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D&D 5E [D&D 5E] Tattered Memories: An Adventure in Tethyr (COMPLETE)

Forged Fury

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The nameless, matter-of-fact guard responded, "I don't know if the Captain will consent to speak with you. Regardless, he's at the southern gate supervising the food shipment for this evening. Perhaps try there."

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[section]Brue called out, "Thanks!" She backed away a few steps further, then rounded on her heel and set off south. After a moment's deliberation, she made for the Mossy Nymph. Her stomach growled loudly as hunger set in.

When Brue reached the Nymph, she secured her bandana over her mouth and nose, then pushed open the door and looked for a seat at the bar. [/section]

Forged Fury

First Post
Brue made her way back south along the Trade Way. The overcast skies hid the sun, but she could tell that it was close to sinking into Firedrake Bay to the west. Night would fall soon. There were more people on the Trade Way, heading in the same direction as she was. No one made eye contact or talked; for all intents and purposes a silent line of depression.

As Brue reached the center of Mosstone, a number of people had gathered near the well and appeared to be waiting for something. Entering the Mossy Nymph, the genasi was surprised to see a fairly full tavern. While the mood was largely somber and the ubiquity of bandannas indicated things were not normal, she definitely overheard a few humorous comments and conversations. Dorin did not appear to be here yet.

An opening presented itself at the end of the bar near the service area where Janelle was tending to the patrons. Spotting you, the older woman gave a tired smile. "Welcome back, stranger. Drinks are on me, what can I get for you?"

[section]The bar was crowded, so Brue stood at the end of it rather than take a seat. She returned Janelle's smile, adding, "A mug of bitter, please."

While she waited, Brue turned around and scanned the crowd. She looked for the men in the bar brawl this morning, hoping some of them might have returned. She also watched the people for signs of unrest, and listened to conversations around her, trying to get a feel for the mood of the town and whether more people had died today.[/section]

Forged Fury

First Post
"Sure thing, dear," Janelle said as she turned back towards the taps.

Brue leaned against the bar, taking in the rest of the room. It almost looked like a conclave of bandits with all the bandannas. As best she could tell, none of the men from the fight earlier were here, although that may be related to the community service they had been ordered to perform.

Closing her eyes, she focused on her sense of hearing and picked up a few snippets of conversation. The farmers and fieldhands were worried about the crops. Most of the harvest had already been completed, but there was still work left to do if they were going to be prepared before winter arrived. A well-dressed man sitting at another table was negotiating with three hard-looking women. After a few seconds, the genasi determined that the man was a merchant and the three women were his caravan guards. Apparently, none of the crew had counted on being stuck inside the town this long and pay was being renegotiated.

Brue turned at the sound of a clunk behind her. A large filled container rested on the bar, with a cap of foam topping off the heady concoction. "Thanks again for helping out earlier today. That marks two brawls in as many weeks. We didn't have two brawls for the entirety of last year."

[section]Brue picked up the mug and took a sip. "Thank you. I'm happy Greycastle found a good use for my time, even if I'm sorry my having work comes at the price of Mosstone having trouble." She put down the mug on the bar, mindful that the ale would sit on an empty stomach. "I'll look in here a few times a day, see how you're getting on, that the peace is being kept, shall I?"

Brue kept her eyes on Janelle but tried to continue to listen to the merchant negotiating with his henchwomen. She was curious to know the going rate for mercenary work. [/section]

Forged Fury

First Post
OOC: May not have power back at the house, so I'm going to try to slip in a quick post here

Janelle smiled in appreciation. "My thanks. The Nymph doesn't usually have trouble like this. It must be the threat of the plague putting people on edge. Although the last fight broke out before we even knew there was a plague. That damned halfling short-filled the beer casks and we ran out about a week ago."

Brue did her best to pay attention to Janelle while listening into the conversation between the merchant and his guards. It was difficult to make out full sentences, but she caught snippets and phrases including "more pay," "fighting bandits not diseases," "hazard pay" and "an act of Talona." Brue recognized Talona as the Goddess of Poison and Disease. As the conversation came to an end and they shook hands, the genasi believed she heard a sum of 150 gold pieces, but without context, it's difficult to know if that is for all three of the women, whether that is the total of their fee, how far they have already traveled, or how much further they have to go.
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[section]Brue shook the cobwebs out of her head. She gave up trying to listen in on the other conversations going on around her, and focused on Janelle. She took a second sip of her ale, and nodded. "Aye, Mosstone seems a peaceable sort of town. Here's hoping this business with the plague ends soon and folks can return to normal. Speaking of that, if I wanted a quiet word with Captain Holt, what's the best way to go about arranging that? I tried my luck at the north gate just now, but with the stakes and the guards, I didn't risk coming any closer than a hundred feet."[/section]
OOC: Charisma ability check? I'll provide a roll in case one is necessary.


OOC: That bad a Charisma modifier, eh? Damn. A low Charisma throws off my pet theory that Brue is a Paladin. I shall hold out hope that there is some species of DM obfuscation at work here.


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