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D&D: Kazadar Empire

OOC: Sorry for the lack of updates. I was on an impromptu vacation from work last week and was busy doing stuff around the house that needed doing.

With the smaller force
Gilbie 20
Faehlle 14
Dolfuur 6
Enemy Forces 5

Gilbie is roughly dragged back to a position behind a tree where the healer speaks a few words and calls on his god for intervention. (OOC: Cure Light Wounds -- 10 points back. Gilbie is now at 3 hit points.)

Faehlle pauses to look around the battlefield, trying to find her friends but is unable to locate any of them (OOC: Spot check roll of 3). The battle is still raging and seems to be fairly even at this point, although it is hard to tell exactly who has the upper hand. The Kazadars are still fighting bravely.

Dolfuur spots what he believes to be a leader of the Kazadar force, although he is not sure how much authority this man commands not being intimately familiar with Kazadar rank structure. Sensing at least an opportunity to strike a blow to the morale of the Kazadar soldiers fighting nearby, he charges the man. He swings the waraxe in a powerful overhand stroke. The weapon crashes into his opponent's chest, driving him to the ground and nearly splitting him in two. Blood, bone and other bits of gore spray from the man's chest, covering Dolfuur's arms, face and chest. (OOC: Critical hit for 47 points of damage!)

Several enemy soldiers near Dolfuur look on in horror at the death of their captain. At least a dozen of them turn tail and run and none dare approach the formidible dwarf. For the moment, no arrows target Gilbie and no attacks are made against Faehlle. The battle continues to surge, and it is still difficult to see who has the advantage, although somewhere in the center of the Kazadar and Osbourne ranks, many soldiers quake in fear at the power of a single dwarf.

With the larger force
Friendly forces 17
Enemy forces 12
Samiz 10
Trent 9

With the explosion of the keep wall, chaos reigns on the battlefield. Heavy fighting can be seen near the remains of the wall, with the Kazadar troops gaining the upper hand and the troops of Osbourne trying to rally.

Trent looks but sees no sign of Samiz or Osbourne.

Damage totals
Dolfuur -- 26 points of damage
Gilbie -- 23 points of damage
Faehlle -- 5 points of damage

Trent is uninjured at this point.

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Gilbie gasps at the fresh air and blinks. Feeling the cold fingers of death pulling at him, he jumps up and realizes that he is still in the middle of a great battle. He then begins to cast.

He will burn Enthrall and cast Cure Moderate.


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Trent will stay hidden and watch the battle closely. He will look for anyone that may be leading the opposing forces.

OOC: Can Trent determine if the explosion was magical in origin ie. spellcraft on knowledge: Arcana?


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[OOC: Axe crits remind me of that saying, "It is better to give than receive." :heh: ]

"What, lost the will te fight, dogs? Well know that ye've signed yer death warrants, this day. Unless ye flee now! FLEE! Away with you! Back te yer families and women, before yer all dead. Dead! DEAD!" Dolfuur rages, caught up in the moment. Breathing hard, nostrils flaring, eyes bulging, the gore-dripping Dwarf moves inexorably towards the next nearest group of Kazadars.

"Are there any leaders to this RABBLE?" he bellows. "I challenge ye te Single Combat! Who among yer 'r brave enough!!" Dolfuur howls.

[OOC: combat orders
while talking, move to nearest enemies and keep attacking (no charge); power attack at -2/+2 and Cleave]

With the smaller force
Gilbie 20
Faehlle 14
Dolfuur 6
Enemy Forces 5

Gilbie regains conciousness and tries to shake off his disorientation. He jumps up and nearly falls over again. Steadying himself, he calls on his divine power to heal more of his wounds. (OOC: 11 points back)

Faehlle rides forward and attempts to strike a Kazadar locked in combat with one of Osbourne's soldiers. She misses, knocked off balance when her horse rears because of several retreating Kazadar soldiers. Looking up, she sees Dolfuur, covered in blood and gore, bellowing challenges to the retreating Kazadar.

Dolfuur continues to roar challenges at the retreating Kazadar and in his rage, fails to notice Faehlle about forty yards away. Dolfuur moves towards the nearest group of enemy soldiers but is unable to engage them in melee.

The soldiers Dolfuur closed with back away from him. In answer to his challenge, a huge man steps forward, his bald head gleaming in the early morning sunlight. He wears only a chain shirt, leather breeches and boots. He carries a wicked looking greataxe in both hands. "DO NOT RUN!" he yells to the Kazadar that are retreating. Turning to Dolfuur he says, "Let's play, dwarf."

With the larger force
Friendly forces 17
Enemy forces 12
Samiz 10
Trent 9

The battle for the keep continues to rage. Osbourne's troops are rallying after the devastating explosion but the battle outside the remains of that wall is fierce. Osbourne's forces have suffered many casualties as a result of the explosion.

Trent finally catches sight of Osbourne. He is charging forward towards the battle raging outside the destroyed wall. Trent also sees Samiz following his King to battle. He is unable to determine if the explosion was magical in origin.

Damage totals
Dolfuur -- 26 points of damage
Gilbie -- 12 points of damage
Faehlle -- 5 points of damage

Trent is uninjured at this point.

Faehlle Cennaire

First Post
Seeing her friend amongst the melee at last, Faehlle spurs Ceiloene to speed and charges the man, her curbed sabre poised like a viper ready to strike and her wicked grin a feral slash across her lips.

ooc: Charge the human Kazadar with the axe, aiming to benefit from flanking, sneak attack and favoured enemy strike bonuses with her sabre.

bic: "Cower and run, ye lapdogs of Lorengrad," Faehlle snarls as she rides by the man, slashing ferociously. "Ne'er shall your shadow oppress free elves and men again!"
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Gilbie gasps at the sight of the large human accepting Dolfuur's challenge. He then looks on in horror as he sees Fae charging towards the man as well. Knowing that his friendships are not idly thrown aside, he yells out to Osbournes archers. "Pour it on 'em boys! Make the Kazadar scum wish they'd never set foot on your homeland!" With that, he then casts invisibility and begins to move towards the large man. All the while tugging at his short sword and praying to his goddess that his friends won't die.

This is assuming that he sees the dwarf and the big, bald man. I'm guessing that he would due to the importance of this fight. Also, how far away is he from this confrontation? If he is close, then he will use move silent as to not give away his position.
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Keeping to cover as best he can Trent moves towards Samiz and the King, thinking that perhaps there is something he can do to help.


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Dolfuur closes the distance to the man warily. As killing this leader could mean the difference between winning or losing the day, the Dwarf fights down adrenaline and battle lust and tries to keep his head. "Yer big enough alright. Let's see if yer brave enough, then!"

[OOC: approach and attack, no charge, no power attack. Fight defensively on the first two rounds]
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