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D&D or Gaming


Just a general question. Do you all consider us to be a gaming group, or a D&D group?

Does everyone come to play D&D? Do you prefer D&D but are open to other games once in a while? Are you just jazzed to play something, whether that is D&D, or some other game?

I would like to think we are a gaming group with a preference for D&D. Every once in a while though, I do like to play other games. Sometimes it is just to do something different. Sometimes it is because I have a need burning in my blood to do something specific in another genre. Sometimes it is just because I want to hang with you guys, but don't have the energy to run our regular game.

What is everyone else's thoughts? Please be honest.

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Gaming group leaning towards D&D because it is what we put the most time into. Other games would probably be the same if we put that much time into them. Though D&D seems to be something that more of us are interested in just because of the fantasy setting that it has.


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This is russ - I am personally more into the DnD thing. I like living in the fantasy realm and being creative in the play. Ordinary games are something I can do on my own if I want. God knows I spend enough time on the computer playing other things and board games tend to be slower and don't leave much room for playing outside of a limited structure. I don't know the rules for DnD, I don't study DnD or look things up regularly and I have fun with it because for me it's all unknown and unexpected results. I don't want to study the DnD world because I like the unknown and can grow as a character as it unfolds.


I'm not really talking about board games. I'm more interested in occasionally doing other RPGs. There are a ton of quick shots, mini-games and just things we could run single adventures through.

A short list
Feng Shui
D20 Future - Any number of things. Including a d20 take on Star Frontiers
D20 Modern - Think any number of TV shows/movies. I have a penchant for modern day supernatural/horror.
Call of Cthulhu
Paranoia - Though I don't have the newest version of the rules yet
Some sort of Cyberpunk genre game

That is stuff I can think of off the top of my head. There are plenty of games out there that could be fun to play at times. There are also board games, but I have a different group I play board games with.


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I have to agree with the general opinion so far: Gaming Group, with a D&D preference. As for the above ideas...

Feng Shui: Always wanted to play this, but I've never so much as seen the rules.

Spellslinger, Virtual: not really familiar with these, but that's no reason no to play.

Grimm: I'd like to play this, especially given that it's supposed to have a good low-power system.

d20 Future, d20 Modern: I'd be up for either of these, and I have expereince with d20 Modern. I'm looking to buy Future soon, so this sounds cool.

Call of Cthuhlu: I play this almost every time I'm back in Cruces. If we play it too, I may just have to finally buy the rulebook (I've been meaning to for a while).

Ravenloft: I actually own the setting book, and ran a couple of Ravenloft adventures. Another good idea.

Paranoia: I just saw the new Paranoia XP ruleset in Socorro's gaming shop (which I actaully decided to visit, even though it isn't usually very good), and it interested me enough that I read some reviews, and now I'm thinking of buying it. If we do plan a few sessions of Paranoia, I may pick it up.

Cyberpunk: Depends on the exact system, but sounds like fun.

And let me suggest some more things we could play (and I also wouldn't mind running a one shot sometime, if nobody objects. The below are all things I could run):

Spycraft - d20 Spy action, a great system.

GURPS (3e or 4e) - Any genre, though my top choices would be Discworld (from Terry Pratchett's books) or Reign of Steel (post-apoctalyptic robot horror, with a high body count).

Skull and Bones - d20 low magic pirates. I even have a plot in mind.

Mutants and Masterminds - Superheros. Possibly a low powered minadventure, or pretty much any other comics genre.

d20 Mecha - Big robot battles, with more of a grim-and-gritty feel then an anime feel.


I picked up Feng Shui last month as my gaming purchase. :D

Spellslinger, Grimm and Virtual are all part of Fantasy Flight Games' Horizon series. The magic system for Grim is interesting because it is geared around imagination points. Since you are playing a bunch of kids in a fairy tale world, it makes sense. (BTW - Were you thinking of Grim Tales from Bad Axe games? It has a lower powered magic system.)

Paranoia rocks! I have an older version. I am hoping the newer version has a little more streamlined mechanics to make it quicker & easier to jump into a game.

Spycraft is supposed to be good and I am thinking about picking up version 2 when it is released.

I've never played GURPS. I always preferred HERO. :) Still, it isn't a quick & easy game system to jump into. Oddly enough, many of the guys in the group have played a Fantasy Hero game. They just don't remember specifics of mechanics.

A game of Arcana Unearthed would be interesting.

Heck, for that matter, I wouldn't mind dragging out a game of Car Wars or maybe Silent Death once in a while either.

There are so many games, and so little time. One way or another, I will find ways to play them. It's just a question as to who will be interested in playing them with me.


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BardStephenFox said:
(BTW - Were you thinking of Grim Tales from Bad Axe games? It has a lower powered magic system.)
Indeed, I was. I always have trouble keeping the two straight, since I've seen people shorten 'Grim tales' to 'Grim' a couple of times, which leaves only a one letter difference. However, Grimm also interests me, especially since I've done some research into the older versions of Fairy Tales, and dang, can those be bloody. I've been thinking of buying Grimm, just casue I want to pull some of the stuff from some of the grimmer fairy tales into a game, and Grimm seemed like a good way to do it.

And I completely agree: too many games, too little time. :) If it helps, I would be more then happy to run something every once in a while. Given that we already only play 3 nights a month, that doesn't leave much time for one- or two-nighters, but if you ever feel like a break, I'd be happy to step up and use some of the books I have laying around. Or, if we ever fell like doing something on another day, I could do some GMing.

Given the large number of games we've got just in this list, perhaps a mini-Gameday of sorts might be a good idea? Set aside one day, perhaps right at the begining of Christmas break or druing Thanksgiving, or somesuch, and just run a few one shots? I figure, with a good length day, we might fit in 2, possibly 3 one-shots, especially if we create characters ahead of time (or use Pre-gen characters). Just an idea, given the large number of games we've already suggested.


A game day is one of the reasons why I have been slowly collecting email addresses from EN World people. Sadly, Melinda has no desire to run a game day here. :( Once things settle down a little bit in my life, I will be doing a little research to see what kind of rates I can get for conference rooms around town. ThenI can try to budget in an EN World Game Day for Albuquerque! :) I'm not sure how many people would want to show up, but I am thinking that we could probably get 15-20. Maybe more?


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If nothing else, we could do a mini-gameday. Just our group, playing games we don't usually play. No need for a big space, just the same number of people as always. Same people, different game(s).

But yeah, a Gameday Albq. sounds like fun. :)

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