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D&D: Kazadar Empire

Faehlle Cennaire

First Post
Her hand slicing downward, Fae signals for the horseman to move quickly from cover and charge the Kazadars from behind.

{ooc: Ya, no need for round to round on my account either - I could go 2-3 rounds at a time - but I'll go along with what you have planned. :)

Fae will charge through the Kazadar rear guard, killing as many of her foes as possible en route to meeting her friends somewhere in the middle of the fray and fighting with them until the enemy is defeated. Being concious of the enemy escaping back to town, she will lead any available horsemen to ride them down if/when they flee.}
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With the smaller force
Gilbie 20
Faehlle 14
Dolfuur 6
Enemy Forces 5

Gilbie again quickly scans the battlefield below him for Dolfuur but fails to find him (OOC: Spot roll of 1). Frustrated, he picks one of the closest Kazadar soldiers to him, fires his crossbow but misses.

Fae leads the cavalry on a charge into the rear ranks of Kazadar soldiers. The other horsemen hammer into the enemy ranks but Fae concentrates on her chosen foe, slashing with her sabre at a young looking Kazadar. She hits him hard across his upper back, opening a nasty wound. He falls to his knees in shock. The horse rears up and stomps down on the man, killing him instantly. (OOC: Nice Ride roll of 22 to control her mount in battle, 15 points of damage total to her foe)

Dolfuur again finds himself surrounded by four enemies. He swings at the one to his far left and hits. The dwarf bellows in the heat of battle as his enemy goes down in a heap. Spurred on by his success, he follows through with his axe at the nearest soldier to the one he just killed and again hits, the axe vibrating in his hand as it is buried in the man's chest, killing him. (OOC: 12 and 18 points of damage respectively)

Seeing the viciousness of the attack, no further enemies close with Dolfuur. The two still engaged in melee with him swing their long swords, one hitting and causing another wound to the raging dwarf. (OOC: 7 points of damage)

Two more Kazadar archers fire at Gilbie and both hit, the second one causing a great deal of damage. Gilbie drops his crossbow and falls to the ground, bleeding and unconcious. (OOC: 25 points of damage, including one critical hit. Gilbie is at -6 and dying.)

With the larger force
Friendly forces 17
Enemy forces 12
Samiz 10
Trent 9

The battle continues, seemingly going in the favor of Osbourne and his forces. More friendly troops have either surrounded or entered the keep and less resistance and return attacks seem to be occurring.

Samiz hurries off to speak with Osbourne, leaving Trent to watch the battle rage in the distance.

Damage totals
Dolfuur -- 26 points of damage, 23 hit points left
Gilbie -- 32 points of damage, currently at -6 hit points, unconcious and dying

No one else is injured at this point.

I've decided to slow things down because the last two round have been relatively brutal for the PCs. I was only planning on running maybe half a dozen rounds and then concluding the battle in one longer post but with Dolfuur relatively banged up and Gilbie down, I figure we might as well go round by round with you all posting your actions.
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Faehlle Cennaire

First Post
{ooc: Hm, ya, those were brutal rounds! Round by round sounds just fine at this point! He comes the cavalry! :] }

bic: Having crashed into the back ranks of their Kazadar and with her mother's sabre already bloodied, Faehlle moves to strike down more of her hated foes.

{ooc: Continuing to move and kill herway through the ranks of Kazadar en route to meeting up with her friends. If her mobility allows her to move up alongside an opponent engage with an ally and use her sneak attack, obviously she'd like to!}


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[OOC: Yeah, critical hits can ruin your day in a hurry :\ ]

Unaware of Gilbie's plight, Dolfuur slices and dices Kazadars like the dogs they were. "Well .. is that the best ye lapdogs can muster?" he roars after dropping two more like so many rotten fruit.

With the enemy not engaging him, he engages them, waraxe dripping redly and his voice loud with battle lust. Dolfuur seeks out a leader-type.

[OOC: combat orders

continue to power attack -2/+2 and cleave; if not engaged directly for a round, charge a leaderly-looking individual (if one can be found in the fray) ]

With the smaller force
Gilbie 20
Faehlle 14
Dolfuur 6
Enemy Forces 5

Gilbie lies motionless on the field of battle, bleeding profusely from multiple arrow wounds. (OOC: Rolled a 74 on the stabilize roll.)

Faehlle rides forward into the rear ranks of Kazadar troops, slashing another man as she passes by. The sabre bites deep into her enemy's shoulder and he falls forward on his face, only to be trampled by another of Osbourne's cavalry as he charges forward. (OOC: 11 points of damage from Faehlle's sabre attack)

With only two opponents directly engaged with him, Dolfuur attacks. His axe smashes into one of his enemies cutting through his abdomen and groin. Knowing his foe to be dead, Dolfuur rips his axe free and follows through with a swing at the other man engaged with him. His axe hits again, nearly cutting his left leg off at the hip. The man falls limply to the ground. (OOC: 14 and 18 points of damage respectively)

With bodies piling up around him, Dolfuur finds that none of the enemy appear to want to move to engage him in battle.

A Kazadar soldier attacks Faehlle from her right flank, hitting with his longsword, and opening a minor wound on her right thigh. (OOC: 5 points of damage)

One of the battlefield healers moves up and manages to use his abilities to stop Gilbie's bleeding. (OOC: Gilbie is now holding at -7 hit points) The man prepares to pull Gilbie to a position of more safety.

With the larger force
Friendly forces 17
Enemy forces 12
Samiz 10
Trent 9

The battle continues to rage with Osbourne's troops continuing to gain the upper hand. Osbourne's troops continue gaining positions of advantage on the walls and inside the keep.

Suddenly, a booming explosion is heard and the middle fifty or sixty feet of the south wall of the keep explodes outward in a shower of stone. The explosion sends at least thirty or fourty men flying into the air, mostly those that were near or on top of that section of wall. Various sized pieces of stone rain down on the battlefield just outside the walls of the keep, killing and wounding at least another hundred men. Seconds later, a large group of Kazadar troops charges from inside the keep through the fifty foot gap in the wall and engage Osbourne's troops who are in disarray.

Samiz still has not returned from talking to Osbourne.

Damage totals
Dolfuur -- 26 points of damage, 23 hit points left
Gilbie -- 33 points of damage, currently at -7 hit points, stabilized
Faehlle -- 5 points of damage

Trent is uninjured at this point.


First Post
Given a moment's respite, Dolfuur feels the sting of his wounds, slight gashes that would heal over a week.

If a cursory glance of the nearby battleground does not reveal a likely leader-type, Dolfuur wades back into the fray, choosing Kazadars that are fresh and unwounded.

Should the opportunity to decapitate (literally!) some of the leadership of their foes present itself, the Dwarf seeks out the opposing Officer. Dolfuur's goal is to bring their enemy to rout, so as he moves he roars, "Flee, ye dogs! Yer day is lost and the ground runs in red rivers with yer lifesblood. Flee, and quit this struggle, lest yer Souls be sent te t'Hells!"

[OOC: combat orders

For the next few rounds, continue to attack with Power attack at -2/+2; Cleaving as much as possible]
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Faehlle Cennaire

First Post
{ooc: Sorry for the delay. Been tied up with work now that I have a second job.}

bic: As the cavarly scythes through the ranks of the Kazadar, Faehlle scans the battlefield to assess the state of the battle, the morale of the enemy and, hopefully, for signs of her friends before plunging back into the fray.

{ooc: Spot check to find her friends. How is the battle going? Are the Kazadars still fighting bravely or are they starting to sense imminent defeat?

Combat orders from previous round still stand.}

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