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[D&D 5E] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr (IC)


Two hyenas quickly join the fray, closing in to Andal with a glint of hunger in their eyes. Enraged, Corilo shouts "Away from my horse, NOW!" and unleashes a barrage of bolts before retreating closer to the party.

OOC: Corilo draws his hand crossbow as a free action. He then shoots twice: once as an action and again as a bonus action (crossbow expert). No disadvantage (again, courtesy of crossbow expert).
He shoots the hyena in T15. If it dies, the second shot is for the hyena in T14.


Corilo then directs Andal to move in U10-U11-V10-V11. If there are still hyenas alive, Andal disengages before moving. If both are dead, Andal dodges.

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Forged Fury

First Post
Round 2

GM: Initiative
Corilo: 14
Lorenzo: 13
Gnorth: 12
Grimfang: 12
Scheppen: 11
Gnolls: 11
Brue: 9

Action is to Lorenzo @harfogman. Currently, Brue, Lorenzo, Scheppen, and Corilo are considered mounted. If you want to dismount, it requires half of your movement.

Lighting conditions are dim light.

Corilo cleanly picked off both hyenas, dropping them in whining heaps. Grimfang looked across the field of battle and growled angrily. Using his knees, the crossbowman directed Andal closer to the rest of the party to set a defensive line.
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Lorenzo slides off seat of the wagon, placing himself between Joté and the encroaching gnolls. He draws his blade as he moves forward, saluting the hyena-man with an wry grin.

"Lady, be with me tonight."

Then Lorenzo sits up from the back of the wagon, next to Brue and hops out, brandishing his blade at the nearest foe.

OOC: Move: dismount to U7, 15' to R7
Interaction: draw sword
Action: Invoke Duplicity (U5)
Bonus Action: move double to R5

AC: 17 HP: (30)27/27
[sblock=Invoke Duplicity]As an action, you create a perfect illusion of yourself that lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). The illusion appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet of you. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the illusion up to 30 feet to a space you can see, but it must remain within 120 feet of you.

For the duration, you can cast spells as though you were in the illusion’s space, but you must use your own senses. Additionally, when both you and your illusion are within 5 feet of a creature that can see the illusion, you have advantage on attack rolls against that creature, given how distracting the illusion is to the target.[/sblock]
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Forged Fury

First Post
The gnolls on the north end of the field look on in complete confusion when what appear to be twin swordsmen appear before them.

OOC: Action to Gnorth @Marcelus14
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Well that was a neat trick. Gnorth thought to himself when he saw Corilo's rapid shots. Looking back, he could see two Lorenzos. That is ALSO a neat trick.

"Good keeping them contained," Gnorth yells to Boddynock as he pulls out his Dwarven forged warhammer and steps in between Corilo and the huntmaster. He then points the weapon at Grimjaw, a sneer coming to his lips and a rhythmic tapping on his drum, "(In Orc) Not too happy about your dogs, eh? Yeah, I would hate to lose my lover too."

OOC: Gnorth pulls out his Warhammer and then moves to T10. He then casts Vicious Mockery "You unleash a string o f insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 13) or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end o f its next turn.". [roll0]

Forged Fury

First Post
Grimfang's eyes went wild at the insult levied against him by Gnorth and he cackled in rage. Tossing down his bow, the gnoll unlimbered his glaive and charged forward. "You'll pay forrr that, orrrc scum!"

The burly gnoll cleared the intervening distance, using the reach of his glaive to enable him to attack Gnorth. He then closed further, swinging his weapon at Corilo. "No simple peddlerrrs are you? No one messes with my pack but me!"

OOC: Move to R10
Action (Multiattack) Attack Gnorth w/Disadvantage - [roll0], [roll1] vs. AC 14, Damage - [roll2]
Move to S11
Action (Multiattack) Attack Corlio - [roll3] vs. AC16, Damage - [roll4]

Scheppen is up, @Egon
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First Post
The arrow from one of the Gnolls whizzed by Boddynock's head, and in that moment he was thankful for bad aim. He turned to quickly survey the field, seeing his webs attempt to contain a portion of the group but failing; sometimes he just wasn't fast enough. And as he was thinking about doing something about that, his eyes made their way to Gnorth; he was nearly shocked into silence as he saw Grimfang's hammer come down not only on Gnorth, but on Corlio as well. And he had to do something about it.

"Orb tonitrui!"

His arcane focus swung forth and a black orb of swirling thunder emanated from it, racing headlong towards Grimfang.

OOC: Casting Chromatic Orb, specifying Thunder damage. Using Tide of Chaos to give myself advantage on the ranged attack roll.

Normal Roll: [roll0]
Advantage Roll: [roll1]
Damage (if applicable): [roll2]

Surge Check: [roll3]
Surge Result: [roll4]

Forged Fury

First Post
The orb of thunder streaked from Scheppen and blasted Grimfang. The sonic boom slammed into him, titular fangs falling like pebbles to the ground. The large gnoll stared death at the much smaller gnome. "You'rrre next!"

The rest of the pack showed some trepidation, but were apparently unwilling to flee while their leader still stood. The northern archer noted the threat represented by the spellcaster and did his best to thread the needle, firing an arrow at Scheppen but missed horribly. One of the spear and shield carrying gnolls closed with Lorenzo and his double and attacked the first of the figures to appear, the real Lorenzo. His spear stab failed miserably. The third gnoll charged forward to try to help his leader, dashing to close the distance with Gnorth. The last gnoll moved to get a clear shot at the vicious little spellcaster and fired an arrow at Scheppen scoring a minor wound.

OOC: Gnoll1: Attack (Scheppen) - [roll0] vs. AC16, [roll1]
Gnoll2: Move to Q6 & Attack (Lorenzo) - [roll2] vs. AC 19, [roll3]
Gnoll3: Move and Dash to S10
Gnoll4: Attack (Scheppen) - [roll4] vs. AC11, Damage - [roll5]

Action to Brue, @CanadienneBacon In case you haven't had the opportunity to read the full OOC, Brue could dismount at U4 and then use the remainder of her movement to get between the two Lorenzos. I'm sure she's itching to hit something.
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Brue's eyes widened at the magical display being put on by several of her counterparts. Where Gnorth slapped her on the back moments earlier started to burn, and the burning surged through her forearms. Brue felt the urge to put some hurt on someone, and the gnolls offered the perfect opportunity. She slid across the back of the wagon, momentarily obscuring Schepp from view. Swinging her legs over the lip of the cart, Brue slithered down. She angled forward and swung at the gnoll accosting Lorenzo.

[sblock=OOC]Move: Slide across wagon and dismount at T6, then 10' movement to R6.

Action: Attack Gnoll2 with maul [roll0] for [roll1]+3 damage.

Bonus Action: None.

Reaction: None.[/sblock]

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