D&D General D&D Survivor: Planar Dragons


Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 23 + 1 = 24
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 20
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 22
Chole Dragon 19
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 20
Feywild Dragon 14
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 27
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 21
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 17 - 2 = 15
Tarterian Dragon 12

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The Glen

Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 24
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 20
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 22
Chole Dragon 19
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 20
Feywild Dragon 14
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 27
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 21
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16 has got too much time on its hands
Tarterian Dragon 10


Morkus from Orkus
Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 25
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 20
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 22
Chole Dragon 19
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 20
Feywild Dragon 14
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 27
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 21
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16
Tarterian Dragon 8 - I can't see this dragon and not think of fish sticks.


Follower of the Way
Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 25
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 20 +1 = 21 The dragons who shouted before it was cool.
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 22
Chole Dragon 19
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 20
Feywild Dragon 14
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 27 - 2 = 25 I know nothing about these dragons. They're just the tall poppy right now.
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 21
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16
Tarterian Dragon 8


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 25
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 21
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 22
Chole Dragon 19
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 20 + 1 = 21
Feywild Dragon 14
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 25
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 21
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16
Tarterian Dragon 8 - 2 = 6


Dragon Lover
Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 25
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 21
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 22
Chole Dragon 19-2=17
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 21
Feywild Dragon 14
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 25+1=26
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 21
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16
Tarterian Dragon 6

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 25
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 21
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 22
Chole Dragon 17
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 21
Feywild Dragon 14
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 26
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 22
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16
Tarterian Dragon 4


Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 25
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 21
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 22
Chole Dragon 17
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 21
Feywild Dragon 14 - 2 = 12
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 26 + 1 = 27
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 22
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16
Tarterian Dragon 4


Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 25
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 21
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 23
Chole Dragon 17
Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 21
Feywild Dragon 12
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 25
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 22
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 20
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16
Tarterian Dragon 4


A suffusion of yellow
Abyssal Dragon 18
Adamantite Dragon 25
Arboreal Dragon 20
Astral Dragon (Dragon #134) 26
Astral Dragon (Dragon #343) 16
Axial Dragon 20
Battle Dragon 21
Beast Dragon 20
Chaos Dragon 23
Chole Dragon 15 - Chickpea Dragon just doesn’t do it

Concordant Dragon 21
Ectoplasmic Dragon 18
Elemental Dragon 20
Ethereal Dragon 21
Feywild Dragon 12
Gloom Dragon 21
Hellfire Wyrm 25
Howling Dragon 18
Oceanus Dragon 22
Pyroclastic Dragon 20
Radiant Dragon 21
Rust Dragon 20
Shadowfell Dragon 20
Styx Dragon 16
Tarterian Dragon 4

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