background Traits

Skill Proficiencies - Arcana, History
Languages - Two
Specialty - Discredited Academic (the discredited part has likely not happened, yet; once her secret comes out, she's likely to be expelled from Blackthorn)
Feature - Researcher (if she doesn't know something, she knows where to find the knowledge - libraries, universities, other sages, etc)

Class Traits

Rage - 2/long rest, Advantage on Str checks and saves, +2 damage with Str based melee attacks, Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage

Unarmored Defense - Without armor, AC = 10 + Dex mod + Con mod


Proficiency Bonus: +2

Arcana (Int)
History (Int)
Medicine (Wis)
Nature (Int)
Perception (Wis)

Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

Strength Saves, Constitution Saves

Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Dwarven, Giant, Draconic

Equipment and Gear

Battle Axe (a woodcutting axe that was "weaponized" by Nissa's great great grandfather to fight creatures from the Fey Moor when Timberfall was first settled; it is now a family heirloom and Nissa carries it in a display case currently, having no current intentions of using it as an actual weapon)
Shortbow + 20 arrows

Scholar's Pack (backpack, History of the Central Marches 4th Edition, bottle of ink, ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, bag of sand, small knife)
Extra bottle of ink and quill
Extra small knife
Acceptance Letter to Blackthorn Academy
Common clothes
Belt Pouch (10 gp)


Personality Trait - I am horribly awkward in social situations.
Personality Trait - I have a hard time trusting people and keep secrets even from the people I do trust.

Ideal: Knowledge transcends the material; the mind and spirit can and should transcend the body.

Bond: I secretly wish to find my mother and learn what really happened when I was born.

Flaw: I am afraid for my soul...I have begun to enjoy and even crave my bouts of rage.

Future Development

Multi-class to Warlock (when the hag who originally cursed her mother and later made the bargain with her father comes calling to collect the favor, she demands Nissa's service in a Pact of the Tome - archfey patron, the hag's mistress)

Possible Feats - Healer, Keen Mind, Observant, War Caster


I think I managed to cover everything. Let me know if I missed something or there's something else you need.

Edit: Added future plans for later levels; subject to change based on campaign circumstances of course.
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Room for moi? If so I would prefer wizard. My typical class but have been late to any other game so far lete know

Glad to see you! I'm taking six. Not necessarily the first six, but the six that I think will fit in best. Just be sure to read the first post about creation and posting guidelines, and post up a fairly detailed concept and we'll go from there.



First Post
Kiraya, you know...I never imagined myself saying this, but that would be a really cool character to be a multiclass wizard/barbarian. :)

Warlock/barbarian is a tougher call, because your Intelligence is actually better than your Charisma. I love the concept...I'm just afraid you might be frustrated if you don't multiclass fairly soon. With just +1 to hit from your attributes, she is going to have a tough time barbarianning. You gotta get her into her more scholarly class before ACs start escalating. :)

I dunno, it's a gutsy multiclass regardless of which way you go. You might want to pour more points into Charisma if you're set on the Warlock idea.

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